
欢迎来到自由商业我是EricEdmeads ,我非常高兴你们能观看这个视频。

Welcome to Business of Freedom. My name is Eric Edmeads, and I'm incrediblyexcited that you're watching this video.


Right now and that you've undertaken this quest. And why.


Because I know that something about entrepreneurship, and that is that entrepreneurshipis the opportunity to work a little bit harder, a little bit smarter, for ashort period of time.


So that you can create a life that most people can't even dream about.


So I am glad that you are here now. You might know me through Wildfit orthrough my public speaking and writing. What you might not know is that I'mactually a serial entrepreneur.


My very first business was a mobile computing company that I started inEngland when I was 27 years old. I worked incredibly hard for the first threeyears of the business.


I then started to relax a little bit and work on the business, and aftersix years, I didn't need to go to work anymore. Three years later, I sold thebusiness to private buyers.


For a very nice sum of money, and retired from the I-T sector.


Before moving on to my next business endeavors, after that, I bought aspecial effects company in northern California that used to be part of LucasFilm.

我参与了阿凡达 、加勒比海盗 、钢铁侠等电影的拍摄,与此同时我创建了另一家初创公司,这家公司使用好莱坞特效技术为美国陆军提供医疗模拟设备。

I got to work on movies like Avatar, pirates of the Caribbean, an Iron Man,and at that same time,I created another startup, a company that created, using Hollywood specialeffects technology, medical simulation equipment for the US Army.


We created incredible products that won awards from the US Congress to theUS Army. And what was so interesting about that business was rather than takingsix years to get to the point that I had business freedom.

只花了18个月,有什么区别呢? 我知道很多!

It only took eighteen months. What was the difference I knew stuff.


I had experimented, I'd made mistakes, and I'd learned, and you get thebenefit of that Over the next six weeks.


So let's talk a little bit about what business freedom is in order tounderstand what business freedom is, let's talk about what it isn't.


Isn't what most people do when they start a business. A huge number ofpeople go out and start businesses, and 80% of them will be out of businessbefore their fifth anniversary. it's incredible.


What that first of all tells me is, anybody going out there to become anentrepreneur must be fairly optimistic, because they're investing in somethingthat has an eighty percent failure rate.


And then for the 20% that make it the one out of five that make it to theirfifth anniversary, how do they get there.

他们靠蛮力努力工作, 牺牲自己的健康!

They get there through brute force, hard work, sacrifice, sacrificing theirhealth.


Sacrificing time with their family, sacrificing their quality of life andoften not even paying themselves enough to justify that sacrifice.


So what is business freedom Business freedom is rooted in the understandingthat when you build a business, you are building a machine, you're building asystem.


And you're building something that ultimately should take on a life of itsown. One day, it should be able to operate without you Now,That happens in stages, and so we talk about two levels of businessfreedom, and I'd like you to think about where you are now, and I'd like you toalso think about where you'd like to end up.

当我说到你现在的位置,我知道你们当中有些人,现在正在看这个视频,他们甚至还没有开始自己的事业,或者有些人是企业家,你们靠自己在想,哇 我真的可以创业吗?

When I talk about where you are now,I know some of you that are watching this video right now haven't evenstarted your business or some of you are so entrepreneurs, you're on your ownand you're thinking, wow, can I really build a business.


Some of you have a few team members already, and some of you have quitesubstantial businesses.


I want you to know that this quest is designed to support all of you nomatter where you are on your entrepreneurial journey. So let's talk about thetwo levels of business freedom.


Level one, business freedom is quite simple, it's where your businessoperates.

并且很好地支持你,让你能把大部分时间花在你喜欢的事情上 ,举个例子, 如果你是一个平面设计师, 这意味着你要花大部分的时间做艺术 、你可以创作画画 、做你喜欢的事情。

And supports you so well that you get to spend the vast majority of yourtime doing what you love. So for example, if you're a graphic artist, it meansthat you get to spend the majority of your time.Doing art that you get to be creating and drawing and doing the things thatyou love.

