
英文 中文
For over a century, I have lived in secret. 一个多世纪以来我都秘密地活着
Until now. 直到现在
I know the risk. 我知道很冒险
But I have to know her. 但我必须要认识她
Elena...she's a dead ringer for Katherine. 埃琳娜和凯瑟琳长得一模一样
- I want the invention. - I don't have it. -我要那件发明-不在我手上
But Damon does. 但在达蒙手上
And you're gonna get it for me. 我要你去帮我拿到手
I'm not gonna give the device to Isobel. 我不会把那发明交给伊泽贝尔
So she can give it to John who's gonna turn around and kill me. 好让她拿给约翰他再回来杀我
But it'll be useless. Bonnie can take the spell off. 但它会失效的邦妮可以消除它的魔力
You took a risk with Damon. 在达蒙的问题上你冒了险
How did you know that he was going to give it to me? 你怎么知道他会将之给我
'Cause he's in love with you. 因为他爱上你了
I couldn't do what she wanted me to do. 我不能做她希望我做的事
It wasn't right. 那样做不对
But when Elena finds out... 但要是埃琳娜知道了
She's never going to forgive me. 她永远都不会原谅我
This dress hurts. 裙子穿着真难受
Suck it in, baby. 忍忍吧宝贝
No, no, no, no. 不对不对
This lineup is all wrong. 队形全错了
The marching band should be in front of the historical society. 游行乐队应该在历史协会的前面
Matt, time to get on your float. 马特该去你的花车上准备了
Boys, 小伙子们
I asked you to put the chairs on the Founder's float. 我让你们把椅子放到创立者花车上去
Ladies, time to get on your float. 姑娘们该上花车了
Look at you, all retro. 看看你一身复古装束
What are you doing here? 你来这儿干嘛
Why wouldn't I be here? 我为什么不能来
Bonnie deactivated the gilbert invention. 邦妮消除了吉尔伯特发明的魔力
Isobel's gone. 伊泽贝尔走了
And it's Founder's Day. 而且今天是创立日啊
I'm here to eat cotton candy and steal your girl. 我过来吃棉花糖抢你女朋友啦
Don't start with me, Damon. 别来惹我达蒙
Oh, you started it, Stefan, 是你先惹我的斯特凡
with that whole "I'm insecure, leave Elena alone" speech. 是你对我说"你让我没安全感离埃琳娜远点"
I'm just enjoying that. 我就喜欢你那样
As long as you heard it. 至少你听进去了
Huh? What? 什么
You have no sense of humor, Stefan. 你一点幽默感都没有斯特凡
Actually, I just have no sense of Damon humor. 其实我只是没有达蒙式幽默而已
Damon humor. 达蒙式幽默
hey, look. 听着
I get it. I get it. 我懂了我懂了
I'm the better, hotter, superior choice, 我比你优秀性感出众
and you're scared now that Katherine's out of the picture 你害怕我不再迷恋凯瑟琳之后
that I'm gonna turn all my attention to Elena. 把注意力转向埃琳娜
But don't worry. Elena is not Katherine. 别担心埃琳娜不是凯瑟琳
You're right. She's not. 没错她不是
Anna. 安娜
Look at you. 看看你
Heh. I know, it's stupid, huh? 我知道很傻帽吧
I'm part of the parade. 我要参加游行
But how are you? 你还好吗
I've been...been been so worried, 我一直很担心你
and I feel awful. 我感觉糟透了
Why? 怎么了
You didn't kill my mother. Your uncle did. 不是你杀了我妈妈是你叔叔干的
Are you sure it was him? 你确定是他吗
Who else would have done it? 不然还会是谁
He doesn't understand, Anna. It's who he is. 他不懂安娜他就是这种人
He hates all vampires. 他憎恨所有的吸血鬼
He's just doing what he thinks is right. 他只是在做他认为正确的事情
Are you defending him? 你这是在帮他说话吗
No. No way. 不不是
It's just... 我只是
I do understand where he's coming from. 能理解他的初衷
He's convinced all the tomb vampis 他坚信墓穴里的吸血鬼
want revenge on this town, 想要对小镇进行报复
and he's just... 他只是
he's trying to protect it. 他只是在设法保护小镇
They do want revenge. 他们的确要报仇
Or, at least, they did. 至少他们有过这种想法
But that's why we separated from them. 所以我们才和他们分道扬镳
My mom wasn't after revenge. 我妈妈不是为了报仇
She just wanted her life back. 她只是想重拾生活
I have to get out of this town, Jeremy. 我要离开镇上了杰里米
You're leaving? 你要走吗
But I've been thinking. You could come with me. 但我想你可以和我一起走
I could turn you. 我可以把你变成吸血鬼
I mean, you said you wanted me to. 你说过你想让我这么做
It's my blood. 是我的血
If you die with it in your system, 如果你死的时候体内有我的血
you'll come back. 你就会重生
Anna... 安娜
I know you, 我了解你
what it's like for you... 明白你的感觉
Being alone, always feeling empty inside, 孤身一人内心空虚寂寞
