iOS- CocoaAsyncSocket源码解析(Connect 上)
iOS- CocoaAsyncSocket源码解析(Connect 下)
iOS- CocoaAsyncSocket源码解析(Read 上)
iOS- CocoaAsyncSocket源码解析(Read 下)
- (void)writeData:(NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag
if ([data length] == 0) return;
GCDAsyncWritePacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncWritePacket alloc] initWithData:data timeout:timeout tag:tag];
dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
if ((flags & kSocketStarted) && !(flags & kForbidReadsWrites))
[writeQueue addObject:packet];
[self maybeDequeueWrite];
// Do not rely on the block being run in order to release the packet,
// as the queue might get released without the block completing.
- 初始化写包 :
- 写入包放入我们的写入队列(数组)
[writeQueue addObject:packet];
- 离队执行
[self maybeDequeueWrite];
iOS- CocoaAsyncSocket源码解析(Read 上)
iOS- CocoaAsyncSocket源码解析(Read 下)
- (void)maybeDequeueWrite
NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
// If we're not currently processing a write AND we have an available write stream
if ((currentWrite == nil) && (flags & kConnected))
if ([writeQueue count] > 0)
// Dequeue the next object in the write queue
currentWrite = [writeQueue objectAtIndex:0];
[writeQueue removeObjectAtIndex:0];
if ([currentWrite isKindOfClass:[GCDAsyncSpecialPacket class]])
LogVerbose(@"Dequeued GCDAsyncSpecialPacket");
// Attempt to start TLS
flags |= kStartingWriteTLS;
// This method won't do anything unless both kStartingReadTLS and kStartingWriteTLS are set
[self maybeStartTLS];
LogVerbose(@"Dequeued GCDAsyncWritePacket");
// Setup write timer (if needed)
[self setupWriteTimerWithTimeout:currentWrite->timeout];
// Immediately write, if possible
[self doWriteData];
else if (flags & kDisconnectAfterWrites)
if (flags & kDisconnectAfterReads)
if (([readQueue count] == 0) && (currentRead == nil))
[self closeWithError:nil];
[self closeWithError:nil];
- 我们首先做了一些是否连接,写入队列任务是否大于0等等一些判断
- 接着我们从全局的
类型的,我们将开启TLS认证 - 如果是是我们之前加入队列中的
- 如果没有可读任务,直接关闭socket
其中 maybeStartTLS
- (void)doWriteData
// This method is called by the writeSource via the socketQueue
if ((currentWrite == nil) || (flags & kWritesPaused))
LogVerbose(@"No currentWrite or kWritesPaused");
// Unable to write at this time
if ([self usingCFStreamForTLS])
// CFWriteStream only fires once when there is available data.
// It won't fire again until we've invoked CFWriteStreamWrite.
// If the writeSource is firing, we need to pause it
// or else it will continue to fire over and over again.
if (flags & kSocketCanAcceptBytes)
[self suspendWriteSource];
if (!(flags & kSocketCanAcceptBytes))
LogVerbose(@"No space available to write...");
// No space available to write.
if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
// Need to wait for writeSource to fire and notify us of
// available space in the socket's internal write buffer.
[self resumeWriteSource];
if (flags & kStartingWriteTLS)
LogVerbose(@"Waiting for SSL/TLS handshake to complete");
// The writeQueue is waiting for SSL/TLS handshake to complete.
if (flags & kStartingReadTLS)
if ([self usingSecureTransportForTLS] && lastSSLHandshakeError == errSSLWouldBlock)
// We are in the process of a SSL Handshake.
// We were waiting for available space in the socket's internal OS buffer to continue writing.
[self ssl_continueSSLHandshake];
// We are still waiting for the readQueue to drain and start the SSL/TLS process.
// We now know we can write to the socket.
if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
// Suspend the write source or else it will continue to fire nonstop.
[self suspendWriteSource];
// Note: This method is not called if currentWrite is a GCDAsyncSpecialPacket (startTLS packet)
BOOL waiting = NO;
NSError *error = nil;
size_t bytesWritten = 0;
if (flags & kSocketSecure)
if ([self usingCFStreamForTLS])
// Writing data using CFStream (over internal TLS)
const uint8_t *buffer = (const uint8_t *)[currentWrite->buffer bytes] + currentWrite->bytesDone;
NSUInteger bytesToWrite = [currentWrite->buffer length] - currentWrite->bytesDone;
if (bytesToWrite > SIZE_MAX) // NSUInteger may be bigger than size_t (write param 3)
bytesToWrite = SIZE_MAX;
//往writeStream中写入数据, bytesToWrite写入的长度
CFIndex result = CFWriteStreamWrite(writeStream, buffer, (CFIndex)bytesToWrite);
LogVerbose(@"CFWriteStreamWrite(%lu) = %li", (unsigned long)bytesToWrite, result);
if (result < 0)
error = (__bridge_transfer NSError *)CFWriteStreamCopyError(writeStream);
bytesWritten = (size_t)result;
// We always set waiting to true in this scenario.
