

英文 中文
In the last decades of the 13th century, 在十三世纪的最后几十年里
the nations of Britain found their voices 不列颠各国的民族意识开始觉醒
loud, confident and defiant 民族独立的呼声一浪高过一浪
and they were raised against England. 群起反抗英格兰的统治
The people of Snowdon assert 斯诺登[北威尔士地区]的人民坚决认为
that even if their prince should give 即使他们的君王
overlordship of them to the English King, 向英格兰俯首称臣
they would refuse to do homage to any foreigner 他们也绝不会效忠外夷
of whose language, customs and law they were ignorant. 毕竟两个民族在语言风俗和法律上都迥然相异
On account of the endless perfidy of the English 鉴于英格兰屡次背信弃义
and to recover our native freedom, 为重获自由
the Irish are compelled to enter a deadly war. 爱尔兰不得不卷入一场血雨腥风
For as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, 吾之国民倘一息尚存
We will yield in no least way to English dominion. 誓不屈服于英格兰之淫威
We fight not for glory, nor riches, nor honour, 吾之战斗不求荣不图利不为誉
but for freedom 唯求自由
We know these voices. They've been with us a long time now. 这些话我们都耳熟能详它们早已流传千古
All the same, it's a shock to hear them this early, 尽管如此听到历史深处的古人
to discover the politics of birthplace 喊出捍卫故土的口号

uttered with such passion and such pain. 爱国之情伤国之痛依然让人震惊
Once said, they could not be unsaid. 此言一出势在必行
When the Welsh, the Scots and the Irish 当威尔士人苏格兰人和爱尔兰人
acted on their words 按照宣誓奋起反抗
the bloody wars of the British nations became inevitable. 不列颠诸国陷入了不可避免的厮杀
And these would not just be battles about territories - 这些战争不仅仅是领土之争
they were battles for ideas, 也是理念之争
ideas about what a sovereign nation should be. 即主权国家到底应该是怎样的
An extension of the ruler's will or something wider 是统治者意志的延伸还是更广义的
something involving the people as well as the prince, 与君王和人民都息息相关的
something called "the community of the realm". 也就是"王国社区"
Those battles would be fought between the peoples of Britain. 这些战争是不列颠各国间的自相残杀
Welshmen would die in Scotland. 威尔士人将头颅抛在苏格兰
Scotsmen would parish in Ireland. 苏格兰人将鲜血洒在爱尔兰
The English would kill and be killed everywhere. 而英格兰人四处杀戮尸身也遍布英伦三岛
For the fight to the death between princes and principles, 这场关乎王权与理念的生死之争
the battle for the making of a nation 促使英格兰的统治者
would begin in the very heart of England. 萌生了建立统一国家的念头
One man was responsible for provoking the peoples of Britain 在促进不列颠人民国家意识萌芽的的过程中
into an awareness of their nationhood, 有一个人起到了不容忽视的作用
and he was England's own home-grown caesar 对英国历史来说他堪比凯撒大帝
Edward I. 他就是爱德华一世
In 1774, those made curious by his 1774年一些为对其威名
fearsome reputation opened his tomb. 感到好奇的人打开了他的坟墓
The man they found inside was every bit as awesome 墓中人全身上下所散发的威严
as contemporaries have recorded. 丝毫不逊于史书的描述
Dressed in the purple robe of a Roman emperor, 他身着罗马皇帝的紫色长袍
an impressive six foot two tall, 身高足有六英尺二英寸[1.88米]
fully justifying his nickname, Longshanks. 完美地诠释了他的绰号长腿
Upon that stark marble tomb, the only ornamentation reads... 那座大理石坟墓上唯一的碑文写到
"Edwardus primus scottorum malleus hic est." 爱德华一世苏格兰之锤
Hammer of the Scots. 苏格兰之锤
After a century of rule by kings 此前的一个多世纪里
who were essentially Frenchmen 国王基本上都是法国人
Edward can be called the first truly English king 爱德华是第一位真正意义上的英格兰国王
given an old Anglo-Saxon name and 他拥有古老的盎格鲁撒克逊式的名字
