Good-bye, Mr. Chips 晨读笔记

十一月晨读Good-bye, Mr. Chips,通过精读文学作品,积累实用表达。这次的晨读笔记,我打算每天总结五个最重要或我最想记住的语言点。虽然不多,但要彻底内化。Excelsior!

11.12 Chapter 1 & 2

1. be getting on in years

(1) 原文:When you are getting on in years (but not ill, of course), you get very sleepy at times, and the hours seem to pass like lazy cattle moving across a landscape.

(2) 解释:渐渐老了、上了年纪

(3) 造句:When our parents are getting on in years, we should take more care of them.

2. 否定副词 rarely 放在句首,主谓倒装

(1) 原文:Rarely did he read more than a page of it before sleep came swiftly and peacefully, more like a mystic intensifying of perception than any changeful entrance into another world.

(2) 正常语序:He rarely read (/red/) more than a page of it...

(3) 造句:Rarely would we say like this in Chinese.

3. if

(1) 原文:

① You're one of the few lucky ones who’re going to die a really natural death. That is, of course, if you die at all. You’re such a remarkable old boy that one never knows.

② All that fuss about mixing the tea--a typical bachelor, if ever there was one.

(2) 解释:如果...的话

(3) 造句:I could teach you the accordion, if you would like to learn at all.

4. 倒装和强调

(1) 原文:But Brookfield he had liked, almost from the beginning*.

(2) 解释:英文句子的首和尾为重要位置。这里将Brookfield提前至句首,表示强调。had使用斜体,亦表示强调,需要重读。

(3) 造句:I've been learning music for more than twenty years. But the accordion I have liked, almost from the beginning.

*注:from the beginning 与 at the beginning 不同,前者表示从一开始就,后者表示在开始的时候。

5. take up

(1) 原文:Take up a firm attitude from the beginning, that's the secret of it.

(2) 解释和造句

① 采取:I should take up a positive attitude from the beginning.

② 接受:I'd like to get up at six every day to take up a challenge in the morning reading group.

③ 担任:She has the strength to take up the mantle of marketing manager.

11.13 Chapter 3 & 4

1. touch sb's cap(s) to sb

(1) 原文:He liked to smile and exchange a few words with the boys when they touched their caps to him.

(2) 解释:= hats off to sb./ I take my hat off to 表达敬意

(3) 造句:When the Chinese astronauts returned to earth from space, I touched my cap to / took my hat off to them.

(4) 一起记忆:pat sb. on the back / give sb. a pat on the back = encourage sb.

造句:If you feel depressed, give yourself a pat on the back.

2. (过去)进行时的用法

(1) 原文:

① And Chips also would be making his comments to Mrs. Wickett when she entered his room to clear away the remains of the party.

② Will you be wanting anything else, sir?

(2) 解释:

① 进行时更有画面感

② 进行时、过去时和过去进行时比现在时更委婉

(3) 造句:

① I'm gonna leaving tomorrow morning.

② I was wondering when I would receive the goods.

3. taste

(1) 原文:His room was furnished simply and with schoolmasterly taste.

(2) 解释:(老师的)味道、(教员喜爱的)风格;kind of things that someone likes; judgment

(3) 造句:Her office was furnished beautifully and with musicianly taste.

4. 放在句中的 despite 和 however

(1) 原文:He was not, despite his long years of assiduous teaching, a very profound classical scholar.

(2) 解释:句首和句尾的位置可留给更重要的信息,表示转折词放在句中还可淡化转折的意味

(3) 造句:They have to break up, despite they still love each other.

5. quite a / quite some

(1) 原文:Quite a character, the old boy, isn't he?

(2) 解释:used before a none for emphasizing that sth. is unusual or interesting

(3) 造句:Quite a surprise, isn't it?

11.14 Chapter 5 & 6

1. take sth. up

(1) 原文:And there was this new craze for bicycling which was being taken up by women equally with men.

(2) 造句:There was this new craze for skateboarding which was being taken up by girls equally with boys.

