Goodbye, Mr Chips (笔记更新中)

Chapter 1

1. be getting on in years 渐渐老了,上年纪

造句:My grandfather is getting on in years, but he is still sprightly and has a clear mind.

2. listen to the school bell sounding dinner, call-over, prep, and lights out.

sound: give an audible signal to indicate sth

以前我只知道 sound 作动词有听起来的意思,现在才知道它还有吹响、敲响,发出...信号的意思;再引申一点,还可以表示 express。

造句:Cui Yongyuan has sounded a note of caution on GM technology.

3. There's nothing the matter with him. (wrong)

4. die a really natural death

die 除了有死亡的意思,还可以表示以...方式、状态死亡(后面可以接名词短语、形容词)。


He died rich/happy/young.

He died a poor man/a painful death.

5. That's the most fatal complaint of all.

complaint 除了表示抱怨之外还可以表示疾病(尤其指不严重的疾病)可以搭配:

a chest/heart/stomach complaint

common/mild/minor complaint

suffer from/ have a complaint

6. Brookfield was playing Barnhurst

play 在这里的意思是和...比赛,相当于 play against。

7. I gather that discipline was not always your strong point at Melbury.

gather 在这里可以用 suppose/guess/assume 来替换。

8. You are full young.

full 在这里做副词,意思是 very/extremely,例如 I'm full well。

full 作副词还可以表示 entirely,straightly/directly。

9. the scowl he assumed to cover his inward nervousness

assume 除了第 7 点中假定、认为的意思,还可以表示表现出(某种表情),装出(某种样子)。

造句:My brother assumed a look of indifference but I knew he loved the present I bought for him.

10. the last blood-red rays

类似地,还可以说 brick-red, sea-green, sky-blue,  dusty-grey,lemon-yellow, grape-purple。

11. The waves of humor and sadness swept over him very often.

sweep 在这里的意思是(感受)突然袭来

造句:Having been working continuously for 8 hours, a wave of tiredness swept over me.

Chapter 2

1. The school went up and down, dwindling almost to nonexistence at one time, becoming almost illustrious at another.

2. history-making

类似地,还可以构造 record-breaking,life-changing,decision making。

3. It turned out merchants, xxx, with a good sprinkling of  xxx. 

在这里,turn out 的意思是产生、制造(produce),在这里翻译成培育出

a sprinkling of 少量的,后面接人或物都可以

4. It was the sort of school, when mentioned, xxx

仿写:Phenomenal English is the sort of community, when mentioned, every one praises it.

5. But if it had not been this sort of school it would probably not have taken Chips.

仿写:If it had been for my best friend, who lent support to me during my most depressing days, I wouldn't be where I am today.

6. He began to recognize that the odds were heavily against his being able to better himself by moving elsewhere.

the odds are against sth or someone(成功)可能性小,希望渺茫

better 可以作动词,意思是提高、改善,better oneself 

Chapter 3

1. have them to tea

造句:I'm gonna have my friends to tea tomorrow.

造句:Last week, Eric moved to a new house and had us friends to dinner.

2. He is still fairly active for his years.

for one's years 就某人的年纪来说,也可以说 for one's age

造句:She cooks for her family after school every day, which is fairly mature for her years.

Chapter 4

1. He had to leave suddenly on some family business.

business 意思特别多,可以表示生意、企业经营活动、职责,这里的意思是待处理的事情。

想到之前新概念二第一课学过“It's none of your business!”,还查到一些短语造点句:

I'm not in the business of letting you down.

Let's get down to business.

Business is business.

在表示不同的意思是 business 前面的介词也不同:

in business 在经营商业/on business (因公)出差

2. She was signalling to a friend farther down the mountain.

这里 signal 的意思是(用声音、动作)发信号、示意。

造句:If you signal to a taxi during rush hours, you will never be picked up.

3. Thus he found himself the rescued instead of the rescuer.

感觉经常见到 find oneself 这个结构,但是我用的少,后面可以接介词短语、名词短语、从句等等

4. He never felt at home or at ease with them.

at home 和 at ease 是一样的意思,都表示 comfortable/relaxed,

5. this new craze for bicycling which was being taken up by women equally with men.

注释上写 take up 在这里的意思是“开始从事”,但是我查字典发现 take up 有“开始学”的意思,比如 take up tennis/piano/swimming

6. He could scarcely walk.

替换hardly,barely,almost not,only  just

7. dangerous-looking, serious-looking


8. He wondered vaguely what the world was coming to.


造句:Looking at little fresh meat, slim young male stars with a taste for make-up, I  wonder what the world is coming to.

9. She considered herself responsible for Chips's accident.

造句:I consider myself responsible for my brother's misbehavior.

10. He thought that the modern type would repel him.

在这里 repel 的意思是厌恶,be repulsive or disgust

造句:He was repelled by the smell of stinky tofu and didn't ate anything a whole day.

11. He was claiming her interest and attention far more than youths of her own age.

claim 也是一个意思特别丰富的词语。在这里意思是值得(注意、思考),一般搭配 claim one's attention/time/effort。

Chapter 5

1. It was the left feet that had performed so signal a service.

这里又碰到了 signal,前面学到 signal 的动词,打招呼、示意,这里的意思是重要的,相当于 significant/important。

2. That, the trivial cause of so many momentous happenings, was the one thing of which details evaded him.

这里 momentous 和前面的 signal 都是重要的、重大的意思,trivial 是它们的反义词,happening 意思是发生的事情,相当于 occurrence,可以说 recent happenings/strange happenings,很简单一起记下来吧~

evade 这个词以前只知道在某些地方可以替换 avoid/escape 来使用,一般都是人作主语。这里 evade 的意思是 fail to understand/think of/remember(想不出、发生),和 elude 是同义词。例如可以说 The answer evaded me(我回答不上来)。还可以说 Sleep still evaded me(我还是睡不着)。


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