模仿才是根本,正确的思路是:“native speaker怎么说,我们就怎么说……”而不是:“Mmmm, 我想那些英国佬和美国佬会这样说……”,总之就是让我们的口音、用词、神态都尽量接近当地人。语感是模仿来的!
不要怕脏!英语里脏的往往是地道的,比如damn表示糟糕该死,my ass表示算了吧,狗屁。
告别干巴巴的英语,同意替换多掌握一些,比如how are you?换成
How is it going?
How are you doing?
How you doing?
How've you been?
What's up?
回答也不要老是fine, thank you, and you.换成
I am doing fine.
Nothing special.
Not so good.
Terribly busy.
再比如不知道,不要总是I don't know, 换成
I have no idea.
I don't have the least idea of it.
This is over my head.
Beats me.
I am not really in the mood.
I really want to, but …
I am sorry to turn you down
- 积累背景,讲解俚语背后的故事加深理解。