


takeout 外卖的

takeout food 外卖食物

takeout 外卖

 market share 市场份额 

mobile phone/ cell phone 手机

 industry n. 工业;行业

 developing countries 发展中国家

 developed countries 发达国家 

saturation 饱和

 manufacturer 制造商

 brand 品牌

 the domestic market 国内市场

 the competitive edge 竞争力;竞争优势 

urban  城市的

 rurual 农村的

 urbanization 城市化 

population expansion 人口规模膨胀

 medical care 医疗

 shorten the gap between the rural and urban areas 


 canteen 餐厅

 start one's own business 创业;开公司

 satisfaction  满意

 economic globalization 经济全球化

 mobile payment 移动支付

 shared bikes 共享单车

 high-speed trains 高铁

 online shopping 网络购物

 recession/bleeding economy 经济不景气

 economic/financial crisis 经济/金融危机

 economic recovery 经济复苏

 economic prosperity/boom 经济繁荣

 delayed retirement 延迟退休

 the family planning policy/ the one-child policy 


 spur/stimulate economic development


 hinder/impede economic development


job market 就业市场

 look for/hunt for/seek a job 找工作

 job seeker 求职者

 a tough job market 严峻的就业形势

 unrealistic salary expectations 


pursue a high-paid job 追求高薪工作

 the lack of practical experience/hands-on experience/practical abilities/vocational skills


 lose one's job/be unemployed 失业

 unemployment 失业人数

 generate/create job opportunities/employment opportunities 创造/提供就业机会

 career guidance 就业指导

 decline/recession/depression 萎缩/衰退/萧条

 the demand exceeds the supply 供不应求

 turn loss into gains 转亏为盈

 to stabilize prices 稳定物价 

unfair competition 不正当竞争

 fierce/intense/furious competition 激烈竞争

 fake and inferior product 假冒伪劣产品

 after-sale service 售后服务

 enterprise image 企业形象

 brand effect 品牌效应 

over-consuming 超前消费 

enhance citizens’ standard of living


eliminate poverty 消除贫困 

narrow the gap between the wealthy and the needy 


public transport 公共交通


part-time jobs 兼职工作 

vacation 假期 

compulsory education 义务教育

 life-long education 终身教育

 exam/test-oriented education 应试教育

 quality-oriented education 素质教育 

comprehensive development of a child 


 impart knowledge 讲授知识

 to enrol new students 录取新生 

admissions 录取人数

 recruitment 招募

 popular fiction 通俗小说

 poetry 诗歌(不可数)

 poem 诗歌(可数)

 intellectual property 知识产权

 law education 法制教育

 teach students according to their aptitude 因材施教

 academic/theoretical knowledge 学术/理论知识

 practical skills 实用技能

 integrate theory with practice 理论联系实际 

disconnect theory from practice 理论脱离实际 

shape/mould one's character 塑造性格

 extra-curricular activities 课外活动

 the spirit of exploration 探索精神 

cultivate creative/original thinking


stifle/constrain creativity 扼杀创造力 

sap/dampen student's interest in sth.


opening ceremony 开学典礼

 key school 重点中学

 private school 私立学校 

public school 公立学校

 eliminate illiteracy 扫盲

 miss a class 缺课 

drop out 辍学 

dropout n.退学者

 quit school 退学

 assistantship 助学金

 scholarship 奖学金 

university graduates 大学毕业生

trance examination for postgraduates 考研 

go abroad for further education 出国留学

 undue academic pressure 过大的学习压力 

the burden of study/learning 学习负担 

ease/relieve academic pressure 缓解学习压力

 intensify academic pressure 增强学习压力 

academic atmosphere 学习气氛


culture and civilization 文化和文明

 the Spring Festival 春节

 dining together/ gathering dinners 聚会吃饭

 the joyful atmosphere of the New Year 


museum 博物馆 

art gallery 艺术馆 

be free of charge 免费的

 The cultural blending/integration/fusion 文化融合

 cultural exchanges/interaction/interchange 文化交流 

cultural diversity 文化多元化

 multiculturalism 多元文化

 cultural identity 文化特性

 cultural treasures 文化宝藏

 cultural heritage/legacy 文化遗产

 cultural relics 文物

 cultural facilities 文化设施

 traditional Chinese culture民族文化

 alien/foreign culture 外国文化

 Chinese cultural symbols 中国文化的符号

 carry forward traditional culture 弘扬传统文化

 preserve and cherish traditions 保存和珍惜传统

 undermine traditions 破坏传统 

great and profound 博大精深的

 literature 文学

 local customs and practices 风土人情

 cross-cultural communication 跨文化交流 

spiritual civilization 精神文明

 break with old customs 抛弃传统

 hand down from generation to generation 代代相传

 national pride 民族自豪

 original 原始的;原创的

 charming  极具魅力的

 splendid 壮丽辉煌的 

talk show 谈话节目

 crash 碰撞

 collection 收藏品

 mahjong 麻将 

Peking/Beijing Opera 京剧

 Tang Suit 唐装

 folk art 民间艺术 

paper cutting  剪纸

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