

英文 中文
The cosmos is all there is, 宇宙是所有现在是的
or ever was, 过去有的
or ever will be. 和未来会出现的
Come with me. 跟我来
A generation ago, 一代人之前
the astronomer Carl Sagan stood here 天文学家卡尔·萨根站在这里
and launched hundreds of millions of us on a great adventure. 带领几亿人前往壮丽的征途
The exploration of the universe revealed by science. 科学开启了对宇宙的探索
It's time to get going again. 再次启程的时间到了
We're about to begin a journey 我们即将开启一段旅程
that will take us from the infinitesimal to the infinite, 经历从无穷小走到无穷大
from the dawn of time to the distant future. 从创世之初到遥远的未来
We'll explore galaxies and suns and worlds, 我们将探索星系恒星和其他世界
surf the gravity waves of space-time, 穿梭于时空间的引力波
encounter beings that live in fire and ice, 邂逅居于冰与火中的生灵
explore the planets of stars that never die, 探索围绕不灭恒星的行星
discover atoms as massive as suns 发现重如太阳的原子
and universes smaller than atoms. 和小于原子的宇宙
Cosmos is also a story about us. 宇宙也是关于我们的故事

It's the saga of how wandering bands of hunters and gatherers 是以狩猎采集为生的人们
found their way to the stars, 如何找到通往星星之路的传奇
one adventure with many heroes. 是一场英雄辈出的探险
To make this journey, we'll need imagination. 要完成这次探险需要想象力
But imagination alone is not enough 然而单有想象力还不够
because the reality of nature 因为自然的本源
is far more wondrous than anything we can imagine. 比我们想象的更为奇异
This adventure is made possible by generations of searchers 几代探索者的努力使这次探险成为可能
strictly adhering to a simple set of rules, 他们严格遵守基本规律
test ideas by experiment and observation, 用实验和观察来验证想法
build on those ideas that pass the test, 以已证实的理论为基础进行探索
reject the ones that fail, 摒弃禁不起验证的想法
follow the evidence wherever it leads and question everything. 在证据的引导下前行并质疑一切事物
Accept these terms, 接受这些条款
and the cosmos is yours. 宇宙任你驰骋
Now come with me. 现在请跟我来
In this ship of the Imagination, 在想象号飞船里
free from the shackles of space and time, 不受时空的束缚
we can go anywhere. 我们可以去任何地方
If you want to see where we are in space, 如果你想知道我们所处的位置
just look out the front window. 从窗户望出去就是
In the dimension of time, the past lies beneath us. 在时间维度上过去位于脚下
Here's what Earth looked like 250 million years ago. 这是地球两亿五千万年前的模样
If you want to see the future, look up. 若你想看到未来抬头
And this is how it could appear 250 million years from now. 那许是地球两亿五千万年后的样子
If we're going to be venturing out 若我们想要探索
into the farthest reaches of the cosmos, 最远处的宇宙
we need to know our cosmic address, 就要知道地球的宇宙地址
and this is the first line of that address. 这是地址第一行
We're leaving the Earth, the only home we've ever known, 我们即将离开地球这个所知的唯一家园
for the farthest reaches of the cosmos. 向宇宙最深处进发
Our nearest neighbor, the Moon, 我们最近的邻居月球
has no sky, no ocean, no life... 没有天空没有大洋没有生命
just the scars of cosmic impacts. 只有天体碰撞留下的伤痕
Our star powers the wind and the waves 我们的恒星赋予地球表面
and all the life on the surface of our world. 风浪和生命
The Sun holds all the worlds of the Solar System in its gravitational embrace, 太阳凭借万有引力主宰着太阳系
starting with Mercury... 先是水星
to cloud-covered Venus, 接着是被云层笼罩的金星
where runaway greenhouse effect has turned it into a kind of hell. 失控的温室效应使其成为地狱

