

static {
  public static class Options {
    // Keep in sync with webrtc/base/network.h!
    static final int ADAPTER_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0;
    static final int ADAPTER_TYPE_ETHERNET = 1 << 0;
    static final int ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI = 1 << 1;
    static final int ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR = 1 << 2;
    static final int ADAPTER_TYPE_VPN = 1 << 3;
    static final int ADAPTER_TYPE_LOOPBACK = 1 << 4;
    public int networkIgnoreMask;
    public boolean disableEncryption;
    public boolean disableNetworkMonitor;
  public static native boolean initializeAndroidGlobals(Object context, boolean initializeAudio,
      boolean initializeVideo, boolean videoHwAcceleration);

  // Field trial initialization. Must be called before PeerConnectionFactory
  // is created.
  public static native void initializeFieldTrials(String fieldTrialsInitString);

  // Internal tracing initialization. Must be called before PeerConnectionFactory is created to
  // prevent racing with tracing code.
  public static native void initializeInternalTracer();
  // Internal tracing shutdown, called to prevent resource leaks. Must be called after
  // PeerConnectionFactory is gone to prevent races with code performing tracing.

  public static native void shutdownInternalTracer();

  // Start/stop internal capturing of internal tracing.
  public static native boolean startInternalTracingCapture(String tracing_filename);
  public static native void stopInternalTracingCapture();
  public PeerConnectionFactory() {
  public PeerConnectionFactory(Options options) {
    nativeFactory = nativeCreatePeerConnectionFactory(options);
    if (nativeFactory == 0) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize PeerConnectionFactory!");
 public PeerConnection createPeerConnection(PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration rtcConfig,
      MediaConstraints constraints, PeerConnection.Observer observer) {
    long nativeObserver = nativeCreateObserver(observer);
    if (nativeObserver == 0) {
      return null;
    long nativePeerConnection =
        nativeCreatePeerConnection(nativeFactory, rtcConfig, constraints, nativeObserver);
    if (nativePeerConnection == 0) {
      return null;
    return new PeerConnection(nativePeerConnection, nativeObserver);

  public PeerConnection createPeerConnection(List<PeerConnection.IceServer> iceServers,
      MediaConstraints constraints, PeerConnection.Observer observer) {
    PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration rtcConfig = new PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration(iceServers);
    return createPeerConnection(rtcConfig, constraints, observer);
  public MediaStream createLocalMediaStream(String label) {
    return new MediaStream(nativeCreateLocalMediaStream(nativeFactory, label));
 public VideoSource createVideoSource(VideoCapturer capturer) {
    final EglBase.Context eglContext =
        localEglbase == null ? null : localEglbase.getEglBaseContext();
    long nativeAndroidVideoTrackSource =
        nativeCreateVideoSource(nativeFactory, eglContext, capturer.isScreencast());
    VideoCapturer.CapturerObserver capturerObserver =
        new VideoCapturer.AndroidVideoTrackSourceObserver(nativeAndroidVideoTrackSource);
        nativeFactory, capturer, nativeAndroidVideoTrackSource, capturerObserver);
    return new VideoSource(nativeAndroidVideoTrackSource);
public AudioSource createAudioSource(MediaConstraints constraints) {
    return new AudioSource(nativeCreateAudioSource(nativeFactory, constraints));
public VideoTrack createVideoTrack(String id, VideoSource source) {
    return new VideoTrack(nativeCreateVideoTrack(nativeFactory, id, source.nativeSource));

public AudioTrack createAudioTrack(String id, AudioSource source) {
    return new AudioTrack(nativeCreateAudioTrack(nativeFactory, id, source.nativeSource));
  // Starts recording an AEC dump. Ownership of the file is transfered to the
  // native code. If an AEC dump is already in progress, it will be stopped and
  // a new one will start using the provided file.
  public boolean startAecDump(int file_descriptor, int filesize_limit_bytes) {
    return nativeStartAecDump(nativeFactory, file_descriptor, filesize_limit_bytes);

