英文 | 中文 |
This is the BBC Television Service. | 这里是BBC电视台 |
We now present another programme | 现在为您播放 |
in our series of experimental transmissions in colour. | 彩色信号试播系列节目 |
We live in a kaleidoscopic world. | 我们的世界是五彩斑斓的 |
But colours are more than mere decoration. | 但是颜色不仅仅是装饰 |
Colours carry deep and significant meanings for us all. | 颜色之于我们承载着深刻而重大的含义 |
And in this series | 在这一系列中 |
I want to unravel the stories of three colours. | 我将讲述三种颜色的故事 |
Three colours which in the hands of artists have stirred our emotions, | 艺术家运用这三种颜色唤起我们的情感 |
changed the way we behave | 改变我们的行为 |
and even altered the course of history. | 甚至改变历史进程 |
Blue - | 蓝色 |
the arrival of Lapis Lazuli from the East | 东方天青石的到来 |
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made blue the colour of our dreams... | 使得蓝色成为我们的梦想之色 |
a colour that's transported us to worlds beyond our horizons. | 把我们带入另一片世界 |
White, | 白色 |
once the virtuous colour of ancient marbles, | 曾是古时大理石之色洁白无瑕 |
came to embody our darkest instincts. | 反衬我们内心深处的黑暗 |
But in this programme, I want to tell the story of a colour | 但在这一集我将讲述一种 |
we've worshipped since the very beginning - | 我们自始尊崇的颜色 |
one that at first may not seem like a colour at all. | 初时完全未被当做是颜色 |
So this is the gold vault | 这里便是英格兰银行的 |
beneath the Bank of England. | 地下金库 |
And in this room there are about 65,000 bars | 这间屋子存放了6万5千条 |
of solid gold, | 纯金块 |
and each one of them is worth | 每条价值 |
almost half a million pounds, | 大约50万英镑 |
and I just can't resist picking one up. | 我忍不住要拿起一块 |
The first thing you notice is the weight - | 首先注意到的是重量 |
it's extraordinarily heavy. | 非常非常重 |
And you can see on the front there | 还能看到正面刻着 |
it's 99.99% pure gold. | 99.99%纯金 |
I really don't think I've ever | 我以前从来没有 |
held anything so valuable in my hands before. | 亲手拿过这么贵重的东西 |
But gold has another quality too - its colour, | 不过黄金还有另一个特性颜色 |
this glorious, radiant yellowness. | 灿烂辉煌光芒四射的黄色 |
And I think this colour | 在我看来 |
is one of the most alluring and beguiling colours of them all. | 它是所有颜色中最迷人的色彩 |
This is a tale of our timeless obsession with all things golden. | 我们永远对金色的物件痴迷 |
Across the millennia, | 千百年来 |
we have used gold to revere the things we've held most sacred. | 我们用黄金来崇拜最神圣的事物 |
And reflected in our works of art, we see the story of ourselves | 反映在艺术品我们身上的故事 |
and our changing beliefs and perceptions. | 以及不断变化的信仰和观念 |
I'm aware I'm praying with colour. | 我知道我在用颜色祷告 |
Not just with words, but I'm praying with colour. | 我不只是用语言祈祷还有颜色 |
From honouring our ancient Gods | 从古代神明崇拜 |
to the worldly Kings and Queens of the Renaissance, | 到文艺复兴时期世俗的国王皇后 |
We'll reveal the techniques which craftsmen have used. | 我们将揭露匠人们的技术 |
Look at that. | 看看 |
From the fine arts of icon painting | 从圣像画艺术 |
to the dark arts of alchemy. | 到炼金术的暗黑艺术 |
So really, this must have been a desperate time for Bottger. | 这对波特格尔来说必定是一段绝望的时光 |
He had to think about how to escape with his life. | 他要考虑如何活着逃出去 |
We'll see how in the consumer age, | 我们将看到在消费时代 |
gold came to represent little more than wealth itself | 黄金如何来表现自身财富之外的价值 |