(3) 解释:be taken up = be attracted to

take sth. up: to become interested in a new activity and to spend time doing it

take sth. up 的各种含义

2. it was a hard job + doing (动名词)

(1) 原文:She and her friend had to. He could scarcely walk, and it was a hard job getting him down the steep track to Wasdale.

(2) 解释:这里 getting him down... 是 it 的同位语

(3) 造句:It is a hard job recording chamber music in a poor acoustical room.

3. 冠词倒置

(1) 原文:... which one it was that had performed so signal a service.

(2) 解释:冠词通常用在形容词前面,如 a beautiful girl,但也有几个例外:

不定冠词倒置的情况:当单数的可数名词前面的形容词又有 so, as, how, however, too 修饰时,不定冠词只能置于形容词后面; 遇到 quite 和 rather 时, 多半置于其后; 遇到 such, many 和感叹句中的 what 时,只能置于其后。

定冠词倒置的情况:定冠词遇到 all, both, quite, half, twice, double, three times 等词语时, 通常后置。

(3) 造句:I've obtained so precise a result by trial and error.

4. 所有格+动名词

(1) 原文:It would be all right, of course, her coming to Brookfield.

(2) 解释:“所有格+动名词”是更正规的用法,在口语里也常将所有格替换成主格,即 she coming to,但非正式。

(3) 造句:I'm so happy your taking part in our English learning group.

5. think of it like that / see in sb.

(1) 原文:Chips said he hadn't thought of it like that – or, at least, not often. He did his best; that was all anyone could do in any job.

(2) 拓展:see in sb. 看上某人

(3) 造句:I haven't thought of it like that. What do you see in him?

11.15 Chapter 7 & 8

1. howler

(1) 原文:Katherine scampering along the stone corridors, laughing beside him at some 'howler'in an essay he was marking, taking the ’cello part in a Mozart trio for the School concert.

(2) 解释:低级错误 a stupid mistake that makes people laugh = blunder (a careless or stupid mistake)

(3) 造句:Don't make outrageous howlers.

2. leniency, forgiving, severity 对比记忆

(1) 原文:But she had not always pleaded for leniency. On rather rare occasions she urged severity where Chips was inclined to be forgiving.

(2) 解释:

① leniency 和 forgiving 表示宽恕、饶恕;对比记忆 severity 严厉

② where 在这里表示在……的情况下

(3) 拓展:pleaded for leniency 表示请求宽恕,plead 和 act cute 都可以表示撒娇

3. cocksure of oneself

(1) 原文:He's too cocksure of himself.

(2) 解释:自以为是

(3) 造句:I don't like her at all, because she's too cocksure of herself.

4. have it

(1) 原文:If he's looking for trouble I should certainly let him have it.

(2) 解释:if 表示既然……;look for = ask for,也可说 sth. invites trouble;have it 表示吃苦头;

(3) 造句:If you're looking/asking for trouble I'm gonna let you have it.

5. treasure, better 作动词

(1) 原文:

① ... and if that were so, what a crowd of emotions clung to him as to their last home before annihilation! He must be kind to them, must treasure them in his mind before their long sleep

② About 1880, after he had been at Brookfield a decade, he began to recognise that the odds were heavily against his being able to better himself by moving elsewhere

(2) 解释:

① treasure: to keep and care for something that is very special, important, or valuable to you

treasure 在这里作为及物动词表示珍藏,它作名词时表示珍宝;类比 prize 作名词表示奖品,作及物动词表示珍视

② better oneself 在这里表示提高自己的地位或收入;类比 improve oneself 表示提高自己的学识水平

(3) 造句:

① I treasure the book that my friend has given me.

② I'll try my best to better myself in my workplace.

11.16 Chapter 9 & 10

1. otherwise

(1) 原文:He thought at first he would give up his housemastership, but the Head persuaded him otherwise.

(2) 解释:say / think / decide etc otherwise, to say, think, or decide sth. different

(3) 造句:Some people think reciting is really important for English leaning, but others think otherwise.

2. (just) as... so (to)...

(1) 原文:Just as marriage had added something, so did bereavement.

(2) 解释:正如……

(3) 造句:As she likes reading, so he likes writing.

