Cultural powerful country-China's television works must be refuel 国新1501曹珊珊

Cultural powerful countryChina's television works must be refuel

Cao shan shan

With the arrival of the information era and the knowledge economy, the world cultural industry has developed rapidly, andhas shown more and more strong momentum. The cultural industry of many developed countries has become the pillar industry of the country. With the globalization of the economy, the market of cultural products is becoming moreand more globalized.

As a typical cultural product, television products can not only bring huge economic benefits to the exporting countries,but also disseminate the values and lifestyles of the exporting countries with  their vivid forms and contents, and drive the development of related industries.

In the past more than 20 years, the Chinese cultural industry has developed rapidly, but there is still a big gap compared with the developed countries. In particular, the relative backwardness of the film and Television Cultural Trade hinders the process of building a cultural power in China.

According to the National Bureau of statistics, from 2011 to 2015, nearly five years ago, China imported foreign TV programs most, such as talk shows and variety shows, and fluctuated greatly. The number of imported cartoons has steadily increased, while the number of TV plays has reached its peak in 2014, but it is decreasing year by year. The quantity of the documentary imports is relatively stable.

The export side, in addition to TV Series, the number is not better than imported, from 2011 to 2015, TV programs export volume fluctuations, reaching a peak in 2012, this year “Diao yu” Island incident,the "God nine" flying “dragon” in the sea increase international status,so foreigners want to learn China. The China export number of cartoons has been increasing steadily, while the number of documentary exports is rising until 2013, then decline. And the export number of TV series is stable.

In today's globalization, the biggestchallenge we face is to "introduce" the culture of foreign countries,but we have not let our own culture "go out". When our culture can't go out, our culture will be in a state of aphasia in internationalcommunication. This state is a serious threat to China's cultural safety, and will make China's national culture in crisis.

From 2011 to 2015, China's imports of Asianfilms increased most rapidly, and the import of the Americas also increasedyear by year. European imports fluctuated little, and African imports andOceania imports were few.

In terms of exports, exports to Asia inrecent five years have fluctuated less and larger. Exports to the Americas have been decreasing since 2012. Exports to Europe are less than imports, but exports from Africa and Oceania are more than imports.

There are too many ideological, historicaland national things in television products, which will become a serious obstacle to China's foreign television trade and produce cultural discounts.

The cultural discount means that the cultural products in the international market are not recognized or understood by other regions because of the cultural background difference, which leads to the reduction of their value. Cultural discount is a cross-cultural communication skill problem, which is better solved by coordinating international marketdemand and domestic market demand. For China, the biggest competitive advantage of film and television cultural trade comes from the natural foundation that can not be imitated and replaced by the large scale domestic market.

At present, most of the film and TV productsare still strong in national character, and the barriers of values between the East and the West are large, leading to a large cultural discount of Chinese movie and TV products, which is hard to get wide recognition worldwide.

When a work can not be touched by our own people, and how it can be touched by foreign audiences?

The import of South Korea and the United States is the main source of China's import, in which South Korean imports are the highest, and the "Korean" forces are unstoppable.

On the contrary, we export more to the UnitedStates than South Korea.

American and South Korean film and television culture have so much influence on China, and the China fans to chase after, not just its own film and television products charm, behind the powerful is thecountry policy. If China wants to spread the Chinese culture, we must enhance our own competitiveness of its products.

Cultural globalization is the fact that we must face today. In this context, our culture is facing a certain crisis. Since the crisis is bound to have a dangerous side, there is also a side of theopportunity. Therefore, to maintain the cultural security,we should see hidden behind the television cultural trade deficit Chinese cultural consciousness, unique culture in the Chinese hear sound propagation inthe historical context of globalization, let the world in cultural transmissionto see a real understanding of Chinese, a contemporary of China, an open China.

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