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2. The day of parting manor has finally come. I have learned a peculiar experience. Things will always happen? And we can't imagine it by ourselves, whether before it happens, during the happening, or when we look back after it happened. Circumstances have a dynamic by which they cause events to occur without the aid of human imagination and knowledge. In these situations, you yourself are constantly in touch with what is going on, like a blind man being led by others, stepping one foot in front of the other, cautiously but with a lot of heart. Things happen in front of you, you feel her happening, but other than that, you have nothing to do with the thing itself, and you don't have the keys to unlock its origins and meanings.

3. Against the ochre red background of the sunset, the dark shade of the trees is nostalgic for the haze of the Cangyuan, like a distant spiritual song, echoing low in the night sky, waiting for the bright morning light and the rising sun.

4. My African estate is located in the foothills of the Ngo Mountains, at an altitude of 6,000 feet. The earth to the north of this highland is a hundred miles in circumference, and the equator just traverses above it. During the day, when you are close to the sun, you will feel that you are suddenly much taller, and the morning and evening are so clear and quiet; at night, you will feel the wind and the cold.

5. That's what Africa is--it's tempered from six thousand feet deep--a strong and pure essence. The tones of the earth are as dry as fired pottery; the leaves hanging from the trees are light and delicate.

6. I don't want to find out that I am living for others one day, I am willing to bear the consequences, even if I am lonely or even lonely occasionally, I can accept it.

7. In the awakened world, the closest place to a dream is the city night, where everyone is strangers to each other, or the African night, where there is unlimited freedom. It is there that things are moving and destiny is evolving around you. There is life everywhere, and it is none of your business.

8. I am with you because I choose to be with you. I don't want to live my life the way other people do.

9. First, the iron itself. Among all the raw materials, iron is the most attractive and the thing that can stimulate people's imagination the most. Iron plows, iron swords, iron cannons and iron wheels - human civilization - are symbols of human conquest of nature. Iron is simple and plain, and even primitive people understand it and its meaning. , it is iron.

10. When I began to compromise with my destiny, when the negotiation of selling the manor started, the attitude of the landscape of the earth to me also began to change. Until then, I had been a part of it, and when the land was dry, I felt a fever; when the grasslands were blooming, I felt I had put on a new dress. And now, the earth parted from me and receded so that I could see it in its entirety.

11. The real aristocrats and proletarians in the world deeply understand what tragedy is. For them, tragedy is the low-pitched tone associated with God's fundamental creed, the key to survival. In this respect they are quite different from all strata of the bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie cannot bear the tragedy. Tragedy means sadness to them.

12. Maybe he knows, but I don't know. The reason why the earth is round is to prevent us from seeing further on the road.

13. The coffee garden also often presents a pleasing scene. Just entering the rainy season, the coffee flowers are in full bloom. The drizzle, the mist, and the chalky white flowers loomed over the six hundred acres like a great cascading cloud. The coffee flower has a light sloe-like slightly bitter aroma. Once the coffee beans are ripe, the garden turns red. At this time, women and children, along with men, come to pick coffee beans, and then use four-wheeled or two-wheeled vehicles to squeak and pull the coffee beans to the processing factory by the river.

14. Baron Blissson: You should ask, Dennis. Dennis: I asked and she said yes.

15. If I know a song of Africa, of the giraffe, of the African crescent, of the plowshares of the fields, and of the coffee-pickers; then does Africa also know the song of mine, over the trembling plain, is it true? With my colors, will the children invent new games named after me, shadows cast by the full moon, falling on gravel driveways, like my figure, will the eagles of Mount Nigang watch over me. . .

16. The color of the sky is almost either light blue or violet. The clouds were crowded in large groups, light and unpredictable like a tulle, constantly dense, diffused and swirling in the air. The azure sky was alive with life, and the nearby mountains and jungle were painted a bright, sombre blue. The sky at noon is very active, sometimes like a billowing lava gushing out, sometimes like a quietly flowing gurgling clear water, shining, undulating, and radiant. It reflects that all the scenery is gradually enlarged, changing into a wonderful mirage. Against such a high sky, you breathe as freely as you can. You are open-minded and confident. If you live in the African plateau, then when you open your eyes in the morning, you will feel: Oh, fortunately, I live here, this is the place I should stop.

17. I once had a farm in Africa, growing coffee beans and treating black children. In Africa, I met a lover who was desperate for freedom. He loved animals more than people. I once wrote a song in Africa, where there is a lost land, where there is a pure morning dew. I'm always empty-handed because I've touched everything. I always set off again and again, because nowhere is Africa.

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