In Africa, even the largest and most caring of animals |
在非洲 即使是这些体积最大且最贴心的动物 |
has a mischievous side. |
也有调皮的一面 |
Spy egret puts his robotic life on the line at every deployment. |
间谍白鹭日复一日地从事他的危险工作 |
Even real egrets must watch their step. |
真白鹭也必须时刻小心 |
But it's the youngsters who are always pushing the boundaries. |
小象总是喜欢越界 |
It's a time when they can test their strength |
它们可以测试自己的实力 |
without doing too much damage. |
又不至于带来太多破坏 |
To help with the filming, spy egret has backup. |
为了拍摄成功 间谍白鹭有了帮手 |
This is dung cam, a camera based on a pile of elephant poo. |
这是一个便便摄像机 用一堆大象便便做成的 |
It even smells the part. |
还飘着味儿 |
It's designed to film on the move. |
这个摄像机可以边走边拍 |
Its zoom lens can capture the elephants' every move. |
它的变焦镜头可以捕捉大象的每一个举动 |
That's not all, it can release a team of spy dung balls |
这还不只 它还可以放出一系列间谍便球 |
to litter the savanna with yet more cameras. |
把更多摄像机扔到草原上 |
One dung ball is radio-controlled |
一个间谍便球是无线电控制的 |
and can travel without any visible moving parts. |
可以隐蔽地移动 |
With the action covered from every angle, |
现在到处都布满了摄像机 |
it's time to see what this elephant family gets up to. |
可以观察象群的一举一动了 |
The babies must learn the rules of behaviour at an early age. |
小象必须在年幼时学习行为守则 |
Wrestling older siblings is a favourite pastime. |
和兄弟姐妹一起摔跤是它们最喜欢的娱乐活动 |
They learn their own strength and, crucially, |
这样它们能认识到自己的力量 |
how to play nicely with each other. |
更重要的是 它们可以学习如何玩耍 |
It's the older elephants who make sure they don't cross the line. |
年长的大象会确保它们没有玩过头 |
It takes a few years before they're big enough to do real damage. |
再过好几年 它们才会真正伤害到对方 |
But as they get older,they need to be reined in. |
但当它们长大的时候 它们就得遵守规矩了 |
Those who overstep the mark soon know it. |
逾规越矩的将会自食其果 |
The rules are strict for everyone when the family is on the move. |
在迁徙过程中 这些规矩将会特别严格 |
To follow them, spy egret and dung cam join forces. |
为了赶上它们 间谍白鹭和便便摄像机携手合作 |
For their own safety, the babies must stay next to their mothers |
为了自身安全 这些小象必须紧跟着 |
in the centre of the herd. |
在象群中间的妈妈 |
The elephants are heading to the swamp |
象群正往沼泽走去 |
a place to cool off as the day heats up. |
天气炎热 这里能让它们凉快一会儿 |
But the mud can be treacherous |
但这些泥巴很危险 |
and babies must only enter with their mums. |
小象必须要跟着妈妈进去 |
But this little one seems to have forgotten the rules. |
但这只小象好像忘记了规则 |
Chasing egrets is irresistible. |
他情不自禁地追赶着白鹭 |
But as the herd enter the swamp, the baby is being left behind. |
而当象群进入沼泽之后 这只小象被远远落下 |
Realising his predicament,he looks for his mother |
意识到情况不妙后 他开始寻找妈妈 |
and thinks he's found her. |
然后他觉得自己找到了 |
He tags along as the group head into the swamp |
他跟着象群一起走向沼泽 |
but he's following the wrong elephant. |
但他跟错大象了 |
With his mother nowhere to be seen, he's lost in a confusion |
找不到他的妈妈 小象不知所措 |
of trunks and legs. |
迷失在象鼻子和象腿间 |
The elephants head into the swamp without him. |
象群继续前进 丢下了他 |
The baby is now alone and afraid |
这时小象又孤独又害怕 |
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while his herd appear to have forgotten him. |
而他的家人好像忘记了他 |
He can smell that his mother is out there |
他嗅到他的妈妈就在附近 |
somewhere. |
就在某个地方 |
But entering the swamp alone could be deadly for one so small. |
但对小象来说 独自进入沼泽太危险了 |
He's really starting to panic now. |
他现在开始恐慌了 |
His mother is inexperienced. |
象妈妈毫无经验 |
She's only just realised her mistake. |
现在才意识到自己的失误 |
