Markdown 支持 有序列表 和 无序列表。
使用 星号 *
、加号 +
或是减号 -
* Green (比较推荐)
- Red (比较好用)
+ Blue
- Green (比较推荐)
- Red (比较好用)
- Blue
无序列表标记符前每增加 2 个空格或是 4 个空格,增加一个层级:
- 伟大始于渺小。
- 说和做是迥然不同的两回事。
- 行动比语言更响亮。
- 伟大始于渺小。
- 说和做是迥然不同的两回事。
- 行动比语言更响亮。
- 说和做是迥然不同的两回事。
1. First paragraph
2. Second paragraph
3. Third paragraph
- First paragraph
- Second paragraph
- Third paragraph
在列表标记上使用的数字并不会影响输出的 HTML 结果,这意味着,你可以 Use lazy numbering for long lists:
1. Foo.
1. Bar.
1. Foofoo.
1. Barbar.
1. Baz.
- Foo.
- Bar.
- Foofoo.
- Barbar.
- Baz.
有序列表标记符前每增加一个 Tab,增加一个层级:
1. 他是猪吗?
1.1 是的,他情商太低
1.2 不是,他智商很高
2. 我是狗吗?
2.1 是的,每天忙的累死累活(有序列表标记符号前有一个 Tab)
2.2 不是,要求高累点我乐意
2.2.1 不要想太多(有序列表标记符号前有两个 Tab)
2.2.2 成功有方法
- 他是猪吗?
1.1 是的,他情商太低
1.2 不是,他智商很高 - 我是狗吗?
2.1 是的,每天忙的累死累活(有序列表标记符号前有一个 Tab)
2.2 不是,要求高累点我乐意
2.2.1 不要想太多(有序列表标记符号前有两个 Tab)
2.2.2 成功有方法
列表项目可以包含多个段落,每个项目下的段落,都必须缩进 4 个空格或是 1 个制表符(Tab)。
- Every man is his own worst enemy. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. Every man is his own worst enemy. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.
From small beginnings comes great things.(列表项目中的段落)
- Saying and doing are two different things. Actions speak louder than words. Saying and doing are two different things. Actions speak louder than words.
Every man is his own worst enemy. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. Every man is his own worst enemy. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.
From small beginnings comes great things. (列表项目中的段落)
Saying and doing are two different things. Actions speak louder than words. Saying and doing are two different things. Actions speak louder than words.
1. Every man is his own worst enemy. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. Every man is his own worst enemy. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.
From small beginnings comes great things. (列表项目中的段落)
2. Saying and doing are two different things. Actions speak louder than words. Saying and doing are two different things. Actions speak louder than words.
Every man is his own worst enemy. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. Every man is his own worst enemy. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.
From small beginnings comes great things. (列表项目中的段落)
Saying and doing are two different things. Actions speak louder than words. Saying and doing are two different things. Actions speak louder than words.
在引用标记符 >
前需要缩进,一般 2 个空格键:
- A list item with a blockquote:
> This is a blockquote(标记符 > 前有 2 个空格)
> inside a list item.
1. A list item with a blockquote:
> This is a blockquote(标记符 > 前有 4 个空格或者 1 个 Tab)
> inside a list item.
- A list item with a blockquote:
This is a blockquote
inside a list item.
- A list item with a blockquote:
This is a blockquote
inside a list item.
如果要放代码区块的话,中间空一行,然后缩进两次,也就是 8 个空格或是 2 个制表符(Tab):
- 一列表项包含一个代码块:
1. 一列表项包含一个代码块:
- What a great season.
1986 头怎么伸出去了?要避免这样的状况,你可以在句点前面加上反斜杠。
1986\. What a great season.
1986. What a great season.
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