

英文 中文
They pumped my stomach. 他们给我洗胃了
I'm not paying for that. 我不会出那个医药费的
Not when a good burp would've saved you. 明明打个嗝都能吐出药片救活你
I've known for some time about Karl's indiscretions. 卡尔的轻率之举我已经耳闻一段时间了
I was picking up my dry cleaning, 有天我去取干洗的衣服
and there was his car, 他的车停在那里
parked across the street at some seedy motel. 就在街对面的什么三流旅馆前面
You still want to make love to me? 你还想跟我滚床单吗
- Yeah. - I'm free today at 4:00. -是的-我今天四点没事
Where should we go? 我们应该去哪里
You're a man now; figure it out. 你是个男人了自己想
There's no way I'm getting into your mobile sex den. 我不会进入你的移动性窝的
You seem, uh... energized. 你看上去容光焕发
Do I? 是吗
Have you embarked on a new exercise regimen? 你最近是开始了新的锻炼课程吗
I plan on working out as often as I can. 我打算有空就去健身
The other day, she was going on and on 那天她一直不停地说
about how much she liked my movie. 她有多喜欢我的电影
You know what? We've already got an open marriage... 我们已经是开放式婚姻了
I'll ask her for a three-way. 我会去问她愿不愿意三人行
If she says no... 如果她拒绝的话...
She says yes. 她同意了
Oh, my God. 天呐
You in love with her? 你爱上她了吗
You've been insecure lately 你最近没有安全感
- because of your career. - Are you in love with her? -因为你事业不顺-你爱上她了吗
No. 没有
Has your married man ever told you 你的有妇之夫有跟你说过
why he feels the need to cheat? 他为什么需要出轨吗
He was bored with his wife. 他厌倦了自己的老婆
It's a manual. For married couples. 这是本手册给夫妻用的
These are dirty pictures. 这都是小黄图
They're scientific. 都是很科学的
I have to concentrate. 我需要专注
Rob, please don't go. 罗伯拜托别走
This has been an awkward night. 今晚真令人尴尬
I need to make an appearance. 我必须到场
They must be important clients. 他们一定是重要客户
Don't wait up. 别等我
It begins quite slowly. 开始很缓慢
With a look. 一个眼神
Or a gesture. 或者一个动作
And once the invitation is accepted... 一旦接受了邀请
The tango begins. 探戈就开始
It is a dance of anticipation. 这是期待的舞
- Seduction. - Desire. -诱惑的舞-欲望的舞
And love. 也是爱情的舞
You know, some say it takes two to tango. 有人说两个人才能跳探戈
But sometimes, lurking in the dark... 但有时潜伏在黑暗中的
Is a third. 是第三人
Now, if you choose to dance with him, 如果你要和他跳舞
be prepared to deal with the consequences. 做好应对后果的准备
For passion can turn to jealousy. 因为激情可以变成嫉妒
Love can become violent. 爱可以变得暴力
Yes. The tango exists to remind us 是的探戈的存在是为了提醒我们
the greatest love stories... 最伟大的爱情故事
End in death. 都以死亡收场
Just a reminder, 跟你说下
I've got that project due tomorrow. 我明天前要完成那个项目
So you'll be working late again? 所以你又要加班吗
Afraid so. 恐怕是的
Sorry, honey. 抱歉亲爱的
What are your big plans for the day? 你今天有什么计划
Oh, nothing interesting. 没什么有意思的
Need to drop by the dry cleaners. 要去干洗店
After that, I'll go to the market for some shopping. 然后去集市买点东西
And then I might have lunch with a new friend. 然后也许会和一个新朋友吃午饭
This is your phone number. 这是你的电话号码
Oh, I thought you should have it, 既然我们成了密友了
now that we're getting to be chums. 我想你应该知道
This way, if you ever need someone 这样如果你哪天
to go with you to the movies... 需要约人去看电影
I can call you up. Got it. 我可以打给你明白
Now, I rent a room from a lovely couple. 我在一对恩爱夫妻那租了一间房
The wife's name is also Sheila. 妻子的名字也叫希拉
So, if you call and she answers... 如果你打电话她接了的话
Then I'll ask for the other Sheila. 那我就说找另一个希拉
Exactly. Busy this week? 没错这周很忙吗
Uh, my schedule is pretty open, except for tonight. 我安排挺松的除了今晚
I have a date. 我有约会
With your married man? 和你的有妇之夫
He finished some big project at work. To celebrate, 他完成了一个大项目为了庆祝
he got us reservations at this really fancy night club. 他在一个高级夜店给我们定了位子
He's taking you out? 他要带你出去
In public? 当众
For the first time. It's like an actual boyfriend. 第一次就像是真的男友一样
Isn't that nice? 真是太棒了
What are you smiling about? 你在笑什么
Oh, the absurdity of it all. 这事的荒谬
I'm having the best sex of my life 我最美妙的性爱
in the back of a catering van. 发生在餐车后厢里
Well, maybe when Mr. Grove moves out, 也许等格罗夫先生搬出去后
we could start doing this in your bed. 我们可以去你的床上做
So, about that... 说到这个
Karl may be staying in my home longer than we discussed. 卡尔或许会在我家比预想中住得久一点
How much longer? A week? 多久一周吗
Longer. 不止
Two weeks? 两周
He won't be leaving until after my daughter's wedding. 他要在我女儿婚礼之后才会走
That's two months away. 那还要两个月啊
Well, I don't mind the van. 我不介意在车上做
