

英文 中文
I used to play the piano. 我以前弹钢琴
- Do you still play? - My husband didn't care for my playing. -你还弹吗-我丈夫不喜欢我弹琴
Our daughter died because of me. 我们的女儿因我而死
I'm the one who's responsible. 闯祸的是我
It seems I only have six months to live. 看起来我只剩六个月的时间了
Six months! 六个月
I thought a clean break was just better for... 我想着一刀两断更好...
I'm pregnant. 我怀孕了
He got down on one knee and asked me if I would marry him. 他单膝跪地问我愿不愿意嫁给他
He told me that his marriage is ending. 他说他的婚姻就快结束了
He said he just needs six months. 他说只要再给他六个月的时间就行
Six months. 六个月
Do you know your husband's a homosexual? 你知道你丈夫是同性恋吗
He has that new disease that all the gay men are spreading. 他也患上了在同性恋男子群体中肆虐的那种疾病
That's a lie. 你在说谎
He's the third man my husband's seen who's had it. 他是我丈夫见过的第三位患者
The first two are dead. 前两个都已经死了
You need care. 你需要关照
Karl, you think I'd leave you at a time like this? 你觉得我会在这种时候离开你
Cancel the trip? 取消旅行
That's not fair. 这不公平
This was supposed to be the best summer of my life. 这本应是我这辈子最棒的一个夏天
And this could be the last summer of Karl's life, 这也可能是卡尔一生里最后一个夏天
so please stop sulking. 所以拜托别生气了
What's happened to my boy? 我的儿子到底怎么了
Tommy's been in a car accident. 汤米出车祸了
He needed some stitches. 不得不缝了几针
What in the world? 这是什么鬼
Is that a tattoo? 那是文身吗
One of these days he'll regret that. 以后情变了肯定会后悔的
So will she. 她也会后悔的
- Oh. Wow. - Right? -哇-看到了吧
- You bought me a car? - I said I would take care of you. -你给我买了一辆车-我说了我会照顾你的
You can't return the car. It's not yours. 你不能把车退掉车不是你的
Yeah, but he's coked out of his mind. 但他是因为嗑药嗑疯了才买的
To accept a gift from a man in that condition is not a good look. 接受一个这种情况下男人送的礼物"吃相"可不太好看
- Just give me the keys. - Stop it. -钥匙给我-够了
Go upstairs, get your stuff! 上楼收拾你的东西
I want you out of my house now! 我要你立刻离开我家
That's not gonna happen. 想得美
How can I help? 我能帮上你什么忙
Tell me everything you know about Jade. 把你知道的关于洁德的一切都告诉我
Well, for starters, that's not her real name. 首先那不是她的真名
My name is Emily Stanton. 我叫艾米莉·斯坦顿
I was killed over two years ago, 我在两年多前去世
but my mama still thinks about me every day. 但我妈妈还是会每天都想起我
Even when she's just putting on lipstick, 就连她涂口红的时候
she'll suddenly remember how much she loved me. 她也会突然想起她有多爱我
I look down on Mama from heaven. 我从天堂上俯视着妈妈
I watch her because I'm worried about her. 我看着她因为我担心她
She's not happy, 她不幸福
but Daddy doesn't know 但爸爸不知道
because she keeps smiling. 因为她总是在微笑
Mama is very angry with him, 妈妈很生他的气
and I have a feeling that she's gonna do something awful. 我有预感她会做出很可怕的事
So, what have you got planned for the day? 你今天有什么计划
Oh, nothing much. 没什么
I'll be spending time with a new friend. 我会和一个新朋友聚会
Oh? What's her name? 是吗她叫什么
June. 琼恩[六月]
I have a feeling you'd really like her. 我感觉你会很喜欢她
And what are you two doing? 你们俩要做什么
I offered to drive her to a doctor's appointment, 我会开车送她去看医生
but that's really just an excuse 但这只不过是
for me to talk to her about the man she's seeing. 我想找她谈她在交往的那男人的借口
Why? 为什么
I don't approve of the relationship, 我不赞同这段关系
so I've decided to break them up. 所以我决定让他们分手
Beth Ann, that's not nice. 贝丝·安这可不好
Maybe not, 也许吧
but it's necessary. 但很有必要
My name is Edmund Harte. 我叫艾德蒙·哈特
I was 57 when I died. 我去世的时候57岁
That's how my bitch wife became my widow. 我的贱老婆就这么成了寡妇
I check in from time to time to see how my kid is doing 我时不时地会来看看我儿子怎么样
'cause I'm worried about him. 因为我很担心他
His mother is desperate to control him, 他妈妈竭力想要控制他
but Tommy's a man now, 但汤米是大人了
able to make his own choices. 可以自己做决定
And I know Naomi is going to fight him 我知道娜奥米会随时随地
every step of the way. 和他抗争
Good luck, kid. 祝你好运孩子
My poor baby. 我可怜的孩子
Simone? 萨蒙妮
No, it's me. 不是我
Mom. Oh, God. 妈天呐
It's okay, I know everything. 没事我什么都知道了
You don't have to protect her anymore. 你不用再保护她
And I am not angry, 我也不生气
not at you anyway. 至少不生你的气
Mrs. Harte? 哈特夫人
The hospital administrator has arrived. 院长来了
Ah, thank you. 谢谢
Mr. Kern, thank you so much for agreeing to see me. 科恩先生谢谢你同意见我
How can I help you, Ms. Harte? 有何贵干哈特夫人
Do you happen to know Simone Grove? 你认识萨蒙妮·格罗夫吗
I do. She's one of our hospital's biggest fundraisers. 认识她是我们医院最大的募捐者之一
Yes. Well, in between benefit galas, 对在举办慈善晚宴之间
it seems that Simone has been molesting my son, 似乎萨蒙妮在性骚扰我儿子
possibly for years. 可能已经多年了
If you allow her to visit or even phone him, 如果你允许她来探视或者给他打电话
I will sue this hospital and I will win. 我就告你们医院最后我会赢的
Do you understand? 明白吗
Yes. Um, I'm-I'm so sorry. 明白我很抱歉
