

英文 中文
It's waterproof. 防水的
So it's safe from my tears of joy. 那它不会被我喜悦的泪水弄坏了
What's wrong? Am... am I embarrassing you? 怎么了我让你丢人了吗
- At least take the flowers. - No! -你至少收下花吧-不行
If you won't accept this simple gift, 如果你连个小礼物都不收
then what does that say about our future? 那我们的未来还有什么指望呢
We have no future. 我们没有未来
- Tommy Harte? - Amy? -汤米·哈特-艾米
I don't know if you're seeing anyone these days, 我不知道你最近有没有交往对象
but I could really use some cheering up. 不过我今晚很需要有人陪我给我打气
I was... seeing someone. 我本来是有对象的
But, uh, she recently broke up with me. 但是她最近跟我分手了
Love is always a risk. 爱情总是要冒风险的
The chance for love doesn't come around every day. 爱的机会不是每天都有的
Are you free Friday? 你周五有空吗
Yes, lover. 有的爱人
"Ma'am" Will be fine. 还是叫夫人吧
Now that Jade's gonna live with us, 既然洁德要和我们一起住
we gotta have some way to introduce her. 我们就得找到介绍她的方式
Well, why don't we just say she's family? 为什么不说她是我们的家人呢
I love that. 我喜欢这个
Jade, what's going on? 洁德出什么事了
- Duke is gonna kill Teacup. - Teacup? -杜克要杀了茶缸-茶缸
Our dog. He says if I don't meet with him, 是我们的狗他说如果我不去见他
he's gonna put her down. 他就要杀死它
For the last two years, 过去两年里
I've been pathetic Eli who... who can't finish a screenplay, 我一直都是那个连剧本都写不完的可悲伊莱
who can't help pay the bills. 账单也付不起
I just need a fucking win. 我只需要一场胜利
I just want to feel like a man 我只想让自己感觉像个爷们儿
and save a dog and have that be good enough. 把狗救下来做得足够好
Jade! 洁德
April is very sweet. 艾普尔人很好
She's so free-spirited. 她非常自由随性
You wouldn't believe the fun we have together. 你不知道我们在一起有多开心
Try one. 尝一块
You know, marijuana? 你懂的大麻
I don't think it's working. 好像没什么感觉啊
You're acting like you're drunk. 你看起来像喝醉了
That might be the pot. 那可能是因为飞叶子
- Pot? - It's marijuana. -飞叶子-就是大麻
We will talk about this later. 我们晚点再谈这事
I want to be a singer. 我想做个歌手
Really? 真的吗
I'm gonna be somebody someday. 有一天我会出人头地
I want to be a mommy. 我想当妈妈
I want to be a movie star. 我想当电影明星
I want to be a superhero. 我想当超级英雄
Saving the world. 拯救世界
Taking care of my baby. 照顾我的孩子
Going to parties in high heels. 穿着高跟鞋参加派对
Handsome. 帅气
Nice. 善良
Democrat. 民主党人
What? 什么
Is that a joke? 这是玩笑吗
That couldn't happen. 不可能的
* When I was just a little girl * 我还是小女孩的时候
* I asked my mother * 我问我妈妈
* "What will I be? * 我会成为什么
* Will I be pretty, will I be rich?" * 我会变得漂亮吗我会变得有钱吗
* Here's what she said to me * 她这么对我说
* Que será, será * 天意难违
* Whatever will be will be * 该来的总会来
* The future's not ours to see * 我们无法预知未来
* Que será, será * 天意难违
* What will be will be * 该来的总会来
* Que será, será. * 天意难违
So? 怎么样
Um, what'd you think, Mr. Porter? 你觉得怎么样波特先生
Not bad, kid. Not bad. 还行孩子还行
Really? So I got the job? 真的吗这么说我得到这份工作了
It's just one night, but... 就一晚不过
if it goes well, we could talk about something more permanent. 如果表现好的话我们可以考虑让你长期驻扎
Oh, my God. Thank you so much. 天呐太谢谢你了
I'll see you Tuesday. 周二见
Did you hear that? 你听到了吗
Oh, April, your first singing gig. 艾普尔你的第一份唱歌工作
Promise me you'll come. 答应我你会来看
- Tuesday night? - Mm-hmm. -周二晚上吗-嗯
I wouldn't miss it. 我一定不会错过
Wonderful. 太好了
And you'll finally get to meet Rob. 你终于能见到罗伯了
What? 什么
I told him that there was a chance 我跟他说我有机会
that I could be booking this gig, 得到这份工作
and he already agreed to come. 他已经同意要来了
I'll put you two at a table together. 我会安排你们坐一桌
That way you can get to know each other. 这样你们就能互相了解了
Can't wait. 迫不及待
You'll have to help me find something to wear. 你得帮我选衣服
I'm thinking maybe that blue dress with the sequins. 我在考虑穿那件有金属片的蓝色裙子
Oh, yes, that's nice. 嗯那件不错
Is something wrong? 出什么事了吗
Actually, I just remembered, 我刚想起来
my aunt Lydia is getting an operation Tuesday. 我莉狄娅姑妈周二要做手术
- An operation? - Mm, to... -手术-为了
fix her bunion. 治疗她的拇滑液囊肿
I agreed to bring her home from the hospital 我答应了要把她从医院接回来
and look after her. All night. 然后照顾她一整晚
Well, can you get someone else to look after her? 你能找别人去照顾她吗
You can't miss my show. 你不能错过我的表演
I already promised. 我已经答应她了
And it's... such a big bunion. 是个很大的拇滑液囊肿
This is about Rob, isn't it? 是跟罗伯有关吧
What? 什么
Just admit it. 承认吧
You don't want to meet him 你不想见他
because you don't approve of Rob and I's relationship. 因为你不赞同我和罗伯的关系
Believe me, that is not the reason. 相信我不是因为这个
I'm telling you, we're lost. 就跟你说吧我们迷路了
Well, maybe if you'd asked for directions 如果你在我们下高速的时候
when we got off the highway... 记得问个路的话...
Maybe if you'd picked a motel closer than 30 miles away... 如果你能选个近一点的汽车旅馆的话...