No, that's-that's not the point. 不那不是重点
Simone, he cheated on you with men. 萨蒙妮他背着你和男人偷情
Why would you let him stay for five more seconds? 你为什么不马上赶他走
Well, I tried to throw him out. 我也想赶他走
- And he wouldn't go? - He said that if I made him leave, -他不走吗-他说如果我赶他走
he would tell all my friends he was gay 他就要告诉我所有朋友他是同性恋
and embarrass me before the wedding. 在婚礼前让我丢脸
So he's threatening you? 所以他是在威胁你
No, it's just a little light blackmail. 不只是小小的勒索
All right. I'll take care of this. 好吧我来搞定这件事
What does that mean? 什么意思
Nothing. I'm just gonna convince him that he's making a mistake. 没什么我要让他明白他在犯错
That's adorable. 真可爱
Hey, I'm serious. 我是认真的
Please, let me help. 请让我帮你
Absolutely not. 当然不行
I'm not gonna break any bones. 我不会伤他太重
I'm just gonna bend some stuff. 我只会让他吃点苦头
Tommy, how do you expect our secret affair to remain secret 汤米你觉得如果你去揍我丈夫
once you've been arrested by the police 被警察抓了
for beating up my husband? 我们的私情还怎么藏得住
I was just spitballing. 我只是随便说说
Well, I appreciate the passion, 我很感谢你的热情
but save it for the van. 但还是把它留在车里吧
I'd still love to meet Karl alone in a dark alley some night. 我还是想找个晚上在一条小黑巷里单独会会卡尔
Careful. 当心
He might enjoy that. 他可能会很喜欢那样呢
Yes. Um, no, I understand, 好的不我明白
it's just that I've been through the deposition twice 只是我已经看了两遍证词
and I couldn't find anything useful. 没有找到任何有用的东西
Eli. 伊莱
Eli. 伊莱
I will check again. 我会再看一遍的
Sure. 没问题
What's that? 那是什么
Got it this morning. It's pretty sweet, right? 今早买的很不错吧
Uh, don't you already have a guitar? 你不是已经有把吉他了吗
Yeah, no, honey, this is a bass. 不亲爱的这是把贝斯
Five strings, it sounds totally different. Check it out. 有五根弦听起来完全不一样你听
- Very cool. - Yeah. -很酷-是啊
- Oh, are you going to the kitchen? - Yeah. -你去厨房吗-嗯
Could you grab me a soda? 能帮我拿杯汽水吗
With the, the crushy ice? 里面冻成碎冰的
Love you. 爱你
Did you hear the big news? 你听说那个大消息了吗
Eli bought a bass. 伊莱买了把贝斯
Oh, I heard. 听见了
He thinks it's gonna help him work through his writer's block. 他觉得这能帮他突破写作瓶颈
Great. That's how he ended up with his other guitar, 很好他也是因为这个理由买了那把吉他
the Xbox and the elliptical. 那台游戏机和椭圆机
Got it. 明白了
So, how was your day? 你今天过得怎么样
It was crazy busy. I didn't even get a chance to eat lunch. 忙死了我连午饭都没机会吃
Oh, God, you have to try this. 天呐你一定要尝尝这个
It's hot. Careful. 很烫小心
- That's amazing. - It's good, right? -太好吃了-很好吃吧
Yeah. So, did Eli get any work done today? 是的所以伊莱今天有写了什么吗
I'm not sure. I was running errands. 我不知道我出去办事了
- Why don't you ask him? - No. -你怎么不问他-不了
If I ask Eli, "Did you get any writing done?" 如果我问伊莱"你写了什么吗"
what he hears is, "Nag, nag, nag, nag, nag." 在他听来我只是在不停地叨叨
I'm just gonna say nothing and be supportive. 我什么都不会说表示支持就好了
This is my supportive smile. Tell me what you think. 这就是我支持的微笑你觉得怎么样
It's terrifying. 很吓人
Hey, I have an idea. 我有个主意
After dinner, let's go dancing. 晚饭后我们去跳舞吧
- Tonight? - Yeah. There's this new club in Silver Lake -今晚吗-嗯银湖新开了一家夜店
I've been dying to check out. 我超想去看看
I have a lot of reading to do for work. 我还有很多文件要看
Oh, come on. 拜托
You've been so stressed, and I can't remember 你太紧绷了我都记不起
the last time we went dancing together. 上次我们一起去跳舞是什么时候了
I could use some alone time, just you and me. 可以来点私人时间就我和你
Really? 真的吗
So we can go clubbing? 我们可以去泡夜店了
- Clubbing? - Eli. -泡夜店-伊莱
Thought you were playing your bass. 你不是在弹贝斯吗
Thought you were grabbing me a soda. 你不是要帮我拿汽水吗
I was getting to it. 我正准备拿
So you guys are going clubbing, huh? 所以你们要去夜店
Yeah. Yeah, we are. 是的
All right. I'm in. 好吧我也去
Eli, you don't dance. 伊莱你又不跳舞
I dance. In my way. 我跳的以我自己的方式
When you dance, you're in everyone's way. 你跳起舞来大家都要被你干扰了
What? You guys really don't want me to come? 怎么你们真的不想我去吗
No. No, no, no. 不不不
We'd love for you to come. Right? 我们很乐意你来对吗
Absolutely. 当然
Creepy smile. 笑得真诡异
Karl? 卡尔
There she is. 她回来了
Naomi. 娜奥米
Did we have plans? 我们有约吗
No, I just popped in with a question. 不是我只是想问你个问题
Karl said you went to the post office, 卡尔说你去了邮局
and so I waited. 所以我就等你回来
For an hour. 等了一个小时
Yes. We need to talk about the entertainment for the benefit. 是的我们得谈谈慈善晚会的娱乐活动
Benefit. 慈善晚会
For the burn victims. 为烧伤患者举办的
Oh, my God. 天呐