Rest assured, this matter will be handled 请放心我们会极端慎重处理
with the utmost discretion. 这一问题
No need to be discreet on my account. 不用因为我而慎重
I intend on telling everyone in this town 我打算告诉全镇的人
what that woman has done to my family. 这女人对我家做了什么
Nice tie. 领带不错
My name is Verna Roy. 我叫弗娜·罗伊
I was 32 when I died in a fire. 32岁的时候我死于一场火灾
At the time, 当时
I was a foster mother to this one right here. 我是这里这个女孩的养母
I don't like to talk bad about the living, 我不喜欢说活人的坏话
but this gal's pure poison. 但这个孩子真是坏到骨子里
I can see she's now living 我看到她现在住在
in a fancy house with pretty things. 有着各种精美家具的豪宅里
That means some man has fallen for her act. 这意味着已经有男人被她迷住了
Eli, you're gonna be late! 伊莱你要迟到了
Stupid son of a bitch. 这个愚蠢的家伙
He don't know what she's capable of, 他可不知道她的能耐
but I got a feeling he's about to find out. 但是我有预感他马上就要发现了
Moving kind of slow today. 你今天的动作有点迟钝
What did you give me last night, a horse tranquilizer? 你昨晚给我吃了什么马用镇静剂吗
Well, I wouldn't have to give you anything 如果你能不在十点以后吸食可卡因
if you'd stop doing coke after 10:00. 我也不用给你什么了
You talk like I have self-control. 你说得我好像有自制力似的
I'm almost embarrassed for you. 你都要让我觉得尴尬了
Well, whatever. Here, look. 随便吧快看
I've got a surprise. 我给你准备了惊喜
Whoa. What's the occasion? 有什么特别的事情吗
It's Scorsese day. 今天是斯科塞斯日
Oh, look, it's just a meeting. 听着只是一个会议而已
I mean, the odds of him directing my movie 我觉得能让他导演我电影的可能性
are, like, a million to one. 大概是一百万分之一吧
He loved your script. I think that's a big deal. 他很喜欢你的剧本我想这是件大事
God, I just-- I hope I can burn this off by 10:00. 天哪我只希望能在10点前清醒过来
I feel so out of it. 我现在感觉很不在状态
Well, luckily for you, 那你走运了
I know how to prepare a well-balanced meal. 我知道如何准备"营养均衡"的一餐
Mmm. You take such good care of me. 你把我照顾得太好了
Scorsese's gonna direct your movie, I know it, 斯科塞斯会执导你的电影的我确信
and it's gonna be a big hit and we are going to be so rich. 而且会非常成功我们会变得无比富有
From your lips... 借你吉言
I always knew something exciting would happen to me one day. 我就知道有天我会遇到非常令人激动的事
I think this is it. 我想就是这事了
Again, all right, it's just a meeting. 再说一次真的只是一个会议
I'm not worried. 我一点都不担心
This is the year where all my dreams come true. 今年我的梦想都会实现
Hello, Jenny. 你好珍妮
Oh, Mr. And Mrs. Grove. 格罗夫夫妇
Please tell me you have the veal piccata tonight. 请告诉我你们今晚有嫩煎小牛肉片
Just the thought of it has kept me going all day. 就是能吃到这口美味的想法让我今天精神饱满
I'm sorry, but I can't seat you. 很抱歉我无法为两位安排座位
Oh... oh, you're not overbooked again? 你们不是又客满了吧
Well, I see our usual table is empty. 我看见我们常坐的桌子是空的
I don't know who you promised it to, 我不知道你把它订给谁了
but they should have gotten here sooner. 但他们应该早点来的
Here we are, my darling. 请坐亲爱的
Thank you. 谢谢
- There we go. - Anyway, -好了-不管如何
I've been trying to talk to Tommy in the hospital, 我一直想找医院里的汤米
but I can't seem to get through to him. 但是我却总也联系不到他
It's bizarre. 真奇怪
Sorry, darling, is it my imagination, 抱歉亲爱的是我的幻觉
or are people staring at us? 还是真的大家都在看我们
I'm wearing Givenchy. 我今天穿的可是纪梵希
They always stare when I wear Givenchy. 我穿纪梵希的时候人们总会盯着我看
No, no, I think, actually, they're just staring at me. 不是我觉得他们只是在盯着我看
You're right. 你说得没错
It must be your jacket. 肯定是因为你的外套
I told you plaid is over. 我跟你说过格子花呢过时了
Mr. And Mrs. Grove. 格罗夫夫妇
Oh, Henry, how lovely to see you. 亨利见到你真高兴
I'm terribly sorry, but I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave. 真的非常抱歉但恐怕我不得不请两位离开
Oh, for God's sake, he can take the jacket off. 上帝啊他可以把外套脱掉的
What's wrong? 怎么回事
Someone should have notified you. 应该有人通知过你们了
Your membership to the club has been revoked. 两位在俱乐部的会员资格被取消了
You can't be serious. 开玩笑的吧
The committee met this afternoon. The vote was unanimous. 委员会下午召开了会议投票是一致通过的
W... We've belonged to this club for 15 years. 我们...我们在这家俱乐部15年了
Why on earth would you want to kick us out? 为什么你们要把我们踢出去
It's because I'm ill, isn't it? 因为我生病了对不对
We have to protect our members. 我们需要保护自己的会员
It's a sexually transmitted disease. 这种病是通过性传播的
You don't get it by sharing a fucking tennis court. 共用网球场是不会传染的
All the same, your membership contract has a morals clause. 无论如何两位的会员合约里有道德条款
Of all the people here, 这里这么多的人
you think we're the ones who lack morals? 你觉得没道德的是我们
Mason Reed over there is addicted to heroin, 那边的梅森·里德吸食海洛因成瘾
and Susan Paul is sleeping with her brother-in-law. 苏珊·保罗在跟自己的姐夫上床
And you don't want to know what happens in the club sauna. 你更不想知道俱乐部的桑拿房里会发生什么
That's not helpful. 你这是在帮倒忙
For the last time, Mr. And Mrs. Grove, please go. 我最后说一遍格罗夫夫妇请离开
Shall we? 走吧
Would you mind terribly... 不知道您介不介意