No one to understand. 无人理解
But when you're a vampire, 可你一旦变成吸血鬼
you don't have to feel that way. 就再也不用承受这些了
You can shut it off. 你可以屏蔽掉这些感觉
I can show you how. 我可以教你怎么做
I wanted to. 我曾这么希望过
I did. 真的
But I don't think I can. 但我做不到
I'm sorry. 对不起
John? 约翰
Is...is that even possible? 这这怎么可能
Well, there's no proof, 倒是没有确凿证据
but he dated Isobel when she was a teenager, 但伊泽贝尔年轻时曾跟他约会过
and he was the one who brought 而且是他把她送到
her to your dad's office for the delivery. 你养父的诊所分娩
My whole life, I've never liked this man. 我长这么大都没喜欢过这个人
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just... 对不起对不起我只是
I wanted to tell you before Damon dropped it on you 想在达蒙把这事用极不妥当的方式
in some typically inappropriate way. 一股脑儿抛给你之前亲口告诉你
No, I'm happy that you told me. I just... 别这样我很高兴你告诉我只是
I really hope that it's not true. 我真心希望这不是事实
What am I supposed to do? Do I just... 我该怎么做啊难道就
confront him and say, "Are you my biological father?" 径直走到他面前问你是我生父吗
I guess when you're ready. 等你准备好了吧
I'm never gonna be ready. 我永远都不会准备好的
Stefan, I have enough problems 斯特凡我现在爱的这个家庭里
with the family that I actually care about. 内部矛盾已经够多了
Jeremy hates me, and why wouldn't he? 杰里米恨我而且恨得有道理
My journal gave him every single reason to. 我的日记给了他充分的理由来恨我
He's just hurt. He's confused. 他只是受到了伤害手足无措
He's never gonna forgive me for Vicki, 薇姬这件事上他永远都不会原谅我的
tor taking away his memory, for lying to him. 不会原谅我抹掉他的记忆对他撒谎
He's your brother. He'll forgive you. 他是你弟弟他会原谅你的
Just give him some time. 给他点时间就好
Say cheese. 笑一笑
Wait. Hide your cast. 等等把你的石膏板藏起来
- It's not era-appropriate. - Seriously? -不符合时代-不是吧
- Yes. - Ok. All right. -是的-好吧好吧
I want one with Bonnie now. 我要跟邦妮来张合影
Here, I can take it. 来我给你们照吧
I'll be on the float. 我在花车上等你
I said I was sorry. 我都说过对不起了
You made out with his mother, and then you beat him to a pulp. 你跟他妈亲热还把他打得一塌糊涂
You're gonna have to do a little bit better than sorry. 对不起三个字显然不够
Jeremy. 杰里米
Heh. I was wondering where you were. 我还找你来着
You look great. 你看起来太帅了
You guys did a really great job on the float. 你们的花车装饰得太棒了
Go away, Elena. 走开埃琳娜
Jeremy, come on, please. 杰里米别这样求你了
I don't want it to be like this between us. 我不跟你闹得这样僵
Why don't you have Damon erase my memory again? 那你干嘛不让达蒙再一次抹掉我的记忆
Then I can go back to being your in-the-dark little brother. 让我变回你毫不知情的小弟弟
Jer, please. 杰里拜托
Just don't. 别费口舌了
You can't fix this that easily. 这件事你无法轻易弥补
Something like this doesn't just get fixed. 这种事是无法挽回的
Let's give a big hand 请大家以热烈的掌声欢迎
to the Mystic Falls High School marching band. 神秘瀑布镇高中游行乐队
And for a little local history, 为展现小镇历史
Mr. Saltzman's students have recreated 萨尔茨曼老师的学生们再现
Virginia's Battle of Willow Creek. 弗吉尼亚州柳溪镇战役
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome 女士们先生们有请
our stunning Miss Mystic Falls court 我们惊艳的神秘瀑布镇小姐
and their handsome escorts. 和她们帅气的护花使者
This is Caroline Forbes, Miss Mystic Falls. 卡罗琳·福布斯神秘瀑布镇小姐
Aren't they beautiful? 看她们多美啊
What do you want? 你想干嘛
Just watching the parade. 观赏游行啊
Where are you going? 你要去哪儿
Away from you. 躲开你
I want to say something to you. 我想跟你说几句话
- Just leave me alone. - Thank you. -别烦我-谢谢
The device that Emily spelled could have killed me. 艾米莉施法的那件发明能置我于死地
I don't take what you did lightly, so... 你的帮助对我意义重大所以
thank you. 谢谢你
- I did it for Elena. - I know that. -我是为埃琳娜做的-我知道
But I'm still very grateful. 但我仍非常感激
And... 还有
I owe you. 算我欠你个人情
Enjoy the parade. 好好欣赏游行
Let's cheer it for 让我们热烈欢迎
the Mystic Falls High School football team. 神秘瀑布镇高中橄榄球队
Let's show them our support, everybody. 让我们用欢呼表示对他们的支持