I forgot all about it. 我完全忘记这事了
Simone, you're in charge of the decorations. 萨蒙妮你可是负责装饰的
It's fine. I ordered everything weeks ago. 没关系我几周前已经买好东西了
My mind's been elsewhere because of recent events. 因为最近的事情我有点分心
Are you still up for your number? 你还要表演你的节目吗
Simone promised the two of you would reprise your dance. 萨蒙妮答应过你们会重现
From the country club's talent show. 你们在乡村俱乐部才艺秀上的舞蹈
Oh, did she? 是吗
I'm not sure I'm up for it now, given recent events. 考虑到最近的事我不确定还想不想跳
Well, if you don't do something, 如果你们不表演的话
Ida Ford is threatening to sing opera. 艾达·福特扬言要唱歌剧
Oh, darling. Haven't the burn victims suffered enough? 亲爱的难道火灾受害者受的罪还不够多吗
All right. 好吧
We'll perform. 我们会表演的
I'm so glad. 那就好
And remember: 记着
if you ever need to talk about anything, 不管你何时想倾诉何事
I am always here. 我一直都在
Yes. You certainly seem to be. 是你确实一直都在我家
Why did you let her inside? 你为什么让她进来
I'm the one who should be miffed. 我才是该生气的那个
Why didn't you tell me Naomi saw my car at a motel? 你为什么不告诉我娜奥米在汽车旅馆看到了我的车
We're lucky that's all she saw. 万幸她只看到了你的车
If she knew you were having anonymous sex with strange men... 如果她知道你隐瞒身份和陌生男人约炮
It was never anonymous. 我从未隐瞒过身份
And only a few of them were strange. 而且当中只有几个是陌生人
I am not the audience for that joke. 我才不要听你这破笑话
- What are you doing? - Benefit's in two days. -你在干什么-离慈善晚会只有两天了
We need to rehearse. 我们需要排练
Ugh, what was I thinking? 我当时在想什么
I can't dance with you, I'm still furious. 我没法和你跳舞我还生着气呢
You'll forget all about that 当我们成为全场焦点
when we're the center of attention, 被掌声淹没
drowning in applause. 你会把这一切都忘得一干二净
Stop trying to charm your way back into my heart. 不要再试图用你的魅力赢回我的心
It won't work. 没用的
Now, you see, I think you've forgotten 你瞧我觉得是你忘记
how much fun we have together. 我们在一起时有多开心
And I am determined to remind you. 我誓要让你记起
Why are you trying so hard to hold onto me? 你为什么要这么努力地挽留我
Because I love you, my darling. 因为我爱你我的宝贝
Well, I'm not sure that's enough. 恐怕那还不够
Well, try this one beside. 那你听听这一句
I actually like you. 我其实还挺喜欢你
How many of your husbands can say that? 你有几任丈夫能说这话
Oh, hey. Ooh, thanks. 谢了
Oh, crap. 糟了
What? What's wrong? 什么怎么回事
I think I just saw my agent. 我好像看到我的经纪人了
Lamar's here? Why don't you go say hi? 拉马尔在这儿你怎么不去打个招呼
No, he's just gonna give me a hard time 算了他只会不停地催我
about finishing the script. 交剧本
There's an easy way to get him off your back. 有个简单的办法可以摆脱他
- What's that? - Finish your script. -什么办法-写完你的剧本
This kind of attitude is 就是因为这种态度
why I introduce you to people as my first wife. 我才介绍你是我第一任妻子
Yeah, that's funny. 你真逗
Is everything okay? 一切还好吗
Yeah. I just really want to dance with you right now. 还好我现在只想和你跳舞
- Yeah, let's do it. - Okay. -好啊那就跳吧-好的
- Come on. - Jade! -来吧-洁德
Oh, my God! 我的天
Wischa! Oh, my God! 薇沙我的天呐
Did she say "Wischa"? 她刚才是说"薇沙"吗
- I think so. - You guys. -是的吧-二位
These are my friends, Willow and Mischa. 这是我的朋友薇珞和米沙
Wischa. Ah, I get it. 薇沙我懂了
This is, uh, Taylor and Eli. 这是泰勒和伊莱
How do you two know Jade? 你们是怎么认识洁德的
We met her last year. 我们去年遇到她
Oh, and it was love at first sight. 完全是一见钟情
Oh, my God, you guys! 我的天你们嘴好甜
Girl, you look fucking amazing. 姐妹你看起来太他妈赞了
Mmm, when fucking doesn't she? 她什么时候不他妈赞啊
Fucking never. 从他妈没有过
I'm getting the feeling that we weren't Jade's first threesome. 我感觉我们不是洁德的第一次三人行
I don't get it. Why would you want to 我不明白你为什么想要
start palling around with this tramp? 和这个淫妇做朋友
Because I want to stop her from seeing my husband. 因为我想阻止她继续见我的丈夫
And how is buying her popcorn at the Rialto 在里亚托给她买爆米花算什么
gonna make that happen? 阻止她的手段
I'm trying to establish trust. 我在努力建立信任
If a stranger came up and said your dress was ugly, 如果一个陌生人走过来说你的裙子很丑
what would you say? 你会怎么说
I'd say fuck off. 我会说滚开
But if a dear friend gently suggested 但是如果一位好友温柔地暗示
orange is not your best color? 橘色不太适合你呢
I'd get rid of the dress. 我会把裙子扔掉
If I'm to convince April 如果我要说服艾普尔
it's not in her best interest to date a married man, 和一个已婚男人约会对她没好处
first I must become her confidant. 首先我必须成为她的闺蜜
Her close advisor. 她的情感顾问
Okay. 懂了
So when does this new friendship begin to blossom? 那这段新友谊何时开启
Tonight. 今晚