而不是自己做营销 、自己核算 、自己倒垃圾 ,无论你是牙医还是律师, 无论你从事什么行业, 这都是一样的。

Rather than doing your own, marketing, your own accounting and taking outthe trash. And this is the same whether you're a dentist or a lawyer orwhatever business you're in.

这个想法是你建立一个公司来照顾你, 它可以做所有你不喜欢做的工作, 这样你就可以花时间了做自己想做的事,随你们喜欢我会给你们一些例子,让你们真正理解 ,我见过这个牙医一次

The idea is, is that you build a company that takes care of you. Itperforms all the jobs that you don't really like to do so that you can spendthe Time.Doing what you like, I'm going to give you some examples of this as we gothrough so that you really get an understanding. I saw this dentist once.

真的爱牙科,去看牙医你知道有趣的是什么 我们开始聊了聊

Really loved Dentistry.Went in to go see the dentist, and you know what was interesting. Westarted having a bit of a conversation.

现在我要告诉你们,你们知道对话是怎样的?牙医他说话很清楚, 而我的大部分话就像是, 哦 ,在这里说话, 因为我的嘴都冻僵了 ,但这仍然是一次有趣的对话。

Now I have to tell you, you know how conversations are The dentist, hecould speak clearly, and most of my words were like, oh, talk right there,because my mouth is frozen, but it was still a fascinating conversation.

事情是这样的,我问他花在牙科上的时间百分比是多少? 他一周花30个小时。

And here's how it went. I asked him, what percentage of his time was hespending on actual dentistry, and he was spending about thirty hours a week.


Then I asked him, what percentage of your time are you spending on othernon dentistry things And he just got all down.

他垂着肩膀垂着头 ,开始谈论会计。

His shoulders drooped, his head drooped, and he started talking aboutaccounting.

采购和管理东西这让他耗尽了精力 ,他每周还要花30个小时在这上面。

And purchasing and managing things, and it was just draining energy fromhim. And he was doing another thirty hours a week on that.

所以他每周工作60个小时 ,赚的钱还不够多 ,还花了一半的时间。

So he was working sixty hour weeks, not earning enough money to justify allthis, and spending 50% of his time.

做一些他绝对不喜欢的事情, 第一步是让他获得一个职位。

Doing things he absolutely didn't like. The first level would be to movehim to a position.

在那里, 他以一种如此稳健的方式创建了公司以至于他可以在任何一天走进办公室, 花上95%的时间。

Where he built the business in such a robust way that he could walk intothe office on any given day and spend 95% of his time.

追随他的激情,那就是给人们带来灿烂的微笑 ,这就是他想做的。

Following his passion, and that is to give people great smiles, that's whathe wanted to do Now,


Level two business freedom.

你甚至都不用再这样做了,现在我知道 ,对你们中的一些人来说, 这是一个太远的桥, 你不是真的对它感兴趣 ,你喜欢你的事业, 你想做你正在做的事情, 你为什么要停止这样做。

Is where you don't even have to do that anymore. Now I know, for some ofyou, that's a bridge too far, you're not really interested in it, you like yourbusiness, you want to be doing what you're doing. Why would you want to stopdoing it.

这是一种奇怪的平衡,因为每个人都说, 如果你真的想在商界取得成功,找到你真正感兴趣的事情去做 ,找到一种追随你的热情而获得报酬的方式。

And it's a strange balance, because everybody says, if you really want tobe successful out there in business,Find something you're really passionate about, go do that find a way to getpaid for following your passion.

完全正确,我喜欢这个想法, 然后人们会说 ,好吧, 如果我找到了一种让我失去激情的方式来获得报酬 ,为什么我还想要第二层次的商业自由 ,在那里我甚至不用再做那些事了, 好吧。原因有很多。第一 ,激情变了。

That's exactly right, I love that idea. And then people say, well, if Ifound a way to get paid for falling my passion, why would I want level twobusiness freedom, where I don't even have to do that anymore. Well,There's a couple of reasons, one, passions change.