This is the key. 这就是钥匙
Once inserted, the device will be activated. 一放进去装置就被激活了
It will work only once for an estimated time of 5 minutes. 只能用一次大概是五分钟
Yes. How does it work? 好什么原理
It's a high-pitched frequency that humans can't hear. 它发出一种人类听不到的超声波
Any vampire within a 5-block radius 五个街区范围内所有吸血鬼
will be incapacitated, exposing them. 都会丧失行动能力从而被我们发现
At that time, the sheriff's v5 deputies will inject them with vervain 然后警长的手下会给他们注入马鞭草
and bring them here, where we'll finish them off. 然后把他们带到这全部消灭
And you're certain they're attacking tonight? 你确定他们今晚会发动攻击吗
I had a source. One of the vampires from the tomb... 我有线人是墓穴里的吸血鬼之一
He confirmed the attack. 他证实了攻击计划
Everybody listen up. 所有人听着
The plan stays the same. 按原计划不变
We wait till the fireworks start. 以烟花表演为号
Until then, blend in. Stay a part of the celebration. 在那之前我们混入庆典的人群中
They'll never see us coming. 他们会措手不及
They want revenge for what our ancestors did in 1864, 1864年我们的祖先把他们活埋他们现在来复仇
which makes us their targets. 所以我们会成为攻击目标
This area here is the stage. 这块地方是舞台
This is where the founding families are gonna be. 创始家族的人会出现在这里
Any questions? 有问题吗
We're taking an enormous risk. 我们正冒着巨大的风险
We're talking about our families, John. 他们可是我们的家人约翰
Anna. 安娜
What are you doing here? 你来这干嘛
It's the only way to draw them out and kill them... 这是找出并消灭他们的唯一办法...
all of them. 所有吸血鬼
I like you better like this. 我更喜欢你现在的打扮
The period look, it... 古装打扮...
didn't suit you. 不适合你
Is that an insult? 你这是损我吗
Actually, Elena, it is a compliment of the highest order. 埃琳娜实际上呢这算是最高的赞扬
Look, I know Stefan is worried 听着我知道斯特凡有点担心
about our friendship. 我们之间的友情
Did he mention something to you, too? 他也跟你说什么了吗
No. Did he mention something to you? 没有他有跟你说什么吗
No. Nothing worth repeating. 没有都是些废话
So, I think you should stop with the flirty little comments 所以我想你还是收敛下你轻浮的赞扬
and that eye thing that you do. 也别用那眼神看我
What eye thing? 什么眼神
Don't make me regret being your friend. 别让我后悔跟你做朋友
Ok? 好吗
I don't believe that we can't fix this. 我相信我们一定可以和好的
I lied. I was wrong. 我骗了你我错了
But you're my brother, Jer, and I love you. 但是你是我弟弟杰里我爱你
And I have to fix it. 我一定要同你和好如初
So, just tell me. What can I do? 所以请告诉我我该怎么办
You can go to hell, Elena. 埃琳娜见鬼去吧
I have so many emotions, but I don't have any way to express them. 我心里百感交集却没有办法释放
- Being a teenager is so hard. - You dick. -做青少年太不容易了-混蛋
You do not talk to me like that. 别这么跟我说话
I'm not your sister. 我不是你姐
And from now on, don't talk to your sister that way, either. 从现在起也别用这种态度跟你姐说话
So, what, you're gonna kill me just 'cause I hurt Elena's feelings? 那又怎样我伤害埃琳娜你就杀了我
Cut her some slack. 对她好一点
She erased my memories. 她抹去了我的记忆
No, I did. 错那是我做的
She was protecting you. 她是想保护你
It wasn't her call to make. 她没有权力替我决定
Let go of me before I cause a scene. 在我引起众人注意之前放开我
You'll be unconscious before you even got a word out. 你嘴还没张开我就把你打晕了
Let him go. 放开他
You all right? 你没事吧
Yeah. 没事
What my brother is trying to say 我哥想说的是
is don't blame Elena for this. 不要怪罪到埃琳娜身上
Damon turned Vicki. 是达蒙把薇姬变成吸血鬼的
I killed her. 是我杀了她
She was a threat to you, and she was a threat to your sister. 她对你是个威胁对你姐姐也是
I'm sorry that it happened. I wish that it hadn't. 抱歉发生这种事我也不希望这样
Shouldn't have made me forget. 你不该让我忘记的
Good cop, bad cop... I like it. 一个唱红脸一个唱白脸我喜欢
- What are you doing? Hmm? - He was being a punk. -你威胁他做什么-他脑子不开窍
Elena's relationship with her brother is none of your business. 埃琳娜和她弟弟的关系怎样与你无关


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