I thought Rob was taking her to the club tonight. 罗伯今晚不是要带她去俱乐部吗
Do you honestly think I'm going to let that happen? 你当真以为我会坐视不管吗
You all right? 你还好吗
- No, I'm nervous. - Why? -不我很紧张-为什么
Everyone we know will be in this room tonight. 我们认识的所有人今晚都会在这里
You've dazzled them all a hundred times. 你已惊艳过他们无数次
Because I knew how much they envied me. 因为我知道他们有多嫉妒我
They'd laugh in my face if they knew the truth about us. 如果他们知道真相定会当面嘲笑我
Here's a thought. Don't tell them. 我有个建议不要告诉他们
People will be able to figure it out. 大家终究会琢磨出来的
Do you honestly believe we're the only couple here 你真的以为我们是这里唯一一对
pretending to be something that we're not? 不加伪装的夫妇吗
- No. - Trust me, -不是的-相信我
there is not a woman here tonight 今晚这里的每一个女子
who wouldn't trade all of her problems for yours 如果有你一半漂亮的话都会愿意
if she looked half as beautiful 用她自己所有的难题
as you do right now. 来跟你交换位置
But what good is other people's envy 但是如果一切都是谎言的话
if it's all based on a lie? 别人的嫉妒又有什么用呢
I'm not sure. 我不确定
Let's find out. 我们去一探究竟吧
Simone! You look stunning. 萨蒙妮你简直美呆了
And you look like a teenager. 你看上去像个少女
How do you get your skin so soft? 你的皮肤怎会如此柔软
It's called a chemical peel. 是一种化学换肤术
I know. One more and she'll be the Phantom of the Opera. 我知道再弄一次她就变成歌剧魅影了
- Simone! - Darling. Hello, Barclay. -萨蒙妮-亲爱的你好巴克利
Sandy, you're out of rehab. 桑迪你从戒瘾所出来了
Don't worry, I'll be back. 别担心我会回去的
- Maybe I should go and find our table. - No need. -或许我该去找咱们的桌子-没必要
I've arranged for us all to sit here. 我已经安排我们坐在这里了
Together? What fun. 一起吗有意思
I think this is a good time to find the bar. 我想现在去吧台一下比较好
Liquor's on it's way, Simone, 酒马上来萨蒙妮
brought to you by the most adorable waiter at the party. 由整个派对上最可爱的侍应生端给你
Wine, Mrs. Grove? 喝红酒吗格罗夫太太
Tommy. 汤米
You're our waiter? 你是我们的侍应生吗
Yes, Mrs. Grove. 没错格罗夫太太
Mr. Grove. 格罗夫先生
Hello. 你好
Shall we, darling? 走吗亲爱的
So, Mischa, what do you guys do for a living? 那么米沙你们是做什么的
Oh, uh, we're influencers. 我们是网红
Influencers? 网红
On Instagram. 在Instagram上
We're sort of famous. 我们挺有名的
Are you? 是吗
Yeah, it's called @UnderwearEverywhere. 对账号名叫处处有内衣
All these underwear brands pay us stupid money 那些内衣品牌给我们一大笔钱
to post pictures wearing their stuff. 上传穿着他们产品的照片
At famous landmarks, like, all over the world. 去全世界各个著名地标建筑打卡
Yo, check it. 你看
And the Taj Mahal people, they were okay with that? 泰姬陵的管理人员也不介意吗
Ah, we were in and out lickety-split. 我们快进快出
We had the best time. 玩得可开心了
We've missed you, little Jade. 我们很想你小洁德
Oh, I missed you. 我也很想你们
So, um, how long are you guys here? 你们要在这里待多久
We leave tomorrow night for Venice. 我们明晚去威尼斯
- No. - Oh, so soon. -不是吧-这么快
Oh, that sucks. 真可惜
I was hoping I'd have more time to hang out with you guys. 我还希望能多跟你们待一阵呢
Yeah, it sucks. 是啊真可惜
- Wait, Mischa. - What? -等等米沙-怎么
I just had an idea. 我有个好主意
I know what you're thinking, and it's fucking brilliant. 我知道你在想什么简直太机智了
What are you thinking? 你在想什么
Come with us to Venice tomorrow. 明天跟我们一起去威尼斯吧
- Oh, my God. - Tomorrow? Really? -天哪-明天真的吗
Yeah, it would be so much fun. 对啊会很好玩的
Well... 这个...
She doesn't have a plane ticket. 她没有机票啊
Our assistant can take care of that. 我们的助理可以搞定
- You guys have an assistant? - Yeah. -你们还有助理吗-对
Guys, come on, it's such short notice. 各位拜托这么急
That'll cost a fortune. 机票钱会很贵的
Oh, please, we've got tons of miles. 拜托我们里程数超多的
- Really? - Yeah. -真的吗-对
Do you have a current passport? 你有能用的护照吗
I think so, yeah. 我想是的
Oh, my God. 天哪
Um, hold on. 等等
You can't just leave the country on a whim. 你不能一时兴起就出国
It's irresponsible. 太没责任感了
Okay, Mom. Geez, calm down. 好吧老妈天哪冷静点
Excuse me? 你说什么
Oh, my God! 天哪
Oh... this song is my jam! 这首歌我太喜欢了
Guys, let's dance. Come on. 各位来跳舞吧快来
- Yeah, let's dance. - All right, let's do it. -就是来跳舞吧-好吧来跳吧
Come on. Let's go, bro. 来吧快来兄弟
- Me? Yeah? - Yeah. -我确定吗-是的
- Let's do it. - All right. -来吧-好吧
I'm going with him. So... 我要跟他去跳舞了所以
Stanton speaking. 我是斯坦顿
Rob, it's me. 罗伯是我
Well, this is a nice surprise. 真是个美好的惊喜
I don't mean to bother, 我无意打扰
but I'm making tuna casserole for dinner. 但我晚上要做金枪鱼煲
Do you prefer bread crumbs or not? 你想要加面包碎还是不加
Honey, I told you I'm working late tonight. 亲爱的我说过我今晚工作要到很晚
