The social phenomenon of “Luo Ci”– Chinese for “naked resignation”–among young white-co...

The social phenomenon of “Luo Ci”– Chinese for “naked resignation”–among young white-co...
当“绝绝子”,“YYDS”等网络黑话红出圈了的时候,仿佛全世界都只有这些语言。事情上,这种流行黑话,反而是我们现代人的语言匮乏所形成的。 而无独有偶,在日复一日的打工人生活中...
新闻专栏 先让我们逐段的看一下这则简讯 If Corey Kluber had not thrown a no-hitter earlier this year, tonig...
如果作为一名艺术家,你却没有一颗多情(感性)放浪(自由)的心,是无法创作出动人的作品的!!!今天让我们偷窥一下这些艺术大家的在撩妹撩汉方面的顶级作品吧!!! Beethove...
语言类 A foreign language is an efficient tool for international communication, and it ope...
Living in a big city enables them to access high-quality medical resources, since some ...
Process diagrams show how something is done or made. They always show steps/stages. 1.T...
cos 来代替because引导原因 like代替For example 举例,因为like更口语化 一些停顿语气词,像 well, you know 等,还可以用 “how...
British slang beg your pardon -- 当你没听清别人说什么想请人家再复述一遍的时候就可以说beg your pardon。 donkey’s ye...
交通类 Adding roads does nothing to relieve traffic congestion that if governments build r...
Tables seem difficult when they contain a lot of numbers. 1.Try to write 4 paragraphs -...
Line graphs always show changes over time. 1. Try to write 4 paragraphs - introduction,...
新闻专栏 让我们先看这则完整的简讯: Coming into this game, the story was all about Gerrit Cole. The cont...
The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional holiday which occurs on the 5th day of the 5t...
Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge.人的行为源于三种动力...
一文教你学会学术英语写作--引言篇! The introduction to an academic paper always: Gives the background t...
第八章 早冥读写跑,人生五件套--成长最低的成长之道 终于来到本书正文部分的最后一章。 本章摘要 第一节 早起早上是大脑活动的高峰期,可以用来规划、跑步、反思、读书或写作,且...
第六章 情绪力——情绪是多角度看问题的智慧 本章摘要 第一节 心智带宽:唯有富足,方能解忧 压力会影响人的心带智宽,心带智宽进而影响人的判断和行动能力,唯有保持宽敞的心带...