and we'll see how one painter attempted | 也将看到一位画家如何试图 |
to restore the colour of gold | 让金色重归 |
to divine status. | 神圣之位 |
Nobody knows when humans first took gold from the earth. | 没人知道人类首次从地上捡起黄金是什么时候 |
We can only imagine their wonder at what they saw. | 我们只能想象他们异常惊奇 |
This is perhaps what gold looked like | 这个可能就是 |
when humans first set eyes on it | 黄金初被人类发现时的样子 |
and you can see why they fell in love with it almost immediately, | 你会明白为什么人们会立刻喜欢上它 |
not because of its rarity | 不是因为它珍贵 |
because they didn't know it was rare, | 彼时的人们还不知道黄金的稀有 |
and not because of its versatility | 也不是因为它用途广泛 |
because they didn't know what it could do. | 彼时的人们还不知道它的用途 |
They fell in love with it because of the way it looked - | 人们爱上它是因为它的样子 |
its wonderful, radiant, warm yellowness. | 那一抹美不胜收光芒四射的暖黄 |
And there was only one thing in the universe | 宇宙中只有一样东西 |
that looked anything like this substance | 和它相像 |
and that was the sun. | 那就是太阳 |
Ancient people came to believe | 古人相信 |
that gold and the sun were one and the same, | 黄金和太阳实为一物 |
so when they honoured the sun, | 祭拜太阳时 |
only the colour of gold would suffice. | 只有金色配得上 |
A golden sun disc, 2000 BC. | 公元前2000年的黄金日盘 |
A ceremonial necklace, 800 BC, | 公元前800年的祭典项圈 |
and the most remarkable of all, | 其中最引人注目的 |
a sun chariot from 1500 BC - | 是公元前1500年的太阳战车 |
now the star exhibit at the National Museum of Denmark. | 如今展于丹麦国家博物馆 |
This is one of the most remarkable things I've ever seen in a museum. | 这是我在博物馆见过的最耀眼的展品之一 |
It's utterly breathtaking. | 太惊艳了 |
Because what we have here essentially | 因为我们现在所见的 |
is a 3,500-year-old miniature model chariot | 是塑于3500年前的战车模型 |
in virtually mint condition. | 几乎是崭新的 |
You can see there's this utterly delightful bronze horse | 你看这匹非常可爱的铜马 |
with its ears pricked up attentively, | 耳朵竖起聚精会神 |
and it's standing on these four wheels | 站在四轮车上 |
and dragging this great disc behind it | 后面拉着大圆盘 |
and that disc is the sun. | 这个圆盘就是太阳 |
For the people who made this, the sun was a great, golden goddess | 在制造者眼中太阳是伟大的金色之神 |
that was being carried by this divine horse every day | 每天被神马拉着奔跑 |
across the sky from east to west and back again at night. | 由东到西横贯天际夜间再原路返回 |
It is believed that the elders of the community, the priests, | 据说部落长老也就是祭司们 |
would actually pull it around back and forth | 会拉着这件宝物四处巡行 |
to teach people about the importance of the sun. | 以教导部众太阳的重要性 |
It's decorated with all these exquisite patterns | 圆盘饰以精细的图案 |
that represent the radiating rays of the sun, | 以表现太阳辐射的光线 |
the pulsating light, and it's movement through the years. | 搏动的光芒和不息的运动 |
It's an explicit connection between | 其中的联系显而易见 |
the colour of gold and the colour of the sun - | 黄金的颜色和太阳的颜色 |
both of them have this warm, radiant yellowness, | 都呈光芒四射的暖黄色 |
both of them have this terrific sparkle, | 都耀眼夺目 |
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and both of them have this eternal shine, | 都拥有这种永恒的光辉 |
because 3,500 years later everything else has deteriorated | 因为3500年来万物衰退 |
but the gold on this disc like the sun outside this room | 唯有圆盘上的黄金如同屋外的太阳 |