Oh. Did I forget? 是吗是我忘了
Yeah, our deadline for the project is tomorrow morning. 没错我们项目的截止日期是明天上午
Right. 好吧
What was the name of that again? 是什么项目来着
The Delphi Project. 德尔福项目
Of course. Of course, well, 对对好吧
I'll let you get back to work. 那你去工作吧
Now, remember, don't wait up. 好了记得不用等我
I won't be home till the wee hours. 我凌晨才能回家
Oh, poor baby. 可怜的宝贝
Hello, Claire. 你好克莱尔
Mrs. Stanton. 斯坦顿太太
Your husband didn't tell me you were gonna stop by. 你丈夫没跟我说你会过来
Oh, Rob isn't expecting me. 罗伯不知道我要来
This is something of a surprise. 这是给他的惊喜
I am desperate for a cup of coffee. 我太想喝一杯咖啡了
Could you be so kind? 你能帮我弄一杯过来吗
Well, I'm-I'm not supposed to leave my desk. 我不能离开我的办公桌
Claire, how often do I ask you for favors? 克莱尔我难得开口让你帮个忙
Sure, Mrs. Stanton. 好的斯坦顿夫人
I'll be back in a jif. 我很快就回来
Don't rush, dear. 不用急亲爱的
Take your time. 慢慢来
Hi there. 你好呀
Beth Ann. What are you doing here? 贝丝·安你怎么来了
I couldn't bear the thought of you 我一想到你拿自动贩卖机里
getting your dinner from a vending machine. 买的垃圾食品当晚餐心里就受不了
Wow, that's thoughtful. 天呐你真是太贴心了
I know you have a kitchen around here somewhere. 我知道你这里是有厨房的
You can pop it in the fridge until you're ready to eat. 你可以先放到冰箱里等想吃了就拿出来吃
Sure. 好的
Claire, can you come in here for a second? 克莱尔能稍微进来一会儿吗
Claire? 克莱尔
Ah, she must have wandered off. 她肯定是有事离开了
I'm sure she'll be back soon. 我相信她很快就会回来
Now, Robert, 罗伯特
I went to all the trouble of making this casserole. 我费心费力地做了这个砂锅菜
I don't want the tuna to spoil. 我可不希望这里面的金枪鱼坏掉
I will put it in the fridge. 我去放到冰箱里
Mrs. Stanton, here's your coffee. 斯坦顿夫人您的咖啡好了
Oh, you're so sweet. 你真是太贴心了
It's very hot. You might want to give it a moment to cool off. 很烫你最好等它凉了再喝
Oh, I don't have time to wait. I have things to do. 我可没时间等我还有好多事要做
Oh, it'll just take a sec. 只需要一会儿就好
You're a treasure. Tell Rob I'll see him back home. 你真是难得的人才告诉罗伯我回家等他了
Who said you could have a coffee break? 谁说你可以去喝咖啡了
I was so flattered. 我真是受宠若惊
Usually when Tommy's company caters one of my events, 通常汤米他们公司替我的活动承办宴席的时候
he refuses to wait on me. 他都拒绝侍奉我
But tonight, he asked for this table. 但今晚他主动要求侍奉这桌
Did he? 是吗
The theme of this evening is "South of the Border." 今晚的主题是「国境以南」
Yes. 没错
So, who chose the flamenco outfits for the waiters? 那么是谁为这些服务生选择了弗拉明戈舞的服装
I did. Why? 我选的怎么了
Flamenco is Spanish. 弗拉明戈舞是西班牙的
Isn't that what they speak down there? 南边那些国家不是说西班牙语的吗
Spanish, as in Spain. 西班牙的意思是在西班牙
Yes, but it still counts as south of the border. 是但那也算国境以南
Yes, if the border is with France. 是啊除非你指的是法国国境
Oh, do you see what I have to live with? 你瞧我每天得忍受多么较真的一个人了吧
Such a know-it-all. 自以为无所不知
Yes, I'm forever flouting my knowledge 是啊我总炫耀我渊博的知识
that Spain is in Europe. 竟然知道西班牙在欧洲
Naomi, can I just say 娜奥米我想说
I'm stunned at how handsome your son's become. 你儿子出落得如此英俊帅气简直令我惊叹
I'm stunned he can breathe in those pants. 他穿着这种裤子还能呼吸我也很震惊
Karl... 卡尔
you're making Tommy uncomfortable. 你让汤米有些不适了
Me? I'm not the one who dressed him up 我吗把他打扮成像丽莎·明尼利的
as a backup dancer to Liza Minnelli. 伴舞人员的人可不是我
Another scotch, please, young man. 再来一杯威士忌吧年轻人
Yes, Mr. Grove. 好的格罗夫先生
Very good. Thank you. 很好谢谢
Hurry back, Tommy. 快点回来汤米
Can you believe how she's flirting with my son? 你敢相信她竟然这样跟我儿子调情吗
Oh, Sandy is just being playful. 桑迪只是闹着玩而已
He's 18. She's 32. 他才18岁而她已经32岁了
Don't you think that's pathetic? 你不觉得那很可悲吗
Excuse me. 失陪下
Vodka rocks, please. 伏特加加冰谢谢
You have to switch tables. 你得换一桌侍奉
I can't. 我做不到
Then at least stop glaring at Karl. 那就别老是盯着卡尔了
He's such a jerk. 他是个大混蛋
He's just trying to be funny. 他只是想显得风趣而已
He's insulting your dignity. 他在侮辱你的尊严
You can't say that in those sleeves. 你穿着这种衣服没资格说这种话
Ah, vodka rocks. 伏特加加冰
Thank you. 谢谢
You've found your calling. 你找到你的人生使命了
There you are. 你在这儿啊
- Here I are. - Why aren't you dancing? -我在这儿-你怎么没去跳舞
I'm tired. 我好累
- Are you about ready to go? - Now? -你准备好走了吗-现在吗
- Yeah. - I'm having so much fun with Wischa. -是啊-我跟薇沙玩得正开心呢
Well, it's after midnight, 已经过了午夜了
and I got to be up early and go to my job 我明天还得早起去工作
that requires me to, you know, wear clothes, so... 需要我穿正装所以...