难道你现在喜欢做的事。几年后就会变得无聊这不是完全可能的吗。 难道不是吗?

Don't they Isn't it entirely possible that what you love doing right nowtoday will actually be boring for you in a couple of years, isn't that possibleAnd then there's something Else.

安全 ,即使你热爱你正在做的事,如果你出了什么事,或者你的家庭发生了什么事,你现在不得不离开工作很长一段时间 ,你的企业完全依赖于你 ,而不是你处于危险之中。

Security, even if you love doing what you're doing, if something happens toyou,Or something happens to your family where you now have to take an extendedtime away from work, and your business is absolutely dependent on you than youare in jeopardy?

所以,你能做的最有价值的事情之一,就是建立一个不需要你在场的企业,我要回到牙科, 举个例子。

And so one of the most valuable things you can do is build a business thatdoesn't actually require you to be there. I'm going to go back to dentistry,for example of this. Because.

几年前, 我住在英格兰西部我又要去看牙医, 所以我去了牙医街诊所。

Some years ago, I was living in the West of England, and again, I had to goand see a dentist, so I got to the dentist Street office.

它非常大让我印象深刻 ,我是说 ,我住在一个非常小的城镇 ,那里有一个巨大的建筑, 是休斯顿队。

And it was quite big, I was pretty impressed, I mean, I was living in avery small town, and there was this huge building. It was the Houstons.

一个夫妻团队创建了一个牙科诊所,但我环顾四周 ,发现他们有最好的设备, 我是说, 记住 这是二十多年前的事了。

A husband and wife team that had created dentistry clinic, but I lookedaround and they had the top equipment. I mean, bear in mind, this is twentysome years ago.

我不得不做X光检查 ,他们拍了X光片, X光片立刻出现在屏幕上,现在这是很正常的 ,在当时, 这是牙科的前沿。

And I had to have some X rays done, and they took the x rays, and the xrays appeared immediately on the screen. these days, that's fairly normal, backthen, that was the cutting edge of Dentistry.


How is it that this small town dentist in this tiny little town in the Westof England had such cutting edge technology?

有这么大的大楼有这么多牙医 ,所以当他们成为我的定期牙医时 ,每次我去看他们, 我都会发现更多的东西 ,以下是我的发现。

And had such a big building and had so many dentists. So as they became myregular dentist, I would find out a little bit more each time I went for avisit, and here's what I found out. The Houstons.


Had started off as a husband and wife dentist repair. They had a smallclinic.

他们会做牙医的工作,然后过一段时间 ,因为他们非常擅长营销。

They would do dentistry work, and then after a while, because they were sogood at marketing.

他们有这么多的口碑广告,最终不得不开始拒绝顾客, 然后他们意识到很多牙医都不擅长营销。

And they had so much good word of mouth advertising, they ended up havingto start turning customers away. And then they realized something Most dentistsare not particularly good at marketing.

大多数牙医去接受教育,认为他们所要做的就是在办公室里挂个牌子, 人们就会来找他们 ,事实是 ,现在不是这样了, 他们怎么做的?

Most dentists go out and get their education and think all they have to dois get themselves in office and put a sign up, and people will just show up,and the truth is, it's not like that anymore, so what did they do.

他们找到其他牙医,告诉他们说,你可以来我们的诊所工作, 我们会支付所有的日常费用 ,我们有最好的技术 ,我们有员工, 你不需要做任何管理工作 ,他们提供了什么?

They approached other dentists and said, look, you can come and work at ourclinic. We'll cover all the overheads. We have the best technology, we have,the staff, you won't have to do any administration. What were they offering.


They were offering the other dentists.Level one business freedom.

在那里他们所要做的就是担心牙医,所以他们每小时赚的钱少了一些, 但他们不需要自己管理.

Where all they had to do was worry about the dentistry. And so they made alittle bit less money per hour, but then they didn't have to do any of theirown administration.

