240 发简信
  • week4 初稿 Folding Beijing

    B19714-曦曦何熙 It was four fifty in the morning. Lao Dao crossed the overcr...

  • week 2 初稿


  • 笔译-day 2

    初稿 加纳的年轻人不顾一切地冒险只为追求更好的生活 有些人移民到非洲其他国家,另一些人则冒险去欧洲 布朗阿哈福是加纳主要的粮食产区之一。在这个地...

  • 笔译

    Day 1 words and expressions 1. Irrespective of : 不论,不管 Eg.The Industry M...

  • 外刊精读结束了。。。


  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    笃学金-Topic 8-B19714-Ivancanomics and the Art of Being Cheap -晨曦

    day 1 words and expressions 1. transpire • 1.V-T When it transpires that...

  • topic 8

    day 3 小结 This article focuses on the current sales of Ivanca's produ...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    topic 8

    day 2 神翻译 & 思维导图 1. 神翻译 1. Last week, it was announced by the brand’s ne...

  • topic 8 Ivancanomics and the Art of being cheap

    day 1 words and expressions 1. transpire • 1.V-T When it transpires that...