

英文 中文
- I have a date. - With your married man. -我有约会-和你的有妇之夫
It's at this really fancy nightclub. 在一个高级夜店
He's taking you out. 他要带你出去
In public. 当众
I thought Rob was taking her to the club tonight. 罗伯今晚不是要带她去俱乐部吗
Do you honestly think I'm going to let that happen? 你当真以为我会坐视不管吗
Listen, when you were in my office earlier, 听着之前你在我办公室的时候
did you happen to move any papers? 你有没有动过什么文件
I know better than to touch your things. 我很清楚不该碰你的东西
I'll have to stay late and redo it. 我只能加班重做了
Would you like to come with me to the club tonight? 今晚你愿意和我去夜店吗
Rob cancelled on me. 罗伯放了我鸽子
I love music. 我喜欢音乐
- I used to play the piano. - Do you still play? -我以前弹钢琴-你还弹吗
My husband... didn't care for my playing. 我丈夫不喜欢我弹琴
Oh, honey. Your husband's dead. 亲爱的你丈夫死了
Don't you think it's time you stopped listening to him? 你不觉得该停止听他的话吗
Honey! 亲爱的
Maybe when Mr. Grove moves out, 也许等格罗夫先生搬出去后
we could start doing this in your bed. 我们可以去你的床上做
He won't be leaving until after my daughter's wedding. 他要在我女儿婚礼之后才会走
Well, it-- Whoa, whoa, whoa. 等等
That's two months away. 那还要两个月啊
She gave me her hand in marriage. 她在婚姻殿堂里把手交给了我
- Karl... - And I'm never going to let it go. -卡尔-我永远也不会放手
Bloody hell! 真该死
I got fired. 我被炒了
I'm not surprised. 一点不意外
- Simone... - One day, i will divorce Karl, -萨蒙妮-我总有一天会和卡尔离婚的
but I will never hate him. 但我永远不会恨他
Where does that leave me? 那我怎么办
In the back of a van, 在餐车上
having a marvelous time. 度过欢愉时光
Van came with the job, so... 餐车是公司配的
We'll figure it out. 我们会想办法解决的
I'm not worried about Duke anymore. 我再也不用担心杜克了
He stopped texting me. 他没有再发短信给我了
So what's his deal? 他是什么情况
- Is he crazy? - A little. -他是疯子吗-有点吧
He was always accusing me of cheating on him. 他总是说我在背着他偷吃
Come with us to Venice tomorrow. 明天跟我们一起去威尼斯吧
- Oh, my God. - Tomorrow? Really? -天哪-明天真的吗
- Are you going to Venice? - I don't know yet. -你要去威尼斯吗-我还不知道呢
I asked you, before, if you were in love with her. 我之前问过你是否爱上她了
Jade is the only thing in my life that is easy. 洁德是我生活里唯一轻松的事
Live with us. 和我们一起生活
Be with us. 跟我们在一起
You just got home. 你才刚回家
The purpose of an autopsy is to provide clarity. 尸检的目的是为了提供明确的信息
How did the victim die? 受害者是怎么死的
Was death the result of a gunshot? 是中枪身亡的吗
Stabbing? 是被捅死
Poison? 还是被毒死
How someone is killed is easy to understand. 要明白一个人是如何被杀的很简单
Why it happened, that's never so simple. 至于为何被杀三言两语道不清楚
But it always begins with a choice. 但都始于一个选择
It might be a decision 也许是决定
to conduct a tawdry affair. 搞风流韵事
A plan to keep secrets from a loved one. 计划对爱人隐瞒秘密
Or an agreement 或者协议
to bring a stranger into your bed. 让一个陌生人上床
Yes. People make all sorts of questionable choices. 是的人们会做出各种各样值得商榷的选择
Of course, that's what keeps me in business. 当然我也因此才有活干
Our waitress is giving me odd looks. 服务员看我的眼神很怪
You're wearing sunglasses indoors, at night. 你在室内而且是晚上戴墨镜
- I think she recognizes me. - I don't even recognize you -她好像认出我了-我都认不出你
and we've had sex ten times. 虽然我们已经做了十次爱了
- Lower your voice. - Relax. -小声点-淡定
Nobody here recognizes you. 这里没人认出你
Let me see your eyes. 给我看你的眼睛
So, I got you a present. 我给你准备了份礼物
Jewelry? 珠宝吗
You shouldn't have. 没必要的
It's called a Swatch. 这是斯沃琪手表
And... 而且
it's waterproof. 防水
Oh, so it's safe from my tears of joy. 那它不会被我喜悦的泪水弄坏了
I wanted to do something special. 我想做点特别的事
It's our first date. 这是我们第一次约会
I mean, outside of the van. 我是说在餐车之外
I'm not sure I'd call it a date. 这算不上是约会吧
Why not? We're at a table, and there's food. 为什么算不上我们在餐桌上还有食物
I wouldn't call it food, either. 这也算不上是食物
You don't make it very easy to be your boyfriend. 做你男朋友真难
Boyfriend? 男朋友
Ah, another word you don't like. 又是个你不喜欢的词
It's just not how I would describe you. 只是我不会这么形容你
What would you call me, then? 那你要怎么称呼我