他们可以花时间追随自己的爱好,粗略地说 ,他们从每名牙医身上赚取了25%的利润 ,等等, 这里有一些数学问题.

And they could spend their time following their passion and roughlyspeaking, it looks like they were making about a twenty five percent margin oneach dentist. Now hold on, there's some math Here.

但是我想让你们思考一下,如果他们从每个牙医身上赚取25%的利润 ,他们需要多少牙医?

But I want you to think about this if they're making a twenty five percentmargin on each dentist, how many dentists do they need.

如果他们不想再工作了,就可以保护自己, 对每一个右边,四个人会替换其中一个,再替换另一个 ,这意味着如果他们有8个牙医和他们一起工作.

To cover themselves if they don't want to work anymore. Well, for eachright.Four will replace one of them in four, replace the other. That means ifthey had eight dentists working with them.

他们就不用再工作了,他们有20个, 这意味着他们不仅不用再工作, 而且真的不用再工作了!

They wouldn't have to work anymore. They had twenty, which means not onlydid they not have to work anymore, but they really didn't have to work anymore.

神奇之处在于,他们还在,他们还在那里, 他们仍然为他们的顶级客户服务, 他们很乐于其中。

And here's the magic.They still did, they were still there. They still served their top clients.They love.

给别人微笑,但他们有完全的商业自由, 他们不需要在那里。

Giving people their smiles, but they have complete business freedom. Theydon't have to be there.

这意味着,如果他们想要延长假期,他们可以 ,这意味着如果他们有家庭紧急情况 ,他们可以离开 ,这也意味着,如果他们想离开。

Which means that if they want to take extended vacations, they can, whichmeans if they have a family emergency, they're okay, they can take the timeaway, which means also that should they want to exit.

如果他们想要出售公司,他们当然可以 ,所以我真的很高兴,你现在在这里 ,不管你的生意处于什么阶段。

Should they want to sell the business, they absolutely can And so I amreally excited for you to be here right now, no matter what stage of businessyou're at.


Because over the next six weeks, I'm going to share with you the strategiesand distinctions that I used.

为了我自己的商业自由,所以你可以做同样的事情 ,无论你想要第一级还是第二级 ,或者你想要从一个或另一个过渡 ,我们绝对可以让你做到。

To great business freedom for myself, so that you can do the same thing, whetheryou want level one or whether you want level two, or whether you want atransition from one or the other, we can absolutely get you there.


Let me tell you how to get the very most out of this program, and then I'mgoing to tell you a little bit about what's contained inside the program.

我不喜欢,为了从这个节目中得到最大的收获,我想和你们分享一些关于学习的东西 ,当你自私地学习一些东西时, 也就是说 ,你只是为了自己而学习。

I don't.To get the most out of this program, I want to share something with youabout learning, when you learn something selfishly, that is to say you learn itjust for yourself.

你以一种方式储存记忆,但当你学习某样东西并完全打算把它教给别人时, 你储存记忆的方式就会发生改变。

You store it one way in your memory, but when you learn something with thecomplete intention to teach it to somebody else, it changes the way you storethe memory.

举个例子,如果我想教你一些东西 ,但要求你准备好把同样的东西教给隔壁房间的一个五岁的孩子 ,这真的很有趣。

It's really quite interesting if I for example, wanted to teach yousomething, but asked you to be ready to teach that same thing to a five yearold in the next Room.

当你为我学习的时候,你会不断地问 ,我怎么能教一个五岁的孩子。

As you were learning it for me, you'd constantly asking, how could I teachthis to a five year old.

这就会在课程周围形成额外的结构,这就会使记忆更加深入, 同样的, 如果我说, 你听到了什么 ,你就需要学习。

And that would create extra structure around the lesson, and it would causethe memory to sink in more deeply, equally, if I said to, you hear something,you need to learn.

但你需要把它教给你的父母,他们不是五岁的孩子 ,对吧 ,这是一个不同的模式 ,你也会问同样的问题。

But you need to teach it to your paren'ts, who are not five year olds,right? It's a different model. You would be asking the same question.


