
英文 中文
For over a century, I have lived in secret until now. 一个多世纪以来我都秘密地活着
I know the risk, but i have to know her. 我知道这很冒险但我必须要认识她
Elena, she's a dead ringer for Katherine. 埃琳娜和凯瑟琳长得一模一样
Is that "Damon Salvatore"? 那个是达蒙·塞尔瓦托吗
And that's "Stefan Salvatore." 还有斯特凡·塞尔瓦托
The original salvatore brothers. 那是最早的塞尔瓦托兄弟
1864, you and Katherine were the perfect couple. 1864年你和凯瑟琳真是天生一对
They've come back. 他们回来了
Did you get the Gilbert watch? 拿到吉尔伯特家族怀表了吗
I can get it. 我能搞到
- Hey, man. You ok?- Come here. -哥们你还好吗-过来
Whoa. Whoa. I got you. 我扶住你了
I know you. 我认识你
I think you have the wrong person. 我想你认错人了
You haven't aged a day. 你身上一点岁月的痕迹都没有
There are things that you don't know, 有些事你不知道
Things that I want to tell you, but I can't. 我想告诉你但我不能
Are you sure that the man you knew, 你确定你认识的那个人
His name was Stefan Salvatore? 他叫斯特凡·塞尔瓦托吗
- Yes. - When was this? -我确定-那是什么时候的事
1953. 1953年
Dear diary, I'm not a believer. 亲爱的日记我不是个信徒
People are born. They grow old. 人们出生变老
Then they die. 最后死亡
That's the world we live in. 这才是我们生活的世界
How can I deny what's right in front of me? 我要怎样否认眼前的事实
Someone who never grows old, 有人永远不会变老
Never gets hurt. 永远不会受伤
Someone who changes in ways that can't be explained. 有人会发生无法解释的变化
- Girls bitten. - Somebody help! -被咬的女孩们-救命
Bodies drained of blood. 被吸干血液的尸体
You must be Miss Pierce. 您一定是皮尔斯小姐了
Please, call me Katherine. 不用客气叫我凯瑟琳吧
What are you? 你到底是什么
What are you? 你到底是什么
You know. 你知道的
No, I don't. 不我不知道
Yes, you do, 不你知道
Or you wouldn't be here. 否则你就不会在这里了
It's not possible. 不可能
It can't be. 不可能
Everything you know... 你所认知的一切
And every belief that you have is about to change. 你所相信的一切都要改变了
Are you ready for that? 你准备好了吗
What are you? 你到底是什么
I'm a vampire. 我是吸血鬼
I shouldn't have come. 我不该来的
- Please. - No. No. -求你-不不
How did you do that? 你怎么做到的
Please don't be afraid of me. 求你别害怕我
Let me go. 让我走
Elena, there's things that you have to know and understand. 埃琳娜有些事你必须知道必须理解
Let me go! 让我走
Elena, please. 埃琳娜求你了
Elena. 埃琳娜
I would never hurt you. 我永远不会伤害你
You're safe with me. 你和我在一起是安全的
All those animal attacks, 那些动物袭击事件
Those people who died-- 那些死去的人
No. That was Damon. 不那是达蒙做的
- Damon? - Yes. -达蒙-没错
I don't drink human blood. 我不吸人血
That's not how I choose to survive, 那不是我选择的生活方式
but Damon does. 但达蒙要吸人血
I'll explain everything to you, 我会向你解释所有事情
But I beg you, Elena, 但是请求你埃琳娜
Do not tell anybody. 不要告诉任何人
How can you ask me that? 你怎么能要求我那样做
Because you knowing this is dangerous 因为你知道这很危险
For so many reasons. 有太多理由了
You can hate me, 你可以恨我
But I need you to trust me. 但我需要你信任我
Just go. 你走吧
Just go, please. 走吧求你了
If you mean me no harm, then you'll go. 如果你真的无意伤害我那就走吧
I never wanted this. 我也不想这样的
I want my ring. 我要我的戒指
Where are you? 你在哪
I'm at the sizzler. 我在火边
I had the buffet. 我刚吃了个自助餐
Where's my ring? 我的戒指在哪
I don't have it. Where are you? What have you done? 不在我这里你在哪你干了什么
No, what have you done? 不应该是你干了什么
You're the one that locked me in the basement and starved me, 是你把我锁在地下室企图饿死我
So whatever I've done, 所以无论我干了什么
Whoever I've sucked dry is on you, buddy. 无论我把谁吸干了都是因为你兄弟
You're being careless. 你太大意了
How many more animal attacks is this town gonna believe, huh? 你再滥杀无辜镇民们还会相信是野兽袭击吗
I know how to cover my tracks, Stefan. 我知道怎么掩盖我的痕迹斯特凡
Where's my ring? 我的戒指在哪
I gave it to Zach to hide. 我让扎克藏起来了
Probably shouldn't have killed him. 也许你不该杀死他
Ah, you almost got me. 哈你差点就骗了我
Where is it? 戒指在哪里
I'll get it back, but I need time. 我会拿回来的但我需要时间
What, did you fedex it to Rome? 怎么你把它快递到罗马去了吗
Where is it? 到底在哪
I want my ring, Stefan, 我要我的戒指斯特凡