- Your lover? - Why do you need a job title? -你的情人-为什么非得要一个工作头衔
What's wrong with "Tommy"? 就叫汤米不好吗
Are you gonna put it on? 你要戴上吗
Why would I do that? 为什么要戴
Because it's a gift, and I'm asking you to. 因为这是礼物我让你戴上
Oh, for God's sake. 老天啊
What's wrong? 怎么了
Am-am I embarrassing you? 我让你丢人了吗
Shh. Shush. Sit down. 嘘坐下
Oh, I'm sorry. Next time, I'll buy you a gift 不好意思下次我会给你买个
that you'll actually wear on a date with me, 你会在跟我约会时戴的礼物
like a ski mask. 比如一副滑雪面罩
Tommy. 汤米
Uh, what did I do now? 我现在该怎么办
Can I get you anything else to eat? 你还需要点什么吗
Oh, God, no. The food is dreadful here. 天呐不需要这里的食物真是糟透了
And he's too young for you, 如果要提没人想听的意见
while we're offering unsolicited opinions. 他太年轻了不适合你
Sheila. What can I do for you? 希拉有什么需要
I have no food in my house, 我家没吃的了
and my kids are starting to make some real ugly threats. 而我的孩子开始歇斯底里地发出抗议
Maybe I can find a jar of peanut butter. 或许我能给你找一罐花生酱
That's more than they deserve. 他们可不配吃
What's with the skates? 这双溜冰鞋是用来干什么的
They're cute, huh? Rob bought them for me on our first date. 很好看吧这是罗伯和我第一次约会时买给我的
He took me to Happytime Roller Rink. 他带我去了快乐时光溜冰场
So why are you digging them up now? 那你现在把它们翻出来做什么
I'm going skating later today, with April. 我今天晚些时候要去溜冰和艾普尔一起
- The waitress? - Oh, yes. -那个服务生-是的
Last week, we went to an Andy Warhol exhibit. 上周我们去了安迪·沃霍尔的展览
Next week, she's going to teach me to surf. 下周她要教我冲浪
Can you imagine? Me, surfing? 你能想象吗我去冲浪
I thought the plan was to gain the girl's trust 你的计划不是获得那姑娘的信任
and convince her to end the affair. 然后说服她结束这段婚外情吗
That's what I'm doing. 我是在这么做
You sure? 'Cause it sounds like 你确定吗因为听起来像
the two of you are becoming close. 你们俩走得越来越近了
Well, maybe a little. 或许有一点吧
April is very sweet. 艾普尔人很好
She's so free-spirited. 她非常自由随性
You wouldn't believe the fun we have together. 你不知道我们在一起有多开心
Mm-hmm. She sounds nice. 她听起来是不错
For a girl who's sleeping with your husband. 对于一个跟你老公上床的女孩来说
I know it's odd, but I like her. 我知道这很奇怪不过我喜欢她
I can't help it. 我情不自禁
What's wrong with her being a friend? 跟她做朋友有什么不好
Nothing. 没什么
As long as you don't forget she's also the enemy. 只要你别忘了她也是你的敌人
Okay. Well, how about, uh, you know, classic "She's our lover"? 好吧不如就寻常回答"她是我们的爱人"
Oof. That is too sexual. 太露骨了
Yeah? All right. Um, our "Special friend"? 是吗好吧那我们的"特殊朋友"
That makes me sound slow. 那听起来显得我有点智障
All right. Uh, she's the third prong of our throuple. 好吧她是我们三人组中的第三方
Ugh. Barf. 恶心
Well, now that Jade's gonna live with us, 既然洁德要和我们一起住
we got to have some way to introduce her. 我们就得找到介绍她的方式
Well, why don't we just say she's family? 为什么不说她是我们的家人呢
I love that. 我喜欢这个
That's nice. 很温馨
Wait. 等下
Jade, does that look like Duke's truck to you? 洁德那是杜克的车吗
Oh, shit. 该死
Wait, like, like, scary ex Duke? 等下就是那个恐怖的前男友杜克吗
Did you tell him you were staying here? 你告诉他你住在这了
No. I didn't tell anyone. 没有我没有告诉任何人
Oh, God. He's getting out the car. 天呐他下车了
Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck... 操操操
Okay, it's okay, it's okay. 好吧没事的没事的
Okay, all right, all right. 好了好了好了
Look, don't worry. It's gonna be okay. 别担心不会有事的
- I got this. - Wait, what do you mean, you got this? -我来应付-等下什么意思你来应付
I'm gonna talk to him. You know? 我去跟他谈谈
- Man to man. - No. Eli... -像男人一样坦率说清楚-不伊莱
No-- don't-- E... 不别去伊...
Oh, that's not good. Okay. 大事不好好吧
Can I help you? 有什么事吗
Yeah, I'm looking for my girlfriend. 我来找我女朋友
A guy told me that she's staying here. 有人告诉我她在这
Oh. Uh, who's your girlfriend? 你女朋友是谁
Jade. 洁德
Jade. 洁德
Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade... No-- Jade who? 洁德洁德洁德...哪个洁德
She's in that window, man. 她就在那扇窗户前
- Oh, Jade. Right. - Yeah.Yeah. -洁德啊-对对
- I need to talk to her.Oh, okay. - Well, uh, the thing is, -我要跟她谈谈-好吧问题是
she's not really available right now, so... 她现在没空所以...
