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一、句子——英文(E) 1、Have a written breastfeeding policy that is routinely comm...
一、句子——英文(E) 1、The four specimens often used to test levels of chemicals ...
一、句子——英文(E) 1、 If a breastfeeding mother is getting an adequate supply o...
一、句子——英文(E) 1、Offer your baby a cold,wet wash cloth or a cold teething t...
一、句子——英文(E) 1、Many mothers find the real challenge occurs during the tim...
一、句子——英文(E) 1、Sadly, there will be mothers who are faced with such serio...
一、句子——英文(E) 1、Sudden weaning in order to take a medication comes with ri...
一、句子——英文(E) 1、Donor milk must be pasteurized, which kills the infection-...
一、句子——英文(E) 1、Babies that are born pre-term have a special need for thei...