  // Stops recording an AEC dump. If no AEC dump is currently being recorded,
  // this call will have no effect.
  public void stopAecDump() {
  public void setOptions(Options options) {
    nativeSetOptions(nativeFactory, options);
  public void setVideoHwAccelerationOptions(
      EglBase.Context localEglContext, EglBase.Context remoteEglContext) {
    if (localEglbase != null) {
      Logging.w(TAG, "Egl context already set.");
    if (remoteEglbase != null) {
      Logging.w(TAG, "Egl context already set.");
    localEglbase = EglBase.create(localEglContext);
    remoteEglbase = EglBase.create(remoteEglContext);
        nativeFactory, localEglbase.getEglBaseContext(), remoteEglbase.getEglBaseContext());
 public void dispose() {
    networkThread = null;
    workerThread = null;
    signalingThread = null;
    if (localEglbase != null)
    if (remoteEglbase != null)
public void threadsCallbacks() {
  private static void printStackTrace(Thread thread, String threadName) {
    if (thread != null) {
      StackTraceElement[] stackTraces = thread.getStackTrace();
      if (stackTraces.length > 0) {
        Logging.d(TAG, threadName + " stacks trace:");
        for (StackTraceElement stackTrace : stackTraces) {
          Logging.d(TAG, stackTrace.toString());

  public static void printStackTraces() {
    printStackTrace(networkThread, "Network thread");
    printStackTrace(workerThread, "Worker thread");
    printStackTrace(signalingThread, "Signaling thread");
  private static void onNetworkThreadReady() {
    networkThread = Thread.currentThread();
    Logging.d(TAG, "onNetworkThreadReady");

  private static void onWorkerThreadReady() {
    workerThread = Thread.currentThread();
    Logging.d(TAG, "onWorkerThreadReady");

  private static void onSignalingThreadReady() {
    signalingThread = Thread.currentThread();
    Logging.d(TAG, "onSignalingThreadReady");

  private static native long nativeCreatePeerConnectionFactory(Options options);

  private static native long nativeCreateObserver(PeerConnection.Observer observer);

  private static native long nativeCreatePeerConnection(long nativeFactory,
      PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration rtcConfig, MediaConstraints constraints, long nativeObserver);

  private static native long nativeCreateLocalMediaStream(long nativeFactory, String label);

  private static native long nativeCreateVideoSource(
      long nativeFactory, EglBase.Context eglContext, boolean is_screencast);

  private static native void nativeInitializeVideoCapturer(long native_factory,
      VideoCapturer j_video_capturer, long native_source,
      VideoCapturer.CapturerObserver j_frame_observer);
  private static native long nativeCreateVideoTrack(
      long nativeFactory, String id, long nativeVideoSource);
  private static native long nativeCreateAudioSource(
      long nativeFactory, MediaConstraints constraints);
  private static native long nativeCreateAudioTrack(
      long nativeFactory, String id, long nativeSource);

  private static native boolean nativeStartAecDump(
      long nativeFactory, int file_descriptor, int filesize_limit_bytes);

  private static native void nativeStopAecDump(long nativeFactory);

  @Deprecated public native void nativeSetOptions(long nativeFactory, Options options);

  private static native void nativeSetVideoHwAccelerationOptions(
      long nativeFactory, Object localEGLContext, Object remoteEGLContext);
  private static native void nativeThreadsCallbacks(long nativeFactory);

  private static native void nativeFreeFactory(long nativeFactory);
  public static native void nativeARGBToNV21(byte[] src, int width, int height, byte[] dst);
  public static native void nativeRGBAToNV21(byte[] src, int width, int height, byte[] dst);
  public static native void nativeNV21ToARGB(byte[] src, int width, int height, byte[] dst);
  public static native void nativeNV12ToNV21(byte[] src, int width, int height);

  public static native void nativeI420ToARGB(byte[] src, int width, int height, byte[] dst);

  public static native void nativeI420ToNV21(byte[] src, int width, int height, byte[] dst);


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