Yeah, I think she is. 我觉得她有空
Yep. 好吧
Oh, shit. 见鬼
All right, look-- look, man. 好吧听着
I don't want to get physical with you, okay? 我不想跟你动手好吗
You're right. You don't. 没错你不想
What do you think you're doing? 你觉得你在干什么
You must be the fuck buddy. 你一定就是那个炮友了
And you must be Duke, the two-time felon. 你一定就是杜克了二进宫重犯
Those were both felonies, right? 都是重罪对吗
So if I were to call the cops and they came here 如果我报警警察来了
to see you committing a third assault, 看见你第三次袭击他人
that sounds like three strikes to me. 我觉得你就要三振出局了吧
This is the part where you walk away to avoid going to prison. 你现在该为避免蹲大牢走开了
Tell Jade I'll be in touch. 告诉洁德我会联系她的
You know, that was unnecessary. 你不用出来的
I had it under control. 我控制住局面了
- Honey, it was a team effort. - I know. -亲爱的这是团队协作-我知道
Thank you so much. 太感谢你了
I was so freaked out. 我吓死了
You're my hero. 你是我的英雄
Jade, I'm not your hero. 洁德我不是你的英雄
I just, I'm-- want to make sure you're okay. 我只是想确保你的安全
卡尔·格罗夫夫妇邀请您分享他们女儿喜结连理之喜 艾米·林和布莱德·詹金斯
Ooh, we should invite the Prescotts to the wedding. 我们应该邀请普莱斯考特一家参加婚礼
Must we? 一定要吗
Well, I can't stand them, either, 我也受不了他们
but they spent $10,000 at the gallery last year. 但他们去年在画廊里花了一万块
Just put them on the maybe list. 把他们放在待定名单上吧
Another maybe? Amy will be here in an hour. 又一个待定艾米一小时内就要到了
We promised we'd have the guest list done. 我们都答应她了届时会拟好宾客名单
What about the... Randalls? 那...兰德尔一家如何
Absolutely not. I despise them. 绝对不行我鄙视他们
Since when? 什么时候的事
We went to their son's wedding a month ago. 我们一个月前才参加过他们儿子的婚礼
And never got a thank you note for the candy dish. 我们送了糖果盘却从未收到感谢卡
- That's awfully petty. - I agree. -那也太小心眼了-就是
How hard is it to write a simple note? 写张感谢卡能有多难呢
I meant you. 我是指你
What is going on? 你怎么了
What do you mean, "going on"? 什么"怎么了"
You've been in a foul mood ever since you came home last night. 自从你昨晚回来之后一直都闷闷不乐的
What could it be? 还能有什么事
Hmm. I broke a nail? No, that's not it. 是因为我指甲断了吗不不是这事
My husband sleeps with men? 是因为我丈夫和男人上床吗
No, couldn't be that. 不绝不可能是因为这事
Fine. Don't tell me. 好啊不要告诉我
Look, we have prepaid the caterer for 400 guests. 听着我们已经预付了400位来宾的婚宴餐饮
If we don't finish our list, 如果我们不敲定宾客名单
then Brad's family will invite more rubes from Oklahoma, 那么布拉德的家人会从俄克拉荷马请来更多乡巴佬
and the entire wedding will turn into a hoedown. 整个婚礼就会变成一场方形舞舞会
Do they have hoedowns in Oklahoma? 俄克拉荷马那里真的有方形舞舞会吗
Oh, well, they do in the musical. 起码音乐剧里是有的
First number of act two. 第二场第一幕
How did I not know what I was getting with you? 我当初怎么会没看出来你的性取向呢
What? 什么
Oh, Amy, you're early. 艾米你早到了
We haven't quite finished the guest list yet. 我们还没完全敲定宾客名单
Brad slept with his ex-girlfriend. 布拉德睡了他的前女友
The wedding's off. I require wine. 婚礼取消我要红酒
Watch out, watch ou-- watch out! 当心悠着点
That was a blast. 刚才玩得真开心
Can I just say, every day I spend with you 我只想说和你在一起的每一天
feels like an adventure. 都像是一场冒险
We do have fun together, don't we? 我们确实玩得很开心对吗
To be honest, 说实话
I've been feeling a little lonely in L.A. 我在洛杉矶确实感觉有点寂寞
I know how you feel. 我明白你的感受
It's nice to have a real girlfriend out here. 有个真心相待的女伴感觉真好
Well, it's getting late. I should go. 时间也不早了我该回去了
Wait, do you think you have time for one more adventure tonight? 等一下你觉得还有时间再冒一次险吗
- I suppose. - Okay. -应该有吧-好的
April? 艾普尔
What are you up to? 你又有什么鬼点子
Go ahead. Try one. 来吧尝一块
Brownies? How are they an adventure? 布朗尼这算什么冒险
My recipe calls for a special ingredient. 我加了一种特别的原料
- Like what? - Grass. -是什么-草
From your lawn? 从你草坪上拔的吗
No, I'm talking about pot. 不我是指飞叶子
You know, marijuana? 你懂的大麻
You mean reefer? 你是指"大麻烟卷"的"大麻"
Oh. Look, it's not a big deal. 听着这不是什么大不了的事
Lots of people do it. 很多人都吸食的
Criminals. Musicians. 罪犯们还有搞音乐的
Please don't be angry. 请不要生气
You are a good girl. How could you do such a thing? 你是个好女孩怎么能做这种事呢
Rob wanted to. 是罗伯的主意
Your married man? 你那个有妇之夫吗
That stuns me. 真是没想到啊
Given how you've described him. 考虑到你之前对他的描述
He can be such a square. 他确实很古板保守
I think he was just looking for a way to cut loose. 我觉得他只是想找个法子放松一下
Look, I really didn't mean to offend you. 听着我并非有意要冒犯你
I'm fine. It's just something I wasn't expecting. 我没事只是有些出乎我的意料
So are we friends again? 所以我们又和好了吧
Great. I'll go put these away. 太好了我去把这些放起来
- Wait. - Hmm? -慢着-怎么了
Oh, what the heck. 不管了我要尝尝
- But how did you find out? - I've had my suspicions for a while, -不过你是怎么发现的-我已经起疑心有一阵子了
and then Brad finally admitted 然后布拉德终于承认了
that he's been lying to me about Cindy 自从我们订婚以来他一直都在
the whole time we've been engaged. 辛迪一事上对我撒谎
