






认知词汇:不需要死记单词的拼写,认识和知道读音就行。因为这种单词会出现在题目和选项里,但一般不会作为填空题的答案来考。 如:stretch,animation,decibel,intrusive,embark... 对于这种不需要记拼写,但是要知道意思,并且熟悉发音的单词,下一次我会专门讲对策。

拼写词汇:需要准确地读,正确地写,并且对这个单词的发音非常熟,非常敏感。如:thursday,telephone,dictionary,minibus,yoga……这些单词要非常敏感,就是不管是男人女人,有口音没口音,快还是慢,你都能听出来。例如C4T1S1中,Do you travel far?中的travel口音很重很明显,可我们还是能听出来,因为我们对它的声音太熟了。


1,很多单词简单到小学生都会。如:music,Monday,water,taxi,meat,tree,sea,lunch,oil,horse,map,doctor,tea,bike,late... 这些单词的难点不在于拼写,在于听!很多同学在一个句子中听不到这个词!!!原因:对单词发音不敏感!

所以,怎么办? 查!读!听!写!循环进行。查:先查清楚每个单词的发音,英式美式的都看一下;读:读出声来,每天嚎几遍,连续嚎一个星期;听:用微信录音,可以发给男票女票老师,没有就发给微信的文件传输助手,录完之后自己,可以发给老师听听,给你指出一些问题。写:放录音听写。比对,错的再来记拼写。


所以,怎么办? 在去考试的前一个月把C4-C10这824个单词先背熟,发音拼写都要快,准,狠。

3,大部分单词是很接地气的生活词汇。这是由雅思考试内容决定的。因为section1和2,是生存英语(Survival English),如租房,找兼职,问路,购物,订票,预定酒店,旅游交通,银行保险等。

所以,怎么办? 不要瞧不起这些土里土气的单词,它们很生活,雅思听力要考,国外生活要用。


C 4:shopping guided tours notice board American Museum student newspaper February coal firewood local craftsman Woodside Ticket Office Gift Shop Workshop Showroom cafe cottages cities windy humid shady dangerous leaves ground reduce low space Cathedral Market Garden Art Gallery climb the tower collecting data Survey Research London University mass media academic circles specialist knowledge unaware individual customers illegal profit forest Academic Thursday deposit monthly telephone questionnaire Education living quarters parking lecture room facilities college dining hall office staff coffee break music tape dictionary speech

C5:minibus brakes finger satisfactory too wide dangerous wheels sharp full-time a term intensive topic module politics learn car nursing care crisis confidence money management low risk investment bank statement local papers cards computer dinner technical slang cooperation persuading editing complete experiment long desert science hospital ship platform currents pollution young liter automatic credit messages lion reasonable reference country weather clear discussion handout written work student support incineration plants drop-off cooking roads soil conditioner containers pencil business card Intermediate vegetarian garden clubhouse picnic prize Wednesday Sunday collect fees send newsletters supervise teams sales competition interest rates training

C6:keep fit studio swimming yoga salad bar assessment Monday. Thursday in advance annual fee tutor laptop printer report writing marketing individual feed metal leather restrictions ship England built poverty green button library education department castle old clothes bottle tops silver paper central refreshments advance catalog computer center checklist teaching experience classroom review schools research sounds effects poor sound quality select engineers mother month internet field footbridge viewpoint entertainment industry telephone interviews male and female jazz classical concerts departments stores club opera house people water sand Scotland outside local tops cheque conference pack South library tax security ground floor lecture room Main Hall team leaders reference textbooks secondary primary back overdue books working days disease prince diet attack humans leadership

C 7:taxi cab city center wait reserve attitude gender creativity culture profit stress April children repeated human magic distance culture fires touching intact dentist stolen brother in law garden Restaurant views history screen Central Station signed directions confident vision correction balance business third cleaner library International House office assistant forest temple waterfall village cigar activated temperature business kitchen world escape baby chocolate Advanced English children pets seafood tennis trains car park rose garden cafe cycling biology lesson viewing shelter assessed media room resources room embassy statistics water meat cheese common bitterness minerals

C8: refreshments pianist parking lot tables horses caves surface environments impact urban problems images patterns distortion traffic weather screen bathroom door leg plates insects feeding laboratory water wings reliable central garage study noisy classical music bookshop planned city council combination safety attitudes control factory skills waiter day off break meal dark jacket reference priorities timetable tasks paragraph animal sea hunting creation

C9:library branch west running bags tides hearing plants plants animals feeding noise healthy group social leader networks nursing meat bedsit theatre mature town shared trees farm reading workbook timetables alarm email central conversations effectively risks level descriptions technical change responsibility flexible balcony forest relative item fishing industry statistics confidence ideas places student support glass insulation windows electricity floor waste concrete babies heart primary school ages Thursday approach mature interest groups confident education system frog predators count seed

C10: newspaper theme tent castle beach flight dinner gene power strangers erosion island roads fishing reproduction methods expansion health problems safety rules plan joining free entry peak guest photo card presentation model material grant technical hairdresser dentist lighting train safe shower training competition global demand customers regulation project flexible leadership women self-employed Thursday lunch glasses aunt month achievement personality situational friend aspirations style development vision structures innovation east library morning postbox prices glass cooker week fence trains dark games guided tour ladder metal space memory solar oil waste tests

C11 cash parking music entry stage floor decoration animal tool shoes dog conservation food surface oxygen mammals ice decline map migration consumption hostel waiter politics cycling cinema disabled social factory canal bridge box screen rubber curved curtain international bird flower mushroom river cave tiger dancing crying grass scarf attitude numbers time software patient emotion income comfortable observation analysis secondary flute cinema concert market actor dry hard sugar root moist variety cattle gardens grass payment

C12:Mountain horse garden lunch map experience helmet shop damage side effects bridge confusion smartphone resources unnecessary chocolate bar problems market share band play scientists river grandparents traditional outdoor logo bullying superiority personality structural absence confidence vision democratic respect mediator stress weight families insects behavior father complex reproduction control duck language food cost temporary doctor Africa youth cheese talk lively training culture nature silent garden political work fountain social

  C13:choose private healthy bones lecture vegetarian market knife crow cliffs speed brain food behaviour new stress tails permanent races insurance start park coffee leader route lights location world personal attention name network frequency color brain self bike parking weekends cinema hospital dentist Thursday cafe tongue plants snakes sky partners contact protection tails steps injury finance maths business holiday college location jeans late smile destruction university political ports slaves taxation sugar tea transportation night

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