A young pig, hoping to avoid the slaughterhouse, set up quarters in a fold of sheep. On...
A young pig, hoping to avoid the slaughterhouse, set up quarters in a fold of sheep. On...
Once there was a city expecting to be attacked, and accordingly, a meeting was called t...
There was once a blacksmith who had a little dog. While he hammered away at his metal, ...
A farmer set up a net in his field to catch some cranes that had been constantly feedin...
After discovering a hare in some bushes, a dog pursued her for a long time, biting her ...
A cock was scratching the ground in a farmyard in search of food for himself and his he...
The peach and the apple decided to have a contest to determine which one was more beaut...
Two young cocks were fighting fiercely for the right to rule a dunghill. At last, the o...
A fox agreed to work for a lion as a servant, and for a while, each carried out his res...
A stag whose joints had become stiff when old age fell sick and decided to lie down on ...
Pursued by a wolf, a lamb took refuge in a temple. When the wolf cried out to the lamb ...
A bear used to boast of his excessive love for humankind, saying that he never touched ...
Many years ago a mighty rumbling was heard from a mountain, which was said to be in lab...
A dishonest groom used to steal and sell a horse's oats and grain on a regular basis. H...
One day a fawn said to her mother, "You're larger than a dog and swifter.You also have ...
An old hound had served his master extremely well in the field but had lost his strengt...
On a cold,frosty day the ants began dragging out some of the grain they had stored duri...
Standing securely on a high rock,a kid noticed a wolf passing below and began to taunt ...
A woman owned a hen that laid an egg every morning.Since the hen's eggs were of excelle...