I know so many whores named Cindy. 我可认识不少名叫"辛迪"的婊子
And did I mention she's fat? 140 pounds if she's an ounce. 我有提到她很胖吗足足有140磅
Oh, 140, where did he find her, a carnival? 140磅他从哪儿找到她的嘉年华吗
You know, darling, it's not even noon yet. 亲爱的还不到中午呢
My fiancé fucked a beluga whale. 我的未婚夫上了一个肥婆
Can I please get some support here? 我还能不能得到点安慰啊
I'm sorry. 抱歉
Uh, so he's been sleeping with Cindy this whole time? 所以他从订婚以来一直都在辛迪上床吗
No, I didn't say that. 不是我可没那么说
I'm confused. 我都听懵了
He's been lying the whole time. 他一直在撒谎
They hooked up that weekend you took me to Hawaii. 他们就是在你们带我去夏威夷的那个周末打的炮
Hang on, that was two years ago. 等等那都是两年前的事了
Were you and Brad even engaged yet? 你那时有和布拉德订婚吗
No, but we were together. 还没但是我们正好着呢
Mm, off and on. 分分合合吧
Okay, Brad hadn't proposed yet, 我承认布拉德那时还没求婚
but we both knew he was going to. 但我们都清楚他正准备那么做
Exactly. 就是
Yeah, or at least I knew. 起码我知道
Well, maybe you should've told him. 也许你应该跟他说的
I can't believe you're taking Brad's side. 我不敢相信你竟然会替布拉德说话
I'm just saying 我只是想说
the situation is not quite so cut and dried. 情况可能不是那么非黑即白
Brad is a good man. You might consider forgiveness. 布拉德是个好男人你或许可以考虑原谅他
Forgiveness? 原谅
Boy, did you marry into the wrong family. 天你真是娶错人了
I'm going to my room. 我要回房间了
Darling, I know you're upset, 亲爱的我知道你很生气
but when you drink without a glass, Brad wins. 但是当你对瓶吹时布拉德就赢了
I don't think it's working. 好像没什么感觉啊
Takes a while to kick in. 需要一点时间才会起效
I hope I recognize the sensation. 我希望我能辨认出那种感觉
I'd hate to be high and miss it. 我可不希望嗑嗨了却错过那种感觉
Trust me, you'll know. 相信我你会察觉到的
Hey, want to order in Chinese food and listen to records? 话说你想点些中餐边听音乐边吃吗
Aren't you having dinner with your married man tonight? 你今晚不是要跟你那位有妇之夫共进晚餐吗
That's tomorrow. Tonight, Rob has plans with his wife. 那是明天今晚罗伯跟他老婆有安排
What? 什么
I don't know. It's been planned for weeks. 我也不知道已经计划好几周了
Some dinner party with his boss. 好像要跟他的上司一起吃饭什么的
Wednesday! 周三
Today is Wednesday. 今天是周三
Yeah. Why? 是啊怎么了
I was supposed to feed my neighbor's cat on Monday. 我周一要帮我家邻居喂猫
Poor Mittens. 可怜的小猫
I should go. 我该走了
Damn it! Where's my other skate? 该死的我的另一只溜冰鞋呢
- It's under your armpit. - Oh, yes. -在你的胳膊下面夹着呢-是哦
Thank you for the reefer. 谢谢你提供的大麻美食
Yeah. 没事
Where have you been? 你去哪儿了
We need to leave in five minutes. 我们5分钟后就该出发了
I know, I know. 我知道我知道
Were you roller skating? 你是去溜冰了吗
Come on. We have to go now. 快点我们得出发了
Let's go over a few things. 先说清楚几件事情
When he's out of the office, my boss likes to be called Hal. 他在办公室以外的地方喜欢被称作哈尔
His wife is Vivian. 他妻子叫薇薇安
Vivian. 薇薇安
Dale and Gretchen Clark will be there. 戴尔和格雷琴·克拉克也会在场
He's tall. She's brunette. 他很高她是褐色头发
Pamela and Joe, they'll be the old ones. 帕姆拉和乔是那对老夫妻
And Myron Paul is coming, he'll be the short one. 麦伦·保罗也会去他是矮的那个
Myron is short. 麦伦很矮
The guest of honor is Mr. Tashiro from Japan. 今晚的贵宾是来自日本的田代先生
Should be obvious who he is. 他的特征应该很明显
Why? 为什么
Is that a joke? 你这是开玩笑吗
Sure. 当然
Duke, please, I've apologized, like, 20 times. 杜克求你了我都道歉几十次了
What? Please, I'm begging you, 什么我求求你了
please, don't hurt her. 求你了别伤害它
Duke! Duke, please. 杜克杜克求你了
What is wrong with you? 你是有什么毛病啊
She's just a baby! 它只是个孩子而已
Duke! 杜克
- Oh, my God. - Jade, what's going on? -天呐-洁德出什么事了
Duke is gonna kill Teacup. 杜克要杀了茶缸
Teacup? 茶缸
Our dog. He says if I don't meet with him, 是我们的狗他说如果我不去见他
he's gonna put her down. 他就杀死它
Holy shit. 老天呐
- He can't do that, right? - Legally? -他不能那么做对吧-从法律上说吗
I'm honestly not sure. 我真的不太确定
You don't think he'd hurt his own dog, do you? 他不会真的伤害自己的狗吧
He went to prison for choking his accountant. 他因为差点闷死他的会计师而入狱过
My dad's an accountant. 我爸也是个会计师
I have to go over there. 我必须过去一趟
I love that dog. 我爱那只狗
Jade, it's too dangerous. 洁德这太危险了
I don't care. I have to save Teacup. 我不在乎我必须救茶缸
Fine, fine, 好吧好吧
but you're not going alone. I will go with you, okay? 但你不能一个人去我跟你一起去
- Okay. - Okay. -好的-好
- Thank you, thank you. - Yes, of course. -谢谢你谢谢-没事
What about me? 那我呢
I-I'm just saying, you know, two's good, 我的意思是两个人去挺好的
three's better, right? 三个就更好了对吧
Yeah. Okay. 是啊好吧
All right. 那好
If that's Brad, I'm not here. 如果是布拉德打来的就说我不在
Hello? Ah, good morning, Brad. 喂早上好啊布拉德
I'm not here! 我不在
Yes, actually, Amy's... 没错实际上艾米...
Okay, yes, you heard that. 好吧你听到了
Good! 很好
Look, I-I really couldn't say, Brad. 听着我真的不能说布拉德
I mean, you know women. 你也知道女人是什么样的
Oh, I know. 我懂的
Tell me about it. 可不是嘛
Stop talking to him. 别再跟他聊天了
Oh, no, if anything, worse. 不 真要说的话只能说更差劲
No, I know it's ridiculous, but... 不我知道这很荒唐但是...
