
A Room Surrounded by Grass    Part 2
有青草环抱的房间  (二)

By Xie Ting / English Tr. by Chen Zihong
谢挺/  英译 陈子弘

Ning living together with me just one month, he reviewed his lessons during the day, and only in the evening will we talked about romantic things and poetry. All this was arranged by me, and since he is a scholar who seeks an official position, I think he should focus on his future. He was happy to follow my plan, which was mainly that he was very obsessed with me. When he was absorbed in reading during the day, I made tea and ground ink for him. At night, however, we indulged in a lot of pleasure on the bed, that belonged to us. But, but not overly so. Sometimes I also feel very lucky to be his teacher about the birds and the bees, it's me, personally put a shy boy, a shysexual into an enormous man. But those are just on paper, some things made him more confused, he finally realized that the actual operating was more fantastic than the book, that's really amazing. I still remember the first time we had sex, as soon as it was over, Ning was so excited and wanted to marry me immediately, he took my shoulders but he called his mother, he said, "Mother!" Few days after, Ning had become an expert for this, he has a good and sentimental temper, his likes were revealed in the face, and such a joy made him become sentimental, he always called me Qian Qian, and shouted that he was going to buy back my freedom, as soon as he got up. That really was a rare moment of happiness I have ever had at Heavenly Fragrance Pavilion, but every day was like not enough, time flew rapidly. What else can a woman just like me expect? I was probably not supposed to like someone, but I still found that most of the affection I gave back to Ning essentially came from my heart.


Ning actually knew that he misidentified me as Li was a misunderstanding, but usually we only used this misunderstanding to amuse each other, whenever he saw Li he completely didn't look sideways. Once, when he brushed past Li, he deliberately put his nasal mucus on Li's dress. I knew he trying to comfort me and making me happy, however, I am a woman who does not have much faith in my own appearance. I told Ning not deliberately to cheer me up-Li is really a bewitching female, I would like her if I'm a man. Li is a well-renowned beauty, how can I compare with her. Of course, this is only a joke of me, to my surprise, he patted his chest, swear to the God, and said he only love me during his lifetime, or he will be rotten. I hurried up to cover his mouth, like those lovers in the novel, I snuggled up in Ning's arms, full of tears. Was I happy? I actually deplored it that moment, lamented my own life, also sighed the childish infatuation of him. He caressed my hair and said to me-as for fame, it is a worldly possession, by reputation we mean the attachment to reality. His point of view is exactly the same as Yan Chixia. Yan also talked about our top babe Li--
that's what he said, the most famous hooker is the bitchiest hooker!


Sketch 75, Pu Songling: A Collection of Notes

Yan Chixia was actually a street gangster, a small hooligan, who consorted with prostitutes but never paid. But from those who lionized him, it had repeatedly said that he was an immortal master, a swordsman, who can play with a small flying knife. In this gloomy and complex building, he could come and go without hindrance, and he should have skills that ordinary person never has. He had the knack of finding the exit easy. But he was an immortal, how could he come to a bordello? Was it the re-engraving of Sengcan (Gem Monk) of that year, where he was practicing Heart Sutra? So what could he do with Xiaoqian? Borrowing feminine sexual energy, or just robbing? How did he and Ning share her? Which of them was more intimate for Qian? Ning or Yan? And, which one will I become a continuation of?



Yan Chixia is my old patron, he is a recluse with no fixed abode, and I have not met him for a long time, I guess he probably went to Zhongnan Mountains to practice his new magic trick. But recently I suddenly have some worry, I am afraid that he will meet with Ning, these days Ning is in a foul mood, very unsettled and anxious while reading. One day Ning suddenly said to me that he didn't want to go to the exam. Another day, he suddenly asked me, "Have you decided? I'm going to buy back freedom for you, aren't you tired of this place?"


Ning has always had an illusion that I am his woman. This was overbearing from his youth and his ignorance. But the world was never created for youngsters, much less for the ignorant. I tolerated his arrogance, of course, I admonished him to take the exam: "You should take it. You said that your father always wants you to be Number One Scholar, to reflect glory on your ancestors, if so, much money, power and wealth will be owned by you. " But he responded coldly, so what? I didn't think so, that there's anything to say. Perhaps I talked to him about too many ridiculous things from official life. I told him that the various officials, high or minor, when coming here, they would immediately tear off their masks, becoming a beast, becoming an unperson. One of the most wonderful examples is the magistrate of our district, every time he came he would tell me that he was working hard in his political career, and he always repeated the same story, probably that was the only thing he deserved to be commended for. He was nothing more than a poor family child, with no powerful people in the family, with no help from his female relatives, and he was not well-looking so that he was not taken a fancy to by any daughter from any family. At that time he was still an alternate official, and one day, he finally was accepted by a senior cabinet official as his disciple. Once the old mother of that senior official was seriously ill, he felt that the opportunity just coming. In order to express his concern, he went to taste the old woman's doo-doo. He said that the stool tasted bitter and smelly, and if the stool was not so the disease did not been healed. When he said the taste, he deliberately lowered his volume. "I haven't even tasted my mother's stool yet," he said. He asked me to strip him, tie him to the head of the bed, and beat him with a water-soaked willow branch. But to my surprise, there was a sound of praise and admiration coming out of his mouth. He liked me to put my foot on his face, and he asked me to ask him, "Are you a scum?" "Yes, yes!" he responded heartily, then he ejaculated. If Ning asked me this way, "Do you want me to be this kind of person?" I couldn't argue, but I knew he wouldn't be such a person if he doesn't want to. So I thought Ning just gave himself an excuse not to read, and to fail his old father with this. Was he already decayed? But the next to torture him may be a regret anytime and anywhere.

