

英文 中文
This is the BBC Television Service. 这里是BBC电视台
We now present another programme 现在为您播出
in our series of experimental transmissions in colour. 彩色信号试播系列节目
We live in a kaleidoscopic world 我们的世界是五彩斑斓的
but colours are more than mere decoration. 但是颜色不仅仅是装饰
Colours carry deep and significant meanings for us all. 颜色之于我们承载着深刻而重大的含义
And in this series I want to unravel the stories of three colours. 在这一系列中我将讲述三种颜色的故事
Three colours which, in the hands of artists, 艺术家运用这三种颜色
have stirred our emotions, 唤起我们的情感
changed the way we behave 改变我们的行为
and even altered the course of history. 甚至影响历史进程
Gold. 金色
Its lustrous shine has made this the most intoxicating colour, 耀眼夺目无疑是最令人陶醉的颜色
one we've used throughout history to revere the things we hold most sacred. 成为古往今来圣物的代表
Blue. 蓝色
The arrival of lapis lazuli from the East made blue the colour of our dreams, 来自东方的天青石使蓝色成为梦想之色
a colour that's transported us to worlds beyond our horizons. 带我们飞往地平线之外的世界
And this is the story of white. 而本集将要介绍的是白色
Today we see white as the colour of virtue, 今天白色象征着美德


a colour of cleanliness, of innocence, 象征着纯洁与无邪
a colour as pure as the driven snow. 像风中飘落的白雪一样圣洁无暇
But in the history of art, 但在艺术的历史上
white isn't quite as pure as we think. 白色不总是像我们想的那样纯洁
Over the course of history, 在历史长河中
it's been loaded with ideologies 这种颜色被意识形态所左右
that have been both divisive and at times even dangerous. 这些意识形态不仅不和谐有时还很危险
So dangerous in fact that white may just be 以至于白色几乎曾是
the darkest colour of them all. 最黑暗的一种颜色
This is the story of how the purest colour became corrupted. 这个故事讲述了最纯洁的颜色如何遭到腐蚀
From the refined elegance of the Elgin Marbles 从精致优雅的埃尔金石雕
to the pristine pots of Josiah Wedgewood, 到乔赛亚·韦奇伍德简朴的瓷罐
we'll reveal how white came to symbolise an enlightened world. 我们将揭示白色如何成为启蒙世界的象征
But we'll see how, in the modern age, 但我们还将看到在现代社会
this once virtuous colour 这种曾经代表美德的颜色
was used by artists, architects and sculptors 被画家建筑师和雕塑家
to divide, to control and finally 用于分化控制最终被用于
to conquer. 征服
It was Sunday 25th of September 1938. 1938年9月25日星期日
The Director of the British Museum was on his evening rounds. 大英博物馆馆长正进行晚间巡视
Everything seemed to be in order, but, unknown to him, 一切仿佛都秩序井然但他不知道
a disturbing incident had been taking place right beneath his feet. 就在他脚下一桩令人痛心的事情正在发生
In the basement, 在地下室里
some of the museum's sculptures were in the process of being cleaned. 博物馆的几座雕像正在接受清理
But they were being cleaned 但所用工具却是
with copper chisels and carborundum. 铜凿和金刚砂
To make matters worse, 更糟的是
the objects in question were some of the museum's most prize possessions, 这些雕像正是博物馆最具价值的藏品
the Elgin Marbles. 埃尔金石雕
The Elgin Marbles were a set of ancient Greek sculptures 埃尔金石雕是一组古希腊雕塑
that had once adorned the Parthenon in Athens. 曾伫立于雅典的帕特农神庙
They were widely seen as the bedrock of Western art. 它们普遍被视作西方艺术的奠基石
Like many ancient sculptures, 和许多古代雕塑一样
the Elgin Marbles were once painted in rich colours, 埃尔金石雕曾被涂上丰富的色彩
which over the millennia, had washed away. 但在千年岁月的洗礼中这些色彩都褪去了
Yet, at one point, 但不知从何时起