Give me that. 把电话给我
Right, well, uh, I'm off to the gallery. 好了我要去画廊了
I'd love to start the day with a kiss. 我希望能用一个吻来开始新的一天
Ask the gardener. 去向园丁索吻吧
Oh, I won't make that mistake twice. 我可不会同一个错误犯两次
- Tommy! - I was up all night thinking about our date, -汤米-想着我们的约会我整夜都没睡着
and I-I was super upset, but I should not have walked out, 我当时太生气了但我不该径直离去的
- and I am sorry. - Are you crazy? -真的对不起-你疯了吗
You can't come to my house with flowers. 你不能捧着花来我家
I waited for Karl to leave. 我等到卡尔走了才进来的
Well, he's not the only one who could see you. 能看到你进来的可不止他一个人
- You have to go now. - But, wait, at least take the flowers. -你必须马上走-但你至少收下花吧
- No! - If you won't accept a simple gift, -不行-如果你连个小礼物都不收
then what does that say about our future? 那我们的未来还有什么指望呢
- We have no future. - Are you breaking up with me? -我们没有未来-你是要跟我分手吗
Yes, it's over. Now go. 没错我们结束了走吧
Tommy Harte? 汤米·哈特
Amy? 艾米
I haven't seen you since last Christmas. 去年圣诞节后我就没见过你了
Yes, it's been a while. 是啊是有段时间没见过了
Hi. So who are the flowers for? 嗨这些花是干什么的
They're for you, of course. 当然是送你的
For me? How did you know I was here? 送我的你怎么知道我在这儿
What a good question. 真是个好问题
Well, I called Naomi 我给娜奥米打了电话
to tell her the wedding was off, 告诉她婚礼取消了
and she shared the bad news with Tommy, 她把这个坏消息告诉了汤米
and then he brought you this lovely bouquet. 然后他给你带了这束美丽的花
That's so sweet. 真贴心
You're welcome. 不客气
Tommy, you should really go. 汤米你真的该走了
Amy and I have million things to do today. 我和艾米今天要做的事情非常多
I'll just put these in your room. 我把这些放你房间去
Well, it was very nice to see you, Amy. 艾米见到你很开心
Tommy, are you free tonight? 汤米你今晚有事吗
I don't know if you're seeing anyone these days, 我不知道你最近有没有交往对象
but I could really use some cheering up. 不过我今晚很需要有人陪我给我打气
Well, I was seeing someone, 我本来是有对象的
but, uh, she recently broke up with me. 但是她最近跟我分手了
Amy! You can't go out tonight. 艾米你今晚不能出去
We have to let people know the wedding's off. 我们得告诉大家婚礼取消了
So there are calls to make. 所以要打很多电话
I'll make them tomorrow. 我明天再打
So I'll see you at Herberto's, 7:00? 那就晚上7点在赫伯特见吧
We can console each other. 我们可以互相安慰一下
That'll be nice. 那真好
Goodbye, Mrs. Grove. 再见格罗夫太太
Amy, what could you possibly be thinking? 艾米你到底在想什么
Well, I'm thinking I'm going to 我在想我可以去跟汤米·哈特
have revenge sex with Tommy Harte. 报复性地云雨一番
Well, uh... you can't do that. 这个...你不能这么做
He's not even your type. 他都不是你喜欢的类型
I know he's a little young, 我知道他有点年轻
but he's gotta learn from someone. 但总得有人给他传授经验
So you're-you're telling me that this took four hours? 所以你跟我说就这点事要四个小时
Well, yes.
That's very impressive. 真令人大开眼界
That was the quick version. 刚那个还是快捷版本
Oh, there they are. Hey. 他们来了嗨
We were just about to send out a search party. 我们都要派人去找你们了
- So sorry. It takes Beth Ann a while to get dressed. - Yes. -抱歉贝丝·安穿衣有点慢-对
So I recall. 我想起来了
This is my wife Vivian. 我妻子薇薇安
It is so lovely to meet you, Beth Ann. 贝丝·安很高兴认识你
And I want to introduce you to Gretchen and Dale Clarkson, 来认识下格雷琴和戴尔·克拉克森
- and Pamela and Joe Kensington. - Hi. -还有帕姆拉和乔·肯辛顿-嗨
Where's Myron? 麦伦在哪
Oh, Myron had to cancel. 麦伦来不了了
Oh, here's our guest of honor. 这位是荣誉嘉宾
This is the young executive I was telling you about. 这位就是我跟你说过的年轻有为的高管
- Robert Stanton. - Sir, it's an honor. -罗伯特·斯坦顿-先生我很荣幸
I've heard a lot of wonderful things about your work. 我听到了很多对你工作的赞美
I hope I live up to your expectation. 希望没有辜负您的期望
So Myron's not here? 所以麦伦不在这里
Uh, no. 是的
Dinner is served. 晚饭准备好了
- Shall we? - Thank goodness. Yes. -可以开始了吗-谢天谢地可以了
Thank you. I'm starving. 谢谢我饿坏了
What is your name? 你叫什么名字
Beth Ann. 贝丝·安
You must be Tashiro. 你一定是田代吧
I am. 是的
You were right. 你说得没错
It was obvious. 太显而易见了
I made place cards for everyone. 我给每个人都放了位置卡
Uh, Mr. Tashiro, you'll be right here in the center. 田代先生你坐中间
Thank you. 谢谢
Um, Beth Ann, did you find your place card? 贝丝·安你找到自己的位置卡了吗
Honey? 亲爱的
Sorry, I was looking at the swan. 抱歉我在看天鹅
Do you like it? 你喜欢吗
It's the most amazing thing I've ever seen. 是我见过的最棒的东西了
That is so sweet of you to notice. 你能注意到真是太贴心了
Most don't. 大多数人都看不到
Rob, 罗伯
do you see this? 你看到这个了吗
It's very pretty. 太美了
Now put it on your lap. 快放到你腿上
Oh, I don't want to unfold it, it took too much work. 我不想展开它好不容易才叠出来的
It's fine, Beth Ann, I'm, uh... 没关系贝丝·安我
I'm sure it's not that difficult. 肯定没那么难的
How would you know? 你怎么知道
Sweetie, don't you, uh, 亲爱的你不是
do this at all our dinner parties? 在我们所有的晚宴上都会叠吗
Well, do you think that makes it easy? 所以就简单吗
I'm sure I could do it if I tried. 我试试的话肯定可以也能叠出来
I bet you couldn't! 我赌你不行
That sounds like a challenge. 听上去像是挑战
No, no, she's not challenging you. 不不她不是在挑战你
Make a swan. I dare you. 叠一只天鹅我赌你不会
Well... 好吧
...she's feisty. You're on. 她真好斗那我就奉陪
Oh, well, this should be very interesting. 肯定会很有趣的
Oh, piece of cake. Come on. How would I begin? 小菜一碟来吧我要怎么开始呢
I think you've got to lay it flat to start. 我想得先铺平
Brilliant. 聪明
The-the-the trick is in the first fold, am-am I right? 窍门都在第一次折的时候我说得没错吧
- Well, I'm not helping you. - Great. -我可不帮你-好吧
Wait, wait, wait. Almost... 等等等等等等就快...
