



1.The course of ture love never did smooth.

2.Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.

3.At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.



stand up

study v.仔细看

straighten v.使平整

make one's way 走


pencil v.用铅笔写

tale n.传说 故事

The course of true love never did run smooth.

romantic moments 浪漫时刻

missing  adj.缺失的

fill in 填入

margin n.空白页

clip v.修剪;夹住;痛打  n.夹子;片段

My heart is wherever you are.

thoughtful adj.深思的

reflect on

insightful adj.有洞察力的

thoughtful adj.深思的;体贴的


ship v.运输

fertile adj.肥沃的

bud v.发芽

haunt v.使烦恼

take a chance冒险

disgust v.使恶心

schedule v.为…安排时间 n.日程表

sustain v.支持 持续 保持

sustain the interest in…保持对…的兴趣

unfailingly adv.永远

delicate adj.精致的

chin 下巴

pale green 浅绿

provocative adj.挑逗的

curve v.使弯曲

pin up 固定

thrust into挤入

companion n.陪伴

unhold v.支持

sensible adj.通情达理的

kindly adj.亲切的,仁慈的

keen adj.热烈的 渴望的 be keen on

keen interest/desire/jealousy

hesitate hesitation 犹豫

grip v.握住

identify identification

square v.挺直

salute v.向…敬礼

hold out 递出

bitterness n.苦难

in response to 作为…回应

broaden into

unattractive adj.无吸引力的

noteworthy adj.值得注意的

be grateful to sb for sth

unfold v. 打开

in order of 以…的顺序

tense n.时态

narrator 叙述者

mingle v.相混合

divine adj.神圣的

disdain v.鄙视

kidnapper n.绑架者

put forward 提出

sensible suggestion明智的建议

working environment工作环境

sickly adj.刺鼻的

come to an end结束

go abroad 出国

isolated adj.孤立的,独立的

come to one's mind 走进某人的心

be willing to 对…意愿强

make a profit 盈利

take a chance on 碰运气

broaden educational opportunity

come up with

participate in 参与

grand adj.宏伟的

opening ceremony 开幕式

break out  爆发

spectator n.观众

mesmerized v.着迷

rich history and cultural heritage

tear up 撕毁

come across 偶遇

call in 拜访

know of知道

nursing home养老院

door guard门卫

deep thought 深思

take a deep breath 深吸一口气

match up to和…一样好 比得上

be in love with sb爱上某人

tie the knot结婚

erect adj.挺直的

bride 新娘 groom新郎

enchanting adj.令人陶醉的

environmentally friendly 有利于环保的

main character主角

supporting character配角

pen pal笔友 key pal网友


unusual experiences

lively adj.活泼的

traveled abroad

diversity n.多样性

huge diversity of大量的

tremendous adj 极好的

absolutely adv.完全地

multiculturalism n.多元文化

comparing it to… 与…相比

…and stuff …等等

absurdist play 荒诞剧

international modern国际流行的

contemporary adj 当代的

tournament n.锦标赛

boundary n.界限 范围

incredible adj.难以置信的 好的

architect n.建筑师

wedding feast 婚宴

man and wife夫妻

the best man伴郎


anniversary 纪念日

bungee jumping 蹦极

superstition n.迷信

witch n.女巫

landslide n.滑坡

hospitality n.好客

vitality n.生命力 活力

emphasis n.强调 重点 加强语气

relatively adv相关的


independent 独立的

official language 官方语言

equator n.赤道



Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.



At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.




study v.仔细看

straighten v.使平整

make one's way 走

The course of true love never did run smooth.

romantic moments 浪漫时刻

missing  adj.缺失的

fill in 填入

clip v.修剪;夹住;痛打  n.夹子;片段

My heart is wherever you are.

thoughtful adj.深思的

reflect on

insightful adj.有洞察力的

thoughtful adj.深思的;体贴的

ship v.运输

fertile adj.肥沃的

bud v.发芽

take a chance冒险

disgust v.使恶心

schedule v.为…安排时间 n.日程表

in the front of the book 封皮


1.not  hard (soft pillow)

2.not rough (soft skin)

3.light/colour (soft pink)

4.sound (soft music)

plain  n.平原  adj.平平无奇的;原味;清楚;坦诚的;清淡的

sustain v.支持 持续 保持

sustain the interest in…保持对…的兴趣

unfailingly adv.永远

delicate adj.精致的

pale green 浅绿

provocative adj.挑逗的

curve v.使弯曲

pin up 固定

thrust into挤入

companion n.陪伴

unhold v.支持

sensible adj.通情达理的

kindly adj.亲切的,仁慈的

keen adj.热烈的 渴望的 be keen on

keen interest/desire/jealousy

hesitate hesitation 犹豫

identify identification

square v.挺直

salute v.向…敬礼

hold out 递出

bitterness n.苦难

in response to 作为…回应

broaden into 扩大

noteworthy adj.值得注意的

be grateful to sb for sth

unfold v. 打开

in order of 以…的顺序

narrator 叙述者

mingle v.相混合

divine adj.神圣的

disdain v.鄙视

kidnapper n.绑架者

put forward 提出

sensible suggestion明智的建议

working environment工作环境

sickly adj.刺鼻的

come to an end结束

go abroad 出国

isolated adj.孤立的,独立的

come to one's mind 走进某人的心

be willing to 对…意愿强

make a profit 盈利

take a chance on 碰运气

broaden educational opportunity

come up with

participate in 参与

grand adj.宏伟的

opening ceremony 开幕式

break out  爆发

spectator n.观众

mesmerized v.着迷

rich history and cultural heritage

tear up 撕毁

come across 偶遇

call in 拜访

know of知道

nursing home养老院

door guard门卫

deep thought 深思

take a deep breath 深吸一口气

match up to和…一样好 比得上

be in love with sb爱上某人

tie the knot结婚

erect adj.挺直的

bride 新娘 groom新郎

enchanting adj.令人陶醉的

environmentally friendly 有利于环保的

main character主角

supporting character配角

pen pal笔友 key pal网友


unusual experiences

lively adj.活泼的

traveled abroad

diversity n.多样性

huge diversity of大量的

tremendous adj 极好的

absolutely adv.完全地

multiculturalism n.多元文化

comparing it to… 与…相比

…and stuff …等等

absurdist play 荒诞剧

international modern国际流行的

contemporary adj 当代的

tournament n.锦标赛

boundary n.界限 范围

incredible adj.难以置信的 好的

architect n.建筑师

wedding feast 婚宴

man and wife夫妻

the best man伴郎


anniversary 纪念日

bungee jumping 蹦极

superstition n.迷信

witch n.女巫

landslide n.滑坡

hospitality n.好客

vitality n.生命力 活力

emphasis n.强调 重点 加强语气

relatively adv相关的


independent 独立的

official language 官方语言

equator n.赤道

use appropriate expressions

be familiar with/be close to

identify yourself

explain thepurpose of your call

ask people to wait

comfirm what you have heard

I am calling about/calling to ask…

please hold.



视听说:听力欠缺 ,课下练习时间少


建议:多练听力多听 放声多读,重新拾起单词


在本章学习中了解到许多的短语和单词的用法。听力也有提高 确实需要一个好的心态。













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