As the start-up life in Zip2 and PayPal hit Musk hard, he decided to escape the incredibly lucrative rat race and began to chase a bigger stage—space exploration . After failing to buy a missile from Russia, he came up with the idea to build one. Then, SpaceX, a company aimed at the lower end of the satellite market, was founded in June 2002 and came to life in humble setting. It was to be America’s attempt at a clean slate in the rocket business. Thanks to some of the start-up techniques learned in Silicon Valley and a crew of bright, committed engineers. SpaceX finally saw the Falcon I completed in 2006. But the energy smarts, and resourcefulness of the Space X team still could not overcome their inexperience or the difficult conditions. The launch of the Falcon I failed. Despite the fact that the company had been chewing through his fortune at a worrying rate, Musk committed himself to seeing this thing through to the end.
Musk also had a passion for electric cars and later invested in Tesla Motors. He saw the potential with a larger goal of trying to end the United States’ addiction to oil. Designing and building a car from the ground up comes with plenty of challenges. But a committed team finally made prototype cars. The early success of prototype cars coupled with Tesla’s engineering breakthroughs boosted the company’s confidence. And people rushed to make orders. However, the problems mounted, as the whole team had enjoyed the thrill of the engineering challenge over the beginning years but were burnt-out beyond repair—as a result , lots of engineers left and worst of all , the company was running out of money in 2018 .
Mice in Space和All Electric两章读完,两章都是轰轰烈烈的奋斗史。找到一句词,感觉概括这两章是极好的—携来百侣曾游,忆往昔峥嵘岁月稠。创业如此艰辛,两章讲的都是一帮激情飞扬,怀揣梦想的年轻人几乎从零开始,书写了执着奋斗的篇章,其间充满了汗水、失败、沮丧和希望。我们会感慨世事维艰,每一点进步背后有多少人的不懈付出。感慨怀揣共同梦想的人所迸发出的无穷力量,例如在Space一章,常规三百人的团队也未必能完成的任务,三十人的团队极其高效得完成了。
SpaceX’s thirty-person team had real pluck in the face of adversity and inspired everyone on the island .A traditional three-hundred-person-strong aerospace launch crew would never have to tried to fix a rocket like that on the fly .
Lyons came away with no illusions about Musk’s personality but with the utmost respect for his vision and drive to execute.
People found Musk’s style aggressive …Some people thought Elon was too tough or hot-tempered or tyrannical.
发挥…精神Operate in the spirit of a silicon valley start-up .
发挥不屈不挠的精神put Space X’s relentless ethos into play .
鼓舞士气the resultant mammoth government contractor held a picnic to boost morale but ended up failing at ever this simple exercise.
本性使然:Bowing to his nature, Musk set an insanely ambitious timeline forall of this.
本章中最长的一个单词,可以学习下用连字符组合一个形容词。palm-tree-and-vegetation-covered island would be transfored into their launchpad .