The Pacific Ocean (太平洋)的这个Pacific,就是和平的意思。
1、pacific:[pəˈsɪfɪk] (having a soothing appearance or effect): adj. 和平的;温和的;平静的; 太平洋的
pacific era 和平年代
the Pacific Ocean 太平洋
the Pacific States (美国)太平洋沿岸的州(加利福尼亚州、俄勒冈州、华盛颁州等)
Pacific Standard Time 太平洋标准时间 ,比 East Standard Time (东部时间)晚3个小时
2、pacify: [ˈpæsəˌfaɪ] (to soothe anger or agitation) : 安抚,使(某人)平静
例:The teacher pacified the frightened children with soothing words.
3、pacifist: [ˈpæsɪfɪst] (A person opposed to war or violence) n.和平主义者,反战主义者
例:Later he was to become famous as a pacifist.
4、pacifism:[ˈpæsəˌfɪzəm] (opposition to war or violence as a means of settling disputes ) n.和平主义,反战主义
5、pact: [pækt] (An agreement between two or more people or groups ): n.公约; 条约,
例: Last month he signed a new non-aggression pact with Germany
赫赫有名的《马关条约》,就是Ma Guan Pact啦。