Got it. 好了
Keep your day job. 你可别辞职
Not so easy, is it? 没那么容易对吧
All right, I'm gonna get it this time. 好吧我这次一定可以叠出来
Honey, I dropped my fork on the floor. 亲爱的我的叉子掉地上了
Would you get it for me? 你能帮我捡起来吗
What is wrong with you? 你怎么回事
You're acting like you're drunk. 你看起来像喝醉了
Am I? 是吗
Oh, that might be the pot. 那可能是因为飞叶子
Pot? 飞叶子
That means marijuana. 就是大麻
I had some before dinner. 晚餐前我吃了点
Where in God's name did you get marijuana? 你从哪儿搞来的大麻
What's wrong? 怎么了
Am I not allowed to cut loose? 我就不能放松放松吗
- We will talk about this later. - Good. -我们晚点再谈这个-很好
Then you can tell me where you get your marijuana. 那你就可以告诉我你的大麻是从哪搞来的了
What? 什么
That's right. 没错
I know what you've been up to. 我知道你最近干嘛了
All right. 好吧
It's impossible. 不可能
I give up. 我放弃
Here, here. Let me help you. 来我帮你
Thank you, my dear. 谢谢亲爱的
It's more like a duck. 更像是鸭子
This is it. 就是这里了
Duke's place is just down the pathway. 杜克家就在路的尽头
let's do this. 我们开干吧
Okay, why are you talking like that? 你干嘛这样说话
Like what? 怎样说话
Like the star of a low-budget action film. 像一个低成本动作片的演员
What? I'm not doing that. 什么我才没有
All right, let's stay close, people. 好大家别散开
Here we are. 到了
What's the plan? 计划是什么
Okay, so I'm gonna knock on the door. 我去敲门
When Duke answers, I'll confront him... 杜克开门后我与他对质
No confronting. Duke is a violent felon. 不能对质杜克是个暴力罪犯
Are you crazy? 你疯了吗
You brought a hammer? 你带了榔头
I prefer to call this "Plan B." 我叫这个"备用计划"
That's your plan B, aggravated assault? 这就是你的备用计划严重伤害他人吗
It's not assault if he hits me first. 如果他先打我就不算是伤害罪
Oh, he will definitely hit you first. 他肯定会先打你
Great, great, anyway, 很好很好好吧
so while we're struggling, Jade's gonna rush in, 当我们纠缠时洁德迅速进屋
she's gonna grab the dog, and then we run. 带上狗然后我们逃走
Honey, that is a stupid plan. 亲爱的这计划蠢透了
That's a bit harsh, but, okay, fine, you go. 扎心了但是好吧你说
Here's my plan: Duke opens the door 这是我的计划杜克开门
and I write him a massive check for the dog. 我给他一张巨额支票买狗
Oh, that's good. Duke is always broke. 很好杜克总是囊中羞涩
Fine. I mean, if you want to be the kind of person 行如果你想成为那种
that just solves all of her problems with money. 用钱解决所有问题的人
I very much do. 我非常想
Jade, go ahead. 洁德去吧
Duke! 杜克
Oh, my God. 我的天
Oh, my God. 我的天
Oh, my God, it's Teacup. 我的天是茶缸
Honey, honey, it's okay. 宝贝宝贝没事的
Mommy's here. 妈妈来了
I guess Duke's not home. 我猜杜克不在家
No, no, no. No, no, no. 不不不可能
He's definitely, definitely home. 他绝对绝对在家
He doesn't go to work till 5:00. 他五点才去工作
Come on, Duke, open up. 快点杜克开门
Okay. 好吧
He's clearly not home. You know what? 显然他不在家这样吧
We'll just write him a note and we'll say that you came by 我们给他写个条就说你来过
and you are willing to make him a generous offer to buy the dog. 你愿意付他一大笔钱买狗
W-What, w-we're just gonna leave her here? 怎么我们就把它留在这吗
For now, yeah. 是的暂时而已
Okay, I left my pen in the car. Hold on. 我的笔落在车里了等等
I don't like this. 我不喜欢这样
I know, but, I mean, what else can we do? 我知道但我们还能怎么办
You don't understand, if something happens to my dog, 你不明白如果我的狗出事了
I will fucking lose my mind. 我会疯掉的
- Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. - Please, please, please. -好好好-求你了求你了
Start the car! 发动车子
What? Oh, shit. 什么该死
Start the car now. 赶紧发动车子
Jade! 洁德
You're fucking dead! 你们死定了
Mom, have you seen my car keys? 妈你看见我车钥匙了吗
I'm gonna be late to meet Tommy. 我去见汤米要迟到了
Sorry. 抱歉
I could've sworn they were in my jacket. 我发誓我放在外套里了
What the hell? 什么鬼
I'm going on a date 我要去约会
and you're inviting Aunt Kay to the wedding? 你却要邀请凯姨来参加婚礼
That makes no sense. 这根本没道理
I know she's dull, but she's good for a gravy boat at least. 我知道她很无趣但至少她会送个船形肉汁壶
I'm not getting married. Okay? 我不会结婚的好吗
I'm going to meet Tommy Harte for sex, 我要去找汤米·哈特做爱
if I ever find my damn keys. 如果我能找到钥匙的话
Yes, dear. If. 是的亲爱的如果
Did you hide my keys? 你把我钥匙藏起来了吗
Yes. 是的
And once you've calmed down, you'll thank me. Sit. 等你冷静下来后你会感谢我坐下
No! Where are my keys? 不我的钥匙呢
They're not in my purse. 不在我钱包里
I told you they weren't in there. 我说了不在那儿
Fine, keep the keys. I'll walk. 行钥匙你留着我走路
In those heels, you won't make it past the driveway. 穿着这高跟鞋你都走不出车道
I know you're upset, but if you sleep with Tommy, 我知道你不开心但如果你和汤米上床
you're slamming the door on Brad forever. 你就永远失去了布拉德