Oh, I think we go left here? 我们应该从这左转吧
Oh, we're going in circles. 我们是在兜圈子
This is the third time we've passed that wino. 这是我们第三次路过那个醉汉了
Well, it's too dark to read the signs. 太昏暗了我都看不清路标
Oh, stop and I'll ask at the liquor store. 停下我去问问那家酒水店
We're on Pike Street. 我们在派克街
Show me the map. 给我看下地图
Move along, kid. 开走吧孩子
Sorry, we were just leaving. 抱歉我们正准备离开
Not you, sweet cheeks. You're busted. 站住可人儿你被抓了
- Busted? For what? - Soliciting. -被抓了为什么-卖淫
You think I'm a hooker? 你觉得我是个妓女吗
For God's sake, I'm wearing Yves Saint Laurent. 拜托老娘穿的可是YSL
I didn't say you weren't successful. 我可没说你不算成功
Uh, she's with me, sir. 她是和我一起的先生
She was just asking directions 她只是去问个路
because we got lost. 因为我们迷路了
Relax, kid. I'm doing you a favor. 放松孩子我是在帮你
You don't want your first time to be with a pro. 你不会想要把初夜献给一位老手的
How dare you? 你胆敢信口雌黄
I'm a well-known philanthropist. 我可是有名的慈善家
I don't need to know your specialty. 我不需要知道你的专长
- Let's go. - What? -跟我走-什么
Come on. 赶紧的
Hey! Seriously, sir, she's my girlfriend. 慢着先生她真的是我女朋友
I find that hard to believe. 我不相信
Well, show him your license. 给他看你的驾照
If we just met, 如果我们是刚见面
how do I know his name is Tommy Harte 我怎么会知道他叫汤米·哈特
and that he lives in Pasadena 住在帕萨迪纳市
at 74 Oakhurst Drive? 奥克赫斯特大道74号
His birthday is March 10. 他的生日是3月10号
Okay. 好吧
So, if you're a couple from Pasadena, 如果你们是帕萨迪纳来的情侣
why are you going to a motel in Azusa? 为什么要去阿苏萨的汽车旅馆
We are having an illicit affair. 我们这是婚外情
We've driven 30 miles to avoid being spotted 我们开了30多英里是为了避免被
by his mother, who is my best friend, 他妈妈也就是我最好的朋友
and my husband, who is gay. 以及我的同性恋丈夫撞见
Well, I got to give you points for creativity. 不得不说你们还挺有创意
Have fun, kid. 玩得开心孩子
Eli! Hey, can you walk Teacup for me? 伊莱你能不能帮我遛下茶缸
I'm helping Taylor pack for her trip. 我在帮泰勒打包行李
- Yeah, sure. - Thanks. -好的没问题-谢了
Still going to Fresno, huh? 还是要去弗雷斯诺是吗
I have to. This conference has been on the books for months. 我必须去这个会议数月前都已经定好了
Honey, the people at your firm know that we were attacked. 亲爱的你公司的人知道我们被袭击了
I mean, they wouldn't blink if you opted out. 如果你取消的话他们一定会理解的
I know, but I told my sisters I'm coming to town, 我懂但是我已经告诉了我的姐姐们我要回去
and they're still threatening to visit this summer, 她们仍旧威胁说这个夏天要来看我们
so we kind of want to break the news 所以我们应该在她们来之前
about our living situation before that happens. 先挑明我们目前的居住情况
Why don't you just shoot them a text? 你为何不发个信息给她们呢
I'm not gonna tell my sisters I'm in a throuple via text. 我才不要短信告知我姐姐们我处在一段三人关系中
Yeah. Just make sure you tell them it was your idea, not mine. 确保你告诉她们这是你的主意而非我的
- But it was your idea. - Yeah, -但这确实是你的主意-没错
but your sisters hate me enough as it is. 但是你的姐姐们已经够恨我的了
We don't need to throw any more gas on that fire. 我们就没必要再火上浇油了
You haven't met them yet, but they're awful. 你还没见过她们但是她们糟透了
All right, Teacup. 好的茶缸
Whoa, here we go. 我们走
- Lamar. - Oh! You do know who I am. -拉马尔-原来你还记得我是谁啊
I was curious 我正纳闷呢
'cause you've been avoiding me for weeks. 因为你已经躲我好几周了
No, no, no, no. I... 没有没有我...
I-I was absolutely gonna call you back, man. 我正准备打给你呢哥们
I just... I've been incredibly busy. 我只是...最近太忙了
I see you had time to get a dog. 忙到有空养狗啊
Oh, forgot to tell you. 对了忘记告诉你了
You'll like this. 你会喜欢这个消息的
Finally had that threesome. 我终于试了下三P
I would ask what one has to do with the other, 我很想问这和养狗有什么关系
but never the fuck mind. 不过还是他妈的算了吧
- Where is my script? - Script? -我的剧本呢-剧本
The one you promised would be done a month ago? 你许诺我一个月前就该写好了的那个剧本呢
The one I talked up to Paramount. 我和派拉蒙影业谈好了的那个
Got 'em all excited, and now they're pissed off 他们当时都很兴奋如今都气炸了
wondering what happened to it. 不知道剧本是什么情况
Well, it-it's almost done. 就快...快要写好了
I'm just... making a few final tweaks. 我只是...在做最后的细微改动
Oh, please. 得了吧
The only line older than that is "Let there be light." 比这更陈词滥调的怕是只剩"要有光"了吧
No, I'm not lying. Look, I-I swear to you... 不我没撒谎听着我向你保证...
I swear to you, I will have it to you in one week. 我向你保证一周内我会把剧本交给你
No. You got 24 hours. 不行你只有24个小时
Starting now. 计时开始
Come on, man, we're supposed to be friends. 别这样啊哥们我们本该是朋友的
Look, I am your friend. 听着我是你的朋友
Any other agent would have kicked your ass to the curb long ago. 换做是其他经纪人早就抛弃你了
Okay, well, yeah, and of course, 好吧没错当然了
I'm grateful that you stood by me, 我很感激有你挺我
but please, I mean... Give me till Friday. 但是拜托了...宽限到这周五
You got till 10:15 tomorrow. 最后期限是明早10点15分
Tweak fast. 快点改吧
Are you having an affair? 你是在搞婚外情吗
Really, Karl, before breakfast? 真的吗卡尔早餐前说这个
No, I heard you on the phone this morning. 不我今早听到你讲电话
You were arguing with someone, 你在和某人争执
refusing to meet unless they found a discreet location. 除非这人找到一个隐蔽的地点不然你拒绝见面
You listened to a private conversation? 你竟敢偷听私人谈话
- You should be ashamed of yourself. - Well, I am... -你应该感到惭愧-我确实很惭愧...