Oh, thank you. 谢谢
Goodbye, Henry. 再见亨利
Good for you, dear. 真有你的亲爱的
Oh, don't worry, Henry, I'm gonna drink mine. 别担心亨利我的我会喝掉
Thank you again for recommending this obstetrician. 再次感谢你给我推荐的产科医师
I talked to him on the phone, he sounds wonderful. 我跟他在电话里聊过了感觉他很棒
Sheila? 希拉
What are you thinking about? 你在想什么呢
Uh, your upcoming wedding. 你接下来的婚礼
You excited for me? 为我感到高兴吗
I am. 是的
I'm curious, 我很好奇
have you had a chance to discuss Rob's expectations? 你们有机会讨论过罗伯的期待吗
- Expectations? - Well, you want a career. -期待-你想要一份事业
Some men don't allow their wives to work. 有的男人不允许自己的妻子去工作
Oh, well, Rob knows I want to be a singer. 罗伯知道我想成为一个歌手
We've talked about it a lot. 我们谈过很多的
Since you've become pregnant? 自从你怀孕后吗
Well... 这个嘛
no. 没有
Might be time for a chat. 或许是时候该谈谈了
Rob strikes me as the kind of man 罗伯给我感觉
who'd prefer his wife to stay home. 会比较喜欢妻子待在家里
You talk like you know him. 你说得好像你认识他似的
Oh, I know his type. 我了解他这种类型的男人
Rich, successful. 有钱成功
That kind of man wants his wife in the kitchen, 那种男人想要的是一个堂下妻
feeding the kids and pouring his martini. 喂饱孩子给他倒马天尼
Rob's not like that. 罗伯才不是那样
You absolutely sure? 你绝对确定吗
Well, he better be okay with it, 他最好能接受
or we're gonna have a problem. 否则我们之间就有问题了
That's what I was thinking. 我也是这么想的
Okay, according to this, we're looking for Suite 203. 根据这个我们要找203号套房
Sheila. 希拉
Coming! 来了
You okay? 你没事吧
Yeah, man, I'm sorry, I'm just, I'm really nervous. 没事我只是非常紧张
You know, I basically grew up on Scorsese movies. 我基本是看斯科塞斯的电影长大的
Hey, buddy, do me a favor. 兄弟帮我个忙
I want you to manage your expectations before we walk in here. 我希望我们在进去之前你能调一下你的期望值
Shit. Why? Is he an asshole? 该死的为什么他是个混蛋吗
Let's just say it isn't gonna be the meeting you were hoping for. 这么说吧这不会是你期望的那场会议
What the fuck? 什么鬼
Hello, Eli. 你好伊莱
So I was never meeting Scorsese? 所以我从一开始就不会见到斯科塞斯吗
Sorry. You really need to hear her out. 抱歉你真的得仔细听听她要说的话
Why? 为什么
Is this some sort of bullshit intervention? 这是什么狗屁干预行为吗
Something like that. 差不多吧
I'm gonna go get some coffee. 我去弄些咖啡
You want a cup? 你想来一杯吗
No. Cool. Cool. 不用好吧好吧
Well, this is humiliating. 这太羞辱人了
Eli, that wasn't my intention. 伊莱那不是我的本意
But we need to talk. Privately. 但我们需要谈谈私下里谈
About? 谈什么
Irene Tabatchnick. 艾琳·塔巴切尼克
Who the hell's Irene Tabatchnick? 艾琳·塔巴切尼克是他妈谁啊
The woman who's been sleeping in our bed. 睡在我们床上的那个女人
You may want to sit down for the rest of this. 你最好坐下来仔细听听剩下的部分
If Dr. Bennett's wife told people, 如果本奈特医生的妻子把这事传了出去
that is a violation of doctor-patient confidentiality. 那就违反了医患保密协议
We should have his license revoked. 我们可以吊销他的行医执照
How much energy do we really want to devote to all this? 我们想在这事上耗费多少精力啊
This is discrimination. We have to fight back. 这是歧视我们必须反击
And draw more attention to my sex life and my disease? 然后为我的性生活和我的疾病引来更多注意力吗
You don't think people will be sympathetic? 你不觉得大家会同情你吗
On the contrary. 恰恰相反
I think the situation's going to get much worse before it gets better. 我觉得情况在好起来前只会先糟糕透顶
Well, we won't dwell on it. 那我们就别老想着这事了
Why don't you take a nice, long, hot bath? 你不如先好好泡个热水澡吧
You seem exhausted. 你似乎很疲惫
Turns out being shunned by Republicans 原来被共和党人避之不及
takes rather a lot out of a person. 会让人心力交瘁
Naomi, I've been trying to reach you. 娜奥米我一直想联系你呢
How's Tommy? 汤米怎么样了
He's fine. 他没事
Well, I keep calling the hospital, 我给医院打了好多次电话
but I can never seem to get through. 但似乎一直都打不通
What are in the bags? 这包里装的是什么
Ah, presents. 礼物
For me? 送我的吗
No, from you. 不是你送的
Every gift you ever gave me, I'm returning them. 你送我的每一份礼物我现在都还给你
I don't understand. 我不明白
This lovely figurine you got me while you were in Bavaria. 你在巴伐利亚给我买的可爱的小雕像
I don't want it anymore. 我现在不想要了
What the hell?! 什么鬼
Or this sweet silver music box. 以及这个可爱的银制音乐盒
I don't need that either. 我也不需要这个了
Have you lost your mind? 你是疯了吗
I have, because I know what you did to my son. 是的因为我知道了你对我儿子做的事
That's all you have to say? 你要说的就这么一句叹息吗
I-I understand your anger, 我理解你的愤怒
but if you'll just give me a chance to explain... 但如果你能给我个机会解释...
I will, just as soon as 我会的不过要先等我
I return this darling crystal paperweight. 把这可爱的水晶纸镇还给你
Stop it! 住手
You can't come in here and destroy my home. 你不能跑到这里来毁了我的家
Why not? 为什么不能
You destroyed my life. 你已经毁了我的生活
If we can't talk about this rationally, 如果我们不能理智地谈谈这事
I will call the police. 我就报警
Go ahead, I'm leaving. 尽管报吧我要走了
You know, I would say that I'll see you at the country club, 我倒是想说以后在乡村俱乐部见
but, you know... 但是你也知道...
