

英文 中文
I don't know why I came to watch Turk in surgery 我不知道为什么要来看Turk做手术
when I could've caught a few minutes asleep. 我本可以睡几分钟的
I guess I just haven't seen much of my best friend lately. 我猜只是因为最近没怎么见到他
Still it's not like I'm desperate or anything. 并不是因为我特别饥渴什么的
Look, I've been attending for three years here. 听着 我来这里三年了
What makes you think you know better? 你凭什么觉得你更懂
In my gut I know I'm right. 直觉告诉我我是对的
We need to make this decision now. 我们现在就要做出决定
Fine, then it's on you. 好吧 那听你的
Yes, it is. 当然听我的
Nurse. 护士
Erasure. 灭迹乐团
Yes, doctor. 好的 医生
I hate this song. 我恨这首歌
Me too, man. Me too. 我也是 哥们儿 我也是
It's weird 虽然很不可思议
but a hospital room can actually be kind of a romantic place. 但病房其实可以是个浪漫的地方
Maybe it's the soft green glow of a heart monitor, 也许是心脏监视器发出的绿色柔光
or the way the moonlight reflects off a bedpan. 或是便盆反射出的盈盈月光

Our shifts keep overlapping on Friday nights. 我们的值班时间总在周五晚上重合
The closest thing I've had to a date recently. 这是近来我最接近约会的一件事了
Well, I had a great time tonight. 我今晚过得很愉快
Oh, yeah. Me too. 没错 我也是
So, can I page you? 那么 我可以呼你吗
Better and don't do the two-day waiting thing. 那样最好 而且别让我干等两天
Oh, baby, I don't play by the rules. 哦 宝贝 我从不按那规矩办事
So, goodnight. 那么 晚安
Wait a second. Is she joking? 等等 她是在开玩笑吗
Cause if she's joking and I kiss her... 因为如果她在开玩笑而我吻了她
Of course, if she's not joking... 当然 如果她不是开玩笑的
Come on, I don't do this for all the doctors. 快点 我不是对所有医生都这样
Yes! 太棒了
Look, this guy is gonna need 40meqs of KCL. 听着 这人需要40毫克当量的氯化钾
Go ahead and grab me when you get the results. 快去 出结果了拿给我
You got it. 马上照办
Oh, and his TV is broken, 另外他的电视坏了
so when you two do start tagging each other, 所以你们俩开始亲热的时候
the least you can do is wake him up and let him watch. 至少可以叫醒他让他观摩
In my experience, 在我的经验中
when two friends miss an opportunity like this, 当两个朋友像这样错失了良机
you've got exactly 48 hours to get the kiss. 你将有48小时来补回这个吻
Otherwise one of you is gonna over-think it. 否则你们之一将会重新考虑这件事
OK, she's gonna over-think it. 好吧 她将重新考虑
And then you end up permanently 然后你就只能永远
stuck in the Friend Zone. 被困在"朋友区"了
I'll see ya. 再见
You're such a girl. 你真是个娘们儿
So nothing's going on last night between me and Elliot. 所以昨晚我和Elliot之间什么都没发生
Good thing you still have your flower then. 那恭喜你还有处子之身
That song is like a virus. 那首歌就像病毒一样
I'm just a little lonely you know. 我只是有点寂寞
I guess it's cause I haven't really been hanging out 我猜那是因为自从Turk和Carla约会之后
with Turk since he's been dating Carla. 我就没和他出去玩过了
First of all, who's Turk? And don't answer. 首先 谁是Turk 不用回答我
Look, if you have a medical question for me, 听着 如果你有医学问题问我
I'm forced by hospital policy to answer you. 我迫于医院政策要回答你
However, if you ask me about a personal problem, 但是 如果你问我私人问题
I'm going to start doing this. 我就要这么做了
You seem unhappy. 你看起来不开心

