概述 今天,我们将解开“现实被打破:为什么游戏让我们变得更好,以及它们如何改变世界”这本书。 现实被打破了。游戏玩家正在成群结队地抛弃现实,迁移到虚拟世界。无数的人脱离社会,...

概述 今天,我们将解开“现实被打破:为什么游戏让我们变得更好,以及它们如何改变世界”这本书。 现实被打破了。游戏玩家正在成群结队地抛弃现实,迁移到虚拟世界。无数的人脱离社会,...
概述 今天,我们将解开“现实被打破:为什么游戏让我们变得更好,以及它们如何改变世界”这本书。 现实被打破了。游戏玩家正在成群结队地抛弃现实,迁移到虚拟世界。无数的人脱离社会,...
2021-09-07 概述 今天,我们将解开“现实被打破:为什么游戏让我们变得更好,以及它们如何改变世界”这本书。 现实被打破了。游戏玩家正在成群结队地抛弃现实,迁移到虚拟世...
远上寒山石径斜,白云生处有人家。停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。 (唐)杜牧诗
寒雨连江夜入吴,平明送客楚山孤。洛阳亲友如相问,一片冰心在玉壶。唐诗 王昌龄
墙角数枝梅, 凌寒独自开。 遥知不是雪, 为有暗香来。 --宋.王安石楷书习作,20191020
S(situation) If you are often access to the Internet, I’m sure you’ve heard about Bitc...
S(situation) When you go into a coffee shop, would you prefer an in-house mug or a take...
01 Fraudsters are watching you at the moment. Is it scary and frightening? Yes, it is. ...
01 Why does shame the feeling of now? Is shame a bad thing? Before we are gonna have a ...
己亥杂诗·其二百二十 九州生气恃风雷, 万马齐喑究可哀。 我劝天公重抖擞, 不拘一格降人才。 --(清)龚自珍 楷书习作,20190721
01 Do you worry about the standard of living when you retire? Have you accumulated enou...
01 What do you know about anxiety? Do you often feel anxious in personal life and wok l...
01 Do you know esports? Well, it refers to video gaming competitions played by individu...
01 Do you think talking on a telephone embarrassing? Well, I always feel awkward when I...
01 How did you sleep last night? If you say yes, that means you are healthy and lucky. ...
01 More and more people are spending the night shopping. Who are these people? They ...
01 No one will deny the fact that obesity is a world problem now. It is said that almos...
01(Situation) In recent two or three years, smart speakers have become very popular in ...