精读方法: 先听录音,读英文部分,不懂的地方暂停看词汇和翻译,查单词。 了解大意后,做盲听训练,直到能够听懂每个句子。 最后,生词和精彩的句子摘抄下来,单词要复习,句子要在写...

精读方法: 先听录音,读英文部分,不懂的地方暂停看词汇和翻译,查单词。 了解大意后,做盲听训练,直到能够听懂每个句子。 最后,生词和精彩的句子摘抄下来,单词要复习,句子要在写...
精读方法: 先听录音,读英文部分,不懂的地方暂停看词汇和翻译,查单词。 了解大意后,做盲听训练,直到能够听懂每个句子。 最后,生词和精彩的句子摘抄下来,单词要复习,句子要在写...
精读方法: 先听录音,读英文部分,不懂的地方暂停看词汇和翻译,查单词。 了解大意后,做盲听训练,直到能够听懂每个句子。 最后,生词和精彩的句子摘抄下来,单词要复习,句子要在写...
精读方法: 先听录音,读英文部分,不懂的地方暂停看词汇和翻译,查单词。 了解大意后,做盲听训练,直到能够听懂每个句子。 最后,生词和精彩的句子摘抄下来,单词要复习,句子要在写...
Chapter Thirteen Nicholas Flamel尼可勒梅 语境词汇 She was torn between horror at the idea of Ha...
Chapter Twelve The Mirror of Erised 厄里斯魔镜 语境词汇 So Malfoy, jealous and angry, had gone b...
Chapter Eleven Quidditch 魁地奇 语境词汇 Hagrid could be seen from the upstairs windows defros...
Chapter Ten Halloween 万圣节 语境词汇 “That's a broomstick,” he said, throwing it back to Harr...
Chapter Nine The Midnight Duel 午夜决斗 语境词汇 Malfoy's eagle owl was always bringing him pac...
Chapter Eight The Potions Master魔药课老师 语境词汇 There were a hundred and forty-two staircase...
Chapter Seven The Sorting Hat 分院帽 语境词汇 They followed Professor McGonagall across the fl...
Chapter Six The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-quarters 从943站台开始的旅程 语境词汇 Accordin...
Chapter Five Diagon Alley 第5章 对角巷 语境词汇 Hagrid's coat seemed to be made of nothing but p...
Chapter Four The Keeper of the Keys 钥匙保管员 语境词汇 The giant squeezed his way into the hut,...
Chapter Three Letters from No One 猫头鹰传书 语境词汇 By the time he was allowed out of his cupb...
Chapter Two The Vanishing Glass 消失的玻璃 语境词汇 Only the photographs on the mantelpiece real...
Chapter One The Boy Who Lived 大难不死的男孩 语境词汇 The Dursleys shuddered to think what the nei...
Shirley老师给你一份最简单最全面的论文写作实操方法,英专硕士毕业论文也够用。 第一步,定题目和研究问题。 这是你整个写论文过程中,最关键的一步。 请教导师,最好直接给你...
读外刊是学习英语的重要方法之一。英文外刊话题丰富有趣,语言表达地道,也是很多考试的出题来源。注意的是,我们学习的是外刊的语言,而不是观点。 适合学习的外刊有: 《经济学人》T...
今天我们除了学习,也谈谈生活吧,跟大家分享一点小经验。 内容如下: 1. 身体形象篇 2. 恋爱婚姻篇 3. 学习工作篇 身体形象篇 1. 护肤 多喝水,多运动,少折腾,不熬...