It was you. 是你干的
Who got you voted out? 让你被投出去了吗
Yes. 没错
The board didn't need much persuading once they knew 理事会一知道卡尔患上了致命的传染病
that Karl was spreading a deadly disease. 不需要怎么劝就同意了
We were unceremoniously ejected in front of all of our friends. 我们当着所有朋友的面被无礼地赶出来了
I hope you're satisfied. 希望你这下满意了
Satisfied? 满意
You seduced my child. 你勾引了我的孩子
Do you honestly think that I would be satisfied 你真以为只是把你赶出乡村俱乐部
just getting you kicked out of a country club? 我就会满意了吗
I am just getting started, bitch. 我才刚开始呢贱人
And before I am done, I will burn you, 在我彻底收手前我会彻底毁掉你
your business, 毁掉你的生意
and this poorly decorated shithole to the ground! 把这装修得丑哭的狗屎窝夷为平地
Satisfied? 满意了吗
What the hell happened here? 这里发生了什么
Things just got worse. 情况刚刚变得更糟了
Sorry to intrude. 抱歉打扰
I was wondering if I could borrow a cup of sugar. 不知道你能不能借我一杯糖
I'm baking a cake, and I forgot to check my pantry. 我在烤蛋糕忘了检查食品柜里的材料了
You don't really need a cup of sugar, do you? 你并不是真的需要一杯糖对吧
No. 是的
Come on in. 进来吧
Can I ask what happened? 我能问问发生了什么事吗
We were at a department store, 我们去了一家百货商店
and the sales clerk recognized me. 那个销售人员认出了我
It turns out that he'd gone to my high school two years after I did, 原来他是比我低两届的高中学弟
so he knew a lot of my old friends. 所以他认识很多我的老朋友
We only spoke for five minutes. 我们就聊了五分钟
After we got back, 我们回来以后
Ralph accused me of trying to seduce the man. 拉尔夫指责我试图勾引那个男人
That's why? 就这原因吗
He thought you were flirting? 他以为你在调情
He gets jealous. He can't help it. 他只要一嫉妒就会打我
I don't understand 我不明白
how you can live like this. 你怎么受得了这种日子
You can't possibly be happy. 你一定过得不开心
I'm not. 我是不开心
So why don't you leave? 那你为什么不离开他呢
I could ask you the same question. 我也可以问你同样的问题
What? 什么意思
Isn't your husband cheating on you? 你丈夫难道没有在外偷腥吗
He is. 他确实有
I had a feeling you knew. 我有预感你早就知道
So why don't you leave him? 那你为什么不离开他呢
It's an entirely different situation. 我的情况和你的完全不一样
He's humiliating you. 他这是在羞辱你
That's got to hurt. 那一定很不好受
It does. 确实如此
Will you ever trust him again? 你还会再次相信他吗
No. 不会了
And if you did leave Rob, 如果你离开罗伯
would he try and kill you? 他会企图杀你吗
Of course not. 当然不会
Well, my husband would. 我丈夫会的
He likes to threaten me with a loaded gun he keeps in his bedside drawer. 他喜欢拿床头柜抽屉里上了膛的枪威胁我
So I stay. 所以我选择留下
What in God's name is your excuse? 而你的借口又是什么呢
I keep hoping for a miracle. 我总是期望着奇迹会发生
That one day everything will change. 奢望终有一天一切都会改变
You and I should be friends. 我们俩应该做朋友
We have a lot in common. 我们有很多相似之处
Irene Tabatchnick is from Ohio. 艾琳·塔巴切尼克来自俄亥俄州
By the time she was 16, 到她十六岁时
she was thrown out of three foster homes. 她已被三个寄养家庭赶出家门
The first two times, Irene had been caught stealing cash. 前两次艾琳因偷钱被抓了现行
So what? She was young. She was a kid. 那又如何她那时还小不懂事
She was kicked out of her third home 她第三次被寄养家庭赶出来
because her foster mother accused her of trying to seduce her husband. 是因为她的养母指责她试图勾引她的丈夫
Maybe the woman was in denial about what her husband was up to. 也许那女人不想承认是她丈夫图谋不轨
Oh, we'll never know. 真相已无从知晓
A week later, that house burned down. 一周后那所房子被烧毁
Burned down? 被烧毁
Those foster parents died, Eli. 她的养父母都葬身火海伊莱
And Irene Tabatchnick just disappeared. 艾琳·塔巴切尼克也人间蒸发
So, what, you think she...? 你觉得她...
I mean, we can't prove anything, 虽然我们没有任何证据
but the cops in Ohio are dying to talk to her. 但是俄亥俄警方一直在找她
Th-This is just so stupid. 这...这真是太扯了
This is-- There's no way that Jade... 这真是...洁德不会...
Her name is Irene. 她的真名叫艾琳
Whatever. 管她叫什么
She loves us. 她爱我们
If she loved you, would she keep giving you cocaine? 如果她爱你她会不断给你可卡因吗
You look terrible, by the way. 顺便说一句你的脸色差极了
Thank you. 谢谢夸奖
Come on, Eli. 清醒点吧伊莱
She keeps you high so she can take advantage of you. 她使你吸毒成瘾好来利用你
So that you let her live in our house, 好让你继续允许她住在我们家
so that you buy her a new car. 好让你给她买新车
You know, you didn't need to trick me to have this conversation, Taylor. 你不必设套来跟我说这些泰勒
You could've just called. 你打个电话不就完了
I did call. Every hour. 我打给你了啊不停地打
What are you talking about? You never called me. 你在说什么你从未打给我
I most certainly did. 我很确定我打过
Look. Look. 看你看
No missed calls. No voice mails. 没有未接来电也没有语音留言
That sneaky bitch blocked my number. 那个狡猾的婊子屏蔽了我的号码
On my phone? 从我的手机上吗
She couldn't do that without my pass code. 她又不知道我的锁屏密码怎么做到的
Well, she has your pass code. 她知道你的锁屏密码
How does she have that? 她怎么会知道
I gave it to her. 我告诉她的
So you could take away my money. 这样你就可以卷走我的钱
- To keep you from buying drugs. - Jesus. -以防你再拿去买毒品-天呐
You know what, maybe she does take advantage of me, 你猜怎么着也许她确实利用了我
but at least she builds me up. 但至少她给了我自信
She doesn't make me feel like a fuck-up 她不会让我感觉自己像个
who's just destined to crash and burn. 注定会一败涂地的废物
The only reason why I think you're gonna crash and burn, 我认为你会一败涂地的唯一原因
Eli, is because you've done it before. 伊莱是因为你曾经那么干过
You have no idea what it feels like to come home from work 你不知道我下班回家后
and then find you convulsing on the kitchen floor. 看到你倒在厨房地板上抽搐时我是什么感受
And then to call the ambulance, which took forever. 还得叫救护车过了好久才来
I'm not gonna do that again, Eli. I'm... 我不会再那么做了伊莱我...