How would I teach it to them And you'd be getting different answers,because the way you would teach it to a five year old might be very differentfrom the way you taught it to your paren'ts either way.

通过知道你要教某人,你会更整体地存储记忆 ,所以,现在 ,我想让你好好想想。

By knowing that you're going to teach to somebody, you're going to storethe memories more holistically. So.Right now, I want you to think about this.

当你进行这个探索的时候,当你进行这个过程的时候 ,你会和谁分享这些信息, 你会和现在和你一起工作的人分享吗? 商业伙伴, 同伴, 也许是你在一个大师小组里的人。

As you go through this quest, as you go through this process, who will youshare this information with, will you share it with people that currently workwith you, business partners, peers, maybe somebody you have in a masterinegroup.

或者 ,随着公司的发展,你会和自己的员工分享这些信息吗? 你越清楚你会和谁分享这些信息, 这些信息就会深入你的身体。

Or will you share with your own employees as you grow your company, themore clear you can become about who you will share this information with, thedeeper the information will go into you.


And it will become more a part of you naturally.

当你完全参与时,你改变了一切 ,许多人在进行数字培训时面临的一个挑战是 ,他们像Netflix节目一样教授数字培训。

When you participate fully, you change everything. One of the challengesthat many people have when they're doing digital trainings is they teach itlike a Netflix show.

他们教它就像坐在沙发上看着它得到信息, 你知道吗 ,不是这样的, 你有过这样的经历吗?

They teach it like they can just sit on the couch, watch it get theinformation in, do you know what It doesn't work that way. Have you ever hadthe experience where you're.

看电影或者看电视 ,然后切到广告或者你去洗手间之类的。

Watching a movie or.Watching television and it cuts away to a commercial, or you go to thebathroom or something.

然后当你走回去或者当广告结束时你甚至忘了你在看什么节目, 你有过很多人都有的经历吗 ?那是因为当你看东西的时候,它只会进入你意识的表层所以在这个项目中 ,我希望你全程参与。

And then as you're walking back or as the commercial ends, you actuallyeven forgot what show you're watching. Have you ever had that experience manypeople have. And that's because when you possibly watch something.It only ever kind of goes to the surface of your consciousness. So for thisprogram, I want you in all the way.

也就是说关掉你的移动设备 ,确保你在一个安静的地方, 把这当成你和我之间的对话, 如果我问你一个问题 ,请回答,甚至大声。

That is to say, turn your mobile device off, make sure you're in a quietplace, treat this like a conversation between you and I, if I ask you aquestion, please answer it.Even out loud.

即使周围有人,即使他们认为你有点疯狂, 因为如果你把它当成一个互动练习 ,你将会有一个显著的,更好的体验,所以请充分参与。

Even if there are people around, even if they think you're a little bitcrazy, because if you treat it like an interactive exercise, you are going tohave a significantly.Better experience, so please participate fully.

这个任务的设计方式,是通过渐进的改进,这意味着, 在第一周,我们要开始学习一些东西做一些事情 ,这是很大的不同 ,对吧, 我们要做一些事情,在探索的每一天。

The way this quest is designed.Is through incremental improvement. What that means is, is that in thefirst week.We're going to start learning some things and doing some things, that's abig difference, right? We're going to do some stuff.And every single day through the quest.

你要承担的小任务会随着我们的进展变得越来越复杂,这将为第六周做准备, 这将是非常沉重的一周 ,有很多不可思议的事情。

You're going to be taking on small assignments that are going to be growingin complexity as we go along. That'll be preparing you for week six, which isgoing to be a pretty heavy week of incredible things.

这将告诉你如何在今年将销售额翻倍,甚至三倍,所以我们要做的就是确保你从小事开始 ,这很诱人, 在第一个视频中。

That could well show you how to double or even triple your sales this year.So what we want to do is make sure that you actually start with the smallstuff. It's very tempting, In the first video.

