Vocabulary Matters, Culture Matters - 学习托福词汇,了解北美文化 - 1



how many days to the end of this year





The aftermath of a car crash might include a broken fender, a sprained rib, and a lecture from a police officer. The consequences of an unpleasant event make up its aftermath.

n. 后果,余波

a broken fender

fender, bumper


a sprained rib


rib就是排骨啦~ a sprained rip就是扭伤的肋骨。


If something is called grievous, you better take it seriously. Grievous is used to describe horrible things like tragedies or crimes. If you have a grievous wound, a band-aid simply won't do.

Grievous is derived from the noun grief, which means "sadness." When something is grievous, therefore, it's not just bad, but so bad that it causes unusually intense shock or sadness. It's often used to describe crimes and other bad deeds that go beyond mere criminality and into the world of cruelty. For example, it's harmful to steal from someone; it's grievous to steal from them and then, having stolen their stuff, beat them up or kill them.

adj. 痛苦的,剧烈的,严重的


To make a raisin, you dehydrate a grape. To dehydrate is to remove all of the water from, or to dry up.
When you exercise a lot, it's good to drink water so that your body doesn't dehydrate. Signs of dehydration in a person? Dry mouth, exhaustion, dark urine, the chills, and head rushes. If you experience these, get a drink quick! Signs of dehydration in a fruit? Wrinkled skin and extra sweetness. Yum!

vt. vi. 脱水

dehydrated house-grown grapes



Syrup is the thick, sweet liquid you pour on your blueberry pancakes. Maple syrup is just one of many deliciously sticky types of syrup.
Syrup is a sweetener that dissolves in a liquid more quickly and easily than sugar, so it's often used in beverages. Corn syrup sweetens many sodas, and you might pour a simple syrup (which is made by melting sugar in hot water and cooling it) into your iced tea.

n. 糖浆

好奇的我去研究了下maple syrup。
maple syrup(枫糖浆)是用sugar maple,通常是red maple或者balck maple等品种的枫树的xylem sap(木质部树液)熬出来的。

how to make maple syrup

how to make maple syrup

how to make maple syrup

how to make maple syrup

how to make maple syrup

如果想顺道记下来xylem sap的可以仔细看看图。

xylem sap

xylem sap

Sugar maple真的是美极了!很想种一棵!然后发现加州并不适合种它,因为它必须要在冬季得以休眠(生物休眠的单词叫dormancy),加州太温暖了。

sugar maple

red maple

black maple


Geometry is the part of mathematics that deals with calculating the distance around a circle, the angels that make up a triangle, or the amount of room inside a cube. If it involves measuring space, it's probably geometry.
The Greek roots of geometry literally mean "to measure earth," and over 5000 years ago farmers started using geometry to figure out how much land they owned. You study geometry in school, and you use it all the time, like calculating the best angle to cut a piece of wood for a birdhouse, or when playing a game of pool. Astronomers use geometry to measure planets millions of miles away -- much easier than finding a ruler that big.




You might like your manager, but if you exalt her, it means you really put her on a pedestal and treat her like royalty.
To exalt is to hold or raise someone up to a high position or status. It doesn't have to mean literally putting that person into a high position, but instead treating them almost like nobility. Overly doting parents exalt their infant to the point where they praise him every time he wets his diaper and call the neighbors over every time he coos.

The man can exult the Way, it is not the Way that exalts the man.


vt. vi. 提升,提拔,赞扬,使得意
To exalt是把某人放到很高的位置,这个并不是说你真的把某人放到一个很高的职位,而是说很尊贵地对待他。溺爱孩子的父母会在小婴儿每次尿到尿不湿上的时候都表扬他,并且每次他咿咿呀呀的时候都要把邻居喊过来。。。


Is there a fungus among us? A fungus is a simple organism that's not an animal or a plant. A delicious mushroom is one kind of fungus, while another type of fungus causes nasty infections.
The plural of fungus in fungi, so when you order a pizza you can request it "with extra fungi" if you like. Mold, yeast, and mildew are all types of fungi, and there are plenty of edible fungi as well, including truffles and portobello mushrooms. While a fungus may look like a plant, it doesn't go through photosynthesis like plants do and it reproduces through spores.

n. 真菌,霉菌,菌类






mildew? mold? What's the difference?

Mold and mildew are types of fungi. Typically, mold is black or green, and mildew is gray or white. Mold tends to grow on food, whereas mildew is an issue on damp surfaces, like bathroom walls, basement walls, or fabrics.


植物的叶子上的那种白色病变,叫powdery mildew。

powdery mildew


Something pertinent is relevant and on-point. If you give your best friend pertinent advice, that means the advice is appropriate for the situation.
Something pertinent is related to the current topic or situation -- and probably helpful too. If you're in math class and you make a comment about World War I, that's likely not pertinent. If you're in music class and you talk about a cello, that probably is pertinent. Pertinent things are appropriate and logical. In most situations, people like to get comments and questions that are pertinent -- anything else can just seem like a distraction.

adj. 相关的,切题的



A husk is the fibrous covering of a seed or a fruit that's usually removed before you eat it. To make white rice, the husk is removed from the plant, leaving behind a smooth grain.
When you hear the word husk, you may think of the thick leaves that cover ear of corn. Any vegetable, legume, seed, or fruit with a protective covering has a husk, which is also called a hull or chaff. You can use this word as a verb, too:"Are you going to husk all that corn by yourself? It's almost time for dinner!" Some etymologists trace this word back to the Dutch huuskyn, "little house."

n. vt. vi. 皮,外壳,削皮,嗓音变得嘶哑

husk of grain

husk of a chestnut

husk cherry

我特别爱吃的菇凉,原来叫husk cherry。

ear of corn




peas, lentils, beans


If the math equation you're doing has letters or other symbols that stand for numbers, you're likely doing algebra.

n. 代数学



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