No one is asking you to. 又没人求着你要那么做
I don't need your help. 我不需要你的帮助
I've got my career back. I'm fine. 我的事业已经回春我活得很好
The only one here with a problem is you. 这里唯一有毛病的人是你
You're an addict, Eli. 你是个瘾君子伊莱
You need to go to rehab, and you know it. 你得去戒毒所你也心知肚明
The only thing I know, Taylor, 我只知道泰勒
is that this conversation is over. 我们之间已经没什么好谈的了
- Eli, please stop... - Stop! -伊莱请不要走...-别说了
Enough! Let me go. 够了让我走吧
- You like your new ball, don't you? - Yes. -你很喜欢你的新皮球对吗-是的
After dinner, we're going to write a thank you note to Aunt Lydia. 晚餐后我们要给莉迪亚姨妈写封感谢信
I don't know how to write. 我不会写字
I'll do the writing. 我来写正文
You can draw a big heart right next to our names. 你可以在我们的名字旁边画一颗大大的爱心
Oh dear, your father forgot to bring in the trash can. 哎呀你爸爸忘记把垃圾桶拿进来了
Play here for a second. I'll be right back. 你在这里玩一会儿我去去就回
Come along, Emily. 快来艾米莉
Don't you want to show your daddy your new ball? 你难道不想给爸爸看看你的新球吗
Yes. 想啊
Hey there. 你们好啊
What are you two doing home? 你们怎么回来啦
I didn't expect you back for another hour. 我以为你们一小时后才会到家
Aunt Lydia wasn't feeling well. 莉迪亚姨妈身体抱恙
We had to cut our visit short. 我们不得不缩短拜访时间
- Hey, princess, what do you got there? - A ball. -小公主你手里拿的是什么-皮球
Aunt Lydia gave it to me for my birthday. 莉迪亚姨妈送我的生日礼物
Her birthday was two months ago. 她的生日已经过去两个月了
Be nice. It's the thought that counts. 心存感激重在心意
Can I go play? 我能去玩了吗
Of course you can. 当然了
Rob, did you lose a button? 罗伯你掉了颗扣子吗
I just found one on the floor. 我刚在地上捡到一颗
I guess I did. Thanks. 我猜是的谢谢
- Mama. - I'm sorry, honey. -妈妈-抱歉宝贝
Here you go. 去吧
I'm making mac and cheese for dinner, 我晚餐要做芝士通心粉
so don't be too long, okay? 所以别玩太久好吗
Honey? 亲爱的
Someone call a doctor. 打电话叫医生
Emily? 艾米莉
Emily, honey, wake up. Open your eyes. 艾米莉宝贝醒醒睁开眼
Open your eyes, honey. 睁开眼啊宝贝
Open your eyes. 睁开眼啊
Please wake up. 求你醒醒
Please... Please... 求你了...求你了...
What the hell? 什么情况
Who was driving this car?! 谁开的车
Sh-She, uh, she-she came out of nowhere, 她她她不知道从哪出来的
mister, I swear. I tried to stop... 先生我发誓我试着停车...
You left the gate open? 你没关门吗
- No. I'm sure I locked it. - You're sure? -关了我确定我关了-你确定吗
Then how did Emily get out of the backyard? 那艾米莉是怎么出去的
The latch is six feet off the ground! 门闩离地有六英尺高
I don't know. Maybe I forgot. 我不知道也许我忘了
You didn't lock the gate. 你没锁门
You didn't lock the gate, 你没锁门
and you let her out to play. 你还让她出去玩
I had to make dinner. 我得做晚餐啊
That's no excuse. 这不是借口
Our baby is dead. 我们的宝贝死了
I'm sorry. 对不起
I thought it was locked. 我以为是锁了的
Amy. 艾米
I just got a call from Naomi. Does Karl have AIDS? 我刚接到娜奥米的电话卡尔得艾滋病了吗
How could you not tell me? 你们怎么能瞒着我
Well, we thought we had time. 我们以为还有时间
I mean, as you can see, I'm not exactly at death's door. 你也能看出来我还很健康呢
He has all the best doctors, so don't worry. 他的医生是最好的所以别担心了
Karl will absolutely be able to walk you down the aisle. 卡尔绝对可以参加你婚礼的
At this point, I'm not even sure there will be a wedding. 这个时候我都不确定婚礼还要不要办了
What? 什么
Naomi's called all of our friends 娜奥米打电话给了我们所有的朋友
and told them Karl is sick. 告诉他们卡尔病了
People have been canceling right and left. 大家都不准备来了
Oh, Lord. 天啊
And if nobody's coming, why bother? 如果没人来还结什么婚
Oh, I'm so sorry, my darling. Is there anything we can do? 真是抱歉亲爱的我们能帮什么忙吗
Well... 这个嘛...
we might be able to salvage this thing if you didn't come. 如果你不去的话我们也许还能挽回一下局面
To the wedding? 不去婚礼吗
I understand. 我理解
of course, I will stay home. 没问题我会待在家里
Thank you. 谢谢你
No. Karl has to be at the wedding. 不行卡尔必须去参加婚礼
Who's gonna walk you down the aisle? 不然谁带你走向神父啊
You can do it. 你可以啊
I did not spend $6,000 on an Armani dress 我花六千美元买一条阿玛尼的礼服
- just to give it a shared entrance. - Okay, let's not argue. -不是为了让它与人共行的-好了别吵
Thank you. 谢谢
I don't mind. 我不介意
No! 不行
We are a family. 我们是一家人
When bad things happen, we're supposed to support each other. 当坏事来临时我们应该互相支持
The way I see it, 在我看来
he is supporting me by staying away. 他不来参加就是在支持我
I have to call my guests and tell them it's safe to come. 我要去给宾客们打电话告诉他们可以来了
Amy, think of what you're doing. 艾米请三思啊
You're choosing a few cowardly bigots 你为了几个胆小的歧视者
over the man who raised you. 而放弃了养育你的人
I'm the bride. 我是新娘
It's my day, and I want it to be perfect. 那是我的大喜日子我希望能完美
I am sorry if Karl's deadly illness 如果卡尔致命的疾病
is scraping some of the glitter off of your event, 使你的婚礼失色不少那么我很抱歉
but let's face it, this won't be your last wedding. 但面对现实吧这不会是你最后一场婚礼的
- Nice. - More importantly, -你够毒-更重要的是
if Karl can't attend, I won't either. 如果卡尔不去我也不去
- Oh, Simone. - Fine. -萨蒙妮-行
Stay home. You'll save me some embarrassment. 待在家吧省得给我丢脸
Karl's not the only one everybody's talking about. 大家议论的不只是卡尔
My daughter is a monster. 我女儿是个怪物
Well, she's a bride. It's basically the same thing. 她是新娘两者没区别
So... how'd the meeting go? 那么...会议怎么样
I want to hear everything. 我想知道一切
Well, let's just say that Scorsese's not gonna be directing my movie. 只能说斯科塞斯不会导演我的电影了
Oh, no. 不会吧
I'm so sorry. 我很遗憾
But at least he loved the script, right? 但至少他喜欢这个剧本对吧
- He did. Yeah. - Good. -是的是的-很好
Yeah. Yeah, he especially liked the part 对对他特别喜欢
where Eva burns the drug dealer's house down. 伊娃烧掉毒贩房子的那部分
He liked that? 他喜欢那部分呀
Yeah, he liked it so much, he asked me how I came up with it, 对他可喜欢了他还问我是怎么想出来的
and, you know, of course I had to tell him it was your idea. 然后你懂的我当然得告诉他那是你的点子
You didn't have to give me credit. 你不必给我功劳的
Yeah, well... 这个...