    宁公子一直有一种错觉,我是他的人。这一点霸道得自他的年轻,和他的无知。可这个世界从来就不是为年轻设立的,更不是为无知者。所以对他想当然的狂妄,我一则隐忍,二来也没有少对他进行规劝,试嘛,你也应当去应,你不是说,你父亲不是一直盼着你成为状元郎嘛,光耀门庭,五花马、千金裘、权利、财富无所不有。但他冷冷地回答我,那又怎么样?!我觉得无话可说了。大概我和他谈论的官场上的可笑事情太多了吧。我告诉他来我这儿的那些形形色色、大大小小的官吏,他们一到我这儿就立即撕下自己的假面,变成了禽兽,变成了非人。最有名的一个例子是那位知府大人,每次来他都会给我讲他在官场上攀登的艰辛,而且老是重复同一个故事,大抵因为那也是他唯一值得称道的。他不过是一个穷人家的孩子,没有权势,更没有裙带关系,因为长相不美也没被谁家女儿看中。那时候他还是一名候补的官员时,终于拜在了当朝宰相大人的门下。有一次宰相大人的老母病重,他觉得机会来了,为了表示关切,他竟上门去尝了一下那老女人的大便。他说大便是苦臭的,不是苦臭的大便病就没有好,可他说臭时还不敢太大声。我连我老妈的大便都没有尝过,说到这儿,知府大人总会恸哭起来,他让我把他全身扒光了,捆在床头上,然后用一根泡过的柳树枝用力抽打他的全身,而此时他嘴里发出的竟是惊叹和赞美。他最喜欢的就是我用脚踩住他的脸,他让我问,你是不是一个败类?!是,是!  老大人由衷地说。接下来,老大人的高潮就该来了。宁公子可以这么问我,你希望我成为这种人吗?!我没法分辩,但我知道只要他愿意,他也可以不成为这种人。所以我觉得宁采臣公子只是给自己找到了一个不读书的借口,并以此来辜负他的老父,他是不是已经自甘堕落?接下来折磨他的可能将是无时不存在的懊悔。

Their so-called buy-back is the most popular thing I've ever heard in Heavenly Fragrance Pavilion. When the play was coming to an end, they always loved to say the word, they might think that this word is the most beautiful voice, the most touching word to hit my heart. But they didn't know that such an idea of salvation had bored me. Did they think that they had such a big capacity, that Heavenly Fragrance Pavilion is as a bigger living hell than the back garden beyond their house? Only Ning let me move, with his youth and ignorance. At the first time, I heard this word from him, I was so excited about it, and I probably had a series of associations. But if I marry into his decent family, let my beauty just for him alone, then I will be saved for this? This doubt let me down, but also let me off the plan that I had just come up to go back to his hometown and be the wife of a landlord. I told Ning that he can only save my flesh but not my soul. Ning looked startled, perhaps he could not grasp my true intentions immediately, perhaps he thought I had been controlled by a mysterious religious group, and I was involuntarily held against my will.


Yan Chixia finally arrived. He came on the night of the winter solstice. His meeting with Ning was a dramatic scene, and I really wanted to tell you just then. Yan asked me, "who is this new guy? Don't you introduce him to me?" Ning had been looking at this uninvited guest, and asked immediately: "Qian, who is this old man?" Then I introduced them to each other. Yan is a good person, he nodded implicitly after that, but Mr. Ning seemed to have been hinting that I should hasten to dismiss this visitor, but how could I do so? Then my bad temper also came up, I wanted to tell him here is Heavenly Fragrance Pavilion, and everyone who comes in is my friend. Ning had been hanging his head, as a newcomer on the first day of work, looked like he was about to cry. I turned to ask Yan, asking what new movements he had recently practiced. In fact, I also wanted to let Ning see the extraordinary skills of him. Yan asked me for an embroidered needle, inserted it into the ground, gently lifted one foot and stood on it with the other, probably because there was an outsider next to him, his performance was unsuccessful, the needle was broken three times, but in the end, he still stood on it. Ning jumped up at that time, wanted to see through the trick, he looked at Yan's head, but insisted that was false, and requested big brother to reveal the secret. In the middle of the night, the two suddenly appreciate each other, both said that each other had good taste, otherwise they would both wait at the door of our top babe Li Shishui. They began to race who can drink more wine, good wine to use good dishes, I went to inform the kitchen to send a table of dishes, after coming back, I heard they were playing a finger-guessing game, I thought that was also for drinking, later learned that it was not. No matter what, I was happy for them to get along well.

    A wild dragon playing with water--
    The bamboo shoot  teasing the lotus flower--
    A cypress branch standing in front of the door--

    Ning was sweating and hesitated for a long time to respond:towards conscience, climbing up the tower--
    I then joined in, I said: A room surrounded by grass,it's greener!
"What is that?" they both asked me.
"Nothing, just a riddle."




to be continued  未完待续

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