3. be sandwiched between/in sb./sth.

(1) 原文:And on windy days with gown and white hair and School-list fluttering in uproarious confusion, the whole thing became a comic turn sandwiched between afternoon games and the return to classes.

(2) 解释:sandwich 作动词表示被夹在……中间

(3) 造句:Lucy is sandwiched between her husband and her mother-in-law every day.

4. clear 作动词

(1) 原文:And behind Brookfield, as one may glimpse a mountain behind another mountain when the mist clears, he saw the world of change and conflict.

(2) 解释:消散、放晴

(3) 造句:After the haze cleared, Dad took me on excursions.

5. get away with it 

(1) 原文:He gets away with it.

(2) 解释:做坏事(错事)而不受处分

(3) 造句:Don't let the criminals get away with it.

11.19 Chapter 11

1. turn

(1) 原文:Then suddenly, in 1908, when he had just turned sixty, came Ralston's urbane ultimatum.

(2) 解释:turned 在这里作及物动词表示到(某个年龄或时间),即刚过六十岁

(3) 拓展:turning point 转折点

(4) 造句:It's just turned 6 o'clock. I want to sleep a little longer.

2. nevertheless

(1) 原文:Nevertheless, I suggest that you do.

(2) 解释:= that said / that being said 尽管如此,然而

(3) 造句:Nevertheless, what he said is true. 

(4) 注意:nevertheless 的重音在后,即 /ˌnevərðəˈles/。

3. a torrent of sth.

(1) 原文:And suddenly, in a torrent of thoughts too pressing to be put into words, Chips made answer to himself.

(2) 解释:一连串的…… 这里表示思绪万千

(3) 造句:I poured out a torrent of German because I thought the young man is a German. 

4. put into words

(1) 原文:And suddenly, in a torrent of thoughts too pressing to be put into words, Chips made answer to himself.

(2) 解释:用语言表达

(3) 造句:It's hard to put into words, but you could comprehend it through the context.

5. duck and dustman 头韵和借代

(1) 原文:but instead of widening them to form a genuine inclusive democracy of duke and dustman, ...

(2) 解释:duke的本义是公爵,这里指贵族;dustman的本义是清洁工,这里指平民。

(3) 拓展:Justin 在 I am a low-class member 一文中写道:I never forgot or attempted to ditch this part of my identity. I treat everyone equally, be him president or plumber.

(4) 造句:I treat every student equally, be his parents duck or dustman / president or plumber.

11.20 Chapter 12 & 13

1. have an effect

(1) 原文:... and Ralston's straight words had, in some ways, had an effect.

(2) 解释:有影响

(3) 拓展: take sth. to heart 往心里去

(4) 造句:His words of comfort had an effect. Don't take the harsh criticism to heart.

2. decent / decently

(1) 原文:He felt that it would not be fair to hang on if he could not decently do his job.

(2) 解释:decent 可以表示体面的,例如 a decent job;它也可以表示许多的 a decent number of = a great number of = a lot of

(3) 造句:A decent number of people admire Tom for his decent job, but he doesn't like it at all.

3. xx years one's junior / senior

(1) 原文:Staefel was thirty years his junior, but the two men got on excellently.

(2) 解释:比...年轻/年长...岁

(3) 拓展:“get on excellently 相处的极好”可与“hit it off 一拍即合” 一起记忆;get on with sb. 表示和...友好相处

(4) 造句:Tom is ten years Jerry's senior, but they get on excellently.

4. dine with sb.

(1) 原文:Once a term he dined with the Head, and once also with the masters.

(2) 解释:to eat dinner with sb. (formal)

(3) 拓展:dine and dash 吃霸王餐;dine out 外出用餐

(4) 造句:Eric dined with his foreign friends yesterday and they talked about the funny phrase "dine and dash", which means making off without payment.

5. know the ropes

(1) 原文:You look pretty fit, and, of course, you know all the ropes.

(2) 解释:知道内情

(3) 造句:After talking to him I've known the ropes.

11.21 Chapter 14 & 15

1. tax

(1) 原文:He felt very fit, and the actual work was not taxing.