作业很少你会说, 啊 我不需要这么做 ,不 ,那正是你开始的地方, 你从小事开始 ,然后做一些更大的事情。

The assignment's very small. You're like, ah, I don't need to do that, no,that's exactly where you start. You start with the small stuff, and you do thisslightly bigger stuff.

在这六周的时间里我们将锻炼肌肉, 这绝对有助于我们创造商业自由。

And over the course of the six weeks, we're going to build the muscles thatwill absolutely help us create business freedom.

最后 ,我最喜欢的表达之一是来自非洲的一句谚语,说如果你想走得快, 就独自走 ,但如果你想走得远。

Lastly, one of my favorite expressions is a proverb from Africa that saysif you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far.

一起去 ,我要你和你的团队一起去,现在在这个连接应用里 ,你可以和各种各样的人联系,他们在做这个生意, 追求自由或者以前做过。

Go together, and I want you to do this with your team. Now in theconnections app, you can connect with all kinds of people that are doing thisbusiness, freedom quest or that have done it before?

你猜怎么着,他们有经验, 他们有知识 ,他们有激情 ,他们有热情 ,他们和你有共同语言 换句话说 ,你可以进去。

And guess what, they have experience, they have knowledge, they haveexcitement, they have enthusiasm and they have common language with you. Inother words, you can go in there.

问问题, 测试市场营销活动从人们那里获得各种反馈, 这些反馈会给你更多信息, 但也会让你更有责任感。

Ask questions, test marketing campaigns and get all kinds of feedback frompeople that will give you additional information, but it'll also give youaccountability.


And it will give you the opportunity to do some masterminding.

例如, 我们可能有一个练习,你可能想进入连接应用程序, 问有人愿意和我一起做这个练习吗 ,这会让它对你更有帮助。

So for example, we might have an exercise, you might want to go into theConnections app and say, would anybody like to do this exercise with me Andthat will make it even more powerful for you.

好了, 让我们来谈谈接下来的六周我们要做些什么,对于你们已经做过的事情你们会知道, 我们不会透露第二周和第三周发生了什么。

OK, so let's talk about what we're going to do over the next six weeks forthose you've done, wildfit, you'll know, we don't reveal what's happening inweek two and week Three.

每周都有,这次我要给你, 现在你会知道我们首先要做什么 ,程序的结构是这样的。

Comes along each week, this time, I'm going to give it to you. Now you'regoing to know exactly what we're going to do, first of all. The structure ofthe program is this.

每周一到周五都有视频,接下来的六周, 周一通常会有一个较长的视频介绍本周的主题。

There are videos Monday through Friday each week, for the next six weeks,on Monday, there's typically a bit of a longer video that introduces the topicof the week.

每周都有较短的视频,但每一天都有小作业 ,就像我们刚才说的。

And then through the week there are shorter videos, but every single daythere are small assignments, like we just talked about.

你需要现在就完成,这样他们才会逐渐开始为你建立商业自由 ,记住这一点, 在第一周, 我们将讨论你的领导力。

That you need to get done now so that they incrementally begin to buildbusiness freedom for you With that in mind, in week one, we're going to betalking about you Leadership.


Entrepreneurship from the leader perspective. Why.


Well, because if you want to build a good business, you can go studybusiness.

但是如果你想要建立一个非凡的事业,一个真正提高你的生活质量,并创造影响力的事业, 那么你就为自己而努力。

But if you want to build a phenomenal business, a business that trulyenhances your quality of life and frankly creates an impact, then you work onyou.

所以第一周是关于领导原则的 ,在第二周 ,我们将致力于创造你的愿景 ,我们要学习商业规划。

And so the whole first week is on leadership principles, and you, in weeknumber two, we're going to work on creating your vision. We're going to beworking on business planning.


And creating a really solid vision for your business.

因为你的愿景越强大越生动, 你就越容易克服前进道路上的障碍, 相信我, 肯定会有障碍。

Because the more powerful and the more vivid your vision is, the easierwill be for you to overcome the obstacles that are on their way. And trust me,there are definitely going to be obstacles.

