

英文 中文
This is a story about you 这是一个有关你
and me and your dog. 我还有你的狗的故事
There was a time not long ago... before dogs. 狗出现的时间并不长
They didn't exist. 之前它们根本不存在
Now there are big ones, small ones, snugglers, 现在它们有大有小有宠物犬
guardians, hunters. 有守卫犬还有猎犬
Every kind of dog you could possibly want. 任何你想要的犬种
How did that happen? 这是怎么发生的
It's not just dogs. 不仅仅是狗
Where did all the different kinds of living creatures come from? 各种各样的生物都是怎么来的
The answer is a transforming power that sounds like something 答案就是转化的力量这听上去就像
straight out of a fairy tale or myth, 来自神话传说中的情节
but it's no such thing. 但这并不是神话
Let's go back across 30,000 years to a time before dogs, 让我们回到三万年前那时狗还未出现
when our ancestors lived in the endless winter 我们的祖先生活在最后一个冰河时期
of the last ice age. 无尽的冬天里
Our ancestors were wanderers living in small bands. 我们的祖先小群聚居四处流浪
They slept beneath the stars. 他们露宿在星空下
The sky was their storybook, calendar, 天空就是他们的故事书日历

an instruction manual for living. 生活的说明书
It told them when the bitter colds would come, 天空告诉他们严寒什么时候到来
when the wild grains would ripen, 野生的粮食什么时候成熟
when the herds of caribou and bison would be on the move. 成群的驯鹿和野牛什么时候开始迁徙
Their idea of home was Earth itself. 他们的家就是整个地球
But they lived in fear of other hungry creatures... 但其他饥饿的生物也让他们提心吊胆
the mountain lions and the bears 山狮和熊
that competed with them for the same prey 它们和人为了同样的猎物竞争
and the wolves that threatened to carry off and devour 而狼则会夺走并捕食
the most vulnerable among them. 他们中最弱小的人类
All the wolves want to get at the bone, 所有的狼都想得到骨头
but most of them are too frightened to come close enough. 但大部分狼都害怕离人太近
Their fear is due to high levels 它们的恐惧起因于血液中
of stress hormones in their blood. 高水平的应激激素
It's a matter of survival. 这是它们存活的关键
Because coming too close to humans can be fatal. 因为离人太近会致命
But a few wolves-- due to natural variations-- 但是一些狼由于自然变异
have lower levels of those hormones. 这类激素的水平相对较低
This makes them less afraid of humans. 这使得它们不怎么害怕人
This wolf has discovered 这种狼发现了
what a branch of his ancestors figured out some 15,000 years ago... 它某一枝祖先在15000年前想出的
an excellent survival strategy; 极好的生存策略
the domestication of humans. 人类的驯养
Let the humans do the hunting, don't threaten them, 让人们去狩猎不要威胁他们
and they'll let you scavenge their garbage. 他们就会让你打扫他们的残羹冷炙
You'll eat more regularly, you'll leave more offspring, 这样进食更规律也会留下更多后代
and those offspring will inherit your disposition. 那些后代会继承你的性格
This selection for tameness 这种驯服的选择
would be reinforced with each generation 会一代代逐渐加强
until that line of wild wolves evolves into... 直到野狼的这一分支进化成为了
You might call this "Survival of the friendliest." 你可能会称之为友好者的幸存
Then as now, this was a good deal for the humans, too. 就像现在一样这也对人类有利
The scavenging dogs weren't just a sanitation squad. 这种狗不仅仅能打扫食物
They worked security. 它们还保证人类的安全
As this interspecies partnership continued over time, 随着这种物种间的合作不断深入
the dogs' appearance changed also. 狗的外表也在不断变化
Cuteness became a selective advantage. 可爱变成了一种选择优势
The more adorable you were, the better chance you had 你越可爱就越有机会
to live and pass on your genes to another generation. 生存和传递基因给下一代