Or my next stop's Elena's. 不然埃琳娜家就是我的下一站
I already want you dead. 我早盼着你完蛋了
Don't give me another reason to make it happen. 别让我再多个理由来毁灭你
Don't give me another reason to rip you apart. 别让我再多个理由把你撕成碎片
Yeah? Is that gonna be before or 是吗是在你拿回你的戒指之前
After you get your ring back. 还是之后呢
Just get it. 拿戒指去
You just don't wanna die, do you? 你就是不想死对吗
You said you would explain everything. 你说过你会解释一切
That's why I asked you to meet me here. 所以我才叫你到这儿来见我
When you google "vampire," 当你在谷歌上搜"吸血鬼"
You get a world of fiction. 得到的都是小说虚构的事
What's the reality? 真实世界中是怎样的
I can tell you whatever you wanna know. 你想知道什么我都能告诉你
- I know you eat garlic.- yes. -我知道你能吃蒜-是
And somehow, sunlight's not an issue. 而且不知何故阳光也伤害不了你
Here's your drinks. 这是你们点的饮料
Thank you. 谢谢
We have rings that protect us. 我们有戒指的保护
- Crucifixes?- Decorative. -十字架呢-装饰而已
- Holy water?- Drinkable. -圣水呢-能喝
- Mirrors?- Myth. -镜子呢-瞎编的
You said you don't kill to survive. 你说过你不通过吸人血维持生存
Animal blood keeps me alive, 动物血能让我维持生存
But not as strong as Damon. 但没有达蒙那么强大
It can be very powerful. 人类的血非常强大
And yet you let him get involved with Caroline? 可是你就任他把卡罗琳卷进来
Forcing Damon not to do something 阻止达蒙去做某事
Is much more dangerous, believe me. 只会更加危险相信我
He was hurting her. 他在伤害她
He was feeding on her. 他在吸食她的血
He was able to take away her memories of being bitten 他可以给她的记忆施加影响
Using a form of mind compulsion. 把她被咬的记忆抹去
She never knew what was happening to her. 她不会知道自己身上发生了什么事
If he wanted to kill her, he would have. 如果他想杀她他早就动手了
Is that supposed to make it ok? 这样难道就没事吗
No. No, none of this is ok, Elena. 不不这全都不应该埃琳娜
I know that. 我知道的
Are there any others, aside from you and Damon? 除了你和达蒙外还有别的吸血鬼吗
Not in Mystic Falls, not anymore. 神秘瀑布镇没有了不再有了
Not anymore? 不再有了
There was a time when this town was... 历史上有段时间这个镇的人
Very much aware of vampires, 对于吸血鬼知道得太多
And it didn't end well for anybody. 结果对所有人都没好结果
That's why it's important that you don'tell anyone. 所以你千万不能告诉任何人
I can't promise that. 我不能保证
Elena... 埃琳娜
Give me today. 今天给我一天的时间
I will answer any questions that you have, 我会回答你的所有问题
And when it's over, 当这结束后
You can decide for yourself 你可以自己决定
What you wanna do with what you know. 要怎么处理你知道的那些事
It'll be your choice. 到时候你自己选择
Never smelled one this bad before. 从没闻过如此糟糕的味道
It tried to cover its tracks. 它试图隐匿行踪
Are you sure? 你确定吗
I'm positive. You only burn a corpse 我确定只有要掩藏死因时
To try to hide cause of death, 才会将尸体烧掉
And there are no shell casings. 而且这里没有弹壳
We know who they are? 知道死者的身份吗
Doc'll have to check their dental records. 医生得查一下他们的牙诊记录
What story should I run? 我的报道该怎么说
Drug deal gone bad. 毒品交易失控
It's not too big a stretch. 也不算很离谱的借口啊
I got the Gilbert watch. 我拿到吉尔伯特家族怀表了
Good. 很好
Found this in the brush about 10 yards away. 在约10码外的灌木丛里找到了这个
Vicki Donovan. 薇姬·多诺万
You know her? 你认识她吗
I went to high school with her mother. 她妈妈是我高中同学
Think she's one of these? 你觉得她是死者之一吗
I hope not. 但愿不是
Where are you, Stefan? 你在哪儿斯特凡
I'm trapped at the house, 我被困在这房子里了
And I'm getting really bored and really impatient, 我觉得极度无聊而且耐性尽失
And I don't do bored and impatient. 这可不是我喜欢的生活方式
Bring me my ring. 把我的戒指还给我
Damn it. 该死的
Aw, don't get blood on the couch. 别把血弄沙发上了
Please. 拜托
I got you good, didn't I? 我咬得很不错不是吗
Well, you're not gonna be any fun today. 你今天什么乐子都不会有
I'm so gonna regret this. 我日后肯定会后悔的
Drink up. 喝吧
Drink it up. 都喝了
Don't drip. 别洒了
There you go. Good girl. 就这样好女孩儿
That's it. 就是这样
Stop here. 在这儿停车
What are we doing here? 我们来这里干嘛
I want to show you something. 我想带你看点东西
In the middle of nowhere? 在这荒郊野岭吗
This... 这里...
