
摘 要:初中生在英语学习中常常感到枯燥无趣,而看英文原版电影是“活”学英语的好方法之一。英文原版电影能够提供逼真的语言环境,让学生感受到真实的文化背景,从而激发学习兴...
When you change your job from an industry into another industry, you need to relearn in...
I realize that every people should be adapt to change quickly. As far as I am concern, ...
初中英语课堂实例 —— 如何上好一节英语课 英语新课标要求教学过程中始终要体现学生的主体地位,教师要充分发挥学生在学习过程中的主动性和积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生建立...
Haw believed that a change could make him stronger in body and spirit and he could have...
如何让学生喜欢你的课堂 上课铃响,学生就会心怀一种希望。希望接受新的知识,希望有新的发现,希望自己有新的进步,希望自己这节课不会被挨骂。不同的学生,有不同的倾向,好学生,充满...
In order to acheive success, you have to know what you are doing, love what you are doi...
When the two mice tried their best to look for the New Cheese, the two littlepeople sti...
The mice, Sniff and Scurry were very simple, they didn't think too much, they were stil...
The two mice, Sniff and Scurry continued their previous living habits that they arrived...
In our modern life, we should adapt to this constantly changing age, or we will fall be...
This article introduces "Who Moved My Cheese?" and gives a real-life example which come...