imbued with the frightening certainty 内心膨胀着骇人的欲望
that it was England's imperial mission 坚信英格兰的终极使命
to take its rule to the four corners of the British islands. 统一不列颠群岛
His many enemies compared him to 他的敌人们将其喻为

one of the big cat predators. 一种大型猫科食肉动物
Perhaps he will rightly be called a leopard, 或许猎豹是对他最贴切的称谓
leo-brave, proud and fierce, the powered, 如猎豹般勇敢傲慢而残忍大权在握
wily, devious and treacherous. 狡猾刁钻而阴险
The leopard prince was born to splendid, 猎豹王子生来就被寄予宏伟
impossible expectations. 近乎不切实际的厚望
His father, Henry III, 他的父亲亨利三世
had named his son for England Royal Saint 以英格兰皇室圣贤
Edward the Confessor - the paragon, 忏悔者爱德华为其命名
so it was then thought, of kingly perfection. 在当时人民的心中他是帝王的完美代表
Though the Confessor had been dead for almost 200 years, 尽管忏悔者已离世近二百年
Henry ate, drank and worshipped him, 亨利无时无刻不把他奉若神灵
and finally created for the long-dead king 并最终为这位早已作古的国王
a shrine of unparalleled magnificence. 建造了一座富丽堂皇无与伦比的神龛
Of course, such a shrine would need a 当然此等华贵的神龛需要一个
home that equalled a splender- 与其相称的处所来安放
the new Westminster Abbey. 全新的威斯敏斯特教堂
Henry demolished the old basilica at Westminster 亨利拆除了威斯敏斯特的旧教堂
and replaced it with an immense gothic abbey, 在原址建造了一座宏伟的哥特式教堂
a building that now fitted his vision 这个新建筑终于与他心中
of an awe-inspiring English monarch. 英格兰君王令人敬畏的形象相称
From now on, Westminster would be 从那以后威斯敏斯特教堂就成了
the symbolic heart of the Kingdom, 王权身份的象征
the place where all English monarchs 所有英国君主都将在此加冕
would be crowned and buried. 死后也将长眠于此
His father, King Henry III, reigned for 56 years. 他的父亲亨利三世国王在位56年
He's not remembered for any stirring achievement or bloodsoak conquest, 他一生既无赫赫功勋也未曾暴虐征讨
but Henry's time on the throne 但亨利在位期间
was driven by a magnificent of session. 也曾试图励精图治
He wanted to turn the monarchy 他想要将君主制
into England's dominant power. 发展成英格兰的主导统治力量
Henry's great gift to the nation was 亨利对国家的贡献
more than just fine new church. 不仅仅是全新的大教堂
Across the way, its secular counterpart 教堂对面是其世俗的对等物
was the great hall of the Palace of Westminster. 威斯敏斯特宫的大厅
The Palace was both 这座宫殿同时充当着
the seat of government and a residence for King Henry, 政府办公厅与亨利王的住所
who, unlike his Angevin ancestors, 与金雀花王朝的先王们不同
didn't much like being in the settle. 亨利王不嗜安逸
And the hall was a court in both the senses the word suggests, 这座大厅的功能恰如其称谓
a place of judgement and a theatre of ceremony. 既是审判庭又是礼堂
At Westminster, the king had to be seen to be magnificent, 在威斯敏斯特国王的形象必须威严雄伟
but the king had also to be seen to be just. 同时还必须正义凛然
Westminster may have been the creation of the monarchy, 威斯敏斯特算得上是君主制的产物
but it also belonged to England - a nation of laws, 但它同时属于英格兰一个法治国家
the nation of Magna Carta. 《大宪章》之国
Henry had grown up with the Charter, 亨利在《大宪章》的影响下成长
signed by his father king John in 1215, 这是由他父亲约翰王于1215年签署通过的
which put real limits on the power of the king. 该法律是用来限制英国国王权力
A bit of a blow for a king who wanted absolute authority. 这对渴望绝对权力的统治者如当头棒喝
Kings could no longer ignore the complaints of their subjects. 国王再也不能无视子民们的怨言
They could be forced to submit to a council of the barons. 他们必须向男爵理事会述政