How many of those have you had? 你喝了多少酒啊
A couple. 几杯
Maybe two couples. 可能不止吧[两对]
You seem angry. 你似乎很生气
I'm not angry. 我没有生气
Unless you're going to Venice with those low-rent Kardashians. 除非你打算跟这些低配版的名媛一起去威尼斯
Taylor, be nice. 泰勒说话客气点
Those are my friends. 他们是我的朋友
Yeah, and I'm just the person who saved you 是啊我只是一个将你从施暴的感情关系中
from an abusive relationship and let you live in my house, 解救出来还让你住在我家的陌路人
but fuck me, right? 我他妈算哪颗葱对吧
Okay. Um, I think maybe you should go home, 好了我觉得或许你该回家了
and I will... 我会...
- I'll see you later. - Okay. -我们回头再见-好吧
- Okay? - Yeah. -好吗-好啊
Are you going to Venice? 你要去威尼斯吗
I don't know yet. 我还不知道呢
Fine. Go! 好吧去吧
Have the best time. 祝你玩得开心
- Come on. - What? Now? -走吧-什么现在吗
- Yeah, now. - Okay. -对就现在-好吧
Stanton residence. 斯坦顿家
Honey, thank God you're there. 宝贝谢天谢地你在
Rob. 罗伯
You sound upset. 你听起来很不安
Listen, when you were in my office earlier, 听着之前你在我办公室的时候
did you happen to move any papers? 你有没有动过什么文件
What are you talking about? 你在说什么
The final draft of the Delphi Project. 德尔福项目的最终草案
It was here on my desk and now it's gone. 之前就在我桌上现在不见了
Did you look under your desk? 你找了桌子下面吗
Yes, I've looked everywhere. 找了我哪里都找了
Now, this is incredibly important. 这非常重要
Are you sure you didn't touch it? 你确定你没动过吗
I know better than to touch your things. 我很清楚不该碰你的东西
Damn it. 该死
If I don't find this thing, I'll have to stay late and redo it, 如果我找不到它我就要加班重做了
the whole goddamn thing. 全部他妈重做一遍
I thought you were working late anyway. 你不是无论如何都会加班吗
Uh... that was on something else. 那不是一回事
It doesn't matter. I have to go. I-I have to go. 那不重要我得挂了我得挂了
- Yeah? - Hi, I'd like to speak to Sheila. -你好-你好我找希拉
You're talking to her. Who's this? 我就是你是谁
I think I mean your roommate, the other Sheila. 我是说你的室友另一个希拉
Um, this is April from the diner. 我是餐厅的艾普尔
Oh, uh, Jesus, all right, hold on. 天啊好吧等等
You-know-who 你知道是谁
is on the phone. She wants to talk to you. 她打电话来了找你的
Hm. I thought she might. 就知道她会打来的
April? 艾普尔
Hi. I know this is late notice, 嗨我知道通知得有点晚
but would you like to come with me to the club tonight? 但是今晚你愿意和我去夜店吗
Rob cancelled on me. 罗伯放了我鸽子
I'm a mess right now, but 我现在一团糟但是
I guess I could throw myself together. 我猜我可以简单打扮一下
Oh, good. 那太好了
It's the White Diamond Bar in Burbank. 是伯班克的白钻石俱乐部
I'll meet you there in an hour. 一个小时后我在那见你
I'll be there. 到时见
- What's going on? - Show some respect, kids. -怎么了-放尊重点孩子们
You're in the presence of greatness. 你们可是站在伟人面前
Careful, everybody. 小心点大伙儿
These bowls are hot. 这些盘子很烫
Tortilla soup. 墨西哥酸辣汤
You can't say this isn't "South of the Border." 你不能说这不是"国境以南"的菜肴了
Given Simone's grasp of geography, 鉴于萨蒙妮的地理水平
I'm surprised we're not having clam chowder. 我很惊讶我们没喝蛤蜊汤
By the way, 顺便提一下
have you all heard the latest news about Larry and Sue? 你们听说拉里和苏的最新消息了吗
What about them? 他们怎么了
They've separated. 他们分居了
- No! - Are you really that surprised? -不会吧-用这么惊讶吗
They fought constantly. 他们老是吵架
In my day, people stayed married 在我那个年代人们通常会选择继续在一起
and found a way to work things out. 然后找到解决问题的办法
Well, that's not always possible. 这方法不总是可行的
Simone's right. 萨蒙妮是对的
People can care deeply for one another, 人们可以深深关切对方
it doesn't always mean that they should stay married. 但并不总是意味着他们需要一直做夫妻
You see, this is where I think commitment becomes essential. 你看所以承诺才至关重要
Everyone makes mistakes, 人都会犯错
but if love is there, 但是如果有爱在
then there's a path to redemption. 那就还有救赎之路可以走
Easy for you to say. 站着说话不腰疼
You and Simone have the perfect marriage. 你和萨蒙妮有着完美的婚姻
Oh, hardly. 很难说
There are days when Simone regrets marrying me. 有时萨蒙妮会后悔嫁给我
Am I right, my darling? 我说得对吗亲爱的
- More than a few. - Yes, I imagine she dreams -后悔的时候多着去了-对我想象她在梦中
of stifling me with a pillow 用枕头闷死我
or casting me aside like an old shoe. 或者把我像旧鞋一样扔掉
Oh, honey, you know I'd never throw away a shoe. 宝贝你知道我从来不扔鞋子的
But you don't get rid of me that easily. 但你不会如此轻易摆脱我的
You see, she gave me her hand in marriage. 你们看她在婚姻殿堂里把手交给了我
- Karl... - And I'm never going to let it go. -卡尔-而我永远也不会放手
Bloody hell! 真该死
Tommy, how could you be so clumsy? 汤米你怎么笨手笨脚的
Sorry, Mr. Grove. 抱歉格罗夫先生
Let me get you some napkins. 我给您拿些餐巾纸
Clearly, he did that on purpose. 很显然他是故意的
No, he just wasn't paying attention. 不是他只是没注意而已
You know how teenagers are. 你知道青少年是怎样的
Okay, sober person, here we go. 好了清醒的人啊到家了
Give me this. 把外套给我
