

英文 中文
This is the BBC Television Service. 这里是BBC电视台
We now present another programme 现在为您播放
in our series of Experimental Transmissions In Colour. 彩色信号试播系列节目
We live in a kaleidoscopic world. 我们的世界是五彩斑斓的
But colours are more than mere decoration. 但是颜色不仅仅是装饰
Colours carry deep and significant meanings for us all. 颜色之于我们承载着深刻而重大的含义
In this series, I want to unravel the stories of three colours. 在这一系列中我将揭开三种颜色的故事
Three colours which, in the hands of artists, 艺术家运用这三种颜色
have stirred our emotions, 唤起我们的情感
changed the way we behave 改变我们的行为
and even altered the course of history. 甚至改变历史进程
Gold. 金色
Its lustrous shine has made this the most intoxicating colour. 耀眼夺目无疑是最令人陶醉的颜色
One we've used throughout history to revere the things we hold most sacred. 成为古往今来圣物的代表
White, 那就是白色
once the virtuous colour of ancient marbles, 曾是古时大理石之色洁白无瑕
came to embody our darkest instincts. 反衬我们内心深处的黑暗
And, in this programme, a colour that, for artists, 本期节目中所要讲述的颜色
has always been the most beguiling of all. 是艺术家眼中最为迷人的色彩


The unique thing about blue is that 蓝色的独到之处在于
it is all around us 它随处可见
and yet somehow it feels for ever out of reach. 但却永远无法触及
Because we can never touch the blueness of the sea 因为大海的湛蓝是那样的遥不可及
or blueness of the sky, 亦或是苍穹的蔚蓝
and we can never reach 我们也无法触及
the blue horizon over there, in the distance. 远在天边的蓝色地平线
And, for these reasons, blue has captured our imaginations, 正因如此蓝色总让我们浮想联翩
offering us the tantalising prospect 在我们脑海里呈现一幅诱人的画面
of entirely new worlds beyond our own. 想象着一个全新的未知世界
From the moment a mysterious cargo 自一艘神秘的货船
arrived from the across the seas, 漂洋过海靠岸的那一刻起
artists have used blue to 艺术家们就用蓝色
transport us to strange and exotic realms. 将我们引领到充满异域风情的国度
From Giotto's heavenly visions... 从乔托的《天上异象》
..To Titian's gardens of earthly delight. 到提香的《享乐花园》
From Picasso's melancholy yearnings 从毕加索的《悲伤的渴望》
to Yves Klein's dreams of escape. 到伊夫·克莱因的《梦中逃离》
Throughout his whole life, 在他的一生中
his goal was to leave this world behind him. 他都梦想着逃离这个世界
We'll reveal how these artists searched for the perfect blue 我们将揭示这些艺术家们是如何探索完美的蓝色
to capture the great beyond. 来描绘未知的彼岸
And, finally, how one powerful image showed us 最后一幅伟大的作品
that blue was not the colour of other worlds. 将让我们领悟到蓝色并非异域之色
It was the colour of our own. 它是我们自己的颜色
Our story of blue begins a thousand years ago 关于蓝色的故事可追溯到一千年前的
on the edge of Europe. 欧洲大陆边境上
This is the Venetian Lagoon. 这是威尼斯湖
Across these waters sailed merchants from the East. 远自东方的商人航行至此
They were hungry for Venetian gold. 他们热衷于到威尼斯淘金
And, in exchange, they brought a mysterious cargo. 作为交换他们带来一船神秘的货物
It was a rare, almost mythical substance 那个神秘的东西无比罕见
that could only be found in one tiny mine 只有在极小的矿里才采集得到
on the far side of what is now Afghanistan. 在地球的另一边也就是现在的阿富汗
And to get here, to Venice, 从那里出发到威尼斯
it had travelled some 3,500 miles, 得走差不多3500英里
across mountain ranges, across deserts 翻山越岭横穿沙漠
and, finally, across the Mediterranean Sea. 最后驶过地中海
What the Arab sailors had brought was a precious stone. 这些阿拉伯船员所带来的宝石
And it was called lapis lazuli. 叫做天青石