That council thought of itself as the voice 该理事会自诩为
of the community of the realm, 王国的发言机构
and even now began to be called "parliament". 时至今日他们被称作议会
Its role would be to hold the king to his contract. 它的作用就是保证国王规行矩步
Since Henry had become king as a boy of nine, 由于亨利即位时只有九岁
he'd had no choice but to swallow this bitter pill. 他无从选择有苦只能往肚里咽
However, as he grew older, Henry burned with frustration 然而随着年龄的增长亨利越发沮丧
and became determined to get free of its shackles 终于下定决心要挣脱束缚
to restore the unchallenged authority of the crown. 复辟君主至高无上的权利
Knowing that this couldn't happen without a fight, 亨利深知此举必将引发政治斗争
Henry accepted a compromise position for many years, 因此多年来他一直妥协忍让
that the king was not free to govern through pure royal will. 保证国王不会凭个人意愿独断政事
But Henry III was also a Plantagenet, 但亨利三世也是金雀花家族的一员
and plantagenets dreamed dangerous dreams 金雀花家族历来野心勃勃
expensive dreams of campaigns far abroad 不惜代价地想扩张领土
which no one in York or Canterbury 而约克家族或坎特伯雷家族
could quite see the points of. 始终无法明白他们这样做意义何在
When Plantagenets thought they might get unwelcome advice, 金雀花王朝一旦遇到逆耳的建议
they stopped listening - until, that is, they were made to. 就拒绝听取直到非听不可的地步
In 1258, in the very hall that defined his majesty, Westminster, 1258年就在亨利加冕的威斯敏斯特教堂里
seven of the most powerful barons confronted the king. 七位位高权重的男爵挑战了国王的权威
Fully armed, they paused only to leave their swords outside. 他们全副武装只有卸剑的时候稍事停顿
They demanded that Henry meet them at a parliament in Oxford 他们要求亨利前往牛津参与议会
and stop trying to turn his European dreams into reality. 并且放弃统一欧洲的梦想
The barons were led, in all but name, 实际上男爵们的首领
by the most improbable revolutionary, in all of British history 发动了不列颠史上最离奇的革命
Simon De Montfort. 他就是西蒙·德·蒙德福特
Here at Kenilworth, he presided 在凯尼尔沃思他曾创办过
over a little empire of culture. 一个小小的文化帝国
A French aristocrat who inherited the earldom of Leicester, 这个世袭了莱斯特伯爵爵位的法国贵族
Simon became convinced that he was more English than the English. 坚信自己比真正的英国人更像英国人
What was good for De Montfort was good for the nation. 德·蒙德福特的利益就是这个国家的利益
Love him or hate him, 无论爱戴还是憎恶
everyone knew that Simon De Montfort 人人都知道西蒙·德·蒙德福特
was a man with a mission. 肩负着重大的历史使命
That mission, embarked on with his fellow barons, 这一历史使命得到了他男爵同僚的支持
was to bring the wayward, self-glorifying monarchy to book, 就是要求任意妄为狂妄自大的君主制
to make it the servant, not the master of the realm. 为民服务而不是独揽大权
At Oxford, amidst wildfire rumours, a camp of soldiers, 在牛津城谣言四起军备森严
and the growling hunger of a famine, 哀鸿遍野
Henry III was treated to the emasculation of his sovereignty. 亨利三世不得不削弱自己的王权
A document was drawn up for the king to sign 他的面前呈上了一份文件等待签署
not discuss, just to accept. 不容讨论只能接受
What it said was so startling, so genuinely revolutionary, 文件内容骇人听闻革命的意愿尽现
that 1258 ought to be one of those 1258年应像其他重大的日子一样
dates engraved on the national memory. 永载史书被国人铭记
The provisions of Oxford were at 牛津条款的重要性
least as important as Magna Carta. 至少能与《大宪章》相媲美
In effect, the crown had been replaced 实际上君主的权力已经移交给


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