How did you come up with that, by the way? 顺便问一下你是怎么想出来的
Uh, it just came to me. 就这么想出来的
Just out of the blue? 就突然想出来的吗
'Cause it-it's such an unusual concept, you know, 因为这想法太不寻常了你知道吗
arson as a form of revenge. 以纵火来报复
You have no idea how that came to you? 你也不知道你是怎么想出来的
Why does it matter? 这有什么重要的
I-I'm-I'm just curious. 我我只是好奇
I don't know-- it just popped into my head. 我不知道就突然想到的
Just, boop? 就嘣的一下
Boop. Yeah. 嘣的一下没错
Sometimes that happens. 有时候就是这样
Is that how you came up with the name Jade? 洁德这个名字也是这么来的吗
It just popped into your head? 就突然想到的吗
What? 什么
It suits you better than Irene, I'll give you that. 我承认这名字比艾琳更适合你
Who have you been talking to? 你最近跟谁说话了
Hey, watch the road. 看路
Eli, do not fuck with me. 伊莱别逗我
Or else what, you're gonna burn down my house? 不然要怎么样烧掉我房子吗
You talked to Duke? 你跟杜克谈过了
Oh, my God. You did those things. 天呐你干了那些事
Did what? What did he say about me? 干了什么他说了我什么
Oh, my God, you killed those people. Oh, my God. 我的天你杀了那些人我的天
Eli, Eli, the man is a liar! 伊莱那人是骗子
- All right, slow down, slow down. - Eli, you can't believe -慢点慢点-伊莱他说的一个字
- a fucking word he says! - Jesus, watch out! -你都不能信-老天看着点
Karl, it's after 11:00. 卡尔已经11点过了
When are you going to the gallery? 你什么时候去画廊
When people stop assuming 当人们不再认为
you can catch AIDS from a lithograph. 可以通过石版画感染上艾滋的时候
Oh, screw them all. 他们全都可以去死了
Shall we have lunch at the Huntington? 我们要去亨廷顿吃午餐吗
- Well, if you're paying. - Good. -你请客的话-很好
I can't spend another afternoon staring at these walls. 我不想再一下午都盯着这些墙了
Oh, I can't either. 我也是
What were we thinking with all the damn purple? 我们当初是怎么想的全弄成了紫色
- Is it just my imagination or...? - No. -是我的幻觉还是-不
No. They're staring at us. 不他们在盯着我们
What have we done now? 我们又做了什么
Oh, my God. 我的天
Wha... 什么
Did anyone see who did this? 有人看到是谁喷的吗
Someone had to have seen something. 肯定有人看到了
Don't just gawk. Answer me! 别呆呆地看着回答我
- Simone. - Karl! -萨蒙妮-卡尔
I'm-I'm a little dizzy. I just need to go inside and lie down. 我有点晕我得回屋躺下
You need to see a doctor. Can you make it to the car? 你得去看医生你能走到车上去吗
Can someone please help us? 有人能帮帮我们吗
Please help us to the car! 拜托帮我扶他上车
Is he the one with AIDS? 得艾滋的人是他吗
Who cares? He's a human being! 谁在乎他是人啊
Oh, thank you. 谢谢
Thank you so much. 非常感谢
You know, I'm so grateful. 我很感激
I want to hire you to work on our property. 我想雇你来我们家工作
Darling, he's worked for us for six years. 亲爱的他为我们工作了六年了
Oh, of course. Um, thank you very much, uh... 当然非常感谢
- Julio. - Right. -胡里奥-对
Julio. Here you go. 胡里奥上去吧
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. 该死该死
I have to go. 我得走了
What? 什么
God, I missed you. 天我好想你
I missed this. 我想念和你做爱
Mmm, me, too. 我也是
So, I had an interesting day. 我度过了有趣的一天
Yeah? 是吗
I talked to Mr. Porter, that fella who runs the nightclub, 我跟波特先生谈了夜店的老板
I told him about the baby. 我跟他说了怀孕的事
What did he have to say? 他说了什么
Well, he said congratulations. 他祝贺了我
He also said, once I have the baby, 他还说一旦我生下孩子后
he wants me right back up on that stage. 他希望我能立刻回去表演
Isn't that terrific? 是不是很棒
Yeah. 是的
I knew you would think so. 我就知道你会这么想
But isn't it a little early to talk about this? 可现在谈这个是不是过早了点
Why don't we see how you feel after the baby arrives? 先等孩子生下来再做决定吧
I won't feel any different. 我的感觉不会变
Well, taking care of a baby is hard work. 照顾孩子很辛苦的
You might be too tired to keep singing. 你也许会太累无法继续唱歌
I'll never be too tired to sing. 唱歌我永远不会累
We'll see. 到时看吧
Rob... 罗伯
It's my dream. 这是我的梦想
And dreams are great, 梦想很棒
but you have to be realistic. 但你也要现实点
It's a tough business to break into. 唱歌那行不是那么容易混的
I know. 我知道
My Beth Ann wanted to be in show business, 我家贝丝·安当初也想进入演艺界
and she finally came to her senses and gave it up. 她最后终于想明白放弃了
Thank God. 谢天谢地
Well, maybe I'm more talented than she is. 也许我比她更有天赋
She wasn't half-bad. She wanted to play piano. 她其实很不错她想弹钢琴
Piano? 钢琴
Yeah, she wanted to be a concert pianist, which is ridiculous. 对她想成为钢琴演奏家太荒谬了
But you do what you want. 不过你想做什么都行
As long as dinner's on the table when I get home, 只要我回家后桌上有热腾腾的饭菜
what do I care? 我又在乎什么呢
You know, it's kind of funny. 说来有趣
Uh, my friend Sheila also wanted to be a concert pianist. 我朋友希拉也想当钢琴演奏家
Yeah? Small world. 是吗世界真小
Well, I got to go. 我得走了