我发现 ,当一个人有两周的假期,当障碍出现时 ,他们不知道自己在做什么。

What I have found is that when somebody has two week away and they don'treally understand what they're doing when an obstacle comes along,

障碍不会变成障碍,只有当你有一个真正强大的愿景时 ,它才会成为障碍。

The obstacle doesn't become an obstacle, it becomes a barrier when you havea really powerful vision.

你一直坚持着而且你已经说得很清楚了, 当有选择的时候 ,你就跳过它 ,所以我们也要过一个星期。

And you held on to it and you've made it crystal clear. Then when an optioncomes along, you like, step over it. And so we're going to go through a weekToo.

帮助你建立一个真正强大的愿景在第三周, 我们将讨论一个叫做许多出口的系统。

Helping you create a really powerful vision. In week three, we're going tobe talking about a system called many Exits.

这是什么意思? 我们要谈一下整体的退出策略,因为你可能有一天想要卖掉你的公司或者授权或者特许经营。

What does that mean? Well, we're going to talk a little bit about overallexit strategies, because you may want to sell your business one day or licenseit or franchise it.

或者以某种方式退出,但在你能做到这一点之前,你需要做一系列的多次离职,也就是说很多人辞掉一份工作, 开了一家公司 ,然后发现他们有14份工作。

Or exit from it in some way. But long before you can ever do that.You need to make what we call a series of many exits, that is to say thatmany people quit one job, start a company and find that they had fourteen jobs?


And so in week three, we're going to be going through a really fantasticsystem to show you.

如何慢慢地稳定地把自己从不喜欢的工作中解脱出来 ,建立一个能让你集中大部分时间的公司。

How to slowly and steadily work yourself out of the jobs that you don'treally enjoy doing and build a business that allows you to focus the vastmajority of time.

做你真正喜欢的事情在第四周,我们将通过讨论人来完成这个谜题 ,我们将讨论如何找到。

Doing things that you really love In week four, we're going to completethat puzzle by talking about people, we're going to talk about how to find.

留住和培训最优秀的超级明星团队成员,确保你建立了一个稳健的业务, 无论你是否在那里 ,都绝对可以运作。

Retain and train the very best superstar team members to make sure that youbuild a robust business that absolutely can operate, whether or not you arethere.

第五周 ,我们将讨论改进系统,这是什么意思? 嗯 ,很多公司试图做大量的改进, 比如一年一次或一个季度一次。

And in week five, we're going to be talking about improvement systems. Whatdoes that mean? Well, a lot of companies try to make massive improvements, sayonce a year or once a quarter.

我们将通过一个系统来定期渐进地改进, 这样你的生意就能从复合回报中获益。

And we're going to go through a system of creating regular, incrementalimprovements so that your business can benefit from the compounded return ofmaking.

更有规律的改进,而不必总是做出大的改变, 但要找到方法, 确保你能尽早发现事情。

More regular improvements without having to make big shifts all the time,but finding ways to make sure that you catch things early.

尽快解决这些问题,这样你的业务才能成倍增长。 然后,第六周我们将深入学习市场营销 ,我将向你们展示我认为营销应该更像管道。

And fix them fast so that your business can grow exponentially. And then.In week six, we're going to dive into marketing. I'm going to show you thatI believe that marketing should be more like plumbing.

换句话说当你有非常好的营销系统时, 它应该是这样的 ,我们需要更多的生意 ,打开水龙头吧。

In other words, when you have really good marketing systems, it should belike this. We need more business, let's turn on the tap.

更多的生意来了,我们已经满负荷运转了,让我们把水龙头调低一点, 我们将学习初始营销, 我们将向你们展示如何大规模地提高你们的导流。

And more business comes, oh,We're full up at capacity, let's dial down the tap a little bit, we'regoing to be learning about inception, marketing, we're going to show you howmassively improve your lead flow.


And then also improve your conversion and your reorderate.


We're going to show you how to create marketing so good that it doesn'teven look like marketing, that ultimately.

