It is being a positive pessimist


Good afternoon everyone .First let me share a piece of music with you . I know it's terrible ,because I played it .And I am sorry it's not the worst one .I still got something to show you . ......Don't laugh ,it's an entire story .IF you really want to understand what is it talking about ? you can check my microblog later,this picture I painted last year .I have another one show you that is much better .this picture I painted 20 years ago .So I know you might have a question "how it's getting worse ?" And I also understand that most of your conclusion must be:Out of imagination .But how it happened ? I think it's because I became an adult . Since we became adults ,we started being afraid of making mistakes.we choose to be the best or nothing .So we do not dare to try any mistakes .It seems that we trapped our selves in the overprotective world .And since then we started to lose a lot of abilities like imagination and creativity .But what is the strategy? For me I have a special one .It is being a positive pessimist. Let me explain the concept first .To be a pessimist means you get low expectation to yourself .and you prepared to lose.And what about being positive ? it is easy to understand it means you make best effort on everything and you have a very strong willing of wining the game .But if you combine these concepts together it seems like a paradox . .....,yes I think so ,But I also think it is the way the world is born to be and it really works in the reality .we can always find something around us .They have totally opposite two sides .but they combine together and work well together . So how to be a positive pessimist ? Let me share some experience with you .I know I am not old enough to tell stories .but these stories is really meant to me .The first one back to 2012.It's the first time I became a TV series producer.But as you know , I am an actress and singer ,but work as a TV producer was totally unfamiliar for me .So you remember first I have to be a pessimist ,so I had to be imagine what will be the worst consequence . I think the worst result must be no one would buy it and I will lost both my time and money and the whole investment equal to the revenue I earned by acting for the past few years . And what about the TV whole market ?You know in china only 20% of TV can finally sold and broadcast on TV.What about the rest of 80%?In the past ,they just change into a piece of tapes .But now ,even worse ,we just only data left .So I ask myself several times "can you really accept the worst consequence?I think yes,at least I could I started shooting .Remember ,next step ,I have to be positive .Because I am a huge digital fan so I decided to use some high techniques in my TV series and I focused on 4K resolution ,what 4K is let me explain ,usually you see a film on the screen in a movie theatre the size is 2K and what 4K means is 4 times larger than 2K and it also means 50mb per frame .You might still be a little bit confused .It's ok ,don't worry ,you just have to remember it was a huge obstacle in front of all the TV series group in china . because Before us ,only a few groups tried to 4K resolution and they try input 4K but no one tried output 4K productions . Because it's was really hard ,only director zhangyimou was trying in his film Coming Home for the first time .And when we finished the shooting work when we entered the post production work the real nightmare came ,I still remember we want to output a 5 minutes trail for Beijing TV Festival ,but after a whole day's working ,until the computer crashed we just got 50 seconds trail .I was crazy ,what can I do ? This is a 30 episodes TV series ,I got 50 seconds so I asked our counselor because at that time our technical support was red ,which is the biggest digital camera company in America and their feedback was they use HP base station In America ,but we didn't have any HP base station in China .and it was too expensive we can not even afford that ,so we decided to assemble ,out black Apple and we tried the outcome mode from dozens of combinations ,and after six months we succeed ,So my TV series "The Ladies "became the first TV series in China ,which output real 4K resolution production and I succeed in selling it and with a very good performance on TV .So after this experience I learned don't be afraid to take huge challenge ,you can prepared to lose but conquer it with grit . The next story happened last year .I took an invitation from Bear Grylls ,is there anyone know that ?you might thought I was crazy .Yes ,this man who stands on the top of the food chain ,he almost eat everything ,you might think I was crazy ,yeah before that I did no physical activities ,I have very bad body condition .I was afraid of a lot of things ,I was afraid of height and insects .I didn't even dare to take a roller coaster ,but I almost took this invitation immediately ,Because I truly understand If I lost this chance ,I would never eared it back in the rest of my life . So I decided to take the adventure .During the 20 days adventured I caught rat s ,I caught mice .I ate insects ......but I didn't drink the urine.I almost cried every day in the first half journey .And the most impressive moment was the day before the last day ,I still remember the day our mission was to across a canyon just through a rope hanging between two cliffs .You can see from the picture but you can't see the width ,it's very long ,And the standard posture is leaning your whole body onto the rope and use one of your legs backside to hookup the rope with the ankle and pull yourself from one side to the other. When it was my turn ,Bear said :"Cecilia ,are you really sure you want to try that if you want to quit now ,because I know you can't make balance,you can’t use your left arm" .Because I was not lucky before that mission about two days ago .I hurt my left arm my nerves system got injured and my little finger kept shaking for a whole day I can't even control that I barely can't use my left arm ,so as a pessimist I have to imagine the worst consequence ,because I was a reality show ,you know the reality show might is very dangerous If you can't perform 100% well,sometimes it means you will face savage criticism online later and I might fall down again or I hurt my left arm as well ,so I have been thinking about should I really have to tr y that ,I think at least I won't die .So what ?I decided to take that mission .But I really lean my body onto that rope . It was far more scary than I thought ,you can see from the picture because My posture as my team member said my posture is so ugly ,because she said I was just like a dead caterpillar hanging there ,I just kept my body on one side ,and the other rest part on the side. And it's not the worst one ,the worst was because my arm couldn't hold my upper body and my head ,so I could not face up i could not see the end .So what should i do ?I know that I have to think positive I also know that sometimes being positive doesn't mean you just speak out some propagandas,you have to do something for real ,but at that moment the only thing I could see a rock just 3meters ahead nothing else,so I decided to set small goals ,so I focus on that rock .There is something magical happen when I really concentrated to that rock ,I forgot about the height ,I forgot about keeping balance and I even forget about the end ,I just remember to focus on that and pull myself ,Then I started seeking more targets in front of me and any tiny objects became glittering images in front of me ,after tried several times ,I realized that I was so close to the end and finally I succeeded.So after that experience I learned there is no such to be a loser ,you just need to set small targets ,and devote yourself . So these stories which happened to me and shaped me as a positive pessimist and until today. I know that I'm still a bad piano player ,a bad painter and not a very successful producer ,but I love to be a positive pessimist .I know nothing can stop me being better. Thank you!​​​


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