I'll call you tonight. 今晚给你打电话
Mrs. Grove? 格罗夫夫人
Yes? 请说
Based on the initial exam, 根据初步检测
we think your husband probably has Pneumocystis pneumonia, 我们认为你丈夫可能是患上了杰氏肺囊虫肺炎
an infection common in men with suppressed immune systems. 这病在免疫系统受损的人群中很常见
How serious is it? 有多严重
Most patients recover with treatment. 大多数病人经过治疗可以康复
"Most"? Do you mean some don't? 大多数你是说有的不能吗
We're gonna run some tests, then we'll know more. 我们还会做一些检测然后可以知道更多
Thank you. 谢谢
Naomi. 娜奥米
- Nurse, put that down and call security. - Don't bother. -护士放下手中的活叫保安-不用了
I just have one thing to say and then I'll go. 我就说一件事然后就走
If you think I'm gonna let you go anywhere near my child... 如果你觉得我会让你靠近我孩子
I'm not here for Tommy. I'm here to apologize. 我不是来找汤米的我是来道歉的
An apology? Now? 道歉现在
- Color me disinterested. - Then just tell me -当我没兴趣吧-那就告诉我
what I have to do to get you to leave Karl alone. 我得做什么才能让你放过卡尔
I haven't done anything to him. 我对他什么都没做
You have spread your poison and made him a pariah. 你的蜚短流长使他成了过街老鼠
He has lost friends, 他失去了朋友
been banned from his daughter's wedding, 被女儿的婚礼拒之门外
had his home vandalized. 他的家被糟蹋
God, he's sick. He does not deserve 天呐他病了他不该沦落到
to spend his last days hounded by scandal and shame. 在丑闻和耻辱中等死
Maybe he doesn't, but if Karl's caught in the crossfire, 或许如此但如果卡尔被无辜牵连
it's only because he's been standing too close to you. 那也是因为他离你太近了
Naomi, I am begging. 娜奥米我求你了
Blame me, destroy me. 责怪我毁灭我
I promise I won't fight back. 我保证不会还手
But please leave Karl out of it. 但求你别把卡尔扯进来
What have you done? 你干了什么好事
Eli. 伊莱
Are you his wife? 你是他妻子吗
Yeah. 是的
Is he okay? Why-- why is he unconscious? 他没事吧为什么昏迷了
He needed to be sedated. 我们必须给他用镇静剂
His ribs are fractured, but he'll recover. 他的肋骨骨折了不过会康复的
Oh, thank God. 谢天谢地
Before we put him out, he was asking for you. 我们给他注射前他说想见你
We told him you were on your way. 我们告诉他你马上就来
I came as fast as I could. 我尽快赶来了
He wrote you this note. 他给你写了留言
Said it was important. 说这很重要
Everything okay? 一切都还好吗
Yeah. I think it will be. 嗯都会好起来的
It's gonna be a while before he wakes up. 他要过一阵子才能醒过来
Well, I'm gonna be here when he does. 我会守在他身边等他醒来
Mrs. Stanton. 斯坦顿夫人
Hello, Claire. 你好克莱尔
I need to speak to Rob. 我有事找罗伯
He's not here. 他不在
How long until he returns? 他什么时候才回来
I'm not sure. 我不确定
Are you going on a trip? 你要去旅行吗
I'm going back home to Kansas. 我要回堪萨斯州的老家
- For a visit? - No. -去探亲吗-不是
I'm leaving Rob. 我要离开罗伯
He's been having an affair. 他有外遇了
He doesn't know I know, 他不知道我知道了
and I thought I should tell him in person. 所以我想我应该亲自告诉他
Oh, Mrs. Stanton, I'm so sorry. 斯坦顿夫人我很遗憾
Thank you. 谢谢
Do you have any idea where he might be? 你知道他可能在哪里吗
He's at her apartment. 他在她的公寓
So you've known about this. 这么说你早就知道
I wish you had told me. 你要是早告诉我就好了
I thought we were friends. 我还以为我们是朋友
I haven't been your friend, 我没做过你的朋友
not for one second. 一秒钟都没做过
And you should hate me 而你应该恨我
for everything I've done to you. 因为我对你所做的一切
What are you talking about? 你在说什么
Rob's been cheating on you for years... 罗伯已经背着你出轨很多年了
with all sorts of women. 有过各种各样的女人
And I was one of them. 我就是其中之一
I was protecting you. 我是在保护你
By destroying their lives? 通过毁掉他们的生活吗
She took advantage of you. 她占了你的便宜
No. I pursued her. 不是我追求了她
And what we had, it was real. 而且我们的感情是真爱
You only think that because she twisted your mind. 你这么想是因为她扭曲了你的思想
Trust me, you are better off without her. 相信我没有她你会过得更好
No, maybe I'd be better off without you. 不也许没有你我会过得更好
Tommy... 汤米
Dad always said that you were vindictive, 爸总是说你报复心很重
and I should get away from you as soon as I got the chance. 我一有机会就应该离开你
Your dad was a pathetic drunk. 你爸是个可悲的酒鬼
But he had your number. 但他清楚你的底细
I'm leaving tonight. 我今晚就走
And I'll be on the first plane to Europe in the morning. 明天早上乘第一班飞机去欧洲
Well, you think I'm just gonna pay for you to go traipsing around Europe? 你以为我会出钱让你去欧洲游荡吗
I'm 18. I have access to my trust fund. 我18岁了可以动用我的信托基金
I don't need anything from you. 我不需要你的任何东西
I am still your mother. 但我还是你妈妈
No, from now on, you're just some lady that I used to know. 不从现在起你只是我曾认识的一个女人
二号楼梯 医院入口
You pulling out? 你要开走吗
Not yet. 先不走
I'm waiting for someone. 我在等人
You have to understand, I have wanted to tell you 你一定要理解多年来我一直
for years, but... 想告诉你但是...