Both will have learnt from what happened. |
从这次经历中 母子俩都得到了教训 |
He won't misbehave while the family are travelling again |
在象群又开始迁徙后 他再也不敢调皮了 |
and stays extra close as he's taken into the swamp. |
他在沼泽地里紧紧跟着象妈妈 |
He's learnt the hard way why you don't go here on your own. |
他从这次的惨痛教训中了解到了为什么不能擅自行动 |
His older brother heads up the rear. |
他哥哥在后面守着他 |
No one is letting this mischievous baby out of their sight. |
没有人敢让这只淘气的小象离开视线 |
Now, the mud bathing can begin in earnest. |
现在 终于可以认真洗个泥水澡了 |
But the cheeky elephants have a message for spy egret. |
然而这只无礼的大象给间谍白鹭捎了个信 |
Learning to behave is even more vital in extreme environments. |
在极端环境下 遵规蹈矩更加重要 |
In the Canadian Arctic, it is a matter of survival. |
在加拿大北极地区 这更是关乎生死的问题 |
Arctic wolf packs live in a society |
北极狼生活在一个 |
based on close cooperation and teamwork. |
以团结协作为基础的社会里 |
Spy wolf cub is here to record how the cubs |
间谍狼崽此行的目的是纪录狼崽们 |
learn their place in the pack. |
是如何了解自己在狼群中的地位的 |
He's been accepted as part of the family. |
他已经被狼群接受了 |
They are now confident enough to wander away from the den. |
它们现在已经足够勇敢走出窝里去玩了 |
They love to play and are equally matched. |
它们喜欢扭打在一起 而且势均力敌 |
For now, they can safely test each other's strengths and weaknesses. |
到了这个阶段 它们能试探出彼此的优势和劣势而不伤害对方 |
But their rough and tumble has woken the baby-sitter. |
但它们的乱打胡闹吵醒了它们的保姆 |
She may have been sleeping on the job, |
尽管在看管期间她一直在睡觉 |
but she's responsible for the cubs while their mother is away. |
但当狼妈妈不在身边时 她要对狼崽们负责 |
She has strict rules and one is--stay close to the den. |
她纪律严明 其中一条就是不可远离狼窝 |
It's time they were taught a lesson. |
是时候给它们上一课了 |
But this wolf cub isn't showing the respect the occasion demands. |
但在这种情况下 这只狼崽却没有表现出该有的尊重 |
He's not supposed to answer back. |
他不该反击 |
She tries to roll him on his back |
她试图把他翻过来 |
this is how wolves show they know their place. |
这是狼表示明白自己地位的方式 |
But the message isn't getting through. |
但它们还没认识到 |
If he doesn't learn to submit by rolling over, |
若他不学会通过翻身来表示屈服 |
he'll never fit in with the pack. |
他将永远不会融入狼群之中 |
But he's still arguing back. |
但他仍在反击 |
Now, she really gets tough,pinning him to the ground. |
现在她要动真格了 她将狼崽摁在地上 |
She won't give up until he understands. |
直到狼崽明白其中含义 她才会放手 |
He's got the message now. |
现在 他懂得是什么意思了 |
Learning to submit helps avoid conflict within the pack, |
学会屈服有利于避免狼群中的冲突 |
vital for animals that must work together. |
这对群居动物而言是至关重要的 |
Lesson over, they now practise what they learnt on each other. |
这一课结束之后 它们现在要学以致用了 |
It seems even spy cub must learn the pack rules |
似乎连间谍狼崽也必须学会狼群的规则 |
but he soon makes a dignified recovery. |
但他很快就稳稳地站回来了 |
The father howls a rallying call. |
狼父发出了集合的嚎叫声 |
The call is not to hunt, but to come and play in the cotton grass. |
这次召集不是为了捕食 而是为了在羊胡子草里玩耍 |
With the rules firmly established,playtime becomes a family affair |
清楚了规则后 嬉戏就变成了一场家庭活动 |
a chance for the mischievous cubs to let off steam |
也可以消耗顽皮狼崽的精力 |
and learn the value of teamwork and cooperation. |
同时学习团队精神和协同合作 |
While animals that live together must learn the rules, |
群居动物必须学习规则 |
for others,it's everyone for themselves. |
然而对其他动物而言 它们必须孤身作战 |
Frigate birds are the original pirates of the Caribbean. |
军舰鸟是加勒比地区最早的海盗 |
They make a living on the high seas from skulduggery and thievery. |
它们靠诡计和偷盗在海上生存 |
Fishing boats returning with their catch make easy targets. |
满载而归的渔船很容易成为它们的目标 |