Why does shame the feeling of now? Is shame a bad thing? Before we are gonna have a look at shame, we need to to to know what it is.
Actually, shame is a strong feeling of guilt or embarrassment, and it makes people feel bad emotionally and physically. Sometimes it is so unbearable that people involved are crashed, not only uncomfortable but also debilitating.
Especially with the internet and social media as an inseparable part of our life, shame has become a common and prevailing concept than ever before. We can see all kinds of comments online, warm words or ugly words, encouraging words or aggressive words, etc. and they are annoying and discouraging sometimes. People will say or write something online which are designed to shame someone. The purposes behind that are various, and we don’t know.
Is shame always a bad thing? We know that shame makes people feel depressed, worried and embarrassed. We don't like to be shamed. However, a psychologist who appeared on the BBC program recently said a certain amount of shame is positive as it would effect changes. People who feel ashamed would have a motivation to change, such as behaviors, words or thoughts. That's a good thing to push things forward in order to get a good result and cause changes subsequently.
While there is a group of people who seem not to be affected by shame. I am sure you can guess who they are-politicians, obviously. President Trump?Former UK prime minister, Aunt May? We are often cynical to politicians, aren't we?
For some politicians, we must say, some not all, what they say and what they do are completely different, but they don't feel shamed no matter what comments delivered by the public. So these politicians are called Teflon-coated people. They just neglect criticism and comments, just avoid them deliberately and move on. They have created a frightening image.
No shame, no change. That is scary. If politicians never feel shameful from their deep heart, never have an inner desire to improve or change, what can people count on them? We folks don't want people in charge are like Teflon-covered material, nonstick and no actions at all.