

英文 中文
- Say "ah". - Ah. - 说"啊"- 啊
- OK, say "oh". - Oh. - 好 现在说"喔"- 喔
Everybody say "Ah, oh, ah!" 大家一起来 啊喔啊喔
Excuse me. 抱歉
As legal counsellor, it's my job to inform you 作为法律顾问 我正式通知你
that your suspension is effective immediately. 你的停职处分现在开始生效
Oh, god, just the messenger. 别冲我来 我只是个传话的
Your long-term job status will be decided 你以后能不能保住这份工
at the board meeting. 要等开董事会议时再决定
Until then, and I cannot bend on this, 这事虽不由我说了算
I don't want you setting foot on the premises. 但在那之前 我不希望你擅自行动
I'm going to be here all day. 我偏要一整天呆在这里
That works for me. That'd be good. 我没意见 这样挺好
I hope that works out. 希望一切顺利
Dr Cox, if you need to talk... Cox医生 如果你需要找人聊聊
It was weird knowing that 我的导师也许明天就会被炒
my mentor could be fired by this time tomorrow. 我现在心情微妙得很
But there's no reason to feel any less confident. 但我还是要保持我一贯的自信
I'll be fine without a safety net. 即使没他罩着 我一个人也能行

What do you think, Dr Dorian? Bypass or stent? Dorian医生 你说我是用导管还是支架呢
Bypass! 用导管
Or stent. 还是支架呢
There's a lot of horrible things about being an intern. 实习生得面对一系列糟心的事情
Long hours, constant stress, 工作时间长 承受压力多
having to deal with death. 还得与死亡打交道
But worst of all is the simple fact 但最糟糕的是
that the average intern 基本上每个实习生
has to disimpact 15 to 20 bowels a week. 每周都得给病人做15到20次的灌肠
There's why there's a secret oath among interns 所以我们实习生之间都心照不宣
never to make fun of each other 当别人在干这苦差事时
for doing the things we have to do. 绝对不要去嘲笑他们
You have to touch someone's hiney. 你要去采菊花喽
Dorian, come with me. And Dr... Dorian 你跟我来 至于你是
- Reid. - Sure. Why not? - Reid医生- 就你了
Take over for him. 接手他的工作
I'm assigning you to 我派你去接待
a very important board member 一个很重要的董事会成员
whose family built this hospital 这医院就是他们家
with their bare hands. 白手起家创立的
That can't be true. I hate that expression. 扯 最讨厌白手起家这样的说辞了
Look for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. 她疑似患有肥大型心肌病
What happened? 怎么回事
Pre-syncope. 她有先兆昏厥症状
So, this board member almost fainted? 就是说这位董事会成员差点儿就晕倒了
I'll fire up the paddles. 我会去准备好心脏电击器的
Dr Weisenheimer's back. 哟 自作聪明的医生休假归来了
How was your ski trip? 你的滑雪之旅如何了
Sir, I'm confused. 我不明白您的意思
- You annoy me. - Now I get it. - 你烦到我了- 这下晓得了
But you have a nauseating charm 但你有一种诡异的魅力
everyone else here seems to respond to. 还让人人为之倾倒
Use it. OK, sport? 好好利用它 好吗 小子
Great, an 80-year-old, 这倒好 等着我的肯定是个80好几
grouchy, pretentious... 皱着个脸 喜欢指手画脚的老东
...smokin'-hot bitty. Who do you love the most? 辣妹 你最中意谁呀
Sweetheart, are you getting younger? 亲爱的 你看上去又年轻了呢
This is Dr Dorian. 这是Dorian医生
He'll be looking after you. 他负责照看你