Didn't used to be nowhere. 以前不是荒郊野岭
Used to be my home. 以前是我家
It looks so... 看上去很...
Old? 古老吗
It's because they are. 因为的确很古老
Wait. How long have you... 等等你已经多久...
I've been 17 years old since 1864. 我从1864年起就一直是17岁
Oh, my god. 上帝啊
You said you wanted to know. 你说你想知道的
I'm not gonna hold anything back. 我不会再对你隐瞒什么了
Half century before the boardinghouse was even built, 在寄宿公寓尚未建造的半个世纪前
This was my family's home. 这里曾经是我的家
Damon and I... 达蒙和我...
We were both born here. 我们都出生在这里
The salvatore brothers, best of friends. 塞尔瓦托兄弟最好的朋友
Wait. where did you learn this game? 等等你在哪里学会的这个游戏
Camp outside Atlanta. 亚特兰大城外的营地
One of the officers picked it up at Harvard. catch. 一位警官在哈佛学到的接着
Wait. What are the rules? what are the rules? 等等规则是什么规则是什么
Who needs rules? 管他什么规则
Mind if I join you? 介意我加入你们吗
Uh, well, you could, uh-- you could get hurt. 你可能会受伤
My brother likes to play rough. 我哥哥玩的很野
Somehow, I think that you play rougher. 不知何故我觉得你玩的更野
Why are you just standing there? 你为什么傻站在这里
That is a girl who clearly wants to be chased. 那姑娘明显希望你追上去
If you don't do it, I will. 你要是不追我追
You knew Katherine 1864? 你在1864年认识了凯瑟琳
Damon made it seem like-- 达蒙让我觉得...
Damon was trying to make you think that... 达蒙想要让你觉得
I was still heartbroken. 我依然陷在悲伤之中
He saw that I was happy with you, 他看见我和你在一起很开心
And he wanted to ruin it. 他想搞破坏
All because you loved the same women 145 years ago? 就因为你们在145年前爱上了同一个女孩吗
She wasn't just any girl. 她不是一般的女孩
I win. what's my prize? 我赢了有什么奖励
What would you like it to be? 你想要什么奖励
They extended your leave? 他们延长了你的假期?
I was simply having too much fun to return to battle. 我在家玩得太开心不想重回战场
Your commitment to the confederacy is inspiring. 你加入南方联盟军的誓词真是鼓舞人心
Well, this works out wonderfully for me. 我觉得如此甚好
How's that, Miss Katherine? 此话怎讲凯瑟琳小姐
Now I'll have both of you here to keep me entertained. 现在你们可以一起陪我玩了
First and foremost, 首先
I'll need someone to escort me to the founder's ball. 我需要一个人陪我出席创始人舞会
- With pleasure. - I would be honored. -非常乐意-荣幸之至
The smart and kind salvatore brothers 聪明与和蔼的塞尔瓦托兄弟
both coming to my escort. 都要做我的护花使者
How will I ever choose? 我要如何选择呢
She chose me. 她选择了我
I escorted her to the ball 我陪伴她去了舞会
At the original lockwood mansion. 在最初的洛克伍德府
The first founder's party... 第一届创始人派对
Where you signed the registry. 就是你签名登记的地方
I didn't care that I had gotten 我当时不在乎我夺走了
Something that my brother wanted 我哥哥想要的东西


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