after I've had sex with a busboy in an alleyway, 在小巷子里和一个餐厅勤杂工做完爱之后
but I-I don't really break a sweat over eavesdropping. 但是偷听我心安理得
Regardless, I don't owe you any explanations, 无论如何我不欠你什么解释
- so drop the subject. - Oh, go on. Tell me who it is. -所以换个话题吧-快告诉我这人是谁
Is it one of our friends from the country club? 是我们乡村俱乐部的朋友吗
The tennis instruct... No, the chef. 网球教...不对是那个厨子
Karl, I believe you're jealous. 卡尔我看你是嫉妒了吧
Oh, don't be daft. 别傻了
Oh, by the way, if it is a busboy named Julio, 对了如果他是一名叫胡里奥的餐厅勤杂工
will you give him my regards? 你能否替我向他问个好呢
Mm, the irony is just delicious. 这讽刺可真是太美味了
Is it one of our neighbors? 是我们的某位邻居吗
Dig all you like, Karl. 随便你怎么猜卡尔
Even if I were having an affair, 就算我有婚外情
you'd never hear his name from me. 你绝不会从我这里听到他的名字的
We need to talk about Tommy. 我们得谈谈汤米
The bed news is he's been acting strangely. 坏消息是他最近一直鬼鬼祟祟的
He leaves the house at all hours of the night. 他整晚整晚地不在家
Won't tell me where he's been when he comes home. 回家后也不告诉我他去了哪里
Oh, I do hope Tommy hasn't fallen in with the wrong crowd. 我希望汤米没有误入歧途
Why are you looking at me? 你为什么看着我
I'm offering you a cookie. 我在递给你曲奇
Right. 好吧
The good news is I got him a new job 好消息是我给他找了份新工作
working for Bader's Nursery. 贝德尔的苗圃公司
He'll be doing home care. 他将去做入户照料
- Home care? - That means he'll go into people's houses -入户照料-也就是说他会去到别人家里
and water their plants while they're at work 在他们外出工作或者度假时
or on vacation. 给植物浇浇水
Will he? 是吗
This is where the favor comes in. 这就是我来拜托你们的原因
I'm asking all of my friends to hire Tommy. 我要请我所有的朋友都雇佣汤米
I need to keep him busy. 我得让他忙起来
Just so I'm clear, people leave town 先让我搞清楚大家不在的时候
and give Tommy the keys to their homes? 把家门钥匙给汤米
I know what you're thinking, but Tommy is 我知道你在想什么但是汤米
very trustworthy... and quick, too. 很值得信赖他速度也很快
He'd be in and out. 他会快进快出的
I'm sure he'd stay long enough to get the job done. 我相信他一定会"做完"才离开
Of course. 那是当然
Can I count you in? 我能把你们家算进去吗
Oh, why not? 何乐而不为呢
We like Tommy, don't we, darling? 我们都很喜欢汤米不是吗亲爱的
Oh, yes. 没错
We certainly do. 我们当然喜欢他了
Poor April. 可怜的艾普尔
If you could have seen her face. 如果你能看到她那表情
Oh, you don't want me anywhere near that tramp's face 你不会想要让我接近淫妇那张脸的
because I will slap it. 因为我会扇死她
It's her big night. 今晚对她很重要
I was honored she wanted me to come so badly. 她很想让我去我深感荣幸
Doesn't she have any other friends? 她就没其他朋友了吗
Or did she sleep with their husbands, too? 还是说她也睡了她们的丈夫
I'm glad Rob is going. 我很欣慰罗伯会去
She needs someone there to cheer her on. 她需要有人在那里鼓励她
I don't get it. 我不明白
This is war. 这是场战争
You are fighting with another woman 你正在跟另一个女人
over your husband and you are losing. 争夺你的丈夫而你快输了
Honey! 亲爱的
He's home early. I'm in here, Rob. 他回来得真早我在里面罗伯
If he tells you that he's got to work late Tuesday, 如果他告诉你他周二得加班到很晚
I will vomit and you will have to mop this floor up all over again. 我就立刻吐一地你就得重新拖一遍地板
There you are. Guess what? 你在这呢你猜怎么着
I have amazing news. 我有好消息
You do? 是吗
I got two tickets to the World Series. 我有两张世界职棒大赛的票
For when? 什么时候的
Let me guess. Tuesday? 我来猜猜看周二吗
As a matter of fact, yeah. 还真的是周二
My boss gave them to me as a gift, 是我老板送给我的
and they are right behind home plate. 座位就在本垒后面
Who are you taking? 你打算带谁去
What do you mean, who am I taking? 这还用问吗
Only my best girl. 当然是带我心爱的女孩
Let me see those. 让我看看票
Holy crap! 我操
He's got two tickets to the World Series. 他有两张世界职棒大赛的票
Isn't that what I just said? 我刚才不是说了吗
And these are for Tuesday? 是周二的票吗
What's wrong? 怎么了
Well, I just want to make sure 我就想确认一下
we haven't forgotten about any plans 我们有没有忘了
we might have made for Tuesday? 之前给周二定下的什么安排
Well, whatever plans we made, consider them canceled. 不管之前安排了什么都通通取消
I've got a date with my wife, the Dodgers and the Yankees. 我和我的娇妻以及道奇队和洋基队有个约会
Okay. 好吧
What's going on here? Why aren't you happy? 怎么了你为什么不高兴
Oh, she is very happy. 她可高兴了
She's just not used to you being so wonderful. 她只是不习惯你突然这么好
Rob, give us a second. We're not through with the mopping. 罗伯麻烦你先出去我们还没拖完地
I got to call Carl. 我得打给卡尔
He's gonna be so jealous. 他会嫉妒得发狂
April is going to be heartbroken. 艾普尔会心碎的
To hell with April. 谁管艾普尔死活啊
You've got to focus on the big picture. 你得着眼于大局
He's choosing you over her. 他在你和她之间选了你
You're winning. 你要赢了
I guess I am. 看来是的
Hey. Taylor called. 泰勒打来过
Her plane landed in Fresno. 她到弗雷斯诺了
What are you doing? 你在干什么
Killing myself. 自杀
- With cheese? - Yeah. My plan is -用芝士吗-没错我的计划
to get super fat and then die of hypertension. 就是吃到爆肥然后死于高血压
That might take a while. 那得花好一段时间
Only great writers deserve quick deaths. 只有伟大的作家才有资格迅速死掉
Hemingway, Wolfe, Plath. 海明威沃尔夫普拉斯
Me? I'm a bad writer, 而我我是个无才的作家
so I deserve to die slowly, 我只配慢慢死掉
painfully... disgustingly. 痛苦且丢人
Do we have any mustard? 家里有黄芥末吗
No. 没有
But we have mayonnaise. 但我们有蛋黄酱
Oh, yes, the condiment of hacks. 是的二流调味品