// CFStream may have altered our underlying socket to non-blocking.
// Thus if we attempt to write without a callback, we may end up blocking our queue.
//因此,我们尝试去写,而不用回调。 我们可能终止我们的队列。
waiting = YES;
// We're going to use the SSLWrite function.
// OSStatus SSLWrite(SSLContextRef context, const void *data, size_t dataLength, size_t *processed)
// Parameters:
// context - An SSL session context reference.
// data - A pointer to the buffer of data to write.
// dataLength - The amount, in bytes, of data to write.
// processed - On return, the length, in bytes, of the data actually written.
// It sounds pretty straight-forward,
// but there are a few caveats you should be aware of.
// The SSLWrite method operates in a non-obvious (and rather annoying) manner.
// According to the documentation:
// 这个SSLWrite方法使用着一个不明显的方法(相当讨厌)导致了下面这些事。
// Because you may configure the underlying connection to operate in a non-blocking manner,
//因为你要辨别出下层连接 操纵 非阻塞的方法,一个写的操作将返回errSSLWouldBlock,表明需要写的数据少了。
// a write operation might return errSSLWouldBlock, indicating that less data than requested
// was actually transferred. In this case, you should repeat the call to SSLWrite until some
// other result is returned.
// This sounds perfect, but when our SSLWriteFunction returns errSSLWouldBlock,
// then the SSLWrite method returns (with the proper errSSLWouldBlock return value),
// but it sets processed to dataLength !!
// In other words, if the SSLWrite function doesn't completely write all the data we tell it to,
// then it doesn't tell us how many bytes were actually written. So, for example, if we tell it to
// write 256 bytes then it might actually write 128 bytes, but then report 0 bytes written.
// You might be wondering:
// If the SSLWrite function doesn't tell us how many bytes were written,
// then how in the world are we supposed to update our parameters (buffer & bytesToWrite)
// for the next time we invoke SSLWrite?
// The answer is that SSLWrite cached all the data we told it to write,
// and it will push out that data next time we call SSLWrite.
// If we call SSLWrite with new data, it will push out the cached data first, and then the new data.
// If we call SSLWrite with empty data, then it will simply push out the cached data.
// 如果我们调用SSLWrite用一个空的数据,则它仅仅会拉出缓存数据。
// For this purpose we're going to break large writes into a series of smaller writes.
// This allows us to report progress back to the delegate.
OSStatus result;
BOOL hasCachedDataToWrite = (sslWriteCachedLength > 0);
BOOL hasNewDataToWrite = YES;
if (hasCachedDataToWrite)
size_t processed = 0;
result = SSLWrite(sslContext, NULL, 0, &processed);
if (result == noErr)
bytesWritten = sslWriteCachedLength;
sslWriteCachedLength = 0;
//判断当前需要写的buffer长度,是否和已写的大小+缓存 大小相等
if ([currentWrite->buffer length] == (currentWrite->bytesDone + bytesWritten))
// We've written all data for the current write.
hasNewDataToWrite = NO;
if (result == errSSLWouldBlock)
waiting = YES;
error = [self sslError:result];
// Can't write any new data since we were unable to write the cached data.
hasNewDataToWrite = NO;
if (hasNewDataToWrite)
const uint8_t *buffer = (const uint8_t *)[currentWrite->buffer bytes]
+ currentWrite->bytesDone
+ bytesWritten;
NSUInteger bytesToWrite = [currentWrite->buffer length] - currentWrite->bytesDone - bytesWritten;
if (bytesToWrite > SIZE_MAX) // NSUInteger may be bigger than size_t (write param 3)
bytesToWrite = SIZE_MAX;
size_t bytesRemaining = bytesToWrite;
BOOL keepLooping = YES;
while (keepLooping)
const size_t sslMaxBytesToWrite = 32768;
size_t sslBytesToWrite = MIN(bytesRemaining, sslMaxBytesToWrite);
size_t sslBytesWritten = 0;
result = SSLWrite(sslContext, buffer, sslBytesToWrite, &sslBytesWritten);
if (result == noErr)
buffer += sslBytesWritten;
bytesWritten += sslBytesWritten;
bytesRemaining -= sslBytesWritten;
keepLooping = (bytesRemaining > 0);
if (result == errSSLWouldBlock)
waiting = YES;
sslWriteCachedLength = sslBytesToWrite;
error = [self sslError:result];
keepLooping = NO;
} // while (keepLooping)
} // if (hasNewDataToWrite)
// Writing data directly over raw socket
int socketFD = (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket4FD : (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket6FD : socketUN;
const uint8_t *buffer = (const uint8_t *)[currentWrite->buffer bytes] + currentWrite->bytesDone;
NSUInteger bytesToWrite = [currentWrite->buffer length] - currentWrite->bytesDone;
if (bytesToWrite > SIZE_MAX) // NSUInteger may be bigger than size_t (write param 3)
bytesToWrite = SIZE_MAX;
ssize_t result = write(socketFD, buffer, (size_t)bytesToWrite);
LogVerbose(@"wrote to socket = %zd", result);
// Check results
if (result < 0)
if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
waiting = YES;
error = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in write() function"];
bytesWritten = result;
// We're done with our writing.