Stop. Hey. Eli, don't rush me. 停下伊莱别催我
I'm not rushing you. 我没催你
You know what? I don't get it. 你知道吗我不明白
What's that? What don't you get? 怎么了你不明白什么
I don't get what Jade sees in those people. 我不明白洁德在这些人身上看到了什么
- Wischa? - Yeah. -薇沙-对
They're fake as shit. 他们假死了
Yes, they are. Okay, legs, pants. 是的好了抬腿脱裤子
And you know what? 你知道吗
Why would anyone want to see them in their underwear? 为什么有人想看他们穿内衣的样子
'Cause they're not even that pretty. 因为他们根本不好看
Do you think they're pretty? 你认为他们好看吗
Only their bodies and their faces. 只有他们的身体和脸好看
And now Jade's going with them to Venice? 而现在洁德要和他们一起去威尼斯
Fuck her. 去她妈的
What's funny? 有什么好笑的
You. You're funny 'cause you're drunk and ridiculous, 你你很好笑因为你喝醉了在胡闹
and that's a nice change of pace. 这是一个不错的角色互换
From what? 怎么说
Well, usually you're the one taking care of me 这个嘛当我做傻事的时候通常
when I'm doing something stupid. 都是你照顾我
- I do take care of you. - Yes, you do. -我确实照顾你-没错
- I take care of everybody. - Okay. -我照顾所有人-好的
Hey, don't feel bad in the morning, okay? 明早别内疚好吗
Why would I feel bad? 我为什么要内疚
'Cause you'll remember how rude you were to Jade. 因为你会记起自己对洁德有多粗鲁
Don't worry, she'll forgive you. 别担心她会原谅你
Mm, fuck you. 去你的
And so will I. 我也会
I am so happy you came. You look amazing. 我真开心你来了你美呆了
It was very kind for you to invite me. 谢谢你邀请我
I never go to places like this. 我从没来过这样的地方
Well, if you hadn't come, I would've had to stay home, 如果你不来我就得待在家里
and where is the fun in that? 那有什么意思呢
It's a shame your fella couldn't make it. 真遗憾你的男人不能来
Yeah, he said he had to work late, but who knows? 嗯他说自己要加班谁知道呢
Married men who cheat 出轨的已婚男人
also know how to lie. 撒谎技术也一流
It must be frustrating. 这肯定令人难过
Never knowing if Rob is going to stand you up for his wife. 不知道罗伯是否会为妻子爽你的约
It can be annoying, 确实有些烦人
but it's a trade-off. 但这是交易
So what do you get out of the deal? 那你从中得到什么好处
Freedom. 自由
See, I don't want to get married. 你瞧我不想结婚
So this is just a... 所以这只是
casual fling? 随便玩玩
Yeah. Rob's wife will get him back when I'm done with him, 对等我玩够了罗伯的妻子会得回他
good as new. 完好如初
And if he keeps working late, 如果他继续加班
it's going to be in a couple of weeks. 那就是一两周的事儿
Oh, good. For you. 真好对你来说
I mean, good for you. 我是说真有你的
Where is our waiter? 我们的服务生呢
So, April, why don't you want to get married? 那艾普尔你为什么不想结婚
Because I want to have a career. 因为我想发展事业
Doing what? 做什么
I want to be a singer. 我想做个歌手
Really? 真的吗
That's kind of why I wanted to come here. 所以我想来这里
They have girls that sing with the combo on the weekends, 周末这里让女孩伴唱
so I'm gonna introduce myself to the manager, and then 我打算向经理毛遂自荐然后
I am going to audition for him. 我会给他试唱
I had no idea you sang. 我都不知道你会唱歌
I started in the church choir back at home. 我以前是家乡教堂唱诗班的
Folks there think I'm pretty talented. 父老乡亲都觉得我很有才华
I'm gonna be somebody someday. 有一天我会出人头地
You just watch. 你看着吧
I love music. 我喜欢音乐
I used to play the piano. 我以前弹钢琴
No kidding. 真的假的
Yeah, I took lessons for years. 嗯我学了很多年
Well, do you still play? 你还弹吗
The truth is, 事实上
my husband didn't care for my playing. 我丈夫不喜欢我弹琴
I made the mistake of telling him I wanted to give a recital, 我犯傻告诉他我想举行演奏会
and he just laughed. 他嘲笑了我
He said I wasn't as good as I thought I was. 他说我没有自己想象的那么厉害
That sort of took the wind out of my sail. 这打消了我的热情
Oh, honey. 亲爱的
Your husband's dead. 你丈夫死了
Don't you think it's time you stopped listening to him? 你不觉得该停止听他的话吗
Can I just say I am very happy to be here tonight? 今晚来这我真的很开心
Well, here's to us. 敬我们
Taylor, what are you doing? 泰勒你干什么
You were right. I have to go find Jade. 你说得对我得去找洁德
It's 4:00 in the morning. 现在凌晨4点
I was such a bitch, and now she's going to Venice, 我就是个贱人现在她要去威尼斯
and it's all my fault, and I have to fix this. 这都是我的错我得弥补
All right, well, you don't even know where she is. 行但你都不知道她在哪
Yes, I do, okay? I-I... She's at their hotel. 我知道好吗她在他们的酒店
- How do you know that? - I put Find My Friends on her phone. -你怎么知道-我在她手机上装了"找我朋友"
- You're tracking her? - I got to go. -你在追踪她-我得走了
Oh, my God. 我的天
Hey, what the fuck has gotten into you? 你是中了什么邪
I can't lose her. 我不能失去她
Well, you can wait until she gets home to talk to her. 你可以等她回来再和她谈
What if she doesn't come back? 如果她不回来呢
What if she's already on a plane to Venice 如果她已经坐上去威尼斯的飞机
and I never see her again? 我再也见不到她了呢
You just said she's at the hotel. 你刚说她在酒店
I need her. 我需要她
If she leaves, this whole fucking thing falls apart. 如果她走了一切都会支离破碎
