

英文 中文
本片讲述了发生在上世纪五十年代末 纽约麦迪逊大街广告策划人的故事
Finished, sir? 先生您用完餐了?
Yeah. Hey, do you have a light? 是的你有火儿吗
Old Gold man, huh? 你抽的是黄金年代对吗
Lucky Strike here. 我抽幸福时光
Can I ask you a question? Why do you smoke Old Gold? 问一下你为什么抽黄金年代
I'm sorry, sir. Is Sam here bothering you? 不好意思先生山姆打扰到您了吗
He can be a little chatty. 他有时候话有点多
No, we're actually just having a conversation. Is that okay? 不我们就是聊聊天怎么了
Can I get you another drink? 我再给您续杯酒吧
Yeah. Do this again. Old-fashioned, please. 好的还是古典鸡尾酒吧谢谢
So you obviously need to relax after working here all night. 整夜工作肯定需要好好放松放松
I guess. I don't know. 是吧我也不清楚
But what is it? I mean, low-tar? 它有什么好是焦油含量低?
Those new filters? 还是新款滤嘴?
Why... I mean... Why Old Gold? 为什么要抽黄金年代
They gave 'em to us in the service a carton a week for free. 餐厅每周给我们一条免费的
So you're used to 'em, is that it? 那就是你抽习惯了是吗
Yeah. They're a habit. 是啊习惯成自然了

I could never get you to try another brand... 你会去抽别的牌子的烟吗
Say, my Luckies? 比如幸福时光
I love my Old Golds. 我喜欢黄金年代
All right, well, let's just say tomorrow a tobacco weevil comes 打个比方要是明天地球上的黄金年代
And eats every last Old Gold on the planet. 都被象鼻虫吃光了
That's a sad story. 那太糟了
It's a tragedy. 绝对是个悲剧
Would you just stop smoking? 你会戒烟吗
I think I could find something. 我想我会抽别的牌子
I love smoking. 我喜欢抽烟
"I love smoking. " That's very good. "我喜欢抽烟"很好
My wife hates it. 我老婆不喜欢我抽烟
Reader's Digest says it will kill you. <读者文摘>上说吸烟会致人死亡
Yeah, I heard about that. 是啊我也听说了
Ladies love their magazines. 女人们就是喜欢那种杂志
Yes, they do. 没错
You weren't worried about waking me, were you? 你就不怕吵醒我是吧
Am I interrupting anything? 打扰到你了吗
Mmm, no. 没有
You're lucky I'm still up working 你真会挑时候我还在工作
And I'm alone. 而且只有我一个人
How's it going? 进行的怎么样了
They invented something called Grandmother's Day. 他们发明了个什么祖母节
That ought to keep me busy drawing puppies for a few months. 估计之后几个月我都得画狗狗了
Can I run a few ideas past you? 能跟你说说我的想法吗
Does that mean what I think it means? 你要说的和我想的一样吗
Because I'm familiar with most of your ideas. 我基本能猜出来你要说什么
I'm having a situation with my cigarette account. 我那个香烟的企划案遇上了点麻烦
Wow, you really are here to talk. 你还真是来找我倒苦水的
The Trade Commission is cracking down on all of our health claims. 贸易委员会驳回了所有的健康证明
I get Reader's Digest. 我看<读者文摘了>了
This is the same scare you had five years ago. 五年前你也碰到过这种情况
You dealt with it. 你处理得很好
I know I slept a lot better 我知道医生也抽烟以后
Knowing doctors smoke. 睡眠质量提高了很多
Well, that's just it. The whole "safer cigarette" thing is over. 只是我们的"香烟无害论"泡汤了
No more doctors, no more testimonials, 不再需要医生不再需要健康证明
No more cough-free, 不用再说它可以保护你的T型区
Soothes your T-zone, 而且不会引起咳嗽
low-tar, low-nicotine, filter tip. 低焦油低尼古丁过滤嘴儿