Mars... 火星
a world with as much land as Earth itself. 一个和地球陆地面积相当的星球
A belt of rocky asteroids circles the Sun 一条环绕太阳运转的岩石小行星带
between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. 横亘于火星和木星轨道之间
With its four giant moons and dozens of smaller ones, 拥有四颗大卫星和几十颗小卫星
Jupiter is like its own little Solar System. 木星本身像个小型太阳系
It has more mass than all the other planets combined. 它的质量比太阳系其他行星加起来还要大
Jupiter's Great Red Spot... 木星的大红斑
a hurricane three times the size of our whole planet 三倍于地球体积的飓风
that's been raging for centuries. 已经怒吼了几百年
The crown jewel of our Solar System, Saturn, 太阳系皇冠上的宝石土星
ringed by freeways of countless orbiting 被数不清的行星环
and slowly tumbling snowballs... 和缓慢翻滚的雪球所环绕
every snowball, a little moon. 每个雪球都是一个小卫星
Uranus 天王星
and Neptune, 海王星
the outermost planets, unknown to the ancients 太阳系最外层的行星古人不得而知
and only discovered after the invention of the telescope. 发明望远镜后才被发现
Beyond the outermost planet, 在外行星之外
there's a swarm of tens of thousands of frozen worlds. 还有上万个冰封之地
And Pluto is one them. 冥王星就是其中之一
Of all our spacecraft, 在所有的航天器里
this is the one that's traveled farthest from home... 这是离家最远的一艘
Voyager 1. 旅行者一号
She bears a message to a billion years from now, 她带着发往十亿年后的信息
something of who we were, 有关我们的身份
how we felt 我们的感受
and the music we made. 以及制作的音乐
The deeper waters of this vast cosmic ocean 在浩瀚的宇宙大洋里潜得越深
and their numberless worlds lie ahead. 就越会发现数不清的世界
From out here, the Sun may look like just another star. 从这边看去太阳就和其他恒星一样
But it still exerts its gravitational hold 但它的引力仍影响到
on a trillion frozen comets, 上万亿颗冰冻的彗星
leftovers from the formation of the Solar System 那是大约五十亿年前
nearly five billion years ago. 太阳系形成时的残留物
It's called the Oort Cloud. 它被称作奥尔特云
No one has ever seen it before, nor could they, 之前从未有人见过它们也看不到
because each one of these little worlds 因为每个这种小天体
is as far from its nearest neighbor as Earth is from Saturn. 和最近邻居的距离都相当于地球到土星的距离
This enormous cloud of comets encloses the Solar System, 这个巨大的彗星星云包围住太阳系
which is the second line of our cosmic address. 即我们宇宙地址的第二行
We've only been able to detect the planets of other stars 我们能够探测到系外行星
for a few decades, 还仅是这几十年的事
but we already know that planets are plentiful. 但我们已经知道行星数量不菲
They outnumber the stars. 远多于恒星
Almost all of them will be very different from Earth, 几乎全都和地球天差地别
and hostile to life as we know it. 不适于我们所知的生命生存
But what do we know about life? 但我们对生命又了解多少呢
We've met only one kind so far. 目前为止我们只见识过一种生命形态
Earthlife. 地球生命
See anything? 看到什么了吗
Just empty space, right? 空无一物是吧
Human eyes see only a sliver of the light that shines in the cosmos. 闪耀在宇宙中的光芒人眼只能看到一小部分
But science gives us the power to see what our senses cannot. 但科学让我们看到了人眼看不到的
Infrared is the kind of light made visible by night-vision goggles. 红外线在夜视镜下变得可见
Throw an infrared sensor across the darkness... 用红外传感器扫过黑暗
Rogue planet. 流浪行星
World without a sun. 即没有恒星的行星
Our galaxy has billions of them, 我们的星系里有几十亿颗这样的星球
adrift in perpetual night. 在永夜里流浪
They're orphans, cast away from their mother stars 它们是孤儿在恒星系统诞生的一片混乱中
during the chaotic birth of their native star systems. 被流放到了远离母恒星之地
Rogue planets are molten at the core but frozen at the surface. 流浪行星中心灼热外表冰冻
There may be oceans of liquid water 在这冰火两极中间也许存在
in the zone between those extremes. 丰沛的液态水
Who knows what might be swimming there? 谁知道水里可能畅游着什么呢
This is what the Milky Way looks like in infrared. 这是红外线下的银河
Every single dot, not just the bright ones, 每一个小点不仅是最亮的那些
is a star. 都是一颗恒星
How many stars? 有多少恒星
How many worlds? 有多少世界
How many ways of being alive? 有多少种生命形态呢
Where are we in this picture? 在这幅图里我们又在哪里呢
See that trailing outer arm? 看到那条旋臂了吗
That's where we live... 那是我们居住的地方
about 30,000 light-years from the center. 距中心有三万光年远
The Milky Way Galaxy 银河系
is the next line of our cosmic address. 是我们宇宙地址的下一行
We're now a hundred thousand light-years from home. 我们现在离家有十万光年远
It would take light, the fastest thing there is, 即使是光已知速度最快的事物
a hundred thousand years to reach us from Earth. 也需要十万年才能从地球到达这里
This is the Great Spiral in Andromeda, 这是螺旋状仙女座星系
the galaxy next door. 紧邻银河系的另一个星系
We call our two giant galaxies 我们把这两个巨型星系
and a smattering of smaller ones 和其他一些小型星系
the "Local Group." 叫做"本星系群"
Can't even find our home galaxy from out here. 从这里甚至找不到我们的母星系
It's just one of thousands in the Virgo Supercluster. 这只是室女超团里的几千个星系中的一个
On this scale, 从这个尺度看
all the objects we see, 我们看到的所有东西
including the tiniest dots, 哪怕是一个极微小的点
are galaxies. 都是一个星系
Each galaxy contains billions of suns 每个星系里有数以亿计的恒星
and countless worlds. 和数不清的世界
Yet, the entire Virgo Supercluster itself 然而整个室女超团
forms but a tiny part of our universe. 也不过是宇宙的一小部分
This is the cosmos on the grandest scale we know... 这是我们现已探知到最大尺度的宇宙
a network of a hundred billion galaxies. 一个由数千亿星系组成的网络
It's the last line of our cosmic address... 这是我们宇宙地址的最后一行
for now. 暂时的最后一行
Observable universe?! 可观测宇宙


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