What began as an alliance of convenience 这种临时的合作
became a friendship that deepened over time. 变成了日益加深的友谊
To see what happens next, 看看接下来会发生什么
let's leave our distant ancestors of some 20,000 years ago 让我们离开20000年前遥远的祖先
to visit the more recent past 去更近一些的
during an intermission in the Ice Age. 冰河世纪的间隙看一看
This break in the climate starts a revolution. 气候发生了变化推动了进化
Instead of wandering, people are settling down. 人们开始定居下来不再流浪
There's something new in the world... villages. 世界上出现了一些新的东西聚落
People still hunt and gather, 人们仍然打猎采集
but now they also produce food and clothing... 但是现在他们也会生产食物和衣服
agriculture. 农业出现了
The wolves have traded their freedom 狼已经用它们的自由
in exchange for a steady meal. 换取了稳定的食物
They've given up their right to choose a mate. 它们已经放弃了择偶的权利
Now the humans choose for them. 现在人类为它们挑选配偶
They consistently kill off the dogs that can't be trained; 人们会杀死那些不能被驯化的狗
the ones that bite the feeding hand. 那些咬人的狗
And they breed the dogs that please them. 繁殖那些讨人喜欢的狗
They nurture those dogs that do their bidding... 他们养育那些服从他们命令
hunting, herding, guarding, hauling, 能打猎放牧守卫搬运
and keeping them company. 能陪伴他们的狗
From every litter, 狗每一次产仔
the humans select the puppies they like best. 人们就会选择他们最喜欢的小狗
Over the generations, the dogs evolve. 一代传一代狗就这样进化了
This kind of evolution is called "Artificial selection" 这种进化被称之为人工选择
or "Breeding." 或者育种
Turning wolves into dogs was the first time 把狼变成狗是我们人类第一次
we humans took evolution into our own hands. 把进化掌握在自己手中
And we've been doing it ever since 从那时起我们就一直这样做
to shape all the plants and animals that we depend on. 以塑造我们赖以生存的植物和动物
In a blink of cosmic time, 在宇宙的一瞬间
just 15,000 or 20,000 years, 仅仅过去了15000亦或20000年
we turned gray wolves into all the kinds of dogs 我们就把灰狼变成了我们现在爱着的
we love today. 各种各样的狗
Think of it. 想一想
Every breed of dog you've ever seen 每一种你所见过的狗
was sculpted by human hands. 都经过人类的雕琢
Many of our best friends-- the most popular breeds-- 我们最好的朋友最受欢迎的品种
were created in only the last few centuries. 都是近几个世纪才被创造出来
The awesome power of evolution 令人敬畏的进化力量
transformed the ravenous wolf 把贪婪的狼
into the faithful shepherd... 变成了忠诚的牧羊犬
...who protects the herd and drives the wolf away. 它们保护着羊群把狼赶走
Artificial selection turned the wolf into the shepherd 人工选择把狼变成了牧羊犬
and the wild grasses into wheat and corn. 把野草变成了小麦和玉米
In fact, almost every plant and animal that we eat today 事实上我们现在吃的每种植物和动物
was bred from a wild, less-edible ancestor. 几乎都是由其不太适合食用的野生祖先繁殖而来
If artificial selection can work such profound changes 如果人工选择能在10000年
in only 10,000 or 15,000 years, 或15000年里造成如此深远的变化
what can natural selection do 自然选择又能在几十亿年里
operating over billions of years? 做些什么呢
The answer is all the beauty and diversity of life. 答案就是美丽多样的生命
How does it work? 它是怎样起作用的呢
Our Ship of the Imagination can take us anywhere in space 我们的想象号飞船能带我们去任何空间
and time, even to the hidden microcosmos, 任何时间甚至隐秘的微观世界
where one kind of life can be transformed into another. 在那里一种生命能被转化成另一种
Come with me. 跟我来
May not seem like it, 看起来也许不像
but we've been living in an ice age 但我们在过去的二百万年里
for the last two million years. 一直都生活在冰河世纪
This just happens to be one of the long intermissions. 现在仅仅是其中一个较长的间隔
For most of those two million years, 这二百万年中的大部分时间
the climate has been cold and dry. 气候都是又干又冷
The North Polar ice cap extended much farther south 北极的冰冠跟现在相比
than it does today. 向南延伸得更远
In one of those long, cold glacial periods 在某个又长又冷的冰河时期
when the winter sea ice stretched from the North Pole 冬天海上的浮冰从北极
all the way down to what is now Los Angeles, 一直延伸到现在的洛杉矶
great bears roamed the frozen wastes of Ireland. 大熊在爱尔兰的冰原上流浪
This might look like an ordinary bear, 这可能看上去就像普通的熊
but something extraordinary is happening inside her. 但是它的身体内部正在发生非凡的变化
Something that will give rise to a new species. 这种变化会形成新的品种
In order to see it, 为了看到它
we'll need to descend down to a much smaller scale, 我们必须深入到一个更小的尺度
to the cellular level, 去到细胞层次
so that we can explore the bear's reproductive system. 探索这头熊的生殖系统
We'll take the subclavian artery through the heart. 我们将从锁骨下动脉穿过心脏
Almost there. 快到了
Those are some of her eggs. 那是它的一些卵子
To see what's going on in one of them, 为了明白这其中的奥秘
we'll have to get even smaller. 我们要变得更小一些才行
We'll have to shrink down to the molecular level. 我们得缩小到分子水平
Our Ship of the Imagination is now so small, 我们的想象号飞船现已缩到很小
you could fit a million of them into a grain of sand. 一粒沙就可以装下数百万艘
See those guys over there strutting along those girders? 看到那些在梁上大摇大摆走着的家伙了吗
They are proteins called kinesin. 它们是一种叫做驱动蛋白的蛋白质
These kinesin are part of the transport crew 这些驱动蛋白是运输队的一份子
that's busy moving cargo around the cell. 忙于在细胞之间传送货物
How alien they seem. 它们长得可真古怪
And yet these tiny creatures-- and beings like them-- 然而这些小生物和其他类似的存在
are a part of every living cell, 是每个活着的细胞的一部分
including the ones inside you. 也存在于你的体内
If life has a sanctuary, 如果生命也有圣殿
it's here in the nucleus which contains our DNA... 那必然是细胞核其中有我们DNA
the ancient scripture of our genetic code. 记录着我们遗传密码的古老经文
And it's written in a language that all life can read. 由所有生命都可阅读的语言谱写
DNA is a molecule shaped like a long twisted ladder DNA分子形似一条扭曲长梯
or double helix. 或双螺旋形
The rungs of the ladder are made 这个长梯的阶梯由
of four different kinds of smaller molecules. 四种更小的分子组成


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