And who will be looking after him? 那他由谁负责照看呢
Since you jaw is wired shut, 鉴于你现在无法进食
we'll give you IV nutrition for a couple of days, OK? 这几天只能给你输点营养液了 好吗
Sorry. You can't answer. 抱歉 我忘了你没法回答
It's like when you're at the dentist's. 这就跟看牙医的感觉差不多
I hate when they ask you questions 我最讨厌自己嘴里塞了东西时
and you have that stuff in your mouth, don't you? 他们还在那儿问这问那 你说呢
My god, I did it again. Dr Greenberg. 天呐 我又忘了 Greenberg医生
Doctor? What kind of doctor are you? 医生 你是什么科的医生啊
I keep doing it. Okay, okay. Just act it out. 哎我又忘了 好吧 你比划给我看
Head? 脑袋
Shrinking. You are a shrink! 缩水了 你是精神科医生
I can't imagine picking psychiatry as a specialty 实习之后选择留在精神科当医生
after interning as a real doctor. 还真是难以想象哎
That didn't come out right. It's just my dad. 一般人可不会这么选 我听我爸说的
He's a doctor too. 他也是个医生
He says therapy is for people 他说去看精神科的都是一些
with more money than problems. 钱多到没地方花了的人
But then... my dad says a lot of things. 不过也没啥 我爸说的话多了去了
- Did anyone page a nurse? - No. - 刚是谁呼叫护士啊- 没人啊
It looks like his eyes are screaming. 他的眼神看起来在尖叫哎
Please, we're talking. 拜托 我俩在聊天呢
Where was I? 刚聊到哪儿了
You should get dressed. 你快把衣服穿上
I can't. It's still out there. 现在不行 那家伙还在外面呢
Don't call my mother ''it''. 别叫我妈妈"那家伙"
It implies you think that she's a monster. 感觉你像是在说一个怪物
Get a move on, 快起来吧
it usually gets up to feed about now. 要吃早饭了
Baby I don't understand 亲爱的 我不明白
why we couldn't stay at my place. 为什么我们不能在我那儿过夜呢
I mean, I could've done the whole show for you. 在那儿我就能做足全套了
- There's a show? - Yeah, there's a show. - 做足全套- 对啊 全套
It involves music, some dancing, 包括听个歌 跳个舞
occasionally singing. 唱首小曲什么的
Can you do Me And Mrs Jones? 你会唱<我和琼斯太太>吗
I don't know, what's she look like? 不知道哎 琼斯太太长啥样
Look, you wanted to spend the whole night together. 我知道你希望我们整晚呆在一起
I can't leave my mother alone. 但我不能把我妈一人留在家里
She's frail. 她身子很弱
Tell her to put the cane down! 叫她把那棍子放下
Tell her to put the cane down! 叫她把那棍子放下
She doesn't want me to have a man here 她在我房间看到男人会很不爽
because I'm unmarried. 因为我还未婚
Well, tell her I just needed a place to crash. 那跟她说我只是在这儿借住一晚
She doesn't have to know we had sex. 咱俩之间啥都没发生过
She speaks English. 她听得懂英语
Then what the hell are you translating for? 那你在这翻译个什么劲
Because you don't speak Spanish! 因为你听不懂西班牙语啊
No! No! 不 不
Tell her to put the cane down. 叫她把那棍子放下
I have to be honest, when Dr Kelso said 说实话 当Kelso医生跟我提到
board member, I was thinking this like old, 董事会成员时 我以为是个上了年纪
grumpy... 又皱着个脸的
That would be my father. He died. 那是我爸 他去世了
- I'm so sorry. - 20 years ago. - 节哀顺变- 他20年前就去世了
I would have said sorry then 那我这句说得太迟了
but I had trouble with my Ss. 但我当时还发不清楚那些音呢
I was five. Ss. So... how are you feeling? 我那会应该才5岁 呃 你现在感觉如何
Great, that's why I'm here. Listen, RJ. 好极了 所以我才来这里 听着 RJ
- JD. - Like it matters. - 我叫JD- 随你的便
You seem like a nice, spineless little boy, 你看起来挺人畜无害的
so let's be honest. 我就直接跟你说吧
I'm here because it was the 我到这儿来是为了躲我那啰嗦的妈
only way to end 她成天唠唠叨叨
my beastly mother's nagging pseudo-concern. 还假惺惺地说是关心我
- That's sweet. - So, do your little tests. - 她是为你好- 所以 该做什么检查就做
But first, close the blinds, 但在这之前 先把窗帘拉好了
wash off whatever 8th-grade-dance 把你身上那股中学生的古龙水味洗掉
cologne wearing so we don't add nausea to my symptoms. 免得我的症状中还得加上"呕吐"这一项
I'll need lemon wedges for my sparkling water, 还有 我的苏打水里要放柠檬片
which for some reason you've yet to get me. 这个你早就该拿来给我了啊
Okay. Let me just check out... 好 让我先检查一下
Doing things I want first. 先去把我刚说的事做了
- Your little tests later. - Nice to meet you. - 然后再做你的小检查- 很高兴见到你
I hate you. 你烦死了
Merry Christmas! Dr. Greenberg. 圣诞快乐 Greenberg医生
I mean, happy Halloween! 我是说 万圣节快乐
I am so frazzled. I did not sleep at all. 我累得要死 我昨晚一夜没睡呢
In fact, I haven't really slept since I started here. 事实上 我自从来到这就没好好睡过觉
It's so much pressure, you know. 我压力真的太大了
I can't talk to anyone here. It's so competitive. 我还找不到人倾诉 竞争太激烈了
I used to be able to talk to my mom, but now, I don't know, 我以前还能跟我妈聊聊 但现在不一样了
she listens, 她现在也听我说话
but she just never seems to hear me, you know? 不过是左耳进右耳出的那种
Lonely, depressed, overwhelmed. 孤独 压抑 不知所措
And sometimes I have no idea 有时候我都怀疑
how impossibly I'm gonna make it through this. 自己能不能撑过这一段
No. I don't even like to take aspirin. 不 我想我还没到要吃阿司匹林的地步
I'd rather just... 我还不如
Oh, you! 噢 是你要吃
Dr Cox. I've been thinking about your predicament Cox医生 考虑到你现在身处困境
and I think I have a solution: cruise ships. 我觉得你干脆去游轮上工作好了
- Right. - Everyone'll call you Doc. - 是么- 大家都会尊敬地喊你医生
You'll visit exotic ports. 在异国情调的港口逗留
Maybe you'll even get to meet Charon. 指不定还能碰上阴间的摆渡人呢
Enjoy this while you can, Bobby. 你就挖苦我吧 Bobby
Because if your evil genie actually does grant your wish, 如果你邪恶的小算盘真的成功地
and I disappear, the only person you'll have left 把我从这里撵走 那以后
to contend with around here will be yourself. 你就只能挖苦你自己了
And when you really get to know that person, 到时候 当你真正看透你自己时


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