I know. That's the point. 我知道这就是我想要的
But you love him, and he loves you. 但是你爱他他也爱你
The hall's booked, the caterer's been paid, 婚堂订好了钱也付给了酒席承办人
your dress is gorgeous. 你的婚纱可美了
Why are you on Brad's side? What's changed? 你怎么站在布拉德这边怎么回事
Who got to you? 谁影响了你
- Hello. - Was it him? -你们好-是他吗
It was you. This is all your fault. 是你都怪你
Yes, I'm sure it is. Sorry, what are we talking about? 肯定是的抱歉我们在说什么
Amy's decided to pay Brad back by seducing Tommy Harte. 艾米决定以勾引汤米·哈特来报复布拉德
Tommy? Isn't he a little young for you? 汤米他对你来说太年轻了吧
What is he, 17? 他多大了17岁吗
He's 18 and mature for his age. 他18岁算很成熟了
But that's beside the point. 但这不是重点
You made a promise, young lady, 你承诺了的小姐
to Brad, to us, 向布拉德向我们
and to the Biltmore Hotel. 还有比尔特莫尔酒店都承诺过
Oh, you're one to talk about promises. 你好意思谈承诺
You divorced Daddy, the guy after him, 你和爸爸离婚第二任丈夫也离了
and now with Karl sleeping in the guest room, 现在卡尔睡在客房里
I'm assuming he's on his way out as well. 我想你和他差不多也要散了
Look. 听着
I love Brad, 我爱布拉德
but I don't know if I can trust him, 但我不知道我是否能信任他
and I don't want to be another you. 我不想成为下一个你
With three husbands by 40. 四十岁就嫁过三次人
Your keys are in the freezer. 你的钥匙在冰箱里
Go. 走吧
A-Amy, Amy. You're right. 艾米艾米你是对的
Your mother and I are sorting through some issues, 你妈妈和我确实在处理一些问题
and I'm not a perfect husband, 我也不是一个完美的丈夫
and maybe Brad won't be either, 也许布拉德也不会是
but love is always a risk, 但爱情总是要冒风险的
and I know it's easy to think this is never going to last, 我知道你很容易觉得这样的爱情不会长久
so why don't I end it now, but... 所以为何不现在结束它呢但是
the chance for love doesn't come around every day. 爱的机会不是每天都有的
One must think long and hard before one casts it aside. 在决断之前必须经过深思熟虑
Tommy's waiting. 汤米在等我
Oh, go, go. I... 去吧去吧我
I hope you have a nice dinner. 我希望你用餐愉快
Do you, uh, think my pretty speech helped? 你觉得我动人的演讲有用吗
More than you know. 效果超出预料
I need to make a phone call. 我得去打个电话
Hey, baby. 宝贝
I'm gonna take Teacup upstairs. It's nice and quiet up there. 我把茶缸带上去上面舒适安静
Yeah. She's had a stressful day. 好它过了紧张的一天
What you did today, 你今天的所作所为
that was the nicest thing that anyone's ever done for me. 是别人为我做过最好的事情
- Oh. No big deal. - No. It absolutely was. -小事一桩-不是真的
Son of a bitch. 该死
Please hide this. Somewhere he can't find it. 请把这个藏起来别让他找到
Okay. Thanks. 好的谢谢
Come on, Teacup. 走吧茶缸
Oh, that's a good girl. 真乖
It's a good day, huh? 今天挺不错吧
Is it? 是吗
I mean, we got the dog back, didn't we? 我们把狗找回来了不是吗
All right. I know we might've broken the law a little bit. 好吧我知道我们稍稍触犯了一下法律
You broke the law, a lot. 是你触犯了法律不只一点点
And you made me an accomplice. 导致我成了同谋
All right, yeah, but you saw how happy it made Jade, right? 好吧但你看到洁德有多开心不是吗
- I think it was worth it. - Absolutely, you're right. -我觉得很值-对你说得对
The smile on Jade's face more than makes up 洁德脸上的笑容足以抵消
for the fact that I could be disbarred. 我可能被取消律师资格证的悲剧
I'm sorry. I mean, I had to do something. 对不起我当时必须得做点什么
No, you didn't. I had a plan. 不你不用我有计划的
Yeah? So did I. 是吗我也有啊
Mine actually worked. 而且我的计划奏效了
That's not the point. 这不是重点
Oh, no, no, no, no. The point is that I finally do something right 不不不重点是我终于做了点正确的事
and you can't even be happy about it. 你却不能为我高兴一下
What am I supposed to be happy about? 我该为什么而高兴啊
For the last two years, I've been pathetic Eli 过去两年里我一直都是那个
who-who can't finish a screenplay, 连剧本都写不完的可悲伊莱
who can't help pay the bills. I-I get it. 账单也付不起我知道
You're frustrated with me. Well, guess what? 你对我很失望你猜怎么着
I'm frustrated with me, too. 我也对自己很失望
- Eli, you're not pathetic. - No? -伊莱你一点都不可悲-不是吗
'Cause this morning, I couldn't even defend my own home. 因为今天早上我连自己家都保护不了
My wife had to come save me. 还需要我妻子来救我
'Cause I thought he was gonna beat you to a pulp. 因为我以为他会揍你一顿
He probably would have. 他可能是会
But the fact that you had to step in, 但是你的介入
that makes it hurt even worse. 让我更加受伤
- I was just trying to be helpful. - I know. -我只是想帮忙-我知道
But sometimes, honey, 但是有些时候宝贝
I just need a fucking win. 我只需要一场胜利
Okay? I just want to feel like a man 懂吗我只想让自己感觉像个爷们儿
and save a dog and have that be good enough. 把狗救下来做得足够好
You're right. 你说得对
It was a good day. 今天挺不错
Thank you. 谢谢你
I didn't lock the door. 我没锁门
