satisfied workers:
1. are engaged & challenged by their work
stretch themselves, go outside their comfort zones
think the work they do is fun
2. feel they are in charge
use autonomy and discretion to achieve a level of mastery or expertise, learn new things
3. do their work also for social engagement
4. think what they do is meaningful
their work makes a difference in the world
亚当·斯密 细化分工
human labor became part of a well-oiled machine
push employees to work hard, work fast and work accurately
"incentive theory of everything" 针对所有事物的诱因论
...the work of farmers, craftsmen, and shopkeepers, hard though it may have been, offered people a fair amount of discretion, autonomy, and variety in what they did each day. It gave them a chance to use their ingenuity to solve problems as they arose and to develop more effective ways to get their work done. All that opportunity was left behind when people walked through the factory doors.
The conditions of human labor created by the industrial revolution, and perpetuated thanks in part to theories from the social sciences, have systematically deprived people of fulfillment from their work.
It's not true that "you just can't get good help anymore." It is true that you just can't get good help anymore when you only give people work to do that is deadening and soulless. What it takes to "get good help" is jobs that people want to do.
Alternatively, we might take the view that pretty much every job has the potential to offer people satisfying work. What stands in the way is the incredible efficiency associated with routinized, assembly-line type work.
the STRUCTURE of work
see work as a JOB or CAREER?
the blind pursuit of efficiency and control will make work impoverished
a higher purpose (making carpet- sustainability)
Jobs can be organized to include variety, complexity, skill development, and growth.
how our work improves the life of our customers?