你不必推销你自己,你将吸引业务 ,我现在可以告诉你 ,如果你运用, 这6种的原则, 那是绝对可能的。

Rather than having to promote yourself, you're going to be attractingbusiness to you. I can tell you now that if you apply the principles of Waitsix, it is absolutely possible.

在接下来的三到六个月里,你的销售额可能会翻倍甚至三倍 ,你可能会问, 第一周为什么不教我这个呢 ?

That over the next three to six months, you could double or even tripleyour sales, and you might be asking, well, why not teach me that And week one.

现在就告诉你为什么,因为对大多数人来说, 在头五周不做工作的情况下,将销售额翻倍就意味着工作。

Tell you right now why Because for most people to double their saleswithout doing the work of the first five weeks will mean working.


Double hard, does it make sense What we want to do is make sure we set thebusiness up.


So that it is robust.

程序化,系统化,我们知道在哪里找到合适的人, 以及如何找到他们, 这样当我们的销售额翻倍三倍时 ,企业就能处理好。

Procedureized, systemized, we know where to get the right people and how toget them so that when we double in triple sales, the business can handle it.

当我们的销售额翻倍三倍时,它并不会导致我们作为企业主的工作量翻倍或三倍 ,因为你的生意越来越大。

And when we double in triple sales, it doesn't cause a doubling or triplingof the amount of work we as the business owner have to do as your business getsbigger.

当你的生意越来越忙的时候,你的生活应该会变得更轻松, 这就是这个探索的全部意义。

As your business gets busier, your life should be getting easier, andthat's what this quest is all about.

所以为了真正奠定基础让你开始 ,我们提供了商业自由审计, 企业自由审计是一种来评估你现在在商业自由范围内的位置。

So to really lay the foundation and get you started, we've provided youwith the business freedom audit. The business freedom audit is an.That you go through to evaluate where you are now on the business freedomspectrum.

你有机会看看每一个业务部门,然后在这些部门中给它们打分, 从0到5, 然后找出你在哪里。

You have the opportunity to look at each of the business departments andthen areas within those departments and rate them on a score from zero to fiveto find out where you are.


On the audit, you'll see exactly what's required to have a five out of fiverating.

它会告诉你为了在这个特定区域得到五分中的五分 ,你必须有这个 ,这个, 这个和这个。

So it'll tell you, in order to have a five out of five rating in thisparticular area, you have to have this and this and this and this and this.

如果你没有这些东西,你就不会得到五分中的五分 ,然后你会给自己打分 ,它会给你一个总体分数 ,现在我要警告你。

And to the degree you don't have those things, you don't have a five out offive rating, and so then you will self rate yourself, it will give you anoverall score. Now I want to warn you.

对你们很多人来说,这次审计实际上会很有压力, 起初,因为它会告诉你为你自己创造业务自由需要做多少工作。

For many of you, this audit will actually be stressful. At first,Because it will show you exactly how much work is going to be required tocreate business freedom for yourself.

有时这样做不是一件好事,有时当你在攀登一座大山时, 最好不要看到整座山 ,最好一步一步来 。

And sometimes that's not a kind thing to do, sometimes when you're climbinga big mountain, it's better to not be able to see the whole mountain. It'sbetter to do it one step at a time. And.


It is always important to know where the summit is.

所以这次审计,是为了告诉你们峰会在哪里以及到达那里需要做什么, 我想让你们知道 ,如果一开始感觉有点难以承受。

And so this audit is about showing you where the summit is, and what'sgoing to be required to get you there, and I want you to know that if itinitially feels a little overwhelming.


Then you should also look at it another way.


Because once you've completed test, it'll be like a road map.

你需要把你的重点放在哪里以建立业务自由 ,所以请在第一个视频之前完成业务自由审计。

Of exactly where you need to put your focus for you to build businessfreedom. So please get the business freedom audit done before the first video.

话虽如此,把审计工作做完, 我们周一见。

With that said, get the audit done, and I will see you on Monday.

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