- 1、10X单细胞既然无从知道空间位置,那也就无从真正判断TCR(BCR)是否浸润肿瘤组织,当然,有了很多方法进行推断,但是,也是有根据的“猜”,就像科学家们都推断火星的地质活动已经停止了,不会产生地热,但是,还是要发探测器深入火星一探究竟,推断和事实,不能画等号。
- 2、10X空间转录组插上TCR(BCR)的翅膀,如虎添翼,对于研究肿瘤组织意义重大,我们可以很明确的得到浸润肿瘤组织的免疫细胞的config,对于研究而言,如获至宝啊,弥补单细胞数据分析上的不足。
- 3 、也是我个人觉得最为关键的一点,指导临床运用,如果我们富集能够浸润肿瘤组织免疫细胞的config作为靶向治疗,是不是可以攻克肿瘤难关???当然,这是粗浅的想法,如果有一天我能够创业,有实力主导这些,那我一定不会放过这样的机会,但是目前我只是一个默默无闻的小人物,也只能记录下来,等待有缘人能够实现。
这项技术的文章在Localization of T cell clonotypes using spatial transcriptomics,我们来分享一下,其实我早就有想法,因为10X空间转录组的文库和10X单细胞是差不多的,那么单细胞测VDJ的那一套完全可以套用一下,细节部分稍作修改。
we present a method to determine localization of specific T cell clones by obtaining T cell receptor (TCR) sequences from spatial transcriptomics assays。
To generate cDNA molecules containing both the CDR3 region of the TCRβ as well as the UMI and spatial barcodes containing the location information, TCRβ amplification must occur with primers at the 5’ end of the TCR. Since the TCRβ constant region is 3’ to the CDR3, a pool of variable (TRBV) gene primers is required to generate cDNA molecules containing both the CDR3 and spatial information. To generate human libraries(一个文库), we added a partial Read 2 sequence 5’ to a set of 45 human TRBV primers(这个作者自己设计的). PCR was performed with this pool of modified TRBV primers and a Read 1 primer using amplified cDNA from the Visium assay as template to generate TCR-enriched libraries(基本和单细胞测VDJ的思路是一样的). While the standard Visium gene expression protocol calls for fragmentation of the cDNA library,TCR-enriched libraries generated here cannot be fragmented without losing linkage between TCR and spatial barcode sequence
. Thus, the TCR-enriched cDNA library was cleaned with bead purification and directly subjected to sample index PCR for multiplexed paired-end sequencing .(跟我最初的想法差不多,这部分是核心,测序策略仍旧是PE150)。
- 肿瘤研究,这个的重要性不必多说
- the localization of T cell clones in germinal centers or other lymphoid tissues may also be of interest.
- This method should be generalizable to TCRα sequences by using primer pools specific for TRAV genes。
- 当然,也可以获取BCR的空间位置。