No. 不行
Stop the car. 停车
What does that mean? 这是什么意思
What whole thing falls apart? 一切都支离破碎
Eli, get off. 伊莱下去
No, you're gonna get out 不你得给我出来
and you're gonna talk to me right now, taylor. 现在跟我谈谈泰勒
Really? 不是吧
Just talk to me, Taylor. 跟我谈谈泰勒
What's going on? 怎么了
Come on. 拜托
I asked you before if you were in love with her. 我之前问过你是否爱上她了
I-I know, I know. 我知道我知道
- You lied to me. - Not exactly. -你骗了我-也不是
Then what the hell are we doing in the driveway? 那我们在这儿干什么
Eli, come on, please. 伊莱拜托求你了
This is, this is too hard! 这这太艰难了
- What? - I-I don't know. -什么难-我不知道
- What? - My life, my l... my life is so hard! -什么事-我的生活我的生活太艰难了
I-I... The hours I work, the cases I take. 我每天要工作那么久接的案子又糟心
And then I come home to this house. 然后回到这个房子
This big, fucking house that we can't afford! 这个我们负担不起的大房子
And I have to pay for it 房贷的钱得我出
because you haven't sold a script in two years. 因为你已经有两年没卖出过剧本了
But I can't bring that up 但我不能提起这事
because then I'm a bitch. 不然我就成了坏人了
So I say nothing. 所以我绝口不提
And Jade is the only thing in my life that is easy. 而洁德是我生活里唯一轻松的事
'Cause she doesn't take. 因为她不索取
She only gives. 她只给予
If she leaves, I don't know what I'm gonna do. 如果她离开我不知道我会怎么做
Why didn't you tell me any of this before? 你怎么不早点跟我说这些
Come on. 拜托
I don't want to hurt you. 我不想伤害你
Oh, well, great call. 好明智的决定
'Cause it hurts. 因为你伤到我了
So, I mean... 那...
Do you want me to go? 你想我走吗
Eli, I love you. 伊莱我爱你
But you want her to stay. 但你想让她留下
I mean...
How does that even work? 这样要怎么成
I don't know. 我不知道
I don't. But it has to. 真的但必须成
Because otherwise, it's just too hard to be married to me. 不然跟我做夫妻太难了
No. Eli... 不伊莱
I got fired. 我被炒了
I'm not surprised. What you did was childish. 一点不意外你的行为太幼稚了
- He was grabbing you. - He was holding my hand. -他当时抓着你-他是握着我的手
- Why do you keep defending him? - I'm not. -你为什么一直帮他说话-我没有
He's lied to you, he's cheated on you 他骗了你背着你出轨
and he won't leave your home. 还不肯离开你家
The situation is complicated. 情况太复杂了
Well, yeah, it must be, because it makes no sense. 是啊因为根本不合逻辑
- You should hate him. - I know, I know, it's just... -你应该恨他-我知道只是
He's my husband. 他是我丈夫
He puts up with my extravagance and my nonsense. 他忍受我的奢侈和无理取闹
He tells me I'm beautiful when I need to hear it the most and... 他会在我最需要赞美的时候夸我漂亮
he makes me laugh in a way that no one else can. 他可以用独一无二的方式逗我笑
Simone... 萨蒙妮
One day, I will divorce Karl, 我总有一天会和卡尔离婚的
but I will never hate him, 但我永远不会恨他
because I can't. 因为我做不到
Where does that leave me? 那我怎么办
In the back of a van 在餐车上
having a marvelous time. 度过欢愉时光
Yeah, well, van came with the job, so... 餐车是公司配的
Don't worry. 别担心
We'll figure it out. 我们会想办法解决的
Mrs. Grove. 格罗夫太太
Mrs. Harte says it's time for your number. 哈特夫人说该你们表演了
Thank you. 谢谢
I have to go. 我得走了
Listen, about tonight, I'm so sorry. 那个关于今晚我很抱歉
- You don't have to apologize. - No, I do. -你不必道歉-不有必要
I really do. 真的
Thank you. 谢谢
So, I decided to go to Venice with Mischa and Willow. 我决定和米沙还有薇珞去威尼斯
It's time. 是时候了
Being here with you and Eli, it's... 跟你和伊莱生活在一起
...starting to feel like a home. 这里让我几乎有了家的感觉
I'm getting attached. 我产生了感情
Which always leads to me getting hurt. 最后我总是会受伤
When it ends. So... 在结束的时候
I should go. 我应该离开
What if it doesn't have to end? 如果不需要结束呢
What if you stayed? 如果你能留下呢
What if this was your home? 如果这就是你家呢
Here with us. 把这当做你家
What are you saying? 你什么意思
Live with us. 和我们一起生活
Be with us. 跟我们在一起
There's no reason to leave. 没理由离开
You just got home. 你才刚回家
Oh, you're still up. 你还没睡
Of course. 当然
Did you get your work finished? 你搞定工作了吗
I redid the whole project. It took forever. 我重新做了整个项目花了好久
I could fix you a snack if you like. 你想的话我可以给你做点心
No. I'm gonna make myself a martini, take a shower 不用我去弄杯马天尼然后洗个澡
and go to bed. 就睡觉
All right.
Would it bother you if I played the piano for a bit? 我弹会儿钢琴可以吗
It's after midnight. 已经过了午夜了
I know. If you'd rather I didn't... 我知道如果你介意的话...
Nah. Whatever you want. 不你想弹就弹吧
Honey, I need an olive for my martini. 亲爱的我的马天尼需要橄榄
Check the fridge. 看看冰箱
- I can't find the olives. - Top shelf. -找不到橄榄-最上面
I checked. They weren't there. 我找了不在
Check again. 再找找
Honey! 亲爱的
It's not really a martini 没有橄榄
without an olive. 就算不上是马天尼
Thanks. You know, 谢谢你知道
it is so late. 很晚了
We should turn in. 我们该去睡了


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