I like that. 我喜欢
I cannot get that stupid song out of my head. 我脑子里全是那首蠢歌
It's like a damn virus. 就像该死的病毒一样
OK, here's his chart, his transfer note. 好了 这是他的病历 他的转科记录
He's haemodynamically stable. 他现在血液流动稳定
Consider him officially turfed to medicine. 可以考虑开始服药了
T-Man. I'm gonna get my grub on. 铁男 我要去觅食了
Means he's gonna go eat. 表示他要吃点东西
So surgery went OK? 手术进行得如何
Yeah, it was cool. 还不错
Dude, I got to close for the first time ever. 哥们儿 我生平第一次缝合刀口
Ever. 第一次
The human body is so disgusting. 人体太恶心了
Not yours. Yours is stunning. 不是说你 你的超美
We should go out and celebrate, you know. 我们应该去庆祝一下
Tear it up like we used to, just the two of us. 像以前一样爽个痛快 就我们俩
- What comes before Part B? - Part A! - 和派错相反的是什么- 派对
That's right, we used to tear it up. 没错 我们过去总这么干
We should probably never do that again. 我们以后也许不该再这样了
That song is like a virus. 那首歌就像病毒一样
No! 不好
Don't let it be awkward. 别那么尴尬
Do something cute. 可爱一点
Cover her eyes and say,"Guess who?" 蒙住她的眼睛说 "猜猜我是谁"
Guess who? 猜猜我是谁
I can't breathe. 我喘不上气了
OK, gang, it's time for rounds. 好了 大伙 到查房时间了
Let's see who's The Weakest Link. 看看谁"智者为王"
The Weakest Link! 智者为王
Now, then, Dr Simotas. 好了 Simotas医生
The severe swelling of the lips existent by this patient 这个患者的唇部严重肿胀
might be an indication of what? 可能是什么的迹象
Angio-edema. 血管性水肿
Well done, sport. 干得漂亮 小子
And what treatment would you recommend, 你建议如何治疗
Dr Dorian? Dorian医生
A combination of steroids and antihistamines. 类固醇和抗组胺结合治疗
Attaboy, sport. 好样的 小子
Now then, what would you recommend 那么 你建议
the patient stay away from, 患者忌食什么
Dr Reid? Reid医生
My first guess would be shellfish. 我第一个想到的是贝类
Right you are, sweetheart. 太对了 甜心
Sweetheart? 甜心
I could kinda see what was going on in Elliot's head. 我大概能想到Elliot脑子里在想什么
Right you are, sweetheart. 太对了 甜心
What do you want to watch? 你想看什么
Fletch. <古灵侦探>
- Fletch it is. - Seen it. - <古灵侦探>这就来- 看过了
You haven't seen it with us saying all the lines. 我们俩说台词的你还没看过
I'm so lucky I met you. 遇到你真幸运
Maybe next time her mom could come. 也许下次还可以叫她妈来
Dude, you won't even know she's here. 哥们儿 你根本不会感觉到她在这里
Except she laughs at stupid stuff sometimes 除了偶尔她嘲笑一些蠢事
and that kind of makes me laugh. 那样让我也想笑
It's stupid because it's so stupid. 说它蠢是因为它太蠢了
Oh come on, tonight's still about us. 别这样 今晚还是咱俩的
Whatever, I don't care. 随便 我不在乎
Turk, you wanna go hang out in your room? Turk 想一起去你房间玩吗
On the one hand, 一方面
I know Dr. Kelso doesn't mean anything by it, 我知道Kelso医生没别的意思
and OK, maybe I am kind of a sweetheart. 而且 好吧 我可能的确是个甜心
I'm sleeping. 我在睡觉呢
On the other hand, 另一方面
it just sounds so demeaning, you know. 那话听起来就是特别有侮辱性
Mother of God, you're not 天哪 你根本
listening to a word I'm saying, are you? 没听我说话 是不是
It's not like he's my grandpa or anything. 他又不是我爷爷什么的
Anyway, JD always tells me 不管怎样 JD总跟我说
how much you've helped him out. 你帮了他很多
He obviously hasn't told you about 显然他还没跟你说
my ear-flicking policy, has he? 我的弹耳朵政策是吧
Look, this whole groovy guidance counsellor thing 听着 把我当导师这件
you people seem to have working 你们觉得有效的烂事
is a total fantasy. 完全是做梦
I'm not that guy. You can go and ask anybody. 我不是那种人 你爱问谁问谁
Now, you've got to leave me alone 现在你不许打扰我
or I'll punish you. 不然我一定惩罚你
I guess sweetheart is kind of innocuous. 甜心也无伤大雅嘛
Here's what you're gonna do. 这就是你要做的
Go right down there and confront Kelso. 直接去面对Kelso
- Really? - Oh, absolutely. - 真的吗- 绝对的
Never mind that he is the Chief of Medicine for the entire hospital, 别为他是全院的内科主任而担心
he'll have a whole new level of respect for you. 他对你的尊重会上一个台阶的
- Honestly? - Yes. - 真的吗- 当然
You can't have sexist terms like that 你绝不能让那样性别歧视的表达
floating around here. You go get 'im. 在这里广为流传 去搞定他
This guy looks stable 患者貌似很稳定
but I still wanna get an EKG. 但我还是想做个心电图检查
Let's do cardiac enzymes and... 做个心肌酶检查和
When you say sweetheart... 当你说甜心的时候
...and an aspirin. 和一片阿司匹林
A lot of my work has become second nature to me. 很多工作对我而言已成为第二天性
The only problem is that 唯一的问题在于
it gives me too much time to think. 它给我太多胡思乱想的时间了
Look man, I'm surgery and you're medicine. 哥们儿 我在外科 你在内科
This isn't college any more. 这里不再是大学了
Things have to change. 事情都要变的
Well, I know relationships change, 我知道关系会变
I guess I just thought yours and mine never would. 我想我只是觉得你我之间永远不会
What's going on with you, man? 你怎么了 哥们儿


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