Bring it to me. 拿过来
What's going on? 怎么了
My agent's gonna drop me 如果我明早不能把剧本给他
if I don't get him my script by tomorrow morning. 我的经纪人就要炒了我
And you're not finished? 你还没写完吗
I-I've written 50 pages. Each just worst than the last. 我写了50页了但是很糟糕
I doubt that. 别这么说
I mean, I have no third act. 我是说我还没写第三幕
I keep sitting here, 我就坐在这
staring at the poster of my one and only hit, 盯着我那唯一大火电影的海报
praying for some sort of inspiration. 祈祷有灵感到来
And the longer I look at it, the more I realize... 看得越久我越明白
it was a fluke. 那只是昙花一现
I mean, brilliant director, stellar cast, 我是说出色的导演一流的演员
all turning my crap dialogue into gold. 把我写的废话变成金子
How am I gonna tell Taylor 我该怎么告诉泰勒
that I lost my fucking agent? 我失去了我的经纪人
Give me the 50 pages. 把那50页给我
Why, so you can beat me with them? 干嘛你要用来打我吗
Because I think it might help you to get some honest feedback. 我觉得我能给你一些真诚的反馈
Do you know anything about writing? 你懂写作吗
I know what I like. 我知道我喜欢什么
And if I think that your script's in decent shape, 如果我觉得你的剧本写得不错
you'll have the confidence to finish the damn thing. 你就有信心把它写完了
Yeah, and what if it's just 50 pages of me shitting the bed? 好吧如果这50页只是我写的屁话呢
Then I will go to the store and I will buy you 那么我就去商店给你买
every kind of cheese known to man. 所有人类已知的奶酪
And mayonnaise. 还有蛋黄酱
Gonna need lots of mayonnaise. 我需要吃很多蛋黄酱
Rob, what are you doing? We're going to be late. 罗伯你在干嘛我们要迟到了
I'm looking for my old baseball glove. 我在找我的旧棒球手套
Maybe I can get Sandy Koufax to sign it. 也许我能让桑迪·科法斯在上面签名
Don't bother Mr. Koufax tonight. He'll be working. 今晚别打扰科法斯先生了他要工作
Eh, he can sign one glove. 签个名的时间还是有的
Maybe it's in one of the boxes in the garage. 也许是在车库的某个箱子里
No, it should be in this one. 不应该在这里面的
Stanton residence. 斯坦顿家
Hold on. 等等
Maybe you're right about the garage. 也许你是对的
Check the box by the tool drawer. I got to take this. 去找下工具屉旁的盒子我得接个电话
Who is it? 是谁
Uh, a guy from work. Uh, I'll be right down. 一个同事我马上下来
What the hell do you think you're doing? 你他妈以为你在干嘛
I said never to call me here. 我说了不能打电话到我家
I already told you, I got plans with my wife. 我已经告诉你了我和我妻子有事
She's making me take her out to dinner. 她要我带她出去吃饭
Don't cry. L-Look, I hate it when you cry. 别哭听着我讨厌你哭
There's nothing I can do about this. 这事我一点办法没有
Now-now I got to go. 我得挂了
Well, you were right about the garage. 好吧你是对的
No sign of your glove. 没找到你的手套
Eh, it doesn't matter. Let's get going 没事我们走吧
or we'll miss the national anthem. 不然我们会错过国歌演奏的
Honey, I don't think I can go. 宝贝我觉得我去不了了
What? 什么
I'm not feeling well. 我感觉不舒服
You look fine to me. 你看着没事啊
Robert. 罗伯特
You remember our trip to New Mexico? 你记得我们在新墨西哥的旅行吗
You mean, you got... 你是说你得...
Yes. I should stay close to a bathroom. 对我得待在洗手间附近
Well, they got bathrooms at the stadium. 体育场里有洗手间
I could never do that to total strangers. 在陌生人面前我做不到
Want me to stay home with you? 想要我在家陪你吗
Don't be silly. 别傻了
Oh, good. Thank God, 'cause I really want to go. 真好谢天谢地因为我真的很想去
Bye. 再见
April, it's Sheila. 艾普尔我是希拉
My aunt is fine. 我姑妈没事
I can come hear you sing after all. 我可以去听你唱歌了
Yes. I'm happy, too. 对我也很开心
It is so good to see you guys. 真开心见到你们
I just wish Mama could've made it. 真希望妈妈也能来
How is she? 她怎么样了
- Nasty as ever. - Mean as the day is long. -讨厌依旧-还是那么刻薄
We work our fingers to the bone for that woman. 我们为了她拼命工作
But it's never good enough for her. 但那永远不够
The doctor says she could live to be 100. 医生说她能活到一百岁
And she'll do it, just to spite us. 她会的就为了刁难我们
Well, look, I know she can be difficult to care for, 好吧听着我知道她很难照顾
and I wish I could help out more. 我真希望我能帮上忙
Oh, don't worry about it, sugar. 别担心宝贝
- We don't resent you. - Not much, anyway. -我们不恨你-反正不是特别恨
Would be nice if you could take her off our hands 如果你能偶尔把她接到你家住的话
every now and then. 那就再好不过了
Got an extra room in that big house of yours? 你那大房子里有多余的房间吗
Don't need to be fancy. 不用太高档
Oh, it could be the cellar for all we care. 地下室也行
I would really like to help out, but it would be tricky, 我很愿意帮忙但是有点棘手
given my current living situation. 考虑到我现在的居家状况
Okay, I meant to lead with this when I sat down, 好吧我本想一开始就和你们说的
but the truth is... 但是真相是
I am no longer in an open marriage. 我的婚姻不再开放了
- You left Eli? - Thank you, Jesus. -你离开伊莱了-谢天谢地
No, I didn't leave Eli, 没有我没有离开伊莱
I moved my lover into our home. 我让我的炮友住进了我们家
The three of us are officially a throuple. 我们三个正式在一起了
Would it be okay if we tell Mama? 这事可以告诉妈妈吗
'Cause this will kill her. 这肯定能气死她
Sheila. 希拉
- Hi. - Look at you. -你好-看看你
- You're lovely. - Thanks. -你真漂亮-谢谢
Oh, I'm so nervous. 我好紧张
You're going to be great. 没事的
Hey, kid, you're on in ten. 孩子再过10分钟就该你了
Oh, thank you, Mr. Porter. 谢谢你波特先生
What are you looking for? 你在看什么
It's silly. Rob told me he can't make it. 说来挺傻的罗伯说他不能来了
I just... I keep thinking maybe he'll surprise me. 我我总觉得他也许会给我个惊喜
