

英文 中文
What is the cost of lies? 谎言的代价是什么
It's not that we'll mistake them for the truth. 并不是它会被错当成真相
The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, 真正的危险是如果我们听了太多谎言
then we no longer recognize the truth at all. 会再无法分辨出真相
What can we do then? 到时我们要怎么办
What else is left but to abandon even the hope of truth 只能抛弃追寻真相的希望
and content ourselves instead with stories? 而满足于编造的故事
In these stories, it doesn't matter who the heroes are. 在这些故事里我们不关心英雄是谁
All we want to know is: who is to blame? 只想知道该责怪谁
莫斯科 1988年4月26日
In this story, it was Anatoly Dyatlov. 在这则故事里安纳托利·迪亚特洛夫被怪罪
He was the best choice. 他是最佳选择
An arrogant, unpleasant man, 他是个自大讨厌的人
he ran the room that night, he gave the orders... 他是那晚的负责人是他下了令
and no friends. 而且他没有朋友
Or, at least, not important ones. 至少没有身居高位的朋友
And now Dyatlov will spend the next ten years 现在迪亚特洛夫被判在劳改营
in a prison labor camp. 服刑十年
Of course, that sentence is doubly unfair. 当然了这个刑罚并不公平

There were far greater criminals than him at work. 还有比他罪行更深重的人
And as for what Dyatlov did do, 而就迪亚特洛夫的确犯的罪而言
the man doesn't deserve prison. 他也不该被判服刑
He deserves death. 他该被判死刑
But instead, ten years for "criminal mismanagement." 但他被判了十年罪名是"管理不善罪"
What does that mean? 那什么意思啊
No one knows. It doesn't matter. 没人知道也无所谓
What does matter is that, to them, 重要的是对于他们来说
justice was done. 正义已得伸张
Because, you see, to them 因为你瞧对于他们
a just world is a sane world. 正义的世界是正常的
There was nothing sane about Chernobyl. 但切尔诺贝利事件毫无正常可言
What happened there, what happened after, 那里发生的事后来发生的事
even the good we did, all of it... 甚至是我们做的补救那一切
all of it... madness. 全部都...是疯狂的
Well, I've given you everything I know. 我已说出了我知道的一切
They'll deny it, of course. 他们当然会否认
They always do. 一向如此
I know you'll try your best. 我知道你会尽力而为
切尔诺贝利 第一集
苏联乌克兰普里皮亚季 两年零一分钟前
Lyudmilla? 柳德米拉
Comrade Dyatlov! Comrade Dyatlov! 迪亚特洛夫同志迪亚特洛夫同志
What just happened? 发生了什么
I don't know. 我不知道
There's a fire in the turbine hall. 汽轮机大厅着火了
The turbine hall. 汽轮机大厅
The control system tank. Hydrogen. 控制系统水箱氢气
You and Toptunov, you morons blew the tank! 你和托普特诺夫你俩白痴把水箱炸了
- No, that's not-- - This is an emergency. -不是的-现在是紧急情况
Everyone stay calm. Our first priority is-- 所有人保持冷静我们首先要...
- It's exploded! - We know. -爆炸了-我们知道了
Akimov, are we cooling the reactor core? 阿基莫夫在冷却反应堆芯了吧
We shut it down, but the control rods are still active. 已关闭反应堆但控制棒仍在运行
They're not all the way in, I disengaged the clutch. 没有完全插入我已切断离合了
Try and disconnect the servos from the standby console. 试试用备用控制台切断伺服系统
You two, get the backup pumps running. 你俩去启动备用泵
We need water moving through the core. 我们需要水流过堆芯
- That is all that matters. - There is no core. -那才是最重要的-堆芯没了
It exploded, the core exploded. 爆炸了堆芯爆炸了