is still shining. | 仍在闪耀 |
The desire to honour the sun with gold | 人类用黄金祭拜太阳的愿望 |
is as old as civilisation itself. | 与人类文明的历史一样古老 |
But one civilisation would come | 不过有一种文明 |
to be identified with golden treasures like no other. | 被视为与众不同的金色宝藏 |
The ancient Egyptians were unique. | 古埃及人非常与众不同 |
While many cultures had to hunt down gold in far-off lands, | 当许多文明赶赴遥远之地淘金 |
trade or barter for it. | 贸易或交换时 |
Here in North East Africa, the Egyptians found gold everywhere. | 东北非的埃及却遍地黄金 |
Now the ancient Egyptians were very, very lucky. | 古埃及人真是太幸运了 |
Their territory here was blessed with seemingly unlimited reserves of gold. | 其土地中蕴藏的黄金看似无穷无尽 |
There were hundreds of deposits dotted all over the place. | 各地分布着上百个金矿 |
The richest of these deposits were here in these mountains of the Eastern Desert, | 最大的矿区位于群山中的东部沙漠 |
and here farther south into Sudan and Nubia, | 甚至南达苏丹和努比亚 |
and what's more, the Egyptians were very very good at extracting that gold. | 而且埃及人非常擅长开采黄金 |
They had huge teams of men working day in day out | 那里有庞大的队伍夜以继日地 |
bringing out of the earth. | 开采黄金 |
For that reason, | 正因如此 |
Egypt quickly became the world's first great gold-producing state. | 埃及迅速成为世界头号黄金出产国 |
But to understand the exquisite gold work in ancient Egypt, | 但要理解古埃及精美的金器 |
we have to leave Cairo and head south into the desert. | 我们必须离开开罗向南进入沙漠 |
This is Saqqara, | 这里是塞加拉 |
home to some of the oldest tombs in Egypt. | 一些最古老的埃及陵墓就发现于此 |
And here is some remarkable evidence of the reverence | 埃及人对金匠的尊崇 |
the Egyptians had for their goldsmiths. | 在这里显露无疑 |
4,000 years ago, the grand vizier, Mereruka, | 4000年前首相梅汝卡 |
was interred in these chambers. | 就葬于这些墓室中 |
In life, he was entrusted with the production | 他生前主管埃及黄金的 |
and protection of Egypt's gold. | 生产和保护工作 |
And carved onto the walls of his tomb, | 墓穴墙上的浮雕 |
are depictions of his invaluable work. | 描绘了他的重要工作 |
These relief carvings | 这些浮雕 |
depict pretty much the entire Egyptian gold-making process | 几乎囊括埃及人的 |
from start, all the way to finish. | 整个炼金过程 |
The first step is recorded here | 这里记录了第一步 |
and this involves the weighing of the gold. | 包括黄金称重 |
And even what I find interesting about that, | 尤其有意思的是 |
is of course the Egyptians had plentiful quantities of gold | 埃及的黄金虽然数量众多 |
and yet still it was so valuable | 却仍然很贵重 |
that the pharaoh didn't want even a single little bit unaccounted for. | 法老不希望一丁点黄金未尽其用 |
But the two most remarkable images, | 但在整片浮雕中 |
I think, in this entire relief, | 我认为最值得注意的 |
are these two here. | 是这两幅 |
I think they're remarkable for two reasons. | 原因有二 |
First, the hieroglyphs, you can see there and there. | 第一是有象形文字看那两处 |
Usually, we presume ancient hieroglyphs | 我们一般认为古代象形文字中 |
to impart some solemn wisdom but not these ones, | 都蕴藏着庄严的智慧不过这些并非如此 |
because this man is saying to that man, | 因为这个人对那个人说 |
"Oh, isn't this beautiful?" | "它太美了" |
This man is saying to that guy, | 这个人对那个人说 |
"Get a move on with your work, slowcoach." | "快点干活慢性子" |
It's just an amazing moment, an amazing moment of humour | 这个千年前的场景 |
and life and reality | 神奇而富有幽默感 |