topic 8 Ivancanomics and the Art of being cheap

day 1 words and expressions 

1. transpire

• 1.V-T When it transpires that something is the case, people discover that it is the case. (人们) 发现

例:It transpired that Kareem had left his driving licence at home.

• 2.V-I When something transpires, it happens. 发生

例:Nothing is known as yet about what transpired at the meeting.

2. bangle: n 手镯; 脚镯

3. prize 

• 1.adj You use prize to describe things that are of such good quality that they win prizes or deserve to win prizes. 获奖的; 应获奖的

例:...a prize bull.

• 2.N-COUNT You can refer to someone or something as a prize when people consider them to be of great value or importance. 有价值之人; 有价值之物

例:With no lands of his own, he was no great matrimonial prize.

• 3..V-T Something that is prized is wanted and admired because it is considered to be very valuable or very good quality. 青睐

例:Military figures made out of lead are prized by collectors.

4. ascension

• 1.N-SING In some religions, when someone goes to heaven, you can refer to their ascension to heaven. 升天

例:...the two-day holiday marking the Prophet's ascension to heaven.

• 2.N-SING The ascension of a person to a high rank or important position is the act of reaching this position. 升迁

例:...50 years after his ascension to the Cambodian throne.

5. boycott /ˈbɔɪkɒt/

1.V-T If a country, group, or person boycotts a country, organization, or activity, they refuse to be involved with it in any way because they disapprove of it. 联合抵制

例:The main opposition parties are boycotting the elections.

6. whiff /wɪf/

• 1.N-COUNT If there is a whiff of a particular smell, you smell it only slightly or only for a brief period of time, for example, as you walk past someone or something. (气味等) 微弱的一阵

例:He caught a whiff of her perfume.

• 2.V to have an unpleasant smell; stink 发臭

7. injunction

• 1.N-COUNT An injunction is a court order, usually one telling someone not to do something. (法院的) 禁令; 强制令

例:He took out a court injunction against the newspaper demanding the return of the document.

• 2.N-COUNT An injunction to do something is an order or strong request to do it. 指令

例:We hear endless injunctions to managers to build commitment and a sense of community among their staff.

8. bar

1.V-T If you bar a door, you place something in front of it or a piece of wood or metal across it in order to prevent it from being opened. 闩 (门)

例:For added safety, bar the door to the kitchen.

2.V-T If you bar someone's way, you prevent them from going somewhere or entering a place, by blocking their path. 挡 (路)

例:Harry moved to bar his way.

3.V-T If someone is barred from a place or from doing something, they are officially forbidden to go there or to do it. 禁止

例:Amnesty workers have been barred from the country since 1982.

4..N-COUNT If something is a bar to doing a particular thing, it prevents someone from doing it. 障碍

例:One of the fundamental bars to communication is the lack of a universally spoken, common language.

5.PREP You can use bar when you mean "except." For example, all the work bar the laundry means all the work except the laundry. 除…外

例:Bar a plateau in 1989, there has been a rise in inflation ever since the mid-1980s.

9. bust /bʌst/

• 1.V-T If you bust something, you break it or damage it so badly that it cannot be used. 打碎

例:They will have to bust the door to get him out.

• 2.V-T If someone is busted, the police arrest them. 逮捕

例:They were busted for possession of cannabis.

• 3.V-T If police bust a place, they go to it in order to arrest people who are doing something illegal. 突袭

例:Police busted an underground network of illegal sports gambling.

• 4.N-COUNT Bust is also a noun. 突袭行动

例:Six tons of cocaine were seized last week in Panama's biggest drug bust.

• 5.ADJ A company or fund that is bust has no money left and has been forced to close down. 破产的

例:It is taxpayers who will pay most of the bill for bailing out bust banks.


• 6.PHRASE If a company goes bust, it loses so much money that it is forced to close down. 倒闭

例:...a Swiss company which went bust last May.

10. Offload

1.V-T When goods are offloaded, they are removed from a container or vehicle and put somewhere else. 卸货

例:The cargo was due to be offloaded in Singapore three days later.

2.V-T If you offload something that you do not want, you get rid of it by giving it or selling it to someone else. 清理; 转卖

11. outstrip

• 1.V-T If one thing outstrips another, the first thing becomes larger in amount, or more successful or important, than the second thing. 超过

例:In 1989 and 1990 demand outstripped supply, and prices went up by more than a third.

12. purge /pɜːdʒ/

• 1.V-T /N To purge an organization of its unacceptable members means to remove them from it. You can also talk about purging people from an organization. (从组织中) 清除 (异己成员)

例:The leadership voted to purge the party of "hostile and antiparty elements."

• 2.V-T If you purge something of undesirable things, you get rid of them. 清除 (不合意的事物)

例:He closed his eyes and lay still, trying to purge his mind of anxiety.

13. accessory

• 1.N-COUNT Accessories are items of equipment that are not usually essential, but can be used with or added to something else in order to make it more efficient, useful, or decorative. 附件

例 exclusive range of hand-made bedroom and bathroom accessories.


• 2.N-COUNT Accessories are articles such as belts and scarves which you wear or carry but which are not part of your main clothing. 配饰

例:It also has a good range of accessories, including sunglasses, handbags and belts.

• 3.N-COUNT If someone is guilty of being an accessory to a crime, they helped the person who committed it, or knew it was being committed but did not tell the police. 从犯

例:She had been charged with being an accessory to the embezzlement of funds from a cooperative farm.

14. chic /ʃiːk/

• 1.ADJ Something or someone that is chic is fashionable and sophisticated. 时髦且有品位的

例:Her gown was very French and very chic.

• 2.N-UNCOUNT Chic is used to refer to a particular style or to the quality of being chic. 特种风格; 时髦雅致

例:...French designer chic.

15. buy into

1.PHRASAL VERB If you buy into a company or an organization, you buy part of it, often in order to gain some control of it. 买进 (公司或组织的) 一部分

例:Other companies could buy into the firm.

16. echelon /ˈɛʃəˌlɒn/

• 1.N-COUNT An echelon in an organization or society is a level or rank in it. 等级; 阶层

例:...the lower echelons of society

17.twill: n 斜纹布

18. lacquer /ˈlækə/

• 1.N-MASS Lacquer is a special liquid which is painted on wood or metal in order to protect it and to make it shiny. 漆

例:We put on the second coating of lacquer.

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