Okay, all right. Call the police. 好的快报警
Look, hey, man, l-let me just start 听着伙计让我先
by offering my... 解释
Get off me, you bitch! 下来你个婊子
Jade! Jade! 洁德洁德
Jade! 洁德
Where the fuck is she? 她在哪
You broke my leg, you crazy bitch! 你让我摔断了腿你个疯婆子
Fuck with my family again, and I'll break the other one. 再来惹我家人我就打断你另一条腿
- How's your food? - Excellent. -好吃吗-好吃极了
- Yours? - Yeah, it's-it's really good. -你的呢-很不错
Good. 挺好
So you're going to college in the fall? 所以你秋天就要去上大学了吗
- Art school. - Oh, that's right. -艺术学院-对哦
You like to draw. 你喜欢画画
That's cute. 真可爱
Oh, what the hell? 搞什么
Sorry to interrupt your evening. Hello, Tommy. 抱歉打搅了你们的约会你好汤米
Mrs. Grove. 格罗夫太太
What are you doing here, Mom? 你来干什么妈
I need a moment. 我找你有事
For what? 干什么
I brought someone. 我带了个人来
Brad would like to talk to you. 布拉德想跟你谈谈
I'm in the middle of dinner. 我正在吃晚餐呢
Well, Tommy doesn't mind. Do you? 汤米又不介意你介意吗
No. 不介意
- Simone... - Don't look at me. -萨蒙妮-别看我
People will see. 人们会看到的
Okay. 好的
There's something I want to say. 我有话想跟你说
Look, I only went out with Amy to make you jealous. 听着我和艾米约会是为了让你吃醋
It was a, it was dumb thing to do. I was just hurt, you know? 这么做很傻我只是很受伤
Because I like you so much. 因为我很喜欢你
But I was thinking that if we put a name to what 我之前是想如果我给我们的关系
we've been doing, then I would know how you felt about me, 一个名分的话那我就知道你对我是什么感觉了
but you're not into it, so I'll-- I will back off. 但你没兴趣所以我会放弃
You can look at me now. 你现在可以看我了
I must really like you a lot to wear this god-awful thing. 我一定是喜欢你得不行才会戴这丑哭的玩意
Well. I guess the wedding's back on, then. 哟看来婚礼又会如约举行了
Apparently so. 显然是的
Back to us. Are you free Friday? 回到我们的话题你周五有空吗
Yes, ma'am. 有的夫人
Don't call me ma'am. 别叫我夫人
Yes, lover. 有的爱人
Ma'am will be fine. 还是叫夫人吧
Thank you again for inviting us. Everything was lovely. 再次谢谢你们邀请我们一切都很棒
We are so glad you came. 我们很高兴你们来了
I can't remember the last time we laughed so hard. 我已经记不起我们上次开怀大笑是什么时候了
You're an absolute delight. 你真能活跃气氛
I hope we see you again very soon. 希望能很快再见到你
Robert, you're a lucky man, son. 罗伯特你很幸运
Hope you know that. 希望你明白这点
Yes, sir. 我知道
- Good night. - Good night. -晚安-晚安
So how did you figure it out? 所以你是怎么知道的
Oh, crap. I left a joint in my pocket, didn't I? 见鬼我把大麻烟卷留在衣服口袋里了对吗
You did. 是的
You absolutely did. 没错
I knew something was up. 我就知道有什么地方不对劲
You've been acting strangely for weeks. 过去几周你都很古怪
So why did you smoke it? 那你为什么要抽
To get back at me? 为了报复我吗
Well... 好吧
I don't blame you. 我不怪你
I'm sorry. 对不起
My walk on the wild side is over. 我的狂野之旅已经结束
Won't happen again. 不会有下次了
- I have one question. - What's that? -我有一个问题-什么
Why did you want to try marijuana? 你为什么想尝试抽大麻
I thought it would be fun to break the rules. 我想着打破规矩会很有趣
Does that sound stupid? 这听上去愚蠢吗
Not at all. 一点也不
My life feels like one of those stupid swan napkins. 我的生活感觉就像是那傻逼天鹅餐巾
It's rigid, it's all tight folds and sharp edges. 死板紧密的折痕锋利的边缘
And people admire it, 人们很羡慕
but it takes so much work. 但是我却很辛苦
And it's goddamned exhausting. 太累人了
Course it is. 当然
We've forgotten to find time in our life for joy. 我们都忘了在生活里找乐子了
Joy? 乐子
Hell, I'd settle for a few laughs now and then. 偶尔能放声大笑我就满足了
I would love to hear you laugh again. 我想再次听到你笑
I'd break every rule in the book for that. 为此我愿意打破所有规矩
I'm starting to realize 我开始意识到
you're not the good little girl I thought you were. 你不是我印象中的那个乖乖女了
No, sir. 是的先生
I'm a rebel. 我是叛逆女孩
Okay. Okay. 好啊
We've got to do something, tonight. 我们得做点什么今晚就做
Something... crazy! 疯狂的事
Crazy and hilarious. 疯狂又搞笑
But what? I mean... what can we do? What? 做什么呢我们能做什么
I'm actually getting excited. 我好激动呀
Rob... 罗伯
We're being too loud. 我们声音太大了
I thought you were a rebel. 你不是叛逆女孩吗
You're right. 你说的是
If you visit your local morgue, 如果你去探访你当地的太平间
you'll find the bodies of good people 你会发现那些做了错误选择的
who made bad choices. 好人尸体
Some engaged in reckless love affairs. 有的不计后果搞婚外情
Some invited violent strangers into their home. 有的把暴力陌生人招进家里
And some kept dark secrets from those they loved. 还有的向他们的爱人隐瞒了黑暗秘密
Yes, it's choices like these that lead to death. 是的正是这样的选择让他们走向死亡
And more importantly, murder. 但更重要的是谋杀


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