And this stone possessed a colour so enchanting 这种石头有着非常迷人的颜色
that it would change art in dramatic ways. 很大程度上改变了艺术的发展
So this is it. 这就是天青石
Now, I must say, I have never seen 不得不说我从未见过
such a large chunk of lapis before. 这么大一块天青石
And I'm quite surprised at how complex 其复杂之极惊艳之极
and beautiful it is, actually. 着实让我吃了一惊
You can see how rich and deep and amazing this blue is. 这块石头蓝得如此饱满深邃如此华丽
And the whole impression of this stone 给人的感觉是
is that it looks a bit like the sky. 似乎带着点天空的颜色
It looks a bit like a fragment of the sky 仿佛是天空的碎片
has just fallen down to Earth and I've picked it up. 落到大地上然后我把它捡起来了
So you can really understand 所以可想而知
why people loved this substance so much. 为什么人们这么喜爱这块石头
As strange as it may seem, 但奇怪的是
blue hardly existed in the history of Western art. 蓝色几乎没有在西方艺术史上存在过
It's nowhere to be found among the earthy colours 连史前洞穴壁画上所有朴实的色彩中
of prehistoric cave paintings. 也找不到蓝色的踪迹
The Greeks didn't even have a word for it. 希腊语言中甚至没有这个词
And the Romans had little time for blue in their wall paintings 庞贝城的罗马人根本没兴趣将蓝色
at Pompeii. 运用于壁画中
Even in the Middle Ages, 甚至到了中世纪
the blues they had were feeble and pallid. 蓝色的运用也显得苍白无力
And so the artists of medieval Venice 所以中世纪的威尼斯艺术家
couldn't wait to get their hands 迫不及待地想要去感受
on the wondrous blue of lapis lazuli. 天青石那美妙的蓝色
OK, here we go. 跟我来吧
So you probably need to be pretty strong, don't you? 你可能需要非常强壮是吧
Yeah, this is sculpting marble. 这是一块雕刻大理石
I mean, this is a hard stone, 意味着这块石头很硬
I mean, it's physically hard, it's heavy. 非常坚硬而且很沉
And you have to be very patient 并且你得非常有耐心
and you're talking about a process of one week to even two weeks. 这个过程大概要花一周甚至两周
Alan Pascuzzi is an Italian artist 艾伦·帕斯库兹是一位意大利画家
who has studied the ingenious process 他专门研究中世纪画家
that took his medieval forebears centuries to perfect. 由起步到鼎盛这个独创性的过程
We're going to put it in the mortar 我们将要把它放进研钵
and, eventually, what we have to do is 最后我们要做的是
begin to grind this up. 把这个磨碎
And the thing is, you don't want to waste one bit of this 而且你一点都不敢浪费
because the lapis lazuli is exponentially more expensive 因为这个天青石比其他任何颜料
than any other pigment. 都要昂贵得多
Lapis, you know, took how many months of travel to get there, 天青石得花好几个月才能运到这里
you don't want to lose even one piece of it. 你一点都舍不得浪费
Days would pass, 这样日复一日
slowly grinding the rock 慢慢地研磨这块石头
until it was reduced to a fine, blue dust. 直到它逐渐变成细腻的蓝色粉末
The blue dust was encased in beeswax, 然后将蓝色粉末放进蜂蜡
pine resin and gum arabic to purge it of impurities. 松脂和阿拉伯树胶里以清除杂质
And then placed into a mixture too caustic to touch. 接着将其放进腐蚀性极强的溶剂里
It really brings home to you how important colour is to people, 这就让你深刻明白色彩对人类是多么重要
that they would go to this huge effort... Exactly. 以至于让人们如此大费周折确实如此
..Just to make a colour. It's amazing. Exactly. 不过是制作一种颜料太神奇了
And I think that's the power of art. 我想这就是艺术的力量
And, by association, art is - 的确艺术的力量是强大的
you know, you want to make it as beautiful as possible. 你极尽所能地使它达到完美
And finally... 最后
..After weeks of tortuous labour, 经过几周的辛苦劳动
every particle of the precious blue essence was released. 每颗颗粒中的珍贵蓝色精华都释放出来了
The hard stone of lapis lazuli 这块坚硬的天青石
had been transformed. 就这样摇身一变
And this is the finished product. 这个就是成品
Ultramarine. 深海蓝
And they call it that because that's quite literally 人们之所以这样叫它顾名思义
from where it came, from across the seas. 正是因为它漂洋过海而来
Now, today, we're surrounded by bright blue things, 如今蓝色的东西随处可见
but to the people of the late Middle Ages, 但对于中世纪的人们来说
this colour was a revelation. 这种颜色的诞生是石破天惊的
It was brighter and purer and stronger 他比其他任何蓝色
than any blue they had ever seen. 都明亮纯粹浓烈
'Within just a few decades of this remarkable discovery, 在这个惊人的发现之后短短几十年里
'blue began to seep into Western art.' 蓝色开始渗透到西方艺术中
It crept across the pages of illuminated manuscripts. 它慢慢爬上泥金写本的书页上
It wrapped itself around their sacred words. 将自己包裹在圣语之间
And it slipped into the backgrounds of Biblical scenes. 它还悄然成为圣经场景中的背景颜色
But blue would soon become more than a decorative flourish. 不过很快蓝色就不仅仅是一种装饰狂潮
Our story now takes us to Padua. 现在故事将我们带到帕多瓦
Here, a pioneering artist would indulge in blue 在这里一位先驱艺术家对蓝色的迷醉
like never before, 是前所未有的
elevating this once lowly colour to divine status. 是他将曾经卑贱的颜色提升到神圣的地位
'In 1303, Giotto, 1303年乔托
often called the father of the Italian Renaissance, 这位常被人称作"意大利文艺复兴之父"
'set to work at the Scrovegni Chapel.' 开始在斯科洛文尼教堂作画
While it looks austere from the outside, 从外面看上去很简朴
inside, Giotto had created a masterpiece. 而里面乔托创造了一幅伟大的杰作
This may just be 这也许是
one of the two or three most important rooms in Western art. 西方艺术上最重要的两三个房间之一
And almost every square 几乎每平方英寸
inch of it is covered in paintings by Giotto, 都被乔托布满了油画
dealing with the life of Christ and the life of the Virgin Mary. 画中全是基督和圣母玛利亚的故事
You can see, over there, that's the Last Supper. 你看那边那是《最后的晚餐》
Come through and you can see here, the washing of the feet. 往前走你看这里《洗脚礼》
But my favourite image in here, 但是我最喜爱的一幅画
and probably the most famous of them, 大概也是最出名的一幅
is this one, Judas leaning in to kiss Christ. 是这一幅犹大身体倾斜着去亲吻耶稣
Now, what amazes me is this was painted 700 years ago 让我吃惊的是这些画作绘于700年前
and still the suspense is unbearable. 但画中故事仍然栩栩如生惊心动魄
And that is the brilliance of Giotto. 这就是乔托的天才所在
He took religious art and he made it feel like 这些宗教艺术在他的手中
it was just something 感觉就像是
taking place on the streets in every day life. 人们日常生活中发生的故事


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