(2) 解释:tax作动词可以表示使用尽、耗尽;taxing在这里作形容词表示使人疲劳

(3) 造句:My work is challenging but not taxing.

2. fluke

(1) 原文:I'm like all these new colonels and majors you see everywhere – just a war-time fluke.

(2) 解释:侥幸、意外(之喜)

(3) 造句:This result is something of a fluke.

3. It's a given...

(1) 解释:在口语中常用,表示理所当然的

(2) 造句:It's a given that we should pay for knowledge.

4. reverberate

(1) 原文:So he went on with his Latin, speaking a little louder amidst the reverberating crashes of the guns and the shrill whine of anti-aircraft shells.

(2) 解释:reverb 表示混响;reverberate 可以表示回响、回荡,也可以表示震荡,文中用了后面一层意思

(3) 造句:The words of my high school teachers still reverberate/echo in my ears.

5. give sb. a chill

(1) 原文:It had been a damp, foggy day, and the walk across the quadrangle to the dining-hall had given him a chill.

(2) 解释:我们可以用 give sb. chills/goosebumps 表示因惊吓使某人起鸡皮疙瘩,芒刺在背

(3) 造句:Making an exhibition of myself often gives me chills/goosebumps.

11.22 Chapter 16 & 17

1. chance

(1) 原文:He had once tried it, but had chanced to strike the Riviera during one of its carefully unadvertised cold spells.

(2) 解释:chance在这里作动词,chance to do sth. 表示碰巧发生

(3) 拓展:chances are 在口语中极其常用

(4) 造句:

① He chanced to be passing when she came out of her office.

Chances are I would have been late even if I had left on time.

2. apart from

(1) 原文:Apart from the weather, which suited him, there were the continual visits of old boys.

(2) 解释:apart form 表示除了,常见的表达还有expect, besides, other than, on top of, save

(3) 造句:Apart from / Other than / On top of a few words, I do not know any Japanese at all.

3. done

(1) 原文:And, for that matter, the things he had not done, and would never do now that he had left them too late...

(2) 拓展:been there and done that 在口语中很常用

(3) 造句:Since I've been there and done that, I could understand you very well.

4. cap

(1) 原文:And it amused him to cap their joke, as it were, with one of his own.

(2) 解释:超过(以反击);as it were = so to speak

(3) 造句:Every time I pulled his leg, he tried to cap it.

5. fog-laden

(1) 原文:Over the fog-laden air came the bell for call-over, tremulous and muffled.

(2) 解释:雾气弥漫的

(3) 拓展:表达“充满的”除了用laden,还可以用studded, filled等

(4) 造句:Because of the fog-laden air Zhuge Liang used the stratagem of Borrowing Your Enemy's Arrows.

11.23 Chapter 18

1. throw

(1) 原文:Merely that you threw a faint.

(2) 解释:threw a faint = fall down in a faint = faint = pass out

(3) 拓展:与throw有关的地道表达

throw racial slurs at sb.

throw a tantrum/(hissy) fit 发飙

throw a game 故意输掉游戏

throw a party 举办一次聚会

(4) 造句:My nephew throws a tantrum/fit when he can't have the toy he likes.

2. if you feel inclined

(1) 原文:Sleep again if you feel inclined.

(2) 解释:= if you feel like doing it

(3) 造句:Write an After-Action Review if you feel inclined.

3. in-between

(1) 原文:It was a sort of in-between state, full of dreams and faces and voices.

(2) 解释:介于两者之间的

(3) 造句:He is at the in-between age, neither a boy nor a man.

4. scrap

(1) 原文:Old scenes and old scraps of tunes...

(2) 解释:碎片、零星

(3) 拓展:scrap作动词可以表示废除、叫停

(4) 造句:

① Since I wrote her cell phone number on a scrap of paper, I can't find it now. 

② The D&G's show was scrapped because Gabbana threw racial slurs at China.

5. manage to do sth.

(1) 原文:... but he managed to murmur something...

(2) 解释:设法做成某事

(3) 拓展:easy to manage 好打理

(4) 造句:I have my own goal and manage to make it.

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