Oh, God, I am so ashamed. 天呐我真羞愧
I'm leaving him, Claire. 我要离开他了克莱尔
It doesn't matter anymore. 已经无所谓了
You won't feel that way once I've told you the rest. 等我把剩下的话说完你就不会这么想了
There's something else? 还有别的要说的
The last time I slept with your husband... 我最后一次和你丈夫上床
was the day your child died. 是在你孩子死的那天
We were in your bedroom at your old house... 当时我们在你们以前的房子的卧室里
when Rob heard a car door slam. 罗伯听到了关车门的声音
He got up to see you and your daughter 他起床看到你和你女儿
had come home early. 提前回家了
He yelled at me to get dressed. 他吆喝我赶紧穿衣服
You began dragging a trash can to the backyard, 你开始往后院拖垃圾桶
so we had time to run downstairs. 所以我们有时间跑到楼下
I was going to hide in a closet, 我本来想躲在壁橱里
but Rob said it was too dangerous. 但罗伯说太冒险了
So he told me to get out through the side of the house. 他让我从房子侧门出去
So while you were coming in the front door... 你们从前门进来的时候
Hey there. 你们好啊
I ran around the side of the house... 我绕着房子跑出去
and left through the gate. 从后院的大门离开了
And I left it open. 我没关门
A few hours later, someone from work called. 几小时后一个同事打来电话
They told me what had happened, 他们告诉我发生了什么
and I instantly knew it was my fault. 我瞬间就知道是我的错
Oh, Mrs. Stanton, 斯坦顿夫人
I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am. 我不知该如何表达我有多抱歉
I have one question. 我有一个问题
What's that? 什么
Did Rob know you had not closed the gate? 罗伯知道你没有关门吗
I called him that night and I told him. 我那晚跟他打了电话告诉了他
And he said he could forgive me... 他说他可以原谅我
if I never told anyone else what had happened. 如果我不告诉任何人发生了什么
And I didn't. 于是我没有说出去
I was so ashamed. 我很惭愧
I know you can't forgive me for what I've done, 我知道你不能原谅我的所作所为
but I will spend the rest of my life 但我愿意下半辈子
trying to atone for what I did to you. 都用来弥补我的过错
Get up. 起来
You did... a horrible thing, Claire. 你做了一件很可怕的事克莱尔
But I'll forgive you 但我会原谅你
if you promise to do one thing for me. 如果你答应为我做一件事
Anything. 任何事都行
You will never tell another living soul 你不能告诉任何人
that we had this conversation. 我们有过这次对话
What? 什么
Rob can't know. 罗伯不能知道
I've decided not to leave him. 我决定不离开他了
I don't understand. 我不明白
You don't have to. 你不需要
All you need to do is give me your solemn vow. 你只需要许下庄严誓约
Do that and you have my forgiveness. 做到后我就原谅你
I promise. 我答应你
Thank you, Claire. 谢谢你克莱尔
Hey, girl, 乖乖
what are you doing here? 你怎么来了
She missed you. 它想你了
Jade. 洁德
I hope you don't mind. 希望你不介意
I let myself in. Your lock's busted. 我自己进来的你的锁坏了
Why do I get the feeling that you busted it? 为什么我觉得是你弄坏的
Don't be mad. I wanted to see you. 别生气我想见你
Why, so you could break my other leg? 好打断我另一条腿吗
Oh, God, I'm so sorry about that. 天我很抱歉
Things got a little crazy last time, 上次局势有点失控
but I'm trying to make it up to you. 但我想补偿你
See you cleaned a little bit. 你打扫了房间
It was kind of a pigsty. Not that I'm being critical. 有点像猪圈不是我挑剔
I know you've been busy with, um, 我知道你最近
jail and stuff. 在监狱里
- And you're cooking? - Yeah, pot roast. -你在做饭-是的锅烤肉
The recipe you like. 用的你喜欢的那个食谱
Why aren't you cooking for your rich friends 你怎么不给你豪宅里的
in their fancy mansion? 富人朋友做
Did they kick you out? 他们把你赶出来了吗
Eli found out about my past, 伊莱知道了我的过去
so I packed up my stuff and I left. 所以我收拾了东西走了
What a shame. 真可惜
Did you talk to him? 你跟他说了话吗
Now, why would you think that? 你为什么会这么想
Because you're the only one who knows my real name. 因为只有你知道我真名
Hand to God, I did not tell Eli. 我对天发誓我没有告诉伊莱
Did you tell someone else? 你告诉了其他人吗
Taylor came to see me in jail. 泰勒来监狱看了我
Oh, shit! 该死
Yeah, she offered to pay my bail 她说如果我打你小报告
if I ratted you out, so... 她就愿意支付我的保释金
Taylor is a lawyer! 泰勒是律师
She knows people, and the cops are still looking for me. 她有人脉警察仍然在找我
I could end up in prison! 我可能会进监狱的
Yeah, and I may be walking with a cane for a year, 我也许还要拄一年的拐杖
so I guess we're even. 我想我们扯平了
I got to get out of town. I need money. 我得离开这里我需要钱
- Don't look at me, I'm busted. - Well, you must have something. -别看我我身无分文-你肯定有点什么
Like, what about your grandfather's watch? 你爷爷的表呢
- What about it? - Give it to me! I'll pawn it. -怎么了-给我我去当掉
The hell you will! 想得美
Goddamn it, Duke! You owe it to me! 该死杜克你欠我的
You really fucked me this time! 你这次把我害惨了
I don't owe you shit. Now get the fuck out of my house! 我屁都不欠你滚出我家
You stay away from me. 离我远点
Again with the crazy eyes, huh? 又开始瞪眼了吗
Look, baby, just put the knife down, okay? 听着宝贝把刀放下
Just put the knife... 把刀...
You're gonna pay for that. 你要为此付出代价的
You think? 你觉得吗
Afternoon. What can I do for you? 下午好有什么需要帮助的
I need to buy a gun. 我要买把枪


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