Global News Quiz

Did you stay on top of the most important stories last week from around the world? Test your knowledge of international events with our quick quiz, recapping major news headlines from across the globe. To take the quiz, click on an answer, and the correct response will be revealed after you choose.

1 of 8

A horrific fire in London on Wednesday killed at least 58 people and the death toll is expected to rise. The inferno blazed through which building?

Wembley Stadium, as spectators watched a World Cup qualifying soccer match.

Grenfell Tower, a 24-story apartment building in the North Kensington neighborhood.

The Marquee Club, a music venue where the Rolling Stones first performed live.

2 of 8

Otto Warmbier, an American college student, was detained in North Korea for 17 months on charges he removed a propaganda poster from his hotel. He was released on Tuesday because:

He was in a coma, the cause of which remains disputed.

An employee at the hotel admitted to removing the sign.

Former president Bill Clinton flew to Pyongyang and negotiated his freedom.

3 of 8

Vladimir V. Putin, on his annual call-in show on Thursday, revealed a detail of his personal life to the Russian public for the first time and offered an American citizen asylum. Mr. Putin:

Confessed he wears dentures and offered President Trump asylum.

Said he wishes he were taller and offered Dennis Rodman asylum.

Revealed he has two grandchildren and offered James B. Comey asylum.

Admitted he is scared of spiders and offered Hillary Clinton asylum.

None of the above.

4 of 8

President Trump said on Friday that he intended to make major changes to Cuba policy. He announced:

The closing of the Guantánamo Bay detention center.

Several major reversals to policies from the Obama administration, most notably scaling back the ability of Americans to travel to Cuba.

A siginficant increase in the number of Cubans who would be allowed to emigrate to the U.S.

5 of 8

Seven Navy sailors were killed on Saturday and an American destroyer badly damaged after what happened off the coast of Japan?

Pirates claiming allegiance to the Islamic State attacked the ship with RPGs.

A Chinese Navy frigate intentionally rammed the ship, claiming it had entered Chinese territorial waters.

It collided with a cargo ship in a busy sea lane.

6 of 8

Helmut Kohl, who oversaw the reunification of Germany after 45 years of Cold War antagonism, died on Friday. He served as chancellor longer than any German leader since Bismarck, ruling from:





7 of 8

A raging forest fire in Portugal on Saturday and Sunday killed more than 60 people, including at least 30 who died where?

A shrine to the Virgin Mary, popular with pilgrims.

A restaurant with three Michelin stars, famous for serving game caught in the nearby woods.

In and around their cars when the fast-moving fire enveloped a road.

8 of 8

Russia’s military said on Friday it was looking into whether one of its airstrikes had killed an important figure in Syria's civil war. Who was it?

Bashar al-Assad, the president of Syria.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-declared caliph of the Islamic State.

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a leader of Al Qaeda.

French President Emanuel Macron arrives to vote in the second round of legislative elections in Touquet, France, on Sunday.


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