we became convinced that these sculptures had always been white. 我们开始相信这些雕塑本来就是白色
And now, they were being made whiter than they had ever been before. 现在它们更是被人为地变得前所未有的白
The museum's director immediately put a stop to the cleaning 博物馆馆长立刻叫停了这次清理作业
and instituted an inquiry. 并展开调查


The culprit was one Joseph Duveen, 始作俑者原来是约瑟夫·杜温
a rich and powerful art dealer 一位有钱有势的艺术品掮客
who had donated money for a new gallery to house the marbles, 他捐资兴建了新的展厅用于陈列大理石雕
but had asked for something in return. 但他的捐赠是有条件的
Joseph Duveen thought the Elgin Marbles were, 约瑟夫·杜温认为
quite frankly, the wrong colour. 埃尔金石雕的颜色有问题
They were too brown and, like the rest of antiquity, 它们的颜色趋于棕褐而像其他古物一样
they were supposed to be white. 它们应当是白色的
Duveen persuaded the museum staff 杜温说服博物馆工作人员
to whiten the Elgin Marbles 把埃尔金石雕变白
and evidence of their handiwork can still be seen today. 他们的工作成果今天还清晰可辨
This is Helios the Sun Chariot 这是太阳神赫利俄斯
and it's one of the objects the director saw 馆长在1938年的那晚
being cleaned that night in 1938. 看到的那批正被清理的雕像之一
You can see very clearly the effect of that cleaning. 可以清楚地看到那次清理的效果
On the right, this is before the cleaning. 右侧是未经清理的部分
It's dark, it's brown, it's sooty, it's shiny. 颜色较暗发黑褐有光泽
Here on the left, this is after the cleaning. 左侧则是清理过的部分
It's matt in texture, it's colourless and it's white. 毫无光泽完全是白色的
Back in the 1930s, 在20世纪30年代
Joseph Duveen's cleaning job caused a scandal. 约瑟夫·杜温的清理行动引发了一场丑闻
It has been said that the British Museum trustees of the day 人们认为当时的大英博物馆管理委员会
lost control of their museum. 已经失去了对博物馆的控制
In a sense, that's true. 从某种意义上说这是真的
The museum was unduly influenced by the strength 杜温对博物馆的影响力
of personality of Duveen 过于强大
and the practice of scraping the surface of the sculptures 刮除雕像表面的工作
was not approved. 并未受到批准
That's the important thing to get across. 知道这一点很重要
It was not an approved action. 该项行为并未受到批准
We must get this into proportion, 我们还要知道
the surface removal, 所谓刮除表面
we're talking of a fraction of a millimetre 除掉部分不到一毫米
and of course it wasn't every sculpture that was cleaned. 而且当然并不是所有雕像都被清理了
It probably doesn't much affect the moral question 即便我们试图弱化犯下的错误
if we try to mitigate what was done. 却也掩饰不了道德上的缺失
I don't want to defend it. 我也无意为其辩解
What would be the point? 有什么意义呢
It was 70 years ago. 都是70年前的事了
I wasn't alive and everybody who was involved then is dead. 我还没有出生所有当事人也都已过世
But there was already a history to the surface of the sculptures 雕像的表面是有其历史的
and it is part of that history that we add another chapter. 而我们为这段历史加上了新的一章
The debate over the cleaning will, no doubt, go on, 关于这次清理的辩论无疑将会继续
but in our story of white, 但在我们关于白色的故事里
there's a more intriguing issue at stake. 还有更为引人入胜的一个问题
The big questions for me are these 对我而言更重要的问题是
why was Duveen so desperate for these sculptures to be white? 为什么杜温坚持这些雕塑应该是白色的
To even go to the lengths to damage the sculptures 以至于宁愿损坏雕塑
to make them whiter 使其变得更白
and why, when all the evidence points the other way, 为什么在所有证据都表明
when we know that the ancient Greeks covered their sculptures in colour, 古希腊人为他们的雕塑上过色
