这让我想起了流浪地球的一句话:最初,没有人在意这场灾难,这不过是一场山火,一次旱灾,一个物种的灭绝,一座城市的消失,直到这场灾难与每个人息息相关。(At first place, there are not any attentions on this catastrophe. People dosen't treat it as a common wildfire in remote mountain, a drought in the rainforest, the extinction of an ordinary species, the disappearance of a city, until everyone on this planet is involved in this catastrophe.)
而我在做CATTI真题的时候做到了一道题:Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia are most at risk from bat viruses attacking humans and causing new diseases that could lead to deadly attacks.这就是为什么一些考试能如此流行,因为它贴近生活。LeetCode也是,我也坚持每天刷一两道题。我就发现,里面的题目有很多都是实际的,贴近开发实际需求的。