
The goal of strategy: Win all without fighting

Mark McNeilly

Many city-states, countries and empires have been built by leveraging their unique history, geography and assets to control their environment. Thus, they were able to survive, achieve stability and ultimately prosper for hundreds of years.


Businesses, like countries, have a unique history and a set of assets. But how does one judge whether a business has been successful? The Western view is that a business exists primarily to provide a return on investment for stockholders. In contrast, the Asian view is that a business exists primarily to provide jobs for its employees. Although both views differ, there is one constant between them: To meet either goal, a business must survive and prosper. Therefore, successful businesses, like successful countries, are those that may have started small but ended up surviving and prospering over a long period.


If the goal of a business is to survive and prosper, then what is the goal of its strategy? Sun Tzu offers this advice:


Your aim must be to take All- Under-Heaven intact. Thus your troops are not worn out and your gains will be complete. This is the art of offensive strategy.


The goal of business strategy must be "to take All-Under-Heaven intact" — to capture your marketplace. You must define the markets you are going after and commit to achieving relative market dominance in those markets. By doing so, your company will ensure its survival and prosperity.


There are many examples of companies that have done this. They began as seedlings, but used creative strategy to bring value to the marketplace, grew quickly, and continued doing business successfully for a number of years. They had to be able to gain a position in their industry or niche that enabled them to protect themselves and shape the forces in their industry in their favor. They achieved relative market dominance.


Market dominance can appear in many forms; technology leadership, brand recognition or cost leadership are some signs of it. Market dominance can also be thought of in terms of market share. Companies with dominant market share in an industry segment or an entire industry are more able to influence the industry, direct its evolution and establish an excellent competitive position. Their powerful position allows them to set the industry's standards and define the playing field. Firms that have achieved dominant market share most likely also enjoy the advantages of higher customer loyalty, larger volumes, better economies of scale, and strong distribution capabilities. In addition, substantial data and research have shown that market share and profitability go hand-in-hand in a number of industry environments. Those same advantages tend to increase revenues and lower unit costs, thus increasing profitability. If a company can achieve relative market dominance properly, prosperity will eventually come.


In the 1970s and 1980s, Japanese companies, with their long-term view of strategy, emphasis on competition and survival, and belief that business is war, supported this thinking. Japanese companies were very successful at capturing market share and achieving a dominant position in many industries. Whether the industry involved automobiles, consumer electronics or office equipment, the inroads they made in US, European and Asian markets were significant. This provided these Japanese companies with the ability to influence their respective industries and ensure their survival, even when American and European firms began to successfully respond to their attacks.


In the United States, GE's John Welch charged his business units to be number one or number two in their industry or face being sold off. Microsoft's dominance of the software market for personal computer operating systems has enabled it to call the tune that other computer system companies, application software companies and PC hardware firms have danced to for the last decade. Microsoft's CEO and chief strategist, William H. Gates III, has been able to influence the industry so effectively that it is difficult for any firm to make a move without considering how Microsoft will react. Both Microsoft and GE have experienced prosperity utilizing this strategy. GE, a 60-billion-dollar company, became America's most profitable company in 1994 with earnings of 6 billion dollars. Microsoft has also done well; between 1990 and 1994, its sales grew 47 percent and its profits increased 53 percent per year.

在美国,通用电气的约翰•韦尔奇(John Welch)要求他的业务部门成为行业第一或第二,否则将面临被出售的局面。微软在个人电脑操作系统软件市场上的主导地位,使其能够成为其他电脑系统公司、应用软件公司和个人电脑硬件公司过去十年的主旋律。微软的首席执行官兼首席策略师威廉·h·盖茨三世(William H. Gates III)已经能够有效地影响这个行业,任何一家公司都很难不考虑微软的反应就采取行动。微软和通用电气利用这一战略都取得了成功。通用电气,一个价值600亿美元的公司,在1994年以60亿美元的收入成为美国最赚钱的公司。微软也做得不错;从1990年到1994年,它的销售额增长了47%,利润每年增长了53%。

One may argue that relative market dominance is not necessary for survival and prosperity, pointing to small "corporate Switzerlands" as examples. The country of Switzerland has survived hundreds of years and prospered; it has done this not by seeking expansion and domination but by creating a strong defensive position. Switzerland combines a well-trained citizen army with its forbidding terrain, thus making the costs of attacking it outweigh the benefits of conquering it. The Swiss also use their neutrality to serve the warring nations of the globe, playing a key role as a site for negotiations and a go-between for antagonists. Switzerland utilizes the assets it has been given and a unique strategy to find a defensible position in the world.


Likewise, companies do exist with low market share that have found defensible positions in their industry along with sustained profitability. They too have done so by understanding their strengths and weaknesses and using strategy to create a place in which they can survive and prosper.


However, these businesses, like Switzerland, exist at the whim of the dominant players. Like major world powers, at any time market leaders may decide that these little "Switzerlands" have served their purpose in the industry and choose to eliminate them. Although a small company might cause a lot of problems for a dominant player before going away, in the end it would be eliminated. Thus, the only true way to control your firm's destiny is to drive for relative market dominance. This must be your purpose.


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