do most of us still think, secretly, that they should be white? 很多人私下依然认为它们应该是白色的
In my mind, 我认为
one man is above all responsible for the whitewashing of antiquity, 有一个人应该对这些古物刷白行动负全责
and in doing so, 他的行为
he planted white at the centre of European culture 使白色在接下来的几个世纪内
for centuries to come. 在欧洲文化的核心生根发芽
And his name was Johann Joachim Winckelmann. 他的名字就是约翰·约阿希姆·温克尔曼
JJ Winckelmann was born in 1717 JJ·温克尔曼于1717年生于
in a rural town in what is now Eastern Germany. 今天德国东部的一个村镇
His parents wanted him to follow the family profession 他的父母希望他能子承父业
and embrace the noble trade of the cobbler. 继续做个了不起的鞋匠
But they should have known 他们本该知道
that young JJ was not well suited to such a fate. 这样的命运并不适合年轻的JJ
Winckelmann was not the typical 18th century cobbler's son. 温克尔曼不是典型的18世纪鞋匠的儿子
He was gay, 他是同性恋
his dress sense was extravagant to say the least. 穿衣品味至少也可称得上是奢侈
He had a penchant for skin-tight leather trousers 他酷爱紧身皮裤
and he was a fiercely ambitious intellectual. 还是个野心勃勃的知识分子
So naturally, he longed to set foot in more cosmopolitan surroundings. 自然而然地他向往更为广阔的生活
In 1748, Winckelmann fetched up in Dresden. 1748年温克尔曼来到德累斯顿
It wasn't long before he made a discovery that would change his life. 很快他就有了将会改变一生的发现
Winckelmann had stumbled on a vast storeroom 温克尔曼无意中发现一个大储藏室
filled with ancient white statues. 里面装满了古代的白色雕塑
And they came in all shapes and sizes. 尺寸不同造型各异
There was plenty to, shall we say, feast his eyes on. 可以说这些让他目不暇接
There were buttocks aplenty, 丰满的臀部
there were ripped muscular torsos 肌肉发达的身躯
and there was even the odd genital. 甚至还有奇特的生殖器
These white sculptures were the most wonderful objects 这些白色雕塑是温克尔曼见过的
that Winckelmann had ever seen 最美的事物
and he decided there and then 所以他当即决定
to dedicate his life to persuading the world of their beauty. 致力于向世界展示它们的美丽
He knew that he had to begin in Rome. 他知道他必须从罗马开始
Winckelmann arrived here in 1755. 温克尔曼于1755年来到这里
He found it littered 发现这里到处散落着
with white columns and marbles from antiquity. 古代的白色圆柱和大理石
He immediately set to work on a tome 他立刻着手写作一部巨著
in which he celebrated all the wonderful white marble that he found. 描绘他发现的白色大理石之美
Words spill from his pen as he swooned over the Belvedere Torso. 他著文歌颂贝维德雷的躯干
And the writhing limbs of the Laocoon. 以及拉奥孔雕像那缠绕的肢体
Winckelmann's scribblings eventually attracted the attention of the Vatican 温克尔曼的作品终于吸引了罗马教廷的注意
who appointed him keeper of their antiquities, 他被任命为教会古董的保管者
a distinguished post once held by Raphael. 拉斐尔也曾接任过这一高贵的职位
And it was in the Vatican that Winckelmann set eyes on a sculpture 在罗马教廷温克尔曼见到了一座雕像
that would inspire him like no other. 从中找到了前所未有的灵感
The Apollo Belvedere was thought to be a Roman copy 望楼的阿波罗被认为是罗马时代的复制品
of a Greek original made around 300 BC. 其原型来自公元前300年的希腊
Rosy beauty wantons all down the god-like figure. 柔和的美感在这尊天神的雕塑上肆意绽放
Such organs human nature knows not. 这种美绝非凡间所有
The liquid hair, like tendrils kissed by zephyrs. 流动的发丝仿佛在微风的轻吻下有了生命


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