He's in shock. Get him out of here. 他吓傻了把他带出去
The lid is off! 盖子飞了
The stack is burning. I saw it. 石墨砌体烧起来了我看见的
You're confused. RBMK reactor cores don't explode. 你脑子乱了RBMK反应堆的堆芯不可能爆炸
- Akimov... - Sasha. -阿基莫夫...-萨沙
Don't worry, we did everything right. 别担心我们的操作没有问题
Something... something strange has happened. 是...发生了什么奇怪的事
- Do you taste metal? - Akimov! -你尝到金属味儿了吗-阿基莫夫
Comrade Perevozchenko, 佩罗沃钦科同志
what you're saying is physically impossible. 你所说的在物理上是不可能的
The core can't explode. It has to be the tank. 堆芯不会爆炸只可能是水箱爆炸
We're wasting time. Let's go. 我们在耽误时间快行动
Get the hydrogen out of the generators and pump water into the core. 把氢从发电机中排出去泵水到堆芯里
- What about the fire? - Call the fire brigade. -那火怎么办呢-叫消防队来
You're not on call tonight. 你今晚不值班啊
They're bringing everybody in, military and civil. 他们调集了所有人军事和民用消防局
Pripyat, Polesskoe, Kiev. 普里皮亚季玻列斯科基辅
This is a big one. 这次火情很严重
But it doesn't look right, the color. 但看起来不对劲那颜色
Pravik says he thinks they're shining floodlights or something. 普拉维克说他们可能打开了泛光灯什么的
And what if there are chemicals? 那如果有什么化学物质呢
Chemicals? 化学物质
The problem's the roof. 问题出在屋顶
It's covered in tar, so it's gonna burn all night, 上面铺着沥青所以会烧上一晚上
and it'll stink like hell. That's it. 而且会臭得要命仅此而已
That's the worst of it. 这就是最糟的了
Go back to bed. 接着睡觉吧
- Is it war? - Where's the dosimeter? -是打仗了吗-放射性剂量仪在哪
Here... Here. 在这...这
Are they bombing? 他们在轰炸吗
What the fuck is this? It's 3.6 roentgen. 这他妈怎么回事3.6伦琴
That's as high as it goes. The good one's locked in a safe. 那是仪表上限精度高的锁在保险柜里
I don't have a key. 我没有钥匙
Valera... your face. 瓦列拉...你的脸
Come on. 起来
I'm going to find Khodemchuk in the pump room. 我去循环泵室找霍登楚克
You... here. 你...留在这
Get Shashenok. He's in 604. Go. 去找沙申诺克他在604室去吧
We need to get everyone out! 我们得让大家都出去
Shit. 该死
We need to get to the reactor hall. 我们要去反应堆大厅
- The lift's destroyed. - Up two flights and across. -电梯坏了-上两层然后穿过去
- Right. - Why are you going there? -好-你们去那干什么
Have you seen Khodemchuk? 你看见霍登楚克了吗
- No. Where's Viktor? - Still in the pump room. -没有维克多在哪-还在循环泵室
Stay here. I'll come back. 在这待着我一会回来
Viktor! 维克多
Viktor. 维克多
Viktor. 维克多
Viktor. I'm gonna get you out of here. 维克多我带你出去
Can you stand? 你能站起来吗
Khodemchuk... 霍登楚克
Where? 在哪
Get Khodemchuk. 去找霍登楚克
I dropped the control rods from the other panel. 我用另一个控制面板插入了控制棒
- They're still up. - What? -它们还在外头呢-什么
They're still only a third of the way in, I don't know why. 只插入了三分之一我也不知道为什么
I already sent the trainees 我派了实习生下去
down to the reactor hall to lower them by hand. 到反应堆大厅手动插入控制棒
What about the pumps? 循环泵那边呢
I can't get through to Khodemchuk. 联系不上霍登楚克
The lines are down. 电话坏了
Fuck the phones and fuck Khodemchuk. 去他妈的电话去他妈的霍登楚克
- Are the pumps on or not? - Stolyarchuk? -循环泵开了吗-斯托利楚克
My control panel's not working. 我的控制面板失效了
I tried calling for the electricians. 我试着联系电工了
I don't give a shit about the panel! 我不关心什么面板
I need water in my reactor core! 我需要给反应堆芯通水
Get down there and make sure those pumps are on. 到下面去确保循环泵都开了
Now! 马上
What does the dosimeter say? 现在放射量有多少
3.6 roentgen, but that's as high as the meter-- 3.6伦琴但那是仪表上限
3.6-- not great, not terrible. 3.6不好也不坏
We did everything right. 我们的操作没有问题
You, connect those hooks! 你把这都接上
Get the pumps going! 启动水泵
Yeah, over here! 是这边
We're working bottom to top. Go in fast. 我们从下往上灭火快点
Vasily... 瓦西里
- Hey, Vasily, what's this? - I don't know, Misha. -瓦西里这是什么-不知道米沙
Don't fuck around with it. Hook these up, come on. 别瞎摆弄了把这些都接上快来
Do you taste metal? 你尝到金属味儿了吗
- Yeah, what is that? - I don't know. -嗯那是什么-我不知道
The valves, Misha! The valves, let's go! 阀门米沙开阀门快
The valves! Come on! 开阀门快点
What do you need? 你们要做什么
We need to get into the reactor hall 我们要到反应堆大厅去
to lower the control rods, but the door is jammed. 插入控制棒但是门卡住了
I don't think there are control rods. 控制棒应该已经没有了
I don't think there's a core. 堆芯也没了
No, you're-- you're mistaken. 不你...你错了
Akimov said. 阿基莫夫说的
Let's go. 咱们走
Ignatenko, get on his hose! 伊格纳滕科把他的水管捡起来
It's all right. Breathe. 没事呼吸
Misha. 米沙
All right, all right. Easy, Misha. 好了没事放松米沙
Are you sure? 你确定吗
Akimov... 阿基莫夫
Move. 让开


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