Ⅰ. disintegrate 英 [dɪs'ɪntɪgreɪt] 美 [dɪs'ɪntɪɡret]
(n) disintegration (n) disintegrator 分裂者,粉碎机
1、 to break up, or make something break up, into very small pieces
•The plane just disintegrated in mid-air. 飞机就在半空中解体了。
2、 to become weaker or less united and be gradually destroyed
Ⅱ. disinterested 英 [dɪs'ɪnt(ə)rɪstɪd] 美 [dɪs'ɪntərɪsɪd]
(adj) uninterested 不感兴趣的;无利害关系的 (n) disintetest
1.able to judge a situation fairly because you are not concerned with gaining any personal advantage from it
•A lawyer should provide disinterested advice. 律师应该提供客观公正的建议。
2.not interested. Many teachers think that this is not correct English.
Ⅲ. fuss 英 [fʌs] 美 [fʌs]
(adj) fussy 爱挑剔的,难取悦的;易烦恼的
1.attention or excitement that is usually unnecessary or unwelcome无谓的关注[激动]
•They wanted a quiet wedding without any fuss. 他们想安安静静地举行婚礼,不大事铺张。
3. make a fuss/kick up a fuss (about sth)
to complain or become angry about something, especially when this is not necessary
•Josie kicked up a fuss because the soup was too salty. 乔西因为汤太咸而大吵大闹了一番。
4. make a fuss of sb/sth
to pay a lot of attention to someone or something, to show that you are pleased with them or like them
•Make a fuss of your dog when he behaves properly. 狗儿守规矩的时候就要宠宠它。
1.to worry a lot about things that may not be very important
•I wish you’d stop fussing - I’ll be perfectly all right. 我希望你别再瞎操心了——我会很好的。
2.to pay too much attention to small unimportant details
[+ with/around/about]
•Paul was fussing with his clothes, trying to get his tie straight. 保罗在不厌其烦地整理衣服,试图把领带弄直。
3. fuss over sb/sth对某人/某事物过于体贴[关心]
•His aunts fussed over him all the time.
Ⅳ. impediment 英 [ɪm'pedɪm(ə)nt] 美 [ɪm'pɛdɪmənt]
(adj) impedient 障碍的;阻碍的 (v) impede (n) impedance 阻抗
1.a physical problem that makes speaking, hearing, or moving difficult〔生理问题导致的〕言语[听觉,行动]障碍
•a speech impediment 言语障碍
2.a situation or event that makes it difficult or impossible for someone or something to succeed or make progress
[+ to]
•War is one of the greatest impediments to human progress. 战争是人类进步的一大绊脚石。
Ⅴ. reel 英 [riːl] 美 [ril]
1.to be confused or shocked by a situation迷惑;震惊
[+ from]
•The party is still reeling from its recent election defeat. 这个政党仍被最近的选举失利弄得晕头转向。
2.to step backwards suddenly and almost fall over, especially after being hit or getting a shock
•Diane reeled back in amazement. 黛安娜惊讶得朝后打了一个趔趄。
3.to seem to go around and around
•The room reeled before my eyes and I fainted. 房间在我眼前旋转起来,随即我就晕了过去。
1.one of the parts of a cinema film that is contained on a reel(一部影片的〕一盘
•the final reel 影片结尾部分
2. the amount that one of these objects will hold 一卷(之量)
a reel of film 一卷胶卷
Ⅵ. outnumber 英 [aʊt'nʌmbə] 美 ['aʊt'nʌmbɚ]
1.to be more in number than another group比…多,在数量上胜过
outnumber sb/sth by sth
•In nursing, women still outnumber men by four to one. 在护理行业,女性人数仍然以四比一的比例超过男性。
vastly/greatly/heavily outnumber
•Men in prison vastly outnumber women. 坐牢的男性人数远远高于女性
Ⅶ. restive 英 ['restɪv] 美 ['rɛstɪv]
(adv) restively (n) restiveness
1.dissatisfied or bored with your situation, and impatient for it to change不满的;焦躁不安的
Republican leaders struggled to rule over increasingly restive populations. 人民不满情绪与日俱增,共和党领导人的统治举步维艰。