// If we explictly ran into a situation where the socket told us there was no room in the buffer,
// then we immediately resume listening for notifications.
// We must do this before we dequeue another write,
// as that may in turn invoke this method again.
// Note that if CFStream is involved, it may have maliciously put our socket in blocking mode.
//注意,如果用CFStream,很可能会被恶意的放置数据 阻塞socket
if (waiting)
flags &= ~kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
[self resumeWriteSource];
// Check our results
BOOL done = NO;
if (bytesWritten > 0)
// Update total amount read for the current write
currentWrite->bytesDone += bytesWritten;
LogVerbose(@"currentWrite->bytesDone = %lu", (unsigned long)currentWrite->bytesDone);
// Is packet done?
done = (currentWrite->bytesDone == [currentWrite->buffer length]);
if (done)
[self completeCurrentWrite];
if (!error)
dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool{
[self maybeDequeueWrite];
// We were unable to finish writing the data,
// so we're waiting for another callback to notify us of available space in the lower-level output buffer.
//如果不是等待 而且没有出错
if (!waiting && !error)
// This would be the case if our write was able to accept some data, but not all of it.
flags &= ~kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
[self resumeWriteSource];
if (bytesWritten > 0)
// We're not done with the entire write, but we have written some bytes
__strong id theDelegate = delegate;
if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:didWritePartialDataOfLength:tag:)])
long theWriteTag = currentWrite->tag;
dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
[theDelegate socket:self didWritePartialDataOfLength:bytesWritten tag:theWriteTag];
// Check for errors
if (error)
[self closeWithError:[self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in write() function"]];
// Do not add any code here without first adding a return statement in the error case above.
- 这里不同
的是没有提前通过flush写入链路层 - 如果socket中可接受写数据,防止反复触发写source,挂起
- 如果当前socket无法在写数据了,则恢复写source,当有空间去写的时候,会触发回来
如果正在进行TLS认证 如果是安全通道,并且I/O阻塞,那么重新去握手
- SSL写的方式
if (hasNewDataToWrite)
const uint8_t *buffer = (const uint8_t *)[currentWrite->buffer bytes]
+ currentWrite->bytesDone
+ bytesWritten;
NSUInteger bytesToWrite = [currentWrite->buffer length] - currentWrite->bytesDone - bytesWritten;
if (bytesToWrite > SIZE_MAX) // NSUInteger may be bigger than size_t (write param 3)
bytesToWrite = SIZE_MAX;
size_t bytesRemaining = bytesToWrite;
BOOL keepLooping = YES;
while (keepLooping)
const size_t sslMaxBytesToWrite = 32768;
size_t sslBytesToWrite = MIN(bytesRemaining, sslMaxBytesToWrite);
size_t sslBytesWritten = 0;
result = SSLWrite(sslContext, buffer, sslBytesToWrite, &sslBytesWritten);
if (result == noErr)
buffer += sslBytesWritten;
bytesWritten += sslBytesWritten;
bytesRemaining -= sslBytesWritten;
keepLooping = (bytesRemaining > 0);
if (result == errSSLWouldBlock)
waiting = YES;
sslWriteCachedLength = sslBytesToWrite;
error = [self sslError:result];
keepLooping = NO;
} // while (keepLooping)
result = SSLWrite(sslContext, buffer, sslBytesToWrite, &sslBytesWritten);
- 普通socket写入
- 也做了完成判断
BOOL done = NO;
if (bytesWritten > 0)
// Update total amount read for the current write
currentWrite->bytesDone += bytesWritten;
LogVerbose(@"currentWrite->bytesDone = %lu", (unsigned long)currentWrite->bytesDone);
// Is packet done?
done = (currentWrite->bytesDone == [currentWrite->buffer length]);
if (done)
[self completeCurrentWrite];
if (!error)
dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool{
[self maybeDequeueWrite];
// We were unable to finish writing the data,
// so we're waiting for another callback to notify us of available space in the lower-level output buffer.
//如果不是等待 而且没有出错
if (!waiting && !error)
// This would be the case if our write was able to accept some data, but not all of it.
flags &= ~kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
[self resumeWriteSource];
if (bytesWritten > 0)
// We're not done with the entire write, but we have written some bytes
__strong id theDelegate = delegate;
if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:didWritePartialDataOfLength:tag:)])
long theWriteTag = currentWrite->tag;
dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
[theDelegate socket:self didWritePartialDataOfLength:bytesWritten tag:theWriteTag];
那么整个 CocoaAsyncSocket Wirte的解析就到这里完成了,当你读完前面几篇,再来看这篇就跟喝水一样,故:知识在于积累