- Views,按功能划分组织用户控件文件
- Business,业务逻辑
- DAL,数据库ORM中间层
- Infrastructure,基础架构工具
- Log facility
- Json Helper classes
- Design Pattern Helper classes
- Basic Converters
关于Resource Dictionary
Resource dictionaries are usually defined in the App.xaml. 不过根据[Ref-2]的方式,我们在架构中希望将资源定义在独立的模块中,然后从其他模块引用它。与[Ref-2]不一样的是,我们将资源统一包含在Shell项目的App.xaml中,所以我们还需要解决设计期资源字典访问问题。
why views can consume app.xaml even if they’re defined on a separate project
Resources defined in the App.xaml become available in the Application.Resources ResourceDictionary of the current Application class (which can be accessed through the Application.Current static property.) Once they’re available there, they can be consumed from within the XAML as static resources. Since modules are loaded into the same application domain as the Shell project, views defined there can access resources as long as they can be found in the corresponding Application.Resources dictionary.
<pre><ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/TradeStation.Infrastructure;component/Resources/Generic.xaml"></ResourceDictionary></pre>
”作为名字有“huge benifits”,这个好像
<pre><ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/TradeStation.Infrastructure;component/Resources/Generic.xaml"></ResourceDictionary></pre>
题外话:define resource dictionaries that are specific to a certain module
[1]《How to: define module-specific resource dictionaries in Prism》介绍了利用模块中的app.xaml来实现
[2] https://stackoverflow.com/a/8594334/351993
[3] How to use resource dictionary in prism modules at design time?