Nothing. 什么都没有了
All I have is a crush-proof box 只剩下个空香烟盒
And "four out of five dead people smoke your brand. " 和"百分之八十的人死于吸食此烟"
Is this the part where I say, 我现在是不是应该安慰你说
"Don Draper is the greatest ad man ever, "唐·德雷柏是有史以来最伟大的广告人
"and his big, strong brain will find a way "他聪明睿智的大脑会
to lead the sheep to the slaughterhouse"? 想出办法送羊入屠宰场的"
I don't want to go to school tomorrow. 我明天不想去上班了
You gonna pitch to me or not? 你是在跟我撒娇吗
Midge, I'm serious. I have nothing. 米琪我认真的什么也想不出来
I am over, 我江郎才尽了
And they're finally gonna know it. 他们总有一天会看出来的
Next time you see me, 下次你再见到我的时候
There will be a bunch of young executives 你会看到一群年轻的策划人
Picking meat off my ribs. 撕咬我肋骨上的肉
That's a pretty picture. 好一番景象啊
What's your secret? 你心里想什么呢
Nine different ways to say... 用九种不同的方法说
"I love you, Grandma. " 祖母我爱你
We should get married. 我们应该结婚的
You think I'd make a good ex-wife? 你是不是觉得我做前妻倒是挺不错的
I'm serious. 我是认真的
You have your own business. 你事业有成
You don't mind when I come over. 也不介意我什么时候过来
What size Cadillac do you take? 你想要哪款卡迪拉克
You know the rules. 你知道我的
I don't make plans, 我对从不对未来做长远打算
and I don't make breakfast. 也不做早饭
Sterling's having the tobacco people in in nine hours, 九个小时后斯特林带着烟草公司的人来
And I have nothing. 而我现在什么点子都没有
People love smoking. 人们都爱抽烟
There's nothing that you, the Trade Commission, 无论贸易委员会<读者文摘>
or Reader's Digestcan do to change that. 还是你怎么说这点是无法否认的
There's this kid who comes by my office every day, 有个年轻人每天都来我办公室
Looks where he's gonna put his plants. 看哪个地方适合放他以后放盆栽
Is he handsome? 他帅吗
23. 23层
Uh, not right away. 别马上上去
Pal, could you take the long way up? 哥们你要绕远路吗
I am really enjoying the view here. 这里秀色可餐啊
You going to Campbell's bachelor party? 你去坎贝尔的婚前庆祝会吗
Yeah, I want to be there 去我要在他被绑起来
Before they tie an anchor around his neck and drag him out to sea. 扔到大海之前赶到
I hear she's a nice girl. 听说那女孩人不错
Eh, who wants that? 谁想要个好女孩
What did you do that for? 你干吗那么说
She'll probably be assigned to one of us. 她可能会来给咱们中的某一个工作
Then she'll know what she's in for. 那她就知道她要面对怎样一群人了
You got to let them know what kind of guy you are. 你得让她们知道你是个什么样的男人
Then they'll know what kind of girl to be. 她们才知道应该做个什么样的女人
I have a feeling we won't be going to your bachelor party soon. 我有种你永远不会办婚前庆祝会的预感
Yeah, well, compared to Campbell, 是啊和坎贝尔比起来
I'm a Boy Scout. 我还是童子军呢
Excuse me. Is he expecting you? 不好意思您有预约吗
He's not expecting anything. 我们谁都没预约
Oh, honey, don't worry. I'll get home safely. 亲爱的别担心我会平安到家的
I have an important appointment right now, 我现在有个重要的会议
So why don't you go shopping or something? 你先去购购物什么的
Take your mother to lunch. 记得带你妈妈去吃午饭
Tell her it was my idea. 跟她说是我的主意
Wow. He's good. 哇他有两下子啊
It's just a bachelor party, dear. 亲爱的就是个婚前庆祝派对
No, I really don't know what they have planned, 不我不知道他们搞了些什么鬼
But judging from the creative brain power around here. 不过和这群天马行空的人在一起
We'll probably end up seeing My Fair Lady. 我们很有可能会以看《窈窕淑女》告终
I'll tell you what. 这样吧
I'll drop by your place on my way home. 我回家的时候去趟你那
Your mother can check under my fingernails. 你妈妈可以检查我的指甲缝
Of course I love you. 我当然爱你了
I'm giving up my life to be with you, aren't I? 我将要和你共度一生不是吗
What a great gal. 多好的女孩啊
Tell ya, boys, 跟你们说
She stole my heart. 她偷走了我的心
And her old man's loaded. 还有个多金的老爹
Now, this is the executive floor. 这层是公司行政区
It should be organized, but it's not, 应该是井井有条的但实际不是
So you'll find account executives 客户经理人和创意策划人
And creative executives all mixed in together. 都在这层办公
Please don't ask me the difference. 千万别问我他们的区别
Great. 好的
Hopefully, if you follow my lead, 要是你按照我的话做
You can avoid some of the mistakes I've made here. 就能少走些我走过的弯路
- Hello, Joan. - Like that one. -琼你好啊-比如这个
So how many trains did it take you? 你来的路上换了几次车
Only one, but I got up very early. 我起得很早所以只换了一次车
In a couple of years, with the right moves, 要是你大方向没错的话
You'll be in the city with the rest of us. 用不了几年你就能像我们一样住在城里
Of course, if you really make the right moves, 当然要是你真的走对路子的话
You'll be out in the country, 你就能在乡间买一套房
And you won't be going to work at all. 而且完全不用工作
You'll be here just across the aisle from me. 这就是你的办公桌和我隔一个过道
We'll both take care of Mr. Draper for the time being. 我们一起协助德雷柏先生的工作
I don't know what your goals are, 我不知道你工作目的是什么
But don't overdo it with the perfume. 不过千万别滥用香水
Keep a fifth of something in your desk. 备一瓶香奈儿5号吧
Mr. Draper drinks rye. 德雷柏先生喝黑麦威士忌
Also, invest in some aspirin, Band-Aids, 还有准备一些阿司匹林创可贴
And a needle and thread. 针线包也可能会用到
Rye is Canadian, right? 黑麦威士忌是加拿大产的吧
You better find out. 你自己看吧
He may act like he wants a secretary, 他可能想要个秘书


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