Honey, you can't worry about that right now. 宝贝你现在不能想这个
You've got a show to do. 你马上就要表演了
You're right. Thank you so much for being here. 你说得没错感谢你能来这里看我表演
Knock 'em dead. 惊艳全场吧
Okay. 好的
* When I was just a little girl * 我还是小女孩的时候
* I asked my mother, What will I be? * 我问我妈妈我会成为什么
* Will I be pretty, will I be rich? * 我会变得漂亮吗我会变得有钱吗
* Here's what she said to me * 她这么对我说
* Que será, será * 天意难违
* Whatever will be, will be * 该来的总会来
* The future's not ours to see * 我们无法预知未来
* Que será, será * 天意难违
* What will be, will be... * 该来的总会来
Well? 怎样
It's good. 很好
You hate it. 你不喜欢
No. It's good. 不很好
- It's not great. - Some of it's great. -不算出色-部分出色
The dialogue, the scenes in the diner... 对话餐厅里的戏
Just-just skip to what sucks. 直接说哪里不好吧
That would be your lead character. 就是你的主人公
What's wrong with Eva? 伊娃怎么了
She waits around for 15 pages hoping a man will save her. 她差不多等了15页的篇幅就希望男人来拯救她
She's a victim. I hate victims. 她是个受害者我讨厌受害者
Yeah, yeah. Okay. I mean, make her more proactive, sure. 好吧让她更主动一点当然可以
And can't she do something interesting 她不能做点有趣的事情
to get out of trouble? 让自己免除麻烦事吗
- What do you mean, interesting? - Like, on page 40, -什么叫有趣的事情-比如第40页
she's abandoned at the diner and totally broke, right? 她被男人抛弃在餐厅里还没钱对吗
- Yeah. - So, let her -是啊-那你让她
steal the owner's truck 偷走店主的卡车
and then she drives to the drug dealer's house and starts a fire. 然后开到毒贩子那里去放一把火
And when he runs out the front, 等毒贩子从前门跑出来的时候
she goes in the back and gets the money that he took from her. 她从后门进去把她被他夺走的钱全都拿回来
And his gun. 还有他的枪
She'd definitely take his gun. 绝对得拿走他的枪
Wow. Um, I mean, 我是说
I-it's definitely more proactive. 这样绝对显得她更积极主动了
It's just... I don't know, I-I never saw Eva that way. 只是...我不知道我没这样想过伊娃
I mean, she's... she's a nice girl. 我是说她是个好女孩
Yeah, but nice girls, they break the law every day. 是啊但好女孩也都会犯法
When they need to. 只要有需要
Okay. All right, I hear you. 好吧行了我知道你的意见了
There's more to Eva than meets the eye. 应该让伊娃并不像表面看上去这样
Exactly. 没错
So now, get started, open your laptop, get to work. 好了开始吧打开电脑去工作
You have 22 hours. 你还有22个小时
How did you come up with that stuff, anyway? 话说你是怎么想到这种设定的呢
Maybe there's more to me than meets the eye. 或许我也并不像表面看起来这样
Hey. Sorry I'm late. 嗨抱歉我来晚了
It's okay. Are you clear on what to do? 没关系你明白要做什么了吗
I guess. 我想是的
Are we sure about this? I mean, if we get caught... 我们真的确定吗如果被抓住的话
Yes. It's very risky. 没错这样非常冒险
I suppose the smart thing to do is end this affair 我想聪明的做法是我们两个结束外遇
and never have sex again. 再也不发生关系
Fine. 好吧
I don't know why Mrs. Dubner's bed feels amazing. 我不知道为什么会觉得杜博纳太太的床这么舒适
It's the sheets. They're Egyptian cotton. 因为床单好都是埃及棉
How do you know that? 你怎么知道的
I used to wash sheets like this 我在我爸洗衣店工作的时候
when I worked in my father's laundry. 经常洗这样的床单
Your dad owned a laundry? 你爸爸是开洗衣店的
You think I was born rich? 你以为我一直是富人家的孩子吗
Well... yeah. 是的
Not even close. 才不是呢
When I was 12, I used to covet things like this. 我12岁的时候非常羡慕这奢华的一切
Once, I took some satin sheets home. 我有一次悄悄拿了有污渍的床单回家
I wanted to see what it felt like 我想知道那种床单的触感
to sleep on them, just for one night. 睡上去的感觉哪怕只有一晚
My mother caught me. She was so angry. 我妈妈发现了她非常生气
She made me wash and iron them right there. 她命令我立刻洗好并熨好了它们
It was 2:00 in the morning. 那可是凌晨2点啊
And then she took them away. 然后她就把床单拿走了
That's a shame. 真可惜
Mother said, "If you want to sleep on expensive sheets, 我妈说如果你想睡贵的床单
choose wisely who you sleep next to." 那就好好挑一挑枕边人
So, uh, she basically told you to marry for money. 所以她基本就是要你嫁给有钱人
That's, uh, some really bad advice. 这个可真不是什么好建议
Well, I followed it twice. 我这样做了两次
I didn't think of marrying for love until Karl. 在遇到卡尔之前我不觉得自己会为爱结婚
I never told that story before. 我之前从没跟人讲过这事
To anyone. 给任何人听
Thanks for telling me first. 谢谢你先告诉了我
If you really want to thank me, 如果你真的想谢我
get over here. 就过来这里
Oh, I feel so badly about this. 我感觉很糟糕
After you went to all the trouble 让你费了这么大劲
of taking me to the airport. 送我去机场
It's fine, Joyce. 没关系乔伊斯
Nobody expects you to get on a plane when you're feeling ill. 你生病的时候没有人会非要强迫你搭乘飞机的
Oh, it's the plant van. 是苗圃店的车
Tommy must be here. 汤米肯定在
So, finally, I confessed to Eli 最终我跟伊莱坦白了
how much Jade meant to me, 洁德对我的重要性
and he agreed to let her live with us, permanently. 他也同意让她一直跟我们住在一起
Yes, I know, it's unconventional, 我知道这种方式很不传统
and you probably don't approve, 你们可能会不赞同
but... it's working. 但是我们相处得很融洽
Well, as long as you're happy. 只要你们高兴就好
That's what matters. 那才是最重要的
Really? 真的吗
That's all you have to say? 你们就只想说这些吗
Since you asked, I have a question. 既然你诚心诚意地问了我就问一个问题
- Here we go. - Do you still love Eli? -来了-你还爱着伊莱吗
- Of course. - And you also love this woman? -当然-而你还爱着这个女人
Yes. I'm wondering, how do they feel about each other? 是的我很好奇他们之间是什么感觉
Oh. Well... 这个嘛...
I knew she hadn't thought it through. 我就知道她还没有想过这件事
- Hadn't even crossed her mind. - Mm-hmm. -根本没想过-没错
Hold on. Eli and Jade like each other. 等等伊莱和洁德也喜欢彼此
That's not a problem. 那不是问题
Not yet. What happens when he likes her more than you? 现在还不是万一他比你更喜欢她了呢
What happens when she gets tired of sharing? 等她受够了跟别人分享爱人呢
- Where does that leave you, missy? - On the outside -那你怎么办女士-变成局外人
looking in, that's where. 眼睁睁看着他们在一起
That's not gonna happen. 才不会发生这种事
It's not. 绝对不会
Obviously, we don't know Jade. 显然我们不了解洁德
So we can't judge her. 所以没法判断她
But we know Eli. 但我们了解伊莱
We saw what he put you through. 我们亲眼见过他让你受的苦
Yes, we went through a dark time, 没错我们经历过一段阴暗时期
but that was two years ago. 但那是两年前的事了
"A dark time"? The man's a drug addict. "阴暗时期"那家伙可是个瘾君子
Half your savings went up his nose. 你们一半的积蓄都被他拿去买毒品了
The man's incapable of self-control. 那人根本没有自控能力
And now he's got another woman in his bed? 现在他床上还有另一个女人
The hell did you think was gonna happen? 你以为会发生什么
Stop it! 够了
I know you're trying to bait me, 我知道你们想激怒我
but it's not gonna work. 但没用的
I'm telling you, Eli has changed. 我告诉你们伊莱变了
Oh, baby sister, men never change. 天真的妹妹男人死性不改的
They just get better at keeping secrets. 他们只是越来越会隐瞒
Hello? 有人吗
It's Mrs. Dubner. 是杜博纳太太
You said she was going to France. 你不是说她要去法国吗
Yeah, my mom took her to the airport this morning. 是啊我妈今早还送她去机场
Tommy, where are you? 汤米你在哪
You have to hide! 你得躲起来
Make the bed. 把床铺好
I can't do both. 我没法同时做这两件事
I know you think I'm a ridiculous hypochondriac, 我知道你觉得我疑病症很严重
but the pain is real. 但我是真的很疼
You'll be fine. 你会没事的
You just need to lie down in your room. 你只需回房躺下休息
Mrs. Dubner. Did you miss your flight? 杜博纳太太你没赶上飞机吗
I'm having a migraine. I need to rest. 我偏头疼我需要休息
No, uh... you can't go in there. 不你不能进去
Why not? 为什么
I, uh, just sprayed. 我刚刚喷了东西
Sprayed? 喷了什么
Uh, insecticide. 杀虫剂
Your, uh, your ficus had a white fly. 你的榕树上有只白粉虱
- I've never seen any white fly. - Yeah, well, they're... -我从没见过有什么白粉虱-它们...
they're pretty tiny... see? 它们个头很小的瞧
Oh, my God. Kill it! 天呐快弄死它
See, I-I didn't know that you would be back so soon, 我不知道你这么快就回来了
so I used a very strong insecticide. 所以我用了很浓的杀虫剂
You inhale those fumes with a migraine and... 你偏头疼还吸入那些杀虫剂的话...
You're right. I can smell it. 你说得对我能闻到
Yeah, y-you better stay downstairs. 对你最好待在楼下吧
Don't just stand there, help her down. 别傻站着来扶她下楼
We need you to run to the pharmacy. 你得赶紧去一趟药房
Now? 现在吗
I'm out of medication. Here's my prescription. 我的药吃完了这是我的处方
I should go open some windows in the bedroom. 我得去打开卧室的窗户
To air it out. 散散味儿
Oh, hurry. 快点
Joyce is in agony. 乔伊斯很难受
Joyce is sick. I have to go to the drugstore. 乔伊斯不舒服我得去药房
Well, how am I supposed to get out of here? 我要怎么离开这里
I don't know. 我不知道
- Hello? - Karl, it's me. I need your help. -喂-卡尔是我需要你帮个忙
Speak up, I can hardly hear you. 大声点我听不清
I'm trapped in Joyce Dubner's house. 我被困在乔伊斯·杜博纳家里
Oh, dear, is she telling her appendectomy story again? 老天她是不是又叨逼她切阑尾那破事了
She doesn't know I'm here, and neither does Naomi. 她不知道我在这娜奥米也不知道
Sorry, Naomi's there? 什么娜奥米也在那
Yes, and I'm trapped upstairs. 没错我被困在楼上了
Upstairs? 楼上
Would this have anything to do with the affair you're not having? 这是不是跟你没在发生的婚外情有关
Now is not the time! 现在不是说这个的时候
Oh, what a nasty tone. I think I'm gonna hang up. 你语气好恶劣哦我要挂电话了
All right, all right, fine, fine. 好吧好吧行
I'm having an affair. 我是在搞婚外情
Now can you please come over here 现在能不能拜托你过来
and create a distraction so I can get out? 引开她们注意好让我溜出去
What are husbands for? 这是当老公应该做的
Eli? 伊莱
Hey, Eli. 伊莱
Eli, hey. 醒醒伊莱
You fell asleep. 你睡着了
- Oh, my God, what time is it? - It's 4:00 in the morning. -天呐几点了-凌晨4点
What? Oh, shit. 什么惨了
- How much have you done? - 61 pages. -你写完多少了-61页
The good news is that I think the story's working, 好消息是这故事的方向对了
but, I mean, I don't know, I can't tell, 但我说不好我无法分辨
'cause I'm just so tired I can't even think. 因为我实在太累了无法思考
Well, you have to keep going. 你必须继续写
- Lamar expects the script by breakfast. - I know, I know. -拉马尔早餐前就要收到剧本-我知道
I've been writing for ten hours straight. 我已经连续写了10小时了
Believe me when I tell you that there is no tank left in the gas. 相信我我汽油里已经一滴油箱都没有了
Wait. No, that's right. 等等不我没说错
Hold on, I have something. 等等我有东西能帮你
Here we go. 找到了
Take this. 吃掉它
What is that? 这是什么
I get pills to help with my ADHD. 我开了药治疗我的注意力不集中症
They give you a lift and they help you focus. 这药能帮你提神和集中注意力
I don't think I should. 我觉得我不应该吃
It's fine. It's not a big deal. 没事的这没什么大不了
Like, college kids take them all the time 大学生们期中考前经常吃
to cram for midterms and shit. 用来临时抱佛脚
Yeah... No, thank you. 还是不了谢谢你
Okay, it's your choice. 好吧你自己决定
- Fuck it, give me the pill. - Are you sure? -不管了把药给我-你确定吗
Yes, yes. I need to finish the script. 确定我必须写完剧本
Eli. What are you doing here? 伊莱你怎么来了
Hand-delivering you my script. 亲手把剧本交给你
You couldn't send it by e-mail? 你不能用邮件发给我吗
No, no, no, I could not, because I needed 不不行因为我需要
to look you in the eye when I told you 直视你双眼然后告诉你
that it's not done. 我没写完
- Oh, come on... - But, but, -你不是吧-可是
I finished 80 pages, and it's great. 我写了八十页而且很精彩
So great that you're gonna call me, 精彩到你看后会打给我
and you're going to apologize for ever considering 为你有动过不再雇我的念头
dropping me as a client. 而向我道歉
You're gonna say, "Eli, this is fucking brilliant. 你会说"伊莱你写得太好了
"I can't fucking wait to see how it ends. 我都等不及想看到结局了"
You, my friend, are one fucking talented motherfucker." 你我的朋友真是个才华横溢的天才
Hey, sweetie. 亲爱的
I didn't see you there. 我刚没看到你
I'm shutting the door now. 我现在要关门了
As well you should. 好的
I found your sleep mask. 我找到你的眼罩了
Bring it here. There's too much light. 拿过来这里太亮了
What the hell was that?! 什么声音
Somebody just rammed into my car. 有人刚撞到了我的车
Karl? 卡尔
- What have you done? - I'm so sorry. -你都干了些什么-很抱歉
I-I swerved to avoid a kitten. 我为了躲一只猫猛打了方向盘
Isn't this Joyce Dubner's house? 这不是乔伊斯·杜博纳家吗
Yes. 是的
So, where-where's Joyce? 那乔伊斯在哪
Naomi? You're back quickly. 娜奥米你这么快就回来了
What happened out there? 外面出了什么事
Naomi? 娜奥米
Oh, you must be inhaling fumes. 你一定是被气味呛到了
You better get some water. 你最好喝点水
What happened here? 这是怎么了
I just brought Joyce home from the airport. 我刚从机场把乔伊斯送回家
She's ill, and your husband just crashed into my car. 她病了还有你丈夫刚撞上了我的车
Yes, and I was out for a drive 是的我当时在开车
and had to swerve to avoid hitting a puppy. 为了不撞上一只小狗不得不急打了方向盘
I thought it was a kitten. 你不是说是小猫吗
Well, it had fur and moved quickly. 反正是一只有毛的跑得很快的东西
Anyway, crash. 总之撞车了
Oh, good, Tommy's back. 太好了汤米回来了
Back? 回来了
Well, he was here spraying the plants in Joyce's bedroom, 他刚在这给乔伊斯卧室的植物浇水
and I sent him to the drugstore for her pills. 然后我让他去药店给她买药
Well, wasn't that lucky, dear? 还真是巧啊亲爱的
Seems Tommy was right there in the bedroom 汤米刚好在卧室
ready to be useful. 正派上用场
Well, I'll see you at home, Karl. 回家见卡尔
I have to finish my jog. 我要去继续跑步了
Do you, darling? 是吗亲爱的
'Cause I'm pretty sure the jog is up. 因为我很肯定你已经跑完了[事情败露]
I can't understand why you're not happy. 我不理解你为什么不开心
Tonight was a triumph. 今晚很成功
You should be dancing in the street. 你应该在街上起舞
Yeah. I know. 是的我知道
Guess I just really hoped Rob would show up. 可能是我真的希望罗伯能来
Sweetie, it's going to be okay. 亲爱的会好起来的
No, it's not. 不不会的
It's not going to be okay ever again. 再也不会好了
Well, why not? 为什么
Because I'm falling in love with him. 因为我爱上他了
Eli? 伊莱
What's going on? 发生什么了
I just got a call from Lamar. 拉马尔刚打给我了
Okay. What did he say? 好吧他说了什么
He said it's the best thing I've ever written. 他说这是我写过的最好的剧本
- Really? - Yeah. He said it's smart -真的吗-是的他说我写得很有智慧
and exciting and that the character of Eva is 而且很刺激还有伊娃那个角色
"Deliciously complex." 很"五味杂陈"
And then he told me to not fuck up the ending, but, I mean, 然后他要我不要烂尾但是...
the point is, he loved it. 重点是他很喜欢
- I'm so happy for you. - Oh, my God. -我为你高兴-天呐
How do I even begin to say thank you? 我该怎么谢谢你
I didn't do much. 我没做什么
Yes, you did. You know you did. 你有你知道的
And if I was actually good at what I do, 如果我真的擅长写作的话
I would come up with something better than just "Thank you," 我应该想出比"谢谢你"更好的辞藻
but for now, 但现在
that's all I got, so thank you. 我只能想到这句话了所以谢谢你
No, look, I'll take it, 不我接受
- I'll take it. Oh. - Thank you, thank you. -我接受-谢谢你谢谢你
Congrats. 恭喜
A-Are we allowed to do this without Taylor? 泰勒不在我们可以这样吗
I'm not... not sure. 我不确定
You think I'm stupid, don't you? 你觉得我很傻吧
I would never say that. 我绝不会这么说
Now this was not the plan. 这不在计划当中
I was not supposed to care this much. 我不应该这么在意他
When he didn't show up tonight, 他今晚没出现
it just... hit me. 让我顿悟
What am I gonna do now? 我现在该怎么办
I have a hunch he's happier at home 我有种预感他在家
than he's led you to believe. 远比在你面前表现得幸福
Which means he'll continue to disappoint you. 也就是说他会继续让你失望
You don't need that right now. 你现在不需要那些
Your career is finally taking off. 你的事业终于开始有了起色
You should be enjoying this time, 你应该享受这段时光
not mooning over some other woman's husband. 而不是为别的女人的丈夫神魂颠倒
I mean, why would he even be with me 要是他和她在一起那么幸福
if he was so happy with her? 为什么还要跟我在一起
Maybe she did something to hurt him 或许她做了什么伤害他
and he needs time to forgive her. 他需要时间去原谅她
I don't really understand that. 我不是很理解
It's late. I should go. 很晚了我该走了
And you should get some sleep. 你该好好睡上一觉
Sheila. 希拉
You are such a good friend. 你真是个贴心的朋友
I think you're maybe the best I've ever had. 我觉得或许你是我有史以来最好的朋友了
You really were wonderful tonight. 你今晚真的很出色
I need to use your bathroom. 我要借用下你的卫生间
Oh, uh, it's a mess. 里面很乱
Can I just clean up first? 我可以先打理下吗
No! 不了
Is everything okay? 你没事吧
Um, I... I may be in here a while. 我可能要在里面待一会了
Hey, baby. 宝贝
Rob. Hi... What are you, what are you doing here? 罗伯你好你怎么来了
I wanted to come hear about your show. 我想知道你的演出怎么样了
Oh, it went great. 很顺利
Oh, good. 那就好
Mm, we should celebrate. 我们应该庆祝下
Oh, I can't. My friend is here. 我不行我朋友在这儿
I don't see anybody. 我没看到人呢
She's in the bathroom. 她在厕所
What's wrong with her? 她怎么了
I think she has diarrhea. 她好像腹泻
Lot of that going around. 最近腹泻的人很多
Come here. 过来
Can we talk tomorrow? 我们能明天再谈吗
I'm here now. 我现在不就在吗
Now is not a good time. 现在不方便
And I have something important to tell you. 我有重要事情要跟你说
Don't tell him. Not now. 别啊现在别说
What is it? 是什么
- No. You're drunk. - I had two beers. -不你醉了-我就喝了两瓶啤酒
Come on, give me, give me a hint. 说吧给我个提示
Well... 这个...
I have been doing a lot of thinking about us, 我最近想了很多我们的事
and I realized something. 我意识到了什么
Are you breaking up with me? 你要跟我分手吗
God, no. 当然不是
Okay. 好的
I'm in love with you. 我爱上你了
I just... I just thought it would be nice to know 我就是想知道
how you felt about me. 你对我的感觉
I'm not leaving my wife. 我不会离开我妻子的
Yeah, no, I'm not asking you to. 不我不是叫你离开她
See, I think you are. 我觉得就是
I think you're too drunk to have this conversation. 我觉得你喝高了现在不太适合谈这个
When you start using the "L word," 你用了"爱"这词后
a guy can sober up pretty quick. 男人可以很快清醒过来
You don't love me? 你不爱我吗
I think you're great. 我觉得你很好
You think I'm great? 你觉得我很好
That's your response? 这就是你的回复
You knew the rules. I was very clear. 你知道规则的我当初说得很明白
I will never leave my wife! 我永远不会离开我妻子
- Please don't yell at me. - Well, you're making me angry! -请别吼我-你让我生气了
Okay, okay, okay. 好吧好吧
So... 那...
where does that leave me? 我怎么办
I don't know. 我不知道
I think that you should go. 我想你该走了
You okay? 你还好吗
Yeah, he usually doesn't speak to me that way. 嗯他一般不这么跟我说话的
He's normally very kind. 通常情况下他人都挺好的
Oh, honey. 亲爱的
Well, I hope his wife appreciates how lucky she is. 我希望他妻子能意识到她有多幸运
I'm not sure she's that lucky. 我可不确定她是幸运的
So... 所以...
Tommy Harte. 汤米·哈特
I know he's a bit young... 我知道他有点小
A bit? When I met him, he was eight. 只是有点吗我第一次见他的时候他才8岁
And you were heterosexual. 你那时还是直男呢
And now this child is your lover? 现在这小屁孩成了你情人了
Who knew there was such a fine line 谁曾想到通奸和日托
between adultery and day care? 差别这么小
Bugger off, Karl. You have no right to judge me. 你滚卡尔你没资格评判我
I'm not judging you, 我没有评判你
I'm just teasing. 我只是在戏弄你
If anything, I'm happy for us. Drink? 要说有什么的话我为我们感到开心喝酒吗
Brandy. What do you mean you're happy for us? 白兰地什么叫你为我们感到开心
Well, don't you see? We don't need to get a divorce. 你不明白吗我们不需要离婚
We have stumbled into the perfect arrangement. 我们无意中卷入了这完美的安排
You will have your lovers and I will have mine, 你有你的情人我也有我的
and then we will come home to sparkling conversation. 然后我们回家八卦我们的情事
It's very European. 这很欧洲
It doesn't bother you that I'm having sex with someone else? 你不介意我和别人上床吗
Darling, I'm gay. 亲爱的我是同性恋
Look, for me, sex with a woman is like emptying the dishwasher. 对我来说和女人做爱就好比腾空洗碗机
I mean, I'll do it if I'm asked, 要是有人求我和女人做我会的
but if someone else volunteers, I won't complain. 但如果有人自告奋勇我也不会抱怨
Oh. You know I love this shirt. 你知道我很喜欢这件衬衣的
You might've asked for vodka. 你可以说你要喝伏特加啊
I don't understand. How can you not be jealous? 我不懂你怎么会不吃醋
Sorry, wait, you want me to be jealous of Tommy Harte? 抱歉你想让我吃汤米·哈特的醋
He's jealous of you! 他吃你的醋
So he should be. I'm the husband. 那是应该的我是你老公
Not for long. 不会太久了
Oh, what are you gonna do, divorce me and marry Tommy? 你要怎么做和我离婚再嫁给汤米吗
- Maybe I will. - Oh, good. Well, I'll get you a gift. -也许我会的-很好我会给你们准备礼物
Where will you be registered? Fisher-Price? 你们要去哪登记费雪玩具店吗
Everything is not a joke, Karl. 不是什么都是笑话的卡尔
You're not being funny, you're being cruel. 你这不是好笑是冷酷
Oh, darling, I'm not trying to be cruel. I love you. 亲爱的我可不想冷酷无情我爱你
No, you don't! 不你不爱
Not the way I need. 不是我需要的那种爱
I want a man who loves me so much 我想要一个深爱我的男人
that he would kill another man if I slept with someone else. 如果我和别人睡了他会愿意去杀了那男人
And I'm never gonna get that from you, am I? 但是你永远做不到对吗
No. 是的
But you're my best friend. 可你是我最好的朋友
It's not enough. 这不够
Shit. 该死
Yeah? Hey, babe. 喂亲爱的
Hey. Why are you whispering? 怎么这么小声
Oh, I was just, I was writing, so, you know... 我在写作你懂的
...takes me a minute to get out of the "In my head" Voice 我需要点时间才能从"脑海中的"声音
and back into the "Out loud" Voice. 回到我"大声说话的"声音
- How did everything go? - Oh, the conference was great, -进展如何-会议很顺利
and my sisters... are my sisters. 我的姐姐们还是老样子
- Yeah. - Look, if you're working, I don't want to stop you. -嗯-如果你在工作的话我不想打扰你
Um, is Jade up? I can talk to her. 洁德醒着吗我可以跟她聊
I-I-I think she's walking the dog. 她好像去遛狗了
It's a little late for that, no? 这个点去未免太晚了吧
Yeah, but, you know... 嗯不过...
dog can't tell time, so... 狗可分不清时间
I'm, uh... I'm glad you checked in. 我很高兴你打电话过来
Yeah